A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 20: Hop Stop

Chapter 20: Hop Stop

Making their way through the corridors towards the exit, the group reached the stairs leading to the first floor. The staircase itself led directly into the hall.

That's just the concentration of zombies on the first floor was at least three times more than on the second, and that's not counting the streets where the undead also roamed. Everyone who came down in a crowd met their death here.

Well, what are we waiting for? They have already found out that they are blind. What's the point of sitting here? Takagi said, looking at the rather busy lobby.

We need to confirm this somehow, Takagi. Ray whispered.

Exhaling, Shiro calmly said, "As I said, everything is checked. And now I will prove it to you. then he went downstairs with a quick and silent step.

No one had time to object, and then it was too late for him to shout.

Calmly passing by the zombies, Shiro opened the door to the outside and beckoned his comrades with his hand.

Seeing this, the squad slowly and quietly descended the stairs and walked down the hall and out through the open doors.

It is worth noting that all the girls were drilling the hero's eyes. They were clearly unhappy with his recent actions.

The rest of the way to the bus was quiet, as was his occupation.

Shizuka rested her index finger on her cheek, examining the driver's seat This... Mmm, it's different in my car. So gas, brake, clutch. Kind of.

At that moment, an old "friend" of our hero, Shido, ran out of the school. Wait! Wait for me! he shouted, running to the bus.

Now Shido was running alone, unlike canon, where he had a whole group. All because of the fact that Shiro once "helped" them to leave school, at one time.

So are we going? Shizuka asked

Takashi exclaimed, "Wait!

Shizuka watched the zombies begin to surround the bus There are a lot of them going here! How will I go around them?

Crush them! Takashi shouted, looking at the running Shido.

Let's leave him! Ray shouted Let's go, Sister Shizuka. the girl spoke with a stony face and fury in her eyes, looking at the approaching teacher.

Takashi was startled by such words Hey! What do you mean let's go! Morikawa-san, wait! You don't want to leave him, do you?! What's the matter Ray?!

No help for him! Let him die!

Everyone on the bus was watching the unfolding argument.

The hero joined the argument At this moment I support Miyamoto-san. This man is a real snake hiding in the grass.

I agree with Shiro. the Cat squinted unkindly It 's hard to find a more rotten person

What's the matter with you?! Takashi exclaimed in surprise He's a man! Alive! He may be a bad person, but he doesn't deserve to die! Who are we to judge him! he said and got off the bus, which detained everyone on the spot. What a nuisance.

"You'll regret it!" Rei was almost growling after Takashi.

- "Saving my old 'friend' is not in the plans. Let me help the former "comrade" - looking at the running Shido, Shiro thought.

Using the "Transformation" skill, the hero changed a random bus bolt into a thick and heavy needle. Then secretly, with the help of his fingers, he threw it with all his might. In this needle was all his strength and dexterity available to his fingers, as well as bonuses from the skills of "Martial Arts Master" and "Shooting".

The needle rushed with incredible speed to Shido's leg, or rather to his left knee. One moment and his kneecap was pierced through with a needle.

The results were immediately visible. First, Shido fell, then the pain "caught up" with him and a squeal more like a pig burst out of his mouth. Well, then the zombies have completed what they started.

From the outside, this massacre looked as if Shido stumbled and screamed in panic because of the approaching zombies. In general, a typical "accident".

Serves him right! Ray said in a pleased tone, watching the zombies tear apart the negligent teacher.

Takashi came back with annoyance and sadness on his face. However, he is the only one who has experienced negative emotions from Shido's death.

Shizuka, like a real Schumacher, maneuvered around the school yard at full speed and then knocked out the gate. Where to next? "What is it?" she asked.

"Well... my and Rei's house is across the river, as is Takagi's house. I would like to find my parents... Komuro said, sighing.

My father is away now, so we don't mind following you. Yeah, honey? pressed against Shiro's chest, Saeko was saying.

Yes, I don't mind. Shiro replied, knowing full well that the bridge could not be crossed.

And he was not mistaken. Even approaching, passengers could see a huge traffic jam of people and cars, which were not allowed by the police.

They waited in traffic for about an hour, but there was no progress.

