A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 150: Beating

Chapter 150: Beating

Spring day. Cool breeze and warm rays of the sun.

On the roof of the Senju residence, a red-haired guy in the lotus position was sitting with his eyes closed.

It seemed that he had merged with nature itself. A lot of birds looked at him with extreme interest, and those who were bolder flew up and sat on the guy, periodically rubbing against his body with pleasure.

Suddenly, a guest appeared on the roof.

A red-haired girl jumped on the roof and seeing a busy guy stood on the sidelines nearby, and with a smile began to observe meditation.

Over the past five years, Kushina, like a bud, blossomed into a beautiful girl, but everyone knew that this flower shines only for one person, outsiders could only run into thorns if they lingered on the flower for too long.

Long scarlet hair went down to the shin, which is not typical for Shinobi, but since the girl could use them as a weapon, her relatives did not bother much about it.

The breasts of the third size were proudly thrust forward despite such a formidable competitor as Tsunade in this matter. Long legs and deceptively thin arms, which at any moment can crush a boulder as tall as a man. The girl has grown into an enviable beauty.

Slowly, the guy smiled and opened his eyes, showed a rinnegan with an elongated animal pupil Good morning.

Smiling like a fox, the girl clung to the guy's back with her breasts Good morning, Tetsuya. grinning, the girl hovered over the guy's face and said These marks, because of the sage's regime, make you look like a raccoon. And that elongated pupil... just like Brother raccoon!

Despite the fact that Tetsuya had almost completely mastered the sage mode, the strange mark that appeared when the mode was activated on his face did not go away. What's the mark? As Kushina had already said, it was a small mark that looked like a strip of cloth that covered Tetsuya's eyes and went to her cheeks. It felt like the guy was some kind of criminal who wanted to cover his face, such is the fate of all raccoons, and now Tetsui.

You've been talking about this for the umpteenth time..." he chuckled, exhaling, "You usually don't bother me during training and meditation, which means there's a reason today

"I've come to remind you of your... promise."

"A promise?" What promise? rubbing his chin, the guy asked

Squinting, the girl replied in an insinuating tone The promise you made to a little girl years ago that you would accept her love if she did not change her mind until she was sixteen. I'll be sixteen very soon... and then

It's a little early for reminders. he grinned Yes, and lately you have become more active.

There are reasons

And what are they?

Well, I always thought that I would become your third woman, however, someone has appeared who can push me in this queue.

Tetsuya frowned with incomprehension Who can push you? Why don't I know about her?

"Oh~oh, you know about her, you just don't want to or rather are afraid to say it out loud. She is someone who has become very close to you and your harem over the past five years. The one who publicly looks at you with indifference, in the hope that you will notice it and do something. Someone who over the past five years has become almost the epitome of femininity.

While Kushina was saying this, Tetsuya slowly and wearily looked away Kushina

She is a pale-skinned girl with cold-blooded snake eyes, which, however, look at you with warmth, longing and hope... Only a blind person would not have noticed Orochi's feelings for you, Tetsuya.

Kushina ... the guy shook his head The situation is much more complicated than it seems

"She's a woman, Tetsuya Orochi is not a bit inferior to Mito in this.

Smiling tiredly, Tetsuya said, "I thought you were worried that she would push you, but now it seems to me that you are trying to promote her in this queue."

Hmm, I just feel sorry for her, as a person, as a woman, and as a friend The way you deliberately distance yourself from her makes not only her unhappy, but also us... Can't you accept her? What's stopping you from doing that? Pride? Honor? Or what other principles?

Exhaling wearily, Tetsuya looked hard at the girl You know perfectly well what and why, I don't see the point in talking about it.

"She's a woman..." Kushina cautiously said again, but Tetsuya only shook his head in response

I usually listen to my loved ones, however, this is not a question in which you can somehow influence me.

Kushina looked at the guy with sadness and chewed her lips and said, "Good... although I don't quite understand why.

Opening her arms, Kushina said Well, I'm going to practice. then jumped off the roof

Left alone, Tetsuya tried to regain spiritual peace, but it turned out to be more difficult than he thought. Of course, it was possible to activate Arbitrary Meditation, but then what is the point of training?

I'm going for a walk... it seems that the results of the passing exam to the Academy were put up today...


On one of the streets of Konoha, a man in a green tightfitting suit, with a light orange scarf around his neck, swung, hit a guy of five years right in the face - Guy! Fool!

The boy was dressed the same as the man, except for the scarf, which was red.

From the blow, the child spun on the spot several times and fell on his ass Ouch! I'm sorry, Dad, I'm already five years old, and I still can't run five hundred laps around the academy!

Don't apologize! crying, the man said and shook his head I'm not scolding you for that!

