A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 16: If you don't go to the harem, then the harem goes to you

Chapter 16: If you don't go to the harem, then the harem goes to you

Another year has passed and my third year at the Fujimi Academy has arrived.

And to be more precise, it is already the fourteenth of April, which means that the world zvizdets should happen just a few days ago.

The second year passed quietly. I still trained and went to the most boring place called the Fujimi Academy.

The only thing that has changed is the situation at home. No, we do lessons together as usual, and I train her or teach her to control prana. But at night a succubus moves into her

It seems from the outside that this girl is calm and quiet, but passion is boiling inside her and it is at night that she is released.

All this year, almost every day, Saeko and I had wild animal sex. And, of course, I like it.

It got to the point that we made ourselves a day off.

No "mofu-mofu" every Sunday. Only a quiet "lamp" rest. Together on the sofa, under a blanket, we watch movies and TV shows.

Also during this time, we got a little bored with ordinary sex. Well, as usual. For us, in principle, it has become standard to engage in a wild and extremely energetic "test drive" of the bed and other interior items.

In general, we got carried away with role-playing games. And together with my "Acting Skills", we now regularly have real "sex performances" with her.

Also, seeing how well I am given acting roles, Saeko also relaxed and learned to get used to the role. She took dominant roles especially easily. I knew before that she was a sadist, but then she opened up. Then it turned out that she was also a masochist, but only with me

Yes, it sounds strange, but she is pleased only with the pain that was inflicted by me, some kind of madness.

So we have various evening performances of "Mistress and Groom" or "Master and stubborn slave." At 21.00 Tokyo time. Fortunately, we are not recruiting viewers yet. We don't like thatIt seems to be

It may seem that ordinary sex has become uninteresting to us, but it is not.

It's just that role-playing games have added spice to our sex life. As they say: "You can't spoil porridge with butter."

The main thing here is to have boundaries and frames.

All the roles stay there, in bed, without going outside, in real life.

As for prana, yes, I started teaching Saeko from the very day she gave me her innocence. Currently, with my training and prana, this girl is ten times stronger than her canonical version! And that's not counting the equipment I'll give her.

Shiro's house. Time (23.34)

A cool spring breeze blew in through the wide-open window. Curtains danced in the moonlight under the gusts of wind. The strong smell of sex gradually gave way to cool freshness.

Only a few artificial candles illuminated the room, giving it an intimate atmosphere, but the full moon flooded the entire area of the bedroom with its light.

There were two people lying on the master bed, a guy and a girl.

He was dressed in beautiful Victorian-era clothes, she wore a scanty leather maid outfit of the same time.

"You were unusually energetic today, sir," the maid said, looking into his cold eyes, blazing with strength.

Well, you were also very accommodating today. Therefore, I will forget your insolence yesterday and cancel the punishment. he said into the timid blue eyes of his maid.

After that, Shiro's face assumed its usual calm expression and with a kind smile, laughter poured out of his mouth.

Ahahah it was, as always, great! What's next for us?

This time I will. A "Strict General", and you are a "Cowardly Deserter" who fled from the front to his beloved. the girl said, thinking everything over in her head.

Not bad, not bad. Then next time I'll be a robber and you'll be a shy girl.

It's been noticed. Saeko said and pressed her face to the guy's chest.

And it seemed that their dialogue was over, but as if there was some kind of understatement and awkwardness.

Shiro had already studied the girl and understood that she did not dare to say something to him.

Honey, do you want to tell me something?

To be honest, yes.

Well, then tell me. I'm open to your ideas.

In general I would like to have a threesome. Saeko said with embarrassment in her eyes. What happened next scared her a lot. She had never felt such animal fear in her life.

Shiro's heart contracted painfully, and his heartbeat accelerated incredibly... an ordinary person would have died from such a thing.

Incredible scenes were drawn by his brain rich in the wildest imagination.

His face didn't seem to have changed at all. That's just narrowed almost to a point, scarlet like blood, the pupil was very frightening to the girl.

And the aura of the guy changed and seemed to shout to everyone "RUN! RUN WHILE THE LEGS ARE INTACT!".