Guys, it's getting dark. Shizuka said calmly, leaning her chest on the steering wheel - And the gasoline is slowly running out. she added in a sad tone.

Why aren't they letting us through? Komuro chewed his lips nervously.

Are you a fool? with a little contempt in her voice, Saya asked There is an area on the other side where some rich people and officials live at the same time. So they are being evacuated, and extra people should not prevent them from doing this.

But not everyone needs to go there! the guy persisted Why block the bridge! They would have blocked just the right road!

It's safer that way, idiot. We need to find a bed for the night, as well as provisions and gasoline.

Maybe just take it from the store? Hirano asked, looking at a stall nearby.

Are you suggesting to rob? Takashi asked disapprovingly.

This is not a robbery or theft. In such a dangerous situation, we have every right to do so." said Saya with contempt, looking arrogantly at Komuro.

It looks like she didn't like Takashi's actions. Poor guy.

Shizuka. Shiro asked the nurse What about your friend's house? Will it accommodate us? It's just that Saeko and I have a house too small for seven people.

- yes! We can spend the night at Ricky's! I think she won't mind! The nurse replied with a smile.

Is there enough room for us?

That's enough, that's enough! Rika and I love big sizes! Shizuka said cheerfully, spreading her arms out to the sides... and the eyes directed at Shiro are cunning, cunning.

At her words, Saya and Ray blushed. Even Saeko showed a slight blush on her cheeks.

- OK. Saya corrected her glasses Then we'll go to your friend.

Uh-huh! Shizuka agreed and taxied out, directed the bus to the designated destination.

It was getting late. The crimson sunset was replaced by a full moon, which perfectly illuminated everything. The city was gradually enveloped in perfect silence, which only played into the hands of walkers with their hearing.

A bus we know stopped at a gas station.

I understand that no one has money with them? Shiro asked, to which everyone shook their heads negatively.

- OK. Don't get off the bus, I'll take off and borrow some money at the cash register.

Can I help you? Saeko asked serenely, looking anxiously at her beloved.

Are you kidding? Do you think I need help?

Good But still, be careful.

Saeko knew what her boyfriend was capable of, but it's enough to make a mistake once to become one of the walkers

- of course. said the hero and smacking Saeko on soft lips, got off the bus.

On behalf of Shiro.

Walking into the store, I immediately notice a couple of zombies. Two precise strikes quickly solved a small problem.

The cash register turned out to be open, which is logical. The cashier is lying around after my order. Apparently he didn't have time to close it before becoming a monster.

I just didn't limit myself to money. Mineral water, chocolate, cookies, as well as a first aid kit that was on the wall. All this will come in handy.

Condoms will not be superfluous either. Pregnancy at such a time is more of a huge burden than happiness, and these two guys can hardly make themselves infertile, oh, hardly.

Suddenly there was a loud female squeal KYAYAYAYAYAY!

I clung to the window sharply and a rather unpleasant picture appeared to me.

B###b, and you can't leave it for a minute.

It was obvious that some tall, dark-skinned gopnik had taken Ray hostage. Yes, it was the same asshole who took Miyamoto hostage in the canon. How he ended up here, the fuck knows, in the anime, the action took place well after midnight. Is he spending the night here?

This time Takashi didn't have a gun, so this dude stood and groped Ray freely while he was looking at it.

If it were my Saeko. I would tie the bastard by the legs to the bus and drive slowly to Rika Lucky goat, he will go to the next world quickly.

And why they got off the bus at all... well, I'll figure it out later.

I activate "Stealth" and go to the rescue.

From the third person.

While Shiro was in the store, Ray also decided to go to the store. That's just she didn't notice that there was a "kind" guy with a sharp knife standing in the shade nearby, who slipped behind the bus unnoticed.

As a result, she did not have time to walk even a few meters, as she was grabbed from behind and put a knife to her neck.

Oh, what a swell! Where are you in a hurry!?Don't twitch, or you'll have one more hole! Ahahah get off the bus! Thought I couldn't see you? the criminal shouted, holding a knife at the girl's throat and at the same time pawing with his other hand.

The bus passengers slowly got off the bus with anxiety on their faces.