The guy rubbed the place of impact Then for what?

The man, not sparing tears, replied Never ask for forgiveness for your work and efforts! It offends your determination and what you do! Besides, that's not how you applied your rule. ''After running five hundred laps, you will be given a place in the academy'? This is not a rule! It's just a wish! You're running after a dream!

Little Guy listened intently to his father and absorbed his wisdom like a sponge absorbing water.

You see, you come up with a rule for yourself so that you have a goal and an incentive, thanks to which you can surpass yourself or get out of a difficult situation. This rule applies only to you and no one else!

The kid, being impressed, nodded with a smile.

Thanks to him, you are able to gather all your strength and will into a fist, and concentrate on your efforts. Therefore, even if you fail, the fact that you followed your rule will make you disciplined and collected. Work is work and you deserve hugs for it! the man finished and smiled, without ceasing to cry, spread his arms for hugs.

Dad! little Guy jumped into his father's arms, also crying

A bunch of women standing nearby were shaking their heads.

Poor kid


Breaking away from his son, Dai gave the women a thumbsup with a smile - Thank you for your support, ladies!

Half-wit. they threw back and ran away

The smile disappeared from Guy's face Dad, I think they didn't support us

So it was encouragement. with an intelligent look, Dai said.

I can't use either ninjutsu or genjutsu, that's why I failed the test and couldn't enter the academy

Listen, Guy. Dai interrupted him Your youth has just begun! Never turn away from her, just like me! when he finished, he gave his son a thumbs up The fact that ninjutsu and genjutsu are not your strengths made me the happiest father!

Eh? the boy fell into prostration

When you know your weaknesses, you can concentrate on working on your strengths! And your taijutsu is without exaggeration brilliant! I am very happy! I discovered my son's strength despite the fact that he is so young!

Little Guy smiled again, but not for long Dad, you're only saying this to calm me down

Disadvantages can also become a force! I didn't let my son finish Verbosity means that you are very courteous! The loudness shows your cheerfulness! Stubbornness is a sign of having a strong will! Selfish people... they're like... like cats!

And what can you say about the hairy ones! Guy asked with a smile, looking at his father's dense vegetation

Uh... well... they're kind of like... cats!?

Two marginal-looking Chunins appeared from around the corner and saw a father and son couple. Hey, Maito Dai! Are you playing with your son again?! The best activity for the eternal genin! Ah-ha-ha-ha!

Dai did not lose his head and, smiling, gave a thumbsup - Thank you for your support!

Ah-ha-ha, idiot! they left and disappeared around the corner

Pursing his lips and clenching his fists, Guy said Dad, I'm going to train.

Excellent, my son! In the meantime, I'll take another mission!

But Dad, you have already completed several missions today And it 's already evening

Nothing! Youth burns in me and asks for more work! Dai gently patted his son on the head Well, that's it, go train.

- OK. Guy nodded and ran

Watching his son go, Dai thought, "Nothing, even if you can't do it on your own I have almost saved the necessary amount, so even if your labors are not enough, I will arrange for you in the academy for a fee Okay, let's get to work!"

Except little Guy wasn't entirely honest with his father.

After some time of searching, he found the two Chunins who had recently humiliated Dai.

What a laugh, this idiot is still trying to behave young

Picking up a small stone, the guy threw it right into the back of Chunin's head, who said most of all Ah! What the... he rubbed the place of the injury and turned around You're a brat Daya? What do you want?

"Don't you dare speak ill of my father! Guy spoke furiously, knitting his eyebrows

Pf, he's an idiot and an idiot in Kumogakura. Just told the truth.

Say that again and it won't seem enough to you! This is my rule! the guy finished and, unable to stand it, still ran with his fists at Chunin, what he had just said.

Shinobi easily grabbed the child by the head and held him, not letting him near him Well, laughter.

The second Chunin grinned Huh? Rule? Interesting. And I'm going to tell you the truth, as it really is... your dad is a nonentity who can no longer be found in this world. He can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu, even the taijutsu he's so proud of is trash. Do you know how they talk about him among Shinobi? "He looks more like a clown and a comedian, not a genin."

Hahahaha, that's just a comedian who is always joking about youth and the fictional 'Power of Youth' is not funny at all, so even here this idiot is in flight.

"You have insulted my father so many times already! the child shouted furiously Get ready to receive ten blows!

Huh. the Chunins grinned and exchanged glances among themselves, almost simultaneously, said Then you get ready to get twenty.

In the next moment, Guy was hit from both sides by not weak punches of chunin-level Shinobi.

The last blow was so strong that it cut the guy's head, but because of the thick black hair, it remained a mystery, both for the attackers and for Guy himself.

Although there was a person who clearly saw this wound.

