A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 170: Valley of Completion

Chapter 170: Valley of Completion

The seventh gate of the miracle... OPEN UP! Maito Guy exclaimed, becoming covered with a blue aura

The energy wave from the opening of the gate crushed the grass within a radius of ten meters.

The redhaired guy standing next to me started clapping his hands and smiling - Guy, you were able to open the seventh gate. It won't be long before you fully master this technique.

Turning off the gate, Guy, smiling sunnily, said All thanks to my incredible sensei!

No need, here, basically, only your work and will. To reach the seventh gate, in a year and a half, is a real miracle. I think it's worth noting. Tetsuya pulled out a small seal Here, in this seal is a real grand dinner for you and your father.

Guy gladly accepted the gift, and then, hesitating, asked Sensei, don't you want to celebrate it together?

Tetsuya smiled, ruffled the hair on the boy's head and said Unfortunately, no. There are things to do.

I understand. - Guy Sensei nodded, now the Emperor, which means he has a lot more work than the same Hokage.

Tetsuya waved his hand No, the emperor's affairs are easy for me, because I have assistants. It's just that today I have to have one breakthrough in technology, that's all.

That's cool! So Sensei will become even stronger! Guy jumped up joyfully on the spot

Yeah. Well, can I give you a lift home?

Maito shook his head with a smile No, you don't need to, because this is a passive workout that you don't want to miss. Good luck sensei! Guy said finally and ran towards the gate

Tetsuya just smiled and shook his head. A lot has changed in a year, a lot, but not his appearance. He was currently wearing an imperial haori with gold embroidery in the form of dragons. He didn't really want to dress like that, ordinary Shinobi clothes seemed more comfortable, but the title obliged him to dress decently.

A year ago there was a coup in the great countries and their Daimyo were forced to swear allegiance to the new emperor and give up almost all their privileges. In fact, they have become ordinary officials with good pay. Was it worth saying that none of the Daimyo liked this arrangement? One moment you're almost a god, and the next you're an ordinary person. Yes, far from poor, but still an ordinary person. Therefore, many tried to raise a riot in the shadows and return everything that was taken away from them. However, after a day such rebels were usually found in the nearest ditch and their body could only be identified by the sandals on their feet.

What did ordinary people think about this? At first, many did not like such strong changes, even though the legendary Uzumaki Tetsuya became the Emperor. But just a month later, everyone changed their mind, because their worldly life was improving every day.

Taxes were reduced, roads were built, towns and villages were ennobled. Hospitals, libraries, educational institutions, farms, mines, sawmills and much more were built. Ordinary people liked it very much, but the Daimyo and businessmen absolutely did not, because the former lost power, and the latter were rapidly losing it, but they could not do anything. Day by day, the people supported the old government less and less, until they became hostile to it at all. People realized what their life could be like if the Daimyo cared about ordinary citizens.

Previously, they served the Daimyo and were almost their property, and in principle nothing has changed, just the shepherd who shears them has changed, but only the last shepherd cared only about profit, when the new shepherd primarily cares about his sheep.

So Tetsuya began to have the support of all citizens.

But it didn't end with great countries.

Ordinary citizens in neighboring small countries began to move rapidly to the Tetsui Empire. The number of arrivals from other countries was colossal, but the Emperor was not against this arrangement, but who really was against this, so it was the rulers of the countries from which people fled.

Everything was so bad for them that, according to forecasts, almost no one would be left in their country in a couple of months, because even the soldiers began to desert.

These countries began to close borders, to restrain people inside the country in every possible way, but this only spurred the citizens of these countries to move to the Empire. The rulers went crazy, hired renegade ninjas and bandits to kill all those who decided to escape. So they decided to keep people on pain of death, but again everything went in one place, since Tetsuya already did not intend to tolerate such a thing, and therefore he personally visited these countries and cleaned them of all filth. Naturally, these countries soon entered his Empire.

Soon almost the whole world was part of the empire. Only Uzushio remained independent and Tetsuya had no intention of seizing him somehow. He has already exceeded his plan.

The famous Emperor lived in Konoha, in the same residence, which has changed a little. The territory became larger, the buildings were rebuilt and became more luxurious. Tetsuya didn't really want this, but his subjects believed that the Emperor they served should not live worse than some clan heads and Kage.

In addition, there have been some changes in relationships and personal strength over the year. Let's go in order.

Everything was fine with Tsunade, Mito and Kushina, as always. You can say almost nothing new, except that they were pushing Tetsu more and more because of Orochi and... children. Yes, the ladies started hinting that the Emperor needed heirs, but so far Tetsuya has successfully avoided all questions.

