A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 157: The Moon

Chapter 157: The Moon

I have something to tell you... The girl said calmly, but Tetsuya knew her pretty well and therefore saw that Orochi was very nervous. Her tense body radiated embarrassment and determination at the same time.

"Oh~e" Tetsuya thought, clearly feeling the problems coming like a tsunami, which would soon overwhelm him. However, he didn't show it on his faceDid he? I'm listening, Orochi.

The girl exhaled, trying to collect her thoughts. Her quivering upper lip showed very clearly how much Orochi was nervous.

Tetsuya, looking at this, also began to get nervous inside, as he guessed what the girl was going to say - "If only I was wrong..."

Clenching her fists, Orochi spoke - Ya...

Do you have any problems? Tetsuya quickly interrupted with a smile and a sweating back

The girl froze for a few seconds, and then, smiling, replied Oh, no. It's all good. I wanted to talk about something else.

Okay, okay, I'm listening. Uzumaki raised his hands

Tetsuya... me...

The guy spoke again, hitting his fist into his palm Ah! Got it! You've run out of my goodies!

The girl frowned slightly and squinted No, I wanted to...

Tetsuya continued with a smile, "Come on, there's no need to be embarrassed. A healthy appetite is good. Besides, we both know that it's pretty hard for you to lose this beautiful sandbox figure...

It was the girl's turn to close her eyes and clench her fists, interrupt Tetsuya I love you!

Time seemed to stand still.

Tetsuya shouted in his head, "It happened after all!"

A tense and awkward atmosphere permeated the space.

As soon as Orochi uttered the cherished words, it was as if the rod that had supported her before was pulled out of her. All the tension went away and severe fatigue came. It seemed that those few words had drained all the strength out of her.

Closing her eyes and clenching her fists to the point of pain, the girl waited for an answer. The desire to hear the answer was beating in her head. And even though she was almost completely sure of rejection, her heart screamed and begged for a positive answer... People often hope only for the best. - "Say you accept me! Please tell me! Come on! Tetsuya! Tell me that I can cuddle up to your chest in the evenings and listen to your heartbeat! Let's! Please!"

Time passed, and the only thing Orochi heard was the sound of the cool evening wind howling mournfully.

Every second seemed like an eternity. With every second, the girl was getting more and more desperate.

Finally, she decided to open her eyes.

Tetsuya was standing where he was, his relaxed posture hadn't changed at all.

What really changed and caught her attention was the expression on his face... It expressed utter confusion and anxiety.

Orochi couldn't believe her eyes when she saw this. The strongest Shinobi, right here, right now and right in front of her, was confused and did not know what to do.

The sharp and penetrating eyes of the girl could even notice the sparks of panic in the guy's eyes.

Finally, Tetsuya, with an extremely strained and artificial smile, falsely replied Haha, thank you. I am very pleased. turning towards the house, he continued Well, let's go celebrate it! I've made a bunch of goodies! And what a wonderful sweet wine I have in store!

Unfortunately, this time his cooking could not help him out of a deplorable situation Is it a refusal?

The guy froze What?

Orochi repeated in an empty and emotionless voice Is this a refusal?

A smile and pompous joy flew off Uzumaki's face. There were only tired eyes, compressed lips and drooping eyebrows Orochi... he breathed out

The girl, clenching her fists until they bled, said Can I regard this as a refusal?

Sharp nails dug into her palms. Blood ran down her pale and thin fingers.

Tetsuya pulled a semblance of a smile on his face again Let's not be so categorical...

The girl interrupted him harshly Are you rejecting me? Yes or no?

Tetsuya realized that there was no point in dodging and dodging, and there would be no way to smooth out the corners in this situation... It won't be like before.

Biting his lip for a second, Uzumaki, sighing heavily, quietly and somewhat indifferently, said Yes.

Yes what?" the girl compressed her lips

This is a rejection. Tetsuya said calmly, closing his eyes... He didn't want to see Orochi at the moment, and even more didn't want to see how the words that left his mouth a second ago would affect her.

Orochi trembled. Strong and proud kunoichi felt unbearable pain in her chest and weakness in her knees. She wanted so badly to fall to the ground and curl up in the fetal position.