Oh, my God! Yes, I was lucky! All chicks are like a selection! Hey you! Fucking them, huh? the bastard turned to Takashi Everything is clear with the fat one, he's on your sucker, but you're fucking them, right? No? Are you a moron? There are such cows around you, and you didn't even stick them? It looks like you're a p##arok. said gopnik, continuing to conduct a "test drive" of Ray's chest.

Takashi exclaimed with anger mixed with fear.

Ray? Is that the name of this slut? Ray, how about making Daddy feel good, huh?

Fuck off, you bastard! the girl began to struggle, on the verge of tears Ouch! she exclaimed when the gopnik forcefully squeezed her chest in response. The pain brought tears to her eyes.

Shut up slut! the criminal shouted in her ear Or right in front of them you will make daddy feel good!

Listen... Saeko said calmly We are all people, let her go and calmly disperse. she said, slowly approaching him, holding the boken at the ready.

Stay back! BACK OFF OR I'LL SLIT THAT BITCH'S THROAT! he shouted and pressed the knife to Rei's neck and Saeko had to move away. The knife entered the girl's throat by several millimeters. Small drops of blood flowed down the knife.

Can we agree as people? Saya suggested, not knowing what else to say.

And why not agree? Get on your knees and caress the dignity of this daddy, maybe I'll think about letting this lamb go.

Saya blushed and furiously shouted Fuck you piece of shit!

What a tongue-tied bitch. the rapist sang with a grin It will be nice to plug your mouth with his penis. Go fill up a full tank," he said, pointing to the bus.

Hirano cautiously said, "If we give you the bus, will you let her go?"

Of course not, bun, but it's better to warm the bed than to lie with your throat cut, right?

At that moment, as if out of thin air, Shiro appeared behind the robber.

With a quick movement, he squeezed the rapist's palm in which there was a knife, and the other grabbed him by the neck.

What the!? the bastard started up B##t! Ghhhhhmmm! Do you have steel hands or something, p### as! he shouted, trying to somehow escape, but Shiro's hands were not moved.

Rei took advantage of this and emerged from the grip, after which, along with the others, she saw how Shiro slowly, by force, forced the criminal's hand, with the blade clamped in it, to approach his own face.

"You attacked us yourself, so don't blame me... Good luck in hell. Shiro said calmly, after which he slowly inserted the blade into the bastard's eye, with his own hand. The knife went to the hilt, the tip of the knife sticking out of the back of the head.

Needless to say, everyone was shocked? Well, except for Saeko. It even turned her on a little

You killed him! Takashi shouted in shock Why!

He attacked us first. shrugged his shoulders, Shiro approaching the guys.

And what! You grabbed him! Why kill! You think you're a judge?!

What are you? Do you feel sorry for him? Shiro asked in bewilderment He forcibly groped your girlfriend, wanted to take our bus and continue to have fun with her. He didn't feel sorry for us, so I won't either.

I'm not his girlfriend! Rei exclaimed, looking at Takashi with contempt and resentment.

And yet it was not good to do so ... said the pale Cat, looking at the cooling corpse of the gopnik.

"Are you both idiots?" shouted Saya Wake up at last! A huge catastrophe loomed over humanity, and this brute decided to take advantage of it! What would have happened if Shiro hadn't been here? Eh? Do you want to let this scum go so that he can continue his work?

"Shiro is just protecting us..." Shizuka added quietly, trying to defuse the situation.

Okay, that's enough. the hero interrupted further arguments Zombies will soon come to our screams. Why did you get off the bus at all?

I ... well... Ray fidgeted in place I needed pads... she replied with a red face.

You could have just told me, I would have taken it. said Shiro, to which the girl answered him with an indignant look.

No way!

Okay, okay, chill out. Shiro raised his hands Here, take a snack. he handed them a package of provisions.

And what else is this! Shiro, why did you take them for yourself! Saya shouted and took out a pack of contraceptives from the bag.

It's definitely not for him. Saeko chuckled

- what? Saya was confused What makes you think?

Because we don't use "protection" with Shiro. Saeko spread her hands Not a single contraceptive fits on his "drin". she said with pride, turning a little pink at the same time.

After what was said, the girls blushed deeply and looked at Shiro refueling the bus, and the guys experienced a sense of shame and defeat.

Fully fueled, they finally reached Ricky's house.


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