As for Orochi, for himself, Tetsuya, two days ago, discovered that the strange trembling inside had passed and now he does not cause any bad inner feelings with Orochi. You could say he has adapted to this change and can finally accept the feelings of the poor girl. Unfortunately, Orochi had been in closed training for several days and it was difficult to accept her love, so he decided to wait until she was released.

Ootsutsuki Kaguya. The biggest changes in the relationship were with her. In a year, their relationship with Tetsuya has undergone dramatic changes. Now she had eighty percent friendliness and sixty percent love towards him, but the most surprising thing is that their daily relationship has not changed much. Kaguya already loved him, but she loved him secretly and seemed to suppress these feelings in every possible way, which nevertheless slowly took possession of her. This woman had been betrayed many times, and the rules and regulations of her clan still left their imprint on her behavior and personality. It was scary for her to love, and even more scary to realize that these feelings were knocking on the door of her heart again. Therefore, Tetsuya took his time and gave Kaguya time. It is also worth noting that she became friends with Orochi the most. Yes, she maintained warm relations with Kushina, Mito and Tsunade, but with Orochi they became almost sisters, which is just amazing.

Ringo was quite often at Tetsui's residence, the girl brought various reports from Mizukage. Their relationship was strange, Ringo was not part of the harem, but still constantly slept with Tetsuya and remained faithful to him. The girl did not want to become his woman officially yet, as she still wanted to make the life of the inhabitants of the Water region better, and Tetsuya did not insist.

As for strength, here's the status.



Power 420

Dexterity 430

Perception 500

Endurance 670

Mind 420

Spirit 630


Fuinjutsu is a Divine Talent

Senjutsu is a Divine Talent

Seishitsuhenka Divine Talent

Onmyeton is a Divine Talent

Pain Tolerance is A Divine Talent

Energy Control Is A Divine Talent

Massage Is A Divine Talent

Taijutsu is a Divine Talent

Cooking Is A Divine Talent

Sensorics Is A Divine Talent

Stealth Is A Divine Talent

Ninjutsu is a Divine Talent

Irenjutsu is a Divine Talent

Genjutsu is a Divine Talent

Alchemy Is A Divine Talent

Rinnegan is a Divine Talent


Gamer's Body

The Player's Mind

The Emperor's Eyes

Imperial Zone

Orgasm School

Arbitrary Meditation

Thunderstorm of the Undead

Overwhelming Undead Field

Not much has changed, but Tetsuya got tired of the only royal talent, and he made some efforts and raised Stealth to a new rank. In fact, he simply created thousands of clones that trained stealth by not quite legal actions...

But the most interesting is the improvement of two already strong techniques.

The first such technique is Hiraishin. Now Tetsuya is able, when using the Imperial Zone, to teleport without any seals within the radius of this very imperial zone, that is, one hundred meters. It doesn't sound very cool, but in fact it's very imbovo, because the delay between the reuse of Hiraishin is limited only by the skill and power of the user of the technique, which leads to the fact that Tetsuya can literally "jump" through space several dozen times in a second.

The next technique touched by the improvement is the Eight Heavenly Gates. The eight gates are eight special tenketsu that are located in the shinobi's body and regulate the flow of chakra. Each open tenketsu increases the load on the user's body of the technique, but Tetsuya wondered what would happen if more tenketsu were opened? Yes, there are three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu in the shinobi body and they all regulate the flow of chakra in the body, it's just that the eight gate technique provides for the opening of only eight because of the effectiveness of these eight special tenketsu and their successful location near each other.

So, what happens if you open not only eight special tenketsu, but all the others? This thought led Tetsuya to create a new technique based on the Eight Heavenly Gates. Paying tribute to the past technique, he named the new technique the Nine Heavenly Paths. From the beginning to the end. The First Way Is The Way Of Power. The Second Way Is the Way of Tranquility, The Third Way is the Way of Life, The Fourth Way Is the Way of Pain, The Fifth Way is the Way of the Limit, The Sixth Way is the Way of Insight, The Seventh Way is the Way of Miracle, the Eighth Way is the Way of Death and the Ninth Way is the Way of God.