Do you lack something Saeko? I don't suit you? he said in a calm and kind voice.

That's just all the devils in hell would have had a fight if they had heard him.

- No! Shiro, no! You misunderstood me! in a panic, Saeko said in a raised voice.

Really? And what is it? Shiro said, boring her with a kind look with a cordial smile.

"I don't need any other man!" You're the one who needs another girl! I wanted a threesome with another woman. she said very quickly in a raised voice. The speed of her "reading", at this moment, even Eminem would envy.

What the girl said defused the situation. Well, compared to the previous one, it can be called "calm".

Explain yourself. the guy frowned.

Well... I noticed that I'm obviously not enough for you. And it occurred to me that it would be nice to have a "fighting girlfriend". Saeko said awkwardly, which completely defused the situation and brought her back to normal.

Her boyfriend's face became calm and peaceful again, and his eyes shone with good-nature and sensuality, but now she knew that Satan himself was sitting inside this kind monk boy.

Saeko, my love, I don't need anyone else but you.

"I'm not blind Shiro. Even on that day off, when you and I broke the record in "Eighteen Hours of Wild Sex," your soldier even then proudly kept watch.

"But that doesn't mean I need someone. Shiro shook his head.


Saeko, I am a man, not an animal, and I am guided by my mind, not by instincts. A little dissatisfaction only makes me "love" you more at night. he said with a smile, playing with his eyebrows. Is that the only reason you wanted a threesome?


Then I'm listening.

You see... the last month I have been having a strange feeling I don't even know how to describe it

And you try.

In general, I have a feeling that I alone occupied a bench for several people and do not let others sit on it. Although no, not even that. It's like I'm the only one who has access to an oasis in a dry desert. she said into the hero 's eyes

- what? Shiro asked, confused.

It feels like I'm wellfed among the hungry, rich among the poor, happy among ... - the girl began to quickly list her thoughts.

That's enough! Got it! Got it! Saeko, I am not an object, but a person. A man who only wants to be with you

But you deserve more! You're literally the best guy in the world The best guy who deserves more than some crazy kendo girl. Saeko finished with a sad smile.

I'm not perfect, honey. Selfish, greedy, lustful, it's all about me. Shiro shook his head with a smile. I only need you.

You're being modest. In fact, you have surprisingly low self-esteem for such a perfect person. Many people had harems and these people clearly didn't deserve them. Absolutely. Then why wouldn't I want you to have one?

From such a Shiro completely "dropped out".

"What happened to you, silly?" You used to be jealous of every pillar, and now you're pushing me to commit treason Why aren't you happy to be the only one who owns me?

Because my love is growing, as is yours for me, and since I love you so much, why not wish for the best for my half?

Shiro exhaled wearily Because I don't wish you such a fate, Saeko. I don't want to hurt you. Just now, I've experienced incredible heartache just from your thought of cheating on me, and now you're suggesting that I hurt you many times more than that? he spoke with sadness in his eyes and sadness in his voice.


"I'm a very selfish person, Saeko. The mere thought of your infidelity makes me want to destroy the whole world If it's not selfishness, then what? I admit, like probably any man, I'm interested in having a lot of women But it just so happens that I try to stick to two rules. The first is "Before making a decision, put yourself in the other person's place" and "Treat people the way you want them to treat you." I don't want you to experience pain like this, I don't want you to cheat on me, my love... All this is a one-way road.

This is the first time you've opened up to me like this, except for the secret with prana And don't worry. I love you too much and thoughts of infidelity make me feel sick, but since you have opened up, then you can tell me the third reason.

Is there a third reason? Okay, I'm listening.

Well... me That is me It would be very exciting to think that you are fucking another woman in front of me. Saeko said extremely strongly while blushing.

- what? Shiro said and his eyes widened in disbelief, and on his face it was literally written: "The client lost connection to the server."

Well, once we watched a movie with you. In it, the guy cheated on his girlfriend, but in the end everything ended up with the fact that they all lived together afterwards... In general, I imagined us in their place and got very excited Am I a pervert Shiro? said the girl with puppy eyes and a red face.

Yes, and an inveterate one. But still, you're my pervert And what is your fantasy?


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