A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 2: Getting a job

Chapter 2: Getting a job

Consciousness turned on as if by a click. I don't know how to describe this feeling It's like waking up abruptly from the fact that you fell in your sleep Yes, that's right, there is no better description.

Immediately after realizing myself, I noticed an extraordinary clarity of mind that I had never experienced before, but this is not the most "interesting".

And the most interesting thing is how my body feels right now. If you describe this feeling in one word, then "Freedom" is the most suitable.

My whole being seemed to get rid of the shackles, threw off the ballast.

Lightness and ethereality captured my body.

Nothing hurts, nothing bothers.

It feels like I can take off at any moment.

Ah... what a wonderful condition I don't want to lose him

God, it's good how ... I purred, smiling, in a satisfied voice.

Did you call me? a kind, firm male voice sounded.

- "Damn! I went into myself too much, and in fact, in theory, I should be dead at all!" I exclaimed in my own mind and abruptly opened my eyes.

A boundless, flat world covered with a perfect, green lawn that stretched endlessly into the distance beyond the horizon.

Clear, blue sky without any stars and clouds.

It was in such a place that my mortal body turned out to be.

But most importantly, this is the owner of a recently asked question.

Twenty paces away from me stood a creature with the appearance of a human man. And yes, I am sure that this entity is not a person, because people absolutely cannot look like that.

Damn, I'm sure that only a handful of people will be able to draw, describe what I saw.

Delicate hands and muscles that haori can't hide.

Clothes are not able to hide the figure of a swimmer.

Snow-white hair, neatly tied with a red ribbon in the tail.

The skin for which any woman will not only kill, but also eat.

Big eyes, a fascinating pink pupil.

A neat nose and shy ears that were almost hidden in her hair.

Bare feet peek out from under the kimono.

With all this beauty, he cannot be confused with a woman because of a formidable, courageous impulse that does not add up with a nice, pleasant appearance.

A man can't have such an ideal appearance, he can't.

Can you stop looking at me? Come on, I'm not biting. he said in a warm, kind tone, looking at me with extremely great interest and tenderness.

I've seen that look before. The look of a child who has received a gift and is wondering what kind of toy he was given this time.

And yet, from this look, you can understand that they won't eat me alive, and if they do, it won't be right away.

With a slow, mechanical gait, I began to approach him, experiencing emotions such as fear, excitement and reverence, because I already guessed with the edge of my mind what kind of person was in front of me.

Stopping in front of him, he stared at him in silence, not knowing what to say.

That's why I decided to just stand there silently, staring at him.

As my father used to say: "If you don't know what to say, it's better to keep quiet."

The creature, in turn, apparently also decided to wait silently, looking into my eyes, while I myself start a dialogue.

Not knowing what to do in this situation, I also decided to silently look into the eyes of my opponent.

Time flowed relentlessly. I don't know how long it's been, it's a little hard to determine here, but at least an hour.

In what in what, and in "peepers" I have a real talent.

Also, once in this place, I seem to have lost the need to blink.

And even though I have a talent for this game, I still can't compare with this monster. My reserve of patience is not as pumped as that bastard's.

Em...Hello. I said embarrassedly, awkwardly.

Well, hello. He replied with a smile. You could clearly read in his eyes: "I won." Let's not play anymore and get to the point. As you can probably guess, I am God. You died and your spirit came to me. Now we will determine what awaits you next.

I was not very surprised by this statement, as I was almost completely sure of it about thirty minutes ago.

- OK. I answered a little excitedly, feeling a bit of fear at the same time.

Only those who truly want to continue their "adventure" get here, not wanting oblivion, tranquility. In general, I reincarnate people like you, giving you the opportunity to continue your "journey".

I listened in silence and rejoiced, because it looks like my path is not over yet. Reincarnation awaits me.

"But before you go any further, I want to offer you something. he said with a smile, seeing my excitement.

Pricking up my ears, I prepared to listen. The offer from God cannot be simple.

I suggest you become my "champion" and get a "system". Before you accept my offer, think it over carefully, because otherwise there will be no way back.