The Last Path of God was quite amazing and risky, because it opened tenketsu in the center of the brain. This path opened the only tenketsu, but the power from this discovery was quite big. When opening this tenketsu, a person gained absolute control over the body, literally being able to force the body to forcibly regenerate the limb. Cut off all emotions and other impulses that we are subject to because of hormones. The person who discovered this tenketsu becomes a machine that can self-repair as long as it has the material and energy. The only problem is that it is not possible to open this tenketsu at Tetsui even now. No, of course he can forcibly open tenketsu, but the problem is that because of this, he will not be able to close it afterwards, forever remaining a machine with naked intelligence. He learned all this, by the way, by looking into the future with the help of the Emperor's Eyes, where he allegedly forcibly activated the last path.

As for the other paths, it is easy to guess that they are much stronger than their old version in the form of the Eight Heavenly Gates. At the moment, he can only open Four Paths without consequences. By the way, he was able to open the Fourth Way only today, which is why he refused to celebrate with Guy and instead trained the opening of the Fourth Way.

Tetsuya was currently sitting in the training room. Uzumaki's skin was pink, and the strongest floor was covered with large cracks.

Characteristics. he said calmly, but this calm voice was imbued with strength and might.


Power 420 (3780)

Dexterity 430 (3870)

Perception 500 (4500)

Endurance 670 (4030)

Mind 420 (2780)

Spirit 630 (3670)

"And this is just the Fourth Way, without the ideal sage mode..." Tetsuya shook his head and deactivated the technique. "It's a pity that it's still not enough, the patriarch will destroy me anyway... Unless I activate all nine paths, but then my personality will turn into a bare lump of reason and logic before a new rebirth... Yes, and I will always be like that when I return to this world... No, not an option."

Teleporting home for lunch, Tetsuya was surprised to find that his women were absent. There was a beautiful snake with a note on the table in the living room.

Intrigued, Tetsuya calmly approached the table and the snake affably passed the letter with its tail.

Tetsuya opened it with interest "I am ready to fight for my love and happiness. As soon as you read this, come to the Valley of Completion. I'll be waiting for you, your Orochi."

Sighing, he put down the letter and the snake, swallowing it, disappeared.

"Should I say right away that I am already ready to accept her without a battle?" Tetsuya thought "No, it's worth at least looking at this, it's not for nothing that she has been preparing for so long."

Nodding, Tetsuya instantly began teleporting with the help of Hiraishin and the Imperial Zone.

A few moments later, he was already standing on the head of Madara's sculpture and looking at the opposite side.

There, on the head of Hashirama's sculpture, a large crowd could barely fit...

This is a little unexpected. Tetsuya chuckled, looking at these people behind Orochi, whose appearance had undergone some changes.

The girl became even more beautiful and paler, as well as the amount of chakra she now had, was like Kushina, the jinchurika of the nine-tailed.

Orochi smiled You only said that I should defeat you, but it was not discussed that I could not enlist the help of outsiders.

Tetsuya rolled his eyes and looked at Tsunade, Mito, Kushina and... Kaguyu I didn't think that you would betray me like that. he turned to his women

Tsunade nervously shouted Hey! No betrayal! We're just going to exhaust you a little and give Orochi more chances in this unequal battle!

Mito shook her head, "I don't agree with what you did to the poor girl, so I'm going to help her achieve love. No betrayal.

Kushina only nodded in agreement with an intelligent look.

Tetsuya chuckled and mentally made a note to "punish" properly afterwards Jiraya, sensei, what have you forgotten here?

Hiruzen puffed on his pipe and smiled How could I leave my student in trouble? Of course I'm helping Orochi achieve love.

Jiraya grinnedI couldn't leave the poor teammate in trouble either! Besides, we haven't sparred for a long time, and I want to feel our breakup on my bones!

Is that so? Tetsuya sighed and shifted his gaze to the two male representatives in green tights Well, what did you forget here anyway?

Maito Guy jumped up Sorry Sensei, but we couldn't help but help Mrs. Orochi! The power of young spring love towards you is burning in her! How could we not help her!? Excuse me sensei, for this I will run ten laps around the fire region, but after I help Lady Orochi!

OOOOOH! The incredible power of youth is burning in you, my son! Dai echoed him

Yes, Father! Guy exclaimed, giving a thumbs-up

I see. Tetsuya shook his head with a smile.

Orochi grinned sweetly Not yet. the girl took out a large scroll from behind her back - It will most likely be a surprise for everyone, but I have to win today.

Placing the scroll in front of her, Orochi bit her finger and ran it over the scroll. As a result, with the sound of 'poof', the girl was covered with smoke. When the wind blew away the smoke, the First Hokage - Hashirama Senju, the Second Hokage - Tobirama Senju and Kakuzu stood next to Orochi.


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