A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 4: New Skills

Chapter 4: New Skills

Her soft hands picked me up with care and care and directed me to the huge chest that was slowly moving towards me like an avalanche I think many would not refuse to be buried in these mountains.

When the soft pink nipple was next to my lips, then... Nothing happened.

My improved brain was still processing the situation.

Well, Shiro, you need to eat, she said and poked my lips with a nipple.

Returning from heaven to earth, I slowly and carefully captured the pink bump with my lips.

After sucking in some milk, I was surprised that I liked it.

The fact is that in a previous life I did not really like milk. And even if he drank, it was only cold.

I couldn't stand warm or steamy.

And so, sipping sweet milk in me, a little mischief awoke, and I began to gently play with my tongue with the nipple, sometimes biting it.

However, after five seconds, I was interrupted by an alert, and then the knowledge about flowed into my head...Sex?

A new skill has been mastered!

Love Arts Ur - 1

(It's like fighting, but in bed)

Interesting. And in more detail?

Love Arts Ur - 1 - With each level rise, you will master the art of bringing pleasure and enjoyment.

(Optional: The effectiveness of sexual actions increases by 10% for each skill level.Current bonus (10%)

It's amazing. What a wonderful skill. We should try it out.

In less than five minutes, the results were visible. The woman's cheeks were flushed, her eyes a little glazed. Breathing was disturbed, and the papillae were excited.

Aaah, mmmmm a sweet little moan escaped from her lips, after which she bit her lips in order to drown out the sounds.

Oh, my God, what a beautiful sound. The sight of her face and moans, the best reward for me Redouble our efforts!

Time passed. More and more beautiful sounds left her mouth. His face was completely flushed, his eyes lost focus, and his breathing was deep and uneven. And it's just with the mouth! I didn't use my hands, because a baby doing a breast massage will definitely be suspicious.

And then I became really scared both for myself and for her.

She abruptly pressed me to her chest so hard that it went dark in her eyes. Then her body shook, a moan more like a howl escaped from her compressed lips, and tears formed in her eyes. It seems that she caught a powerful orgasm. No kidding, her body trembled for two minutes.

Moving away from the orgasm, she finally gave me the opportunity to breathe air. I almost suffocated.

Looking into her eyes, I saw in them just a sea of kindness, affection and tenderness.

Ohh, this is the first time with me. God, what a pervert I am. How embarrassing. she put her hand to her flushed face This will be our secret with you. she whispered, bending down.

Putting me back in the cradle, she, on weak legs, slowly staggered out.

It's time to look at the notifications that have been constantly rattling for the last five minutes.

Love Arts - Level up !

Love Arts - Level up !

Love Arts - Level up !

Love Arts - Level up !

Congratulations, the user 's level has been raised !

"Statistics" I mentally gave the command


Shiro Yuki

Level 2 (5)

Prana - 30

Power - 0.1

Dexterity - 0.1

Endurance - 3(12)

Intelligence - 15

Wisdom - 15


Love Arts Ur - 5 Current Bonus (50%)


Player's Body

Gamer's Mind

"Jarvis, why did I level up at all? And hasn't the skill improved a lot?"

I'll explain everything now. The user's level rises not only from killing different creatures. In fact, it is not even necessary to kill, the main thing is to defeat the enemy, but there is more experience from killing. The stronger the opponent, the more experience, and the weaker, the less.

Experience is also awarded for improving skills and any other activity related to self-improvement, whether it's training or reading books.

With skills, too, everything is simple. They rise in level through practical methods and theoretical ones.

For example, the skill of "Unarmed combat" will improve from simple blows to the air or a pear. Also, combat skills in battles increase faster, and additional experience is also given when winning.

Theoretical experience comes from listening, viewing and reading relevant information to the skill.

In your case, you were in a "battle" and "defeated" a nanny who was several times stronger than you.

"Jarvis, of course everything suits me, but don't you think that my system is too unbalanced?"

Sir, your system is certainly strong, but it has one fatal flaw. She needs time. Over time, you can achieve a lot, but without time, you will, in most cases, be very vulnerable.

- "Okay. I feel better." I said and threw three points in Intelligence and two in Wisdom.

The door opened again and the "defeated" wet nurse returned. After dressing me and picking me up, we went for a walk.

Well, what to say. A huge shelter, on the territory of which there is even a park, more like a dense forest. There is even a small pond with fish. Well, you know those who like to eat dead skin from their hands and feet.

Everything is clean and tidy. The children go neat and cheerful.

And so the day passed. Constantly in gentle female hands. To be honest, just sitting and staring at others is terribly boring, so I tried to master and pump as many skills as possible. That's what happened.

Love Arts Ur - 512

Current bonus (120%)

They feed me several times a day, so there was enough time to upgrade the skill.

Acting skill Level 6 - with each level increase, you will master the ability to transform into the chosen role.

(Optional: The effectiveness of acting increases by 10% per level)

Current bonus (60%.)

I had to pretend to be a smart kid all day, but still a child.

Vocals Ur 4 - with each level increase, you will master the skill of vocal art.

(Additionally: Each time you raise the level, your voice will become 10% more charming and melodious.)

Current bonus (40%)

Out of nothing to do, I tried to sing. And nothing, the teachers liked it.

Meditation Level 1 - with each level increase, you will comprehend the skill of meditation.

(Optional:With each level increase, the speed of mental strength recovery increases by 10%.)

Current bonus (10%)

At the end of the day, when I was already sleepy, I decided to try to meditate. It turned out, not without difficulties.

And already in the crib, at sunset of the day, I remembered about prana.

"Jarvis, how can I use prana to heal my body?"

It's simple. I will stir up your well of prana and you should feel it. Then try to manipulate him.

- "Let's try it"

Jarvis began to act, I immediately felt the prana and without wasting time quickly tried to grab it and pull.

It didn't work out the first time. And from the next one. And more. And so nine times.

In general, I tried to pull her like a blanket with my hand. It didn't work out. In the end, you just need to imagine that energy is a part of you, like a hand and move it.

That's when everything went like clockwork.

A new skill has been mastered!

Energy Control Level 1 - With each level increase, your energy control will be increased.

(Additionally, the energy speed increases by 10%)

Current bonus (10%)

- "Jarvis, decipher this bonus for me. What does it mean: The energy speed is increased?"

When creating spells or enchantments, you have to think them through in your head. Then form a matrix or, so to speak, give the magic a command. In the end, the energy following your command forms a spell, enchantment or something else.

The last stage depends on the magician's predisposition to energy and energy itself.

For example, a person with a predisposition of 20% will form a spell much longer than a person with a 100% propensity for magic or the elements.

All types of energies are different. One is slower, but more intense. The other is faster and easier to manage.

Here's your bonus just accelerates this last stage.

- "Jarvis. This is a terrible cemetery!!!It's good that she's in my safe hands."

Having healed the poor, "fucked up" carcass, let's check the statistics now.

Shiro Yuki

Level 2 (0)

Prana - 4

Power - 0.1

Dexterity - 0.1

Endurance - 12

Intelligence - 18

Wisdom - 17


Love Arts Ur - 12 Current Bonus (120%)

Acting Skill Level 6 - Current Bonus (60%)

Vocals Ur 4 - Current Bonus (40%)

Meditation Ur 1 - Current Bonus (10%)

Energy Control Ur 1 - Current Bonus (10%)


Player's Body

Gamer's Mind


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