Involuntarily, her left hand reached out to her chest, as if trying to somehow protect her heart from that unbearable pain.

I wanted to stick a kunai in my leg, jump off a cliff or, at worst, charge my head with all my might against a solid stone wall... At least something to ease this unbearable pain.

Even when Hanzo Salamander almost chopped her into pieces, she didn't feel so much pain...

Lips trembled when they flew confused and soaked in pain Why?

No matter how she prepares for it. No matter how the girl prepares her heart for this... It didn't work out.

Still, opening his eyes, Tetsuya sighed with pity Orochi...

The girl's face expressed deep shock and pain.

His eyes seemed to beg for mercy... They begged for another answer...

The small, neat chin quivered, as did the lips.

- why? in a low, almost tearful voice, she asked

But Tetsuya was silent. He had nothing to say.

Tell me! squeezing her chest, she exclaimed Why? Come on!

Tetsuya was silent, frowning, with pain, looking at the current state of the girl.

I need an answer!

I don't have an answer for you...

Lies! All lies! It's all because I was cursed to be born a man! No! Not a man, but a pathetic stub! A freak who could not be counted among anyone or anything!

Tetsuya frowned at this argument, but remained silent.

But when I was lucky enough to find integrity, I was cursed with love for you again! I fall asleep thinking about you! I have dreams about you! I have spent the last years trying to learn more about you and get closer to you! But what came of it? Only rejection and unbearable pain! Have I done too little?

Tears flowed down the girl's cheeks, but it was clear that the girl did not even notice it.

Tetsuya's mind was in an extremely difficult situation. The struggle inside him was stronger than ever before.

No, listen...

Why am I worse?! Am I not feminine enough? Am I not sexy and beautiful enough? Maybe my character is too bad?!

Tetsuya exhaled and said with a pitiful smile, "I'm too bad." I'm not worthy of you...

Nonsense! Here I decide who is worthy of me and who is not! - Orochi interrupted him, stamping her foot Only you are worthy of me! Period! I decided so and decided a long time ago!

Silence fell...

The girl, breathing heavily, stared intensely into Tetsuya's eyes.

Tetsuya strongly wanted to look away, but did not do it, because it would only worsen the already tense situation.


Tetsuya. the girl interrupted him in a deep, crying voice Give me a chance...

Clenching his teeth to a grinding sound, Uzumaki abruptly and sharply replied No.

Please... Give me hope.

This time Tetsuya remained silent, clenching his palms into a fist.

Orochi also clenched her jaw and gathered all the few remaining forces in her body, shouted Give me a fucking reason to live on! Am I really asking that much?! Give me! Me! A chance!

Defeat me... unexpectedly for both himself and Orochi, Tetsuya said

- what? she was confused

"What kind of nonsense am I talking!?" Tetsuya shouted in his mind, but his mouth seemed to automatically continue Did you want hope? A chance? Meaning? Here it is. Defeat me in a fight, and I will accept you and your feelings, but keep in mind, you only have one attempt.

Time stood still again.

When Tetsuya's enhanced brain finally digested to the end what his mouth had said recently, he tried to fix everything Wait! Ya...

Shut up! Orochi said sharply with a wild, dangerous look Do you think I'll give up just because you're a Shinobi God and I can't beat you?

It's not like that at all...

Do you think my feelings are so easy to extinguish? Great! Such hope is enough for me! Just don't you dare take the words back! I will show you the strength of my feelings and determination! possessed lights danced in the girl's eyes and Tetsuya became a little scared for her

Smiling, she wiped away her tears I will not give up, remember this. It may take years, decades, but one day you will accept my feelings and become mine.

At the end of these words, the girl disappeared in a whirlwind of leaves.

Tetsuya was left alone in silence.

Dark heavy clouds began to cry, watering the whole Konoha.

Raising his head, Tetsuya looked with a heavy gaze at the moon that peeked out from behind the clouds - "Forgive me Orochi... But I'm going to get even stronger... For your own sake, don't get in my way, inhabitants of the Earth satellite..."


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