A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 188: Gifnor

Chapter 188: Gifnor

Not far from the Gifnor forest was a small town for ten thousand people.

This town was a rest point for most of those who moved to the capital of the Empire from its north-western lands.

It wasn't hot here, but it wasn't cold either. Frequent rains and overcast. Residents of the town itself said, laughing, that eternal autumn reigns in their region.

It was the gates of this city that two blue-haired children crossed.


Ryuu and Esdes have already been on the road for about a week and only now can we say that their journey has really begun, because before that, they were just walking through such familiar eternally cold lands.

Their couple immediately attracted attention.

Various young boys and adult men immediately began to look at Esdes.

Young girls and older ladies, as well as adult men, began to look at Ryuu, which made him very nervous.

I don't like it here. Ryuu rolled his eyes

Esdes grinned. She saw all those looks, felt them. The girl saw how various suspicious men, marginal appearance, looked at her brother You yourself wanted to travel, Ryuu. They look at us as weak, as prey. It's so funny.

Funny? Ryuu turned to face his sister What are you talking about?

Esdes grinned harder, almost grinning and said softly Many have already started their hunt for us, just don't say you haven't noticed.

Ryuu sighed and also grinned like his sister. He was also amused by the way these suspicious types talked, looked at them and chased them. It seems to me that these bastards will kill each other while they are figuring out which gang we will "get". You just struck them with your beauty, my dear sister.

Esdes tilted her head and raised her right eyebrow in a caricature My beauty? Ryuu, you're confusing something. How long have they been chasing us, and their eyes are much more likely to explore your ass and only then me.

Ryuu's smile froze for a moment, which Esdes was only glad of. She rarely managed to tease her brother.

Brushing aside, Ryuu lazily said Sister, it's not worth joking about this, it's better to say, will we deal with them now or later?

Esdes bared her teeth and leaned into Ryuu's ear and whispered, "You know how I don't like to wait. Let's kill them in the nearest alley. Whoever kills the most, he gets rid of cooking, okay?

Goosebumps ran down Ryu's back. And who would not have run if Loli Esdes whispered in his ear about the bloody massacre of local gopnik in the alley, so also with the competition.

It doesn't make sense to me, it's your turn to cook today, I won't get anything from it.

Then I'll also give you a massage if I lose, of course. she added with a smile

I have a better idea. If you lose, you cook for ten people. Two portions for us, and you'll have to give eight to the homeless. And you should do it with a sweet smile, Sister.

Esdes thought for a while. On the one hand, cooking Ryuu on the other, she will have to cook for as many as ten people, plus then go to distribute this food to the damn weaklings...

- OK. Deal.

Great. Ryuu grinned "As always, my cooking does not fail. And with those bonuses from skills, it will definitely never let you down."


Where are they?! exclaimed a two-meter-tall lout, scouring with his small eyes along the alley, into which, in theory, a couple of blue-haired children had just run away.

Four more people of the same build ran in behind him.

Suddenly, another five ran in behind these five men Hey! This is our territory, bring down otsedova!

The twometer bumpkin grinned - Now, now, we'll just take our kids and leave.

You will leave with nothing. They are on our territory, which means ours.

Yeah, but before that they were walking around our territory...

It's your problem that you couldn't catch them before they were on our territory. And now go ahead.

The situation was escalating. The marginals were already looking at how to attack each other more politely. They flashed swords, cleavers and knives, hoping to scare the opponent, but to no avail.

Suddenly, a cheerful girlish voice sounded from above My first!

It was Esdes. She jumped off the roof and aimed at a two-meter dork.

He didn't even have time to react, as Esdes, twisting in the air, with all her might charged Tom with her heel right into the crown.

There was a lot of force behind this blow, and therefore the lout's head just burst like a rotten melon.

Fragments of the skull, brains and blood scattered in all directions.

"Ha, that wasn't fair, Esdes. False start, I would say. Ryuu said with a laugh, falling off the roof for Esdes. He knew that she was going to jump, but decided to give her a head start... and play with her a little.

In the air, Ryuu spun like a bundle and pulled out his additional weapon in the form of two kukri machetes.

As a result, the two bandits that were under him were carefully cut into several small pieces.

Not fair! Esdes exclaimed, kicking the bandit's head with a Uturn and thereby tearing it off. I thought we'd be unarmed!

And I thought we would be without cheating, but what can we do. Besides, we didn't discuss the rules of our little competition. And remember your words, Sister. There are no rules in the battle and there can't be. - tumbling, said Ryuu, while cutting the peasant from groin to temechka, in half

There may be no rules in the battle, but there are in our competitions! she spoke with displeasure, albeit with a gambling smile. Esdes took out her weapon that Ryuu made for her. It was an elaborately made falchion made of durable heavy metal.

