A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 133: Ramen

Chapter 133: Ramen

When he appeared in the room, he noticed that it was empty, and the bed, on which they had been tumbling relatively recently, was clean and made.

Mito, Tsunade and Kushina were on the ground floor in the living room, I clearly felt it.

At first I wanted to go to them right away, but then I decided that I should clean myself up before that.

Going to the dresser, he took a pair of scissors and cut off the regrown nails and hair, bringing his appearance to its usual state. Nails got in the way, and long hair, in my opinion, just didn't suit me.

Now you can go down.

Where have you been, son? Mito said with a squint, watching me go down the stairs No, it's more important what you did

Oh~oh, she noticed the change.

What is it? Tsunade frowned slightly.

And really, Tetsuya has changed ... Kushina said, tilting her cute head to the side.

I'm not surprised that baby Kushina also noticed the changes, yet she has a natural talent for the sensor, plus Kuby enhances this talent.

What is it!? Tsunade exclaimed, looking from Kushin to Mito and vice versa.

But Tsunade, despite all the training, did not have enough skill in this area, so the girl could not feel the changes in my chakra.

I silently walked over to the table where they were and sat down, pouring myself tea.

And you focus and look at the chakra. Mito said, looking into my eyes inquisitively.

Tsunade frowned slightly, but still closed her eyes and concentrated. Finally, after five seconds, her face became surprised. "Tetsuya, what did you do?" Your chakra has changed... not much of course, but still

Has your chakra become a little more powerful and... colder?

Three pairs of eyes stared at me with a clear demand for my answer.

I did a little body strengthening with fuinjutsu, don't worry. I waved it off, not wanting to tell all the details. In the future, perhaps, they will find out for themselves what's what, but for now, let everything remain a secret.

The trio was clearly not happy with this answer, but they did not ask any more, only Kushina asked Can you strengthen me like this?

No. I answered briefly and after a few seconds added This enhancement has some side effects that only I can cope with.

I see. Kushina said, clearly slightly displeased with this answer.

"Nothing serious, I hope?" threw a slightly anxious look at Mito.

No, Mom, it's nothing serious, don't worry. I looked at her affectionately, and then turned my gaze to Kushina Have you already met Nagato, Yahiko and Conan?

Smiling, Kushina nodded Yes, they are funny. Conan and Yahiko don't think like children at all, it's interesting to talk to them.

You yourself are only ten... although you have a seal on your stomach with one of the strongest biju, and you yourself have the power to be considered even by the JoninsYes, and I was your sensei... okay, logic won't help here.

I hope that you will help them settle in here, Kushina. They became orphans early and had to face human cruelty.

You can count on me! she raised her hand, smiling contagiously.

She clearly liked this trio from Ame.

By the way, Tetsuya... Tsunade said awkwardly While you were away, Sakumo-san's wife died in childbirth.

Infection How could I forget about it? Damn I feel guilty for this, because I could have prevented this death. Although I don't have to, she runs around with everyone like a chicken with chickens, but

How did it happen? I sighed heavily.

Sakumo-san's wife was forty-four, which is too late for pregnancy, but the main thing is that she had a heart disease and gestosis, which was not detected until the very end.

So a medical error... I shook my head.

- Yes.

What about the baby?

Nothing. Tsuna shrugged her shoulders Alive and well. Sakumo-san called him Kakashi. That's what his mother wanted to call him.

I see.

It's all sad. Now we have to at least save Kakashi's father when it's needed. I hope I won't forget about that.

I got up from the table - Okay, I need to go to the Hokage. Perhaps I will be away again for an indefinite time.

"Something dangerous?" Tsunade immediately asked, narrowing her eyes unkindly.

Maybe. I shrugged my shoulders Don't worry, the only one who poses a danger to me is myself.

Mito, Tsunade and even Kushina sighed at the same time and said That's the problem.


Okay, go already. I think it's important. Mito waved her hand Just be careful.

Yes, Mom is Mom. Even if everyone calls the mother's son God, she will still worry about him.

It's just a pity that I'm going to do something not entirely safe.

It's time to end this war.

After leaving the residence, my feet carried me to the Hokage building.

Walking through the streets of Konoha, I caught the usual looks of admiration and reverence.

It is quite difficult to get used to this, especially if you are a shinobi, because a ninja, like no one else, feels that the gaze is directed at him. And the better the Shinobi, the more distinct this feeling is.