Right above the brawl, on one of the roofs, there was a redhaired guy who, clenching his fists, frowned at this beating - "I'm sorry, but right now I can't... I don't want to prevent it This is most likely your decisive moment in life, because perhaps only thanks to this unequal fight you will find a strong friendship, an eternal rival and a strong will ... All this pain, disappointment and humiliation will become fuel, thanks to which you will move only forward, never looking back."

Damn it! Guy shouted with annoyance and anger at himself, trying to get up from the ground

Ahhahahaha the two Chunins laughed, but it didn't last long

A silver-haired guy of five years appeared from around the corner and knocked down the Chunins with a few quick blows, and soon knocked them out with a few more precise blows

Guy looked shocked as Hatake Kakashi, who was also entering the academy like him, knocked out two chunins.

Kakashi slowly approached and, frowning, said, "I can't believe that you've never been able to hit them... and that's all after your words about your father.

Guy watched with shocked eyes as Hatake ran away to his father.

Looking at their backs, Guy's eyes involuntarily got wet from tears Damn. he said, slowly getting up on his trembling legs

However, as soon as the Hatake family left, one of the Chunins said with a painful groan The little bastard left, which means you will take the beatings for him

Two chunins quite smartly got up from the ground and spat out some blood, menacingly moved on the boy

Catch it! Shinobi shouted and shot his fist into Guy's face, but he was not destined to get in the face again

A man appeared in front of Guy a second before the blow and covered him with his body.

Chunin did not have time to do anything and hit directly into the man's torso. There was a crunch.

Ha! It hurts! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, you bastard! Chunin shouted , clutching his hand and closing his eyes

A calm but menacing male voice rang out Don't express yourself in front of the child, garbage.

You're a corpse, you piece of shit! between painful groans, the victim said.

Hito... - the second chunin said with fear, shaking the victim's shoulder

Well, what! He shouted in anger and opened his eyes Tetsuya-sama

Guy, eyes wide open, watched as the once strong opponents, the Chunins, at the sight of some guy, seemed ready to stop breathing forever just from his appearance and presence.

T-tetsuya-sama! Q-everything doesn't seem as it might look!

Folding his arms across his chest, Tetsuya, with a smile that looked more like a grin, said Oh, yes, tell me your version of events. his mood has been pretty bad lately, and these two got caught, just in time

E-this brat attacked us!

"Yyes, he attacked us first!

Maito Guy clenched his teeth with anger, but he could not answer this, because it's true.

"And how did he attack you?"

"Sbitch threw a fist-sized rock right at the back of my head!" - the injured Hito exclaimed, nobly embellishing the size of the pebble, about ten times

And for this, you decided to beat a civilian child? Together?

M-we defended ourselves! He rushed at us with his fists!

Yeah, yeah. Am I right? Uzumaki tilted his head and the Shinobi felt as if the purple eyes were able to see their soul A civilian boy, five years old, threw a stone at the head of one of you and rushed at you with his fists. You, Chunins, were so scared of the child that you decided to cripple him with four fists ... then Tetsuya glanced at Guy No, you already crippled him, but someone intervened and stopped you. It wasn't enough for you, and you decided to beat the child again, because you couldn't find the courage to take revenge on someone who was able to resist you? Do I understand everything correctly?

T-tetsuya-sama... the chunins barely squeezed out of themselves, feeling as if the very nature of the man in front of them suppresses the will

Tetsuya released a little chakra into the neighborhood, quite a bit, relative to his chakra reserves

The ground under Uzumaki's feet went into large cracks, which stopped only right in front of the walls of the houses.

The Chunins didn't even scream out of fear. They seemed to have turned into sculptures out of terror. Guy, meanwhile, looked at all this with shocked eyes for a couple with his mouth open.

A second later, shinobi in animal masks appeared on the roofs from all sides, and then the Konoha police, who were frightened by the sudden powerful release of chakra in the center of the village.

Seeing that it was Tetsuya, they all exhaled. "I thought biju had escaped..." thought each of them

"Tetsuyasama, what's going on?"

These two beat the child and wanted to hurt him even more, but I came in time. They say it was a five-year-old boy who attacked them first and they had to defend themselves... I want it checked in the investigation department.

After learning the reason, the ANBU disappeared, but the police approached the losers and said harshly Let's go. And you'd better do it voluntarily.

A couple of policemen approached little Guy The child seems to have shock and concussion, I will take him to the iryenins in the hospital.

"I wanted to cure him myself, but... okay." Tetsuya thought, still feeling guilty for having made the guy go through - Okay, and notify his father about it.

Soon Tetsuya was left alone Hmm. I feel Jiraya in the restaurant How long has it been since we've had a drink, huh?


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