Bitch! the marginal shouted and attacked Esdes with a sword, but she, grinning, attacked her weapons with all her might on the attacker's sword.

The crack of metal stunned the bandit. His sword was simply broken-cut by the Esdes falchion. A moment later, the surrounding people saw how the bandit's body was cut from shoulder to hip, exactly like that, diagonally.

Demons! shouted the man who was the only survivor of one group of bandits, and turned around, tried to run away.

Ryuu ran out to cut him, with all the speed available to his muscles. Let me give you one last hug, Uncle! He shouted, jumping and "hugging" the bandit

With Ryuu's current weight and his speed, he was like a loaded train, which is better not to collide with.

In front of the eyes of the remaining three bandits from the same gang, a little guy knocked down a two-meter man like a buffalo that had developed the speed of a car.

The man's ribs were broken, moreover, they dug into his internal organs. The spine is also broken. Many organs that were not affected by bone fragments simply burst from the force of the impact.

Kha! finally coughed with blood the peasant and fell dead

Ryuu, of course, also got it, but not much. His body was already used to his tricks, plus bonuses from skills allowed him to indulge in this way.

Esdes was not idle all this time on the spot, she still really wanted to win.

The remaining three bandits did not see the point in this battle and tried to escape.

They all ran in different directions.

Ts. - Esdes clucked discontentedly and rushed to the left man.

Catching up with him, Esdes waved a falchion and cut the fugitive in half at the waist, perfectly separating the lower and upper parts of the bandit.

Esdes shouted to herself, "I'm going to win!"

Turning to the last two bandits, Esdes looked shocked at how Ryuu, with a smirk, launched his machete kukri. Like boomerangs, they flew and cut off the heads of the last two bandits right on the run.

I won. said Ryuu with a grin

Esdes froze for a moment, and then gathering her courage, she said Okay, so be it, this is your fraudulent victory, but next time I will win.

Empty words. Ryuu waved his hand and added with a grin, approaching his sister I can't wait to see you distributing personally cooked food to the homeless.

Nc. tsoknala Esdes, rolling her eyes and smiling Come on, there will be guests here now, unless of course you want to cut down two gangs in this town.

Come on.


Don't forget, Esdes, a smile. A bright kind smile that will fill the hearts of these homeless with affection and love. Ryuu was saying the chorus, walking behind Esdes.

Oh, shut up, brother. she answered, holding in her hands a large, recently bought, pot of stewed meat and potatoes.

Ryuu and Esdes decided to stop in the Gifnor forest, even though it was teeming with dangerous monsters, according to local stories. Ryuu didn't care where to stay, but Esdes preferred this cute forest to the town, where very dangerous animals can attack them.

Now they were walking through the streets of the town to its poorest area, that is, the slums.

When they approached this area, Ryuu saw a little dirty pink-haired girl who was dressed in some kind of rags by the wall of the street.

Naturally, Ryuu immediately recognized the self-proclaimed genius sniper of the future Night Raid. She looked rather pathetic and plaintive, despite Ryuu's slight intolerance towards tsundera. In general, it's amazing that he was able to build a relationship in the first world with another pink-haired tsundere named Saya.

Ryuu separated from Esdes and approached a small pink stripe A slum dweller? he asked about the obvious

Esdes, meanwhile, stopped and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Little Main was used to being bullied by welldressed people, so she was already mentally prepared for mockery when she answered, hanging her head - Yes.

Come on, my sister is distributing food to the homeless today. with a sweet, inviting smile, he said, pointing to the Esdes with a large pot

It was clear that Mine was clearly surprised. She nodded meekly and quickly trotted off towards the slums, while Esdes and Ryuu followed the girl.

"Why did you pay attention to her?" Esdes asked with interest, squinting

"I just have a kind heart, Sister. You know.

Maybe, but you don't pay so much attention to everyone, Ryuu.

Ryuu just waved it off Better watch your step, Esdes. I would not like the fruits of your labor to spill over this mossy road.

Esdes narrowed her eyes, but did not bother her brother with questions.

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this is a translation. pls add the site where we can find the raws. plus mentioning who the author is and that you are translating it. otherwise. youbare stealing the authors work

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The name is journey through the universe but he doesnt leave the world hes in so you should change the name

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The story is not bad in itself, the problem is that the author (or translator) changes the names of the characters. For example: Kohta is called Cat, Rei is Ray.... There are also very embarrassing parts of the story, it's exactly Mc in the way he acts and talks with other characters, he looks like a beta SIMp with OP skills.

<figure data-hvi="true" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="23102006005984205" data-report-l1="1" data-report-did="23345958706186900">


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