To say that I was surprised is to say nothing. I wanted to agree instantly, but I stopped myself, albeit with difficulty. Before making a decision, you need to study both ways.

What does it mean to become a champion? What responsibilities will I have? I asked after thinking about it, a little wary.

To become a champion means to become my chosen one and get a mark. You see, superpowered beings have their own rules. One of them says that other gods should not influence the champions of other gods in any of the available, possible ways. In general, becoming my champion, you will receive protection from other gods and their chosen ones. As such, you have only one dutyto entertain me with your adventures. he finished explaining, with a smirk on his face.

Clear. Very interesting. I've never been a clown. Okay.

And what awaits me if I choose an ordinary, simple reincarnation? I asked almost immediately, not thinking long about what I had recently heard. Because it didn't make sense, I need the full picture.

If you choose a simple rebirth, then I will reincarnate you into a random world where you will be left in the care of luck, fate. In fact, you will have two ways. Either you will be lucky and you will gain immortality or the opportunity to travel through the universes. Or you'll just die and end up with another unknown god who will decide your fate. Something like that." he explained calmly, with a smile.

Now I understand that his "suggestion" is too good. So good that it looks more like a trap But do I have a choice? And can I refuse at all? I don't want to play Russian roulette again to the point of insanity.

I accept your offer. I answered with a sigh.

"Are you sure?" Think better. If you become my "champion", you will link your fate with mine for a long time. Perhaps by choosing an ordinary reincarnation you will be lucky and you will get into a good world, at a good time, place and body. Of course, the chance of this is quite small, but it is there. he was saying with a smile, trying to "dissuade" me.

I'm sure. After a recent death, I don't want to try my luck again, jump into the unknown. I replied, finally accepting the fate of the fool.

Great! From now on you are my champion! And for convenience, my champion, switch to a more familiar style of communication! We have a very long time to cooperate! And yes, if you have any questions, ask them! he spoke with a bright, inviting smile.

Okay, I have questions. I began to speak more relaxed.

Ask them. he said and waved his hand. A moment later, two chairs appeared, looking extremely comfortable. He sat down in one of them and invited me to do the same.

You didn't have to arrange all this acquaintance, right? I'm sure you could just immediately reincarnate me already with the system and secretly watch me. I asked uncomprehendingly.

Yes, I can do that, or rather I have the opportunity. But it's not my style to do that. In fact, most super-strong creatures do not bother with such meetings and just throw the lucky one into the thick of things. You're lucky that even among the gods, I'm considered a bit eccentric. He replied with a grin.

I see. Next question. How will I entertain you? And why would you even do that? I asked the question again, after comprehending the answer.

I'll start with the second question, if you don't mind You see, the more power, strength, and might you have, the more boring existence becomes for you. For example, let's take a character from the anime you recently viewed Saitama. This guy, having gained enormous power, lost not only his hair, but also most of his emotions and feelings. Rather, they have become much more difficult to test. I, in turn, am ridiculously stronger than Saitama. he said with a smile and then asked with the same grin.

Do you understand what I'm getting at?

Yes, I understand. I replied, nodding. Even the last idiot will understand.

It is almost impossible for the gods to experience emotions in the usual way. You will be surprised, but the absolute majority of us die by our own hands, unable to withstand such an existence. Even now I am not experiencing anything, but only "playing" to make it more convenient for you. You will entertain me very simply. The system records your life as a movie with its beginning "Birth" and end "Death", and then sends it to me for "viewing". During this "viewing" I will experience everything that you will experience. he finished speaking, breaking into a smile.

I've been digesting this information for a while. I don't even know what to feel about the fact that someone will "experience" everything that I happened to feel.

On the one hand, it's unpleasant. On the other hand, should I care that some super-strong, emotionless entity is "viewing" my life?

And again, do I even have the right to vote? In the end, we can assume that this is a payment for the "system" and the opportunity to live many lives. And I also don't want to "show off" in front of a creature that can destroy me with a flick of a finger.

Okay, the last question that interests me very much.

And why me? How did I get the honor of being your champion? I asked with sincere incomprehension.


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