A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 22: Virus

Chapter 22: Virus

Returning with supplies back, I was alerted by the behavior of some zombies. A small part of them seemed to be able to see me. No! They really saw me. I move absolutely noiselessly, but sometimes there were walkers who moved their heads, as if watching my movement.

And it's not paranoia. Just because it's happened quite a few times already. In addition, it could be seen that they could control their eyes. My eyesight is probably still bad, since none of these "chosen ones" tried to attack me.

This development is definitely not encouraging. Vision will greatly improve the coordination of zombies in space. It's getting more dangerous.

Suddenly, one ghoul from the crowd abruptly turned his head and looked in my direction, after which he quickly ran towards me.

Oh... and who are you? I grumbled to myself, looking at the runner.

When he reached me, he swiftly shot his hand towards my chest. I need to find out what kind of power such creatures can possess. And therefore

Therefore, without dodging, I take a blow to the chest. I wasn't afraid for myself, I was wearing a new uniform.

- * BANG* a rather loud bang came from the place of impact.

The devil is strong. It is more powerful than Saeko by 25% when it is not under the strengthening of prana. Translating to statistics, his strength is around thirty, and his agility is twenty. It's pretty snappy. He will catch up with the average unprepared person at once.

But the most incredible thing happened after the blow That dead bitch... ran away! This fucking goose has realized that I am stronger and is now being careful! He walks in circles around me and looks for a good opportunity to attack.

He had instincts and what a mind. All this is about at the level of animals, but this is not comforting at all.

If the creatures become smarter, humanity will be extremely ill, and the situation is worse than it is now, it is quite difficult to imagine.

As a result, the bastard disappeared from my eyes around the corner. Except I heard he didn't run further than the corner. Just around this corner will be our bus and Ricky's house.

And then something happened that I was afraid of.

As soon as I got close, this bitch jumped out at me. The trash thought of making an ambush!

Having learned everything that was needed from this brawl, Nodati cut the ghoul evenly from the top of his head to his groin with a sharp blow.

The Task Is Completed!

Kill 100 undead units

Reward: 10 Statistics Points

Weird There were five walkers left to kill before it was completed... It turns out that the recent nimble walker was considered for five or even more... Interesting.

Okay, as always, five points in Wisdom, five in Intelligence. Of course, they are already extremely high, but strength would be more needed now, but~ oh... no. This is enough for now. I'm already extremely strong, besides, today I had an idea how to improve my training.

After spending an extra three minutes, I cleaned up the street near Ricky's house. It's just a pleasure to do it with nodati. A wave and heads flew up. The bodies remain in place for another five seconds. After that, who falls where.


Kill 1,000 undead units

Reward: 50 Statistics Points

Current Progress 130 / 1.000

At this rate, the reward will soon be mine.

- "Jarvis."

Yes sir?

"You can tell me about the virus."

Yes, I can. unexpectedly answered positively, Jarvis.

- "Stop! What? How many times have I asked you before, and you said that there is a ban on this?!" I thought in surprise.

"He was asleep after the apocalypse started, sir.

"Are there any other restrictions?"

I can only tell you about the virus itself. I can't talk about zombies. You will have to determine their strengths and weaknesses yourself.

- "And thanks for that... Come on, tell me what you can about the virus itself."

Please note right away, sir, this virus is not ordinary, but magical. And it was created by the very world in which you are now. His goal is the evolution of humans into a new species. A new race. More powerful and perfect.

- "And~andWhat kind of race is this?"

Intelligent Undead, or rather vampires. In the future, higher vampires.

- "Great, just great. Pretty brutal evolution."

Nature and the world itself are indifferent to human concepts of good and evil.

- "Yes, it's understandable. Go on."

To carry out further evolution, the virus needs energy. He gets it as soon as he can. It absorbs energy from the sun day and night from the moon. The light of the moon is just a reflection of the sun's rays from its surface, therefore, as you noticed, zombies receive less energy at night and as a result are not as active. The virus can absorb any energy, but the best energy available to it now in this world is prana, because it is the pure energy of life. One of the fundamental energies. Therefore, draining one person, a zombie gets as much energy as it saves for a whole year.

"You mean they can drain a person's well of prana? Is it like a spell? Are all zombies sorcerers?"

You could say that.

"I hope there won't be Lychees walking the streets soon. Jarvis, then what about that nimble zombie? Where did he come from?"

I have many prohibitions, sir, but I can say that for such a development he would have to save energy for twenty years, which means

- "The fucking lucky guy managed to devour twenty people. Fine. It turns out that in twenty years all zombies, at least, will be the same as him?"

Yes, sir.

For ###s. The best news for today. I said aloud in a tired tone, approaching the door.

Entering the house, I was alerted by the smell of alcohol.

Not that... How could I forget about it.

I hope I'm wrong. I whispered softly, going to the kitchen.

That's just how evil I was not mistaken, I was met by several drunken pairs of eyes.

Four madams were sitting at the kitchen table. Some even lay on it. They were in a state or rather in a complete state.

Ray, Saya and Shizuka still had the opportunity to talk, and my beloved Completely drooling. There he lies, sleeping on the table. Oh.

You can see by the red face that a lot was drunk. It is necessary to try, because thanks to prana, her body can digest even poisons without consequences. There is no need to think about it. The three of them got her drunk... But why would they do that?

When their eyes were finally able to focus on me, they realized who had visited their campaign.

Drunk and .... Lustful smiles stretched across their faces. Feeling like a little red riding hood among wolves.

Shiro is that you? And here we are relaxing a little hee-and-hee... oh. Ray was saying in an insinuating tone. At the end, she laughed and finally bit her scarlet tongue.

Shirrro~o. Saya stretched out Your girlfriend told us a lot of things here.

And what is it? I asked. Roughly understanding from their faces what the conversation will be about.

That you and Saeko-chan are such perverts. Shizuka said with a dirty smile Role-playing games. Mistress and slave. A gentleman and a stubborn maid. Schoolgirl and Sensei Such entertainers hee-hee-hee she babbled in a drunken and at the same time excited voice.

And about that... About That you want to have more actors in your plays. Ray interpreted in an erotic voice while playing with her eyebrows.

God, ladies, what does alcohol do to you.

And Saeko offered us places in your cast. Takagi added.

Even so? I raised an eyebrow.

Yes~ a. Exactly. Therefore. Let's go try out Riki-chan's bed. with a bawdy smile, Saya said The Five of them.

Well, let's go, I said and took Saeko in my arms.

Going into Ricky's room, I can say that it is luxurious. Especially this huge bed.

The girls began to undress, while doing a clumsy drunken striptease. At the end of it, the trinity appeared before me naked.

It's a beautiful sight, just painting and painting. Actually, with my perfect memory, I will definitely do it later.

Well! exclaimed Saya, proudly shining her naked twins Already excited, right?

- of course. You're beautiful. I said I can barely control myself so as not to throw you on the bed.

Of course we are perfect! Ray said, turning up her nose Be proud that we are all together, gave you the opportunity to have us all at the same time ... and then added obscenely And now undress.

Yes, yes, yes! clapping her hands, exclaimed Morikawa Undress!

Well, you don't have to beg me a lot. Slowly taking off my clothes, I demonstrated what a real striptease is. At the end of it, each of them had a whole river flowing down both legs... Either My body is too sexy, or my dancing skill is already so strong, or these girls are real beasts inside Most likely it's all together.

Seeing my body, Ray said with a dry mouth And she wasn't lying

Yes... I didn't lie. Even a little scary. Saya wiped her glasses.

Shizuka exclaimed in a fighting tone Who doesn't take risks, doesn't drink champagne!

Girls, I'm going to take a shower first, and then I'll come back... I said, heading towards the bathroom.

Come on! Only quickly!

- yes! Don't keep us waiting!

Can I help you to wash up? Shizuka was the last to add.

No, I can handle it myself, wait for me.

Ten minutes later, coming out of the shower, I saw what I expected. Drunken sleepy kingdom. They didn't wait. Fine, I didn't want to sleep with them. That is, rather, I wanted to, but it wasn't worth what would happen after. Scandals, tantrums, grumbling. Am I my own enemy? Although the most important thing is that it would cause a lot of pain to my girlfriend... or pleasure

In a good way, you need to lie naked with them and, at least, teach them a lesson, but for the reason described above, I will not. The benefit from this is too small for the problems that all this will cause.

The evening ended with the fact that I made a big dinner and the guys and I ate it with pleasure.

And let them sleep on, hungry.


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