When half the way was passed, a small modest establishment caught my eye, which clearly had just opened.

A wooden counter that can be found in bars, ramen and other similar establishments.

On the small pieces of fabric hanging from the ceiling and separating the establishment from the street, it was written "Ichiraku Ramen".

Naturally, I immediately went up and lifted the fabric, looked inside.

Inside, the former nice and cozy atmosphere. The restaurant was illuminated by warm natural light. The pleasant aroma of the dish walked around the restaurant and went outside the establishment, luring visitors.

Behind the counter, a slightly skinny sixteen-year-old guy could be seen stirring ramen with a smile. He was wearing a white apron and a white cap that covered his hair.

Once inside, I sat down on a chair and waited. I didn't wait long, after ten seconds the owner of the establishment looked up and saw me.

Welcome! the owner of the establishment smiled a little nervously.

He obviously didn't hear me and was so engrossed in his work that he couldn't notice the visitor. It looks like I accidentally scared him.

Hello. I smiled amiably This, as I see it, is ramen, right? I haven't seen her here before.

Yes, you're right - it's ramen. I just opened up. You are my first visitor.

It's nice to know that. I said and looked at the menu assortment One large ramen with pork "Chin-Xiu".

One moment!

Twenty seconds and there is a big bowl of fragrant ramen with glossy pork in front of me.

Bon appetit! the guy told me with a smile.

- thanks.

Taking the chopsticks, I tried the noodles. Mmm, not bad. It's not bad, especially considering that this guy is at the beginning of his culinary journey. Pork is also nothing. Only Only while I'm eating, this guy keeps staring at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

No, of course, I'm used to being stared at, but they rarely looked at me like that. Even those ladies who were ready to try to **** me right on the street didn't look at me so intently. He clearly understood who I was and now, again, clearly expects me to say something about ramen.

Not a bad ramen. I said with a smile, looking up But there is where he aspires.

Thank you for the praise! he said with fervor I heard that the "God of Shinobi" is an incredible cook, so your assessment is very dear to me!

"I thought you didn't recognize me."

Don't be modest, Tetsuya-san. he waved his hand I don't know how in other villages and countries, but in the land of Fire, and even more so in Konoha, everyone will recognize you.

"You know me, but I don't know you. I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin. It was, of course, a lie, because I knew the person in front of me perfectly well.

Oh, that's me. My name is Teuchi! he smiled, straightening his cap.


Yes, just Teuchi. I don't have a last name.

I see. I nodded and looked around the restaurant At your age, it's quite amazing to have such skills and your own establishment. This is commendable.

Hah! You're not much older than me, Tetsuya-san. If you compare me and you, then my achievements just fade. the guy spread his hands.

Do not belittle your achievements.

Yes, what kind of achievements are there. he snorted with a smile I got this shop from my father. He died of old age right here while working while selling vegetables. As for my skills, at the age of twelve I decided that I would become a ramen. It was four years ago that I had a dream to create the most delicious ramen. All these four years I worked part-time at Akimichi's restaurant and saved money to open my own eatery, and now the money came in handy. Now I have my own ramen I'm sorry, I must be annoying.

I smiled amicably, getting up Nothing. I was interested to know your story. Goodbye, maybe I'll come here again and not alone.

Walking away from the restaurant, I heard Teuchi quietly exclaiming My first customer is "The God of Shinobi"! Who would believe in such a coincidence?

I'll have to come here with Kushina.

In the meantime, we must finally reach the Hokage.

A few minutes later I was standing at the door.

I knocked softly, even though I knew that Hiruzen had already clearly felt me approaching his office door.

Come in. a man's husky voice sounded.

Good evening, Sensei. I said, entering and closing the door behind me.

Inside, Sarutobi was always sitting at the table with his favorite pipe in his mouth. By what fates did you visit me this evening?

"Can't I just visit my teacher?" I caricatured spread my hands to the sides.

Hiruzen, exhaling smoke a couple of times, replied with a smile You can't.

I really can't. I shrugged my shoulders and said seriously It's time to end this war, Sensei.

Sarutobi squinted I'm listening.

"I'm asking permission to attack Iwagakure.

He was silent for ten seconds, looking at me and smoking his pipe. It is worth paying tribute to him that he was not at all surprised when his student expressed a desire to attack someone else's village.

Alone? Sarutobi said.

One. I shrugged my shoulders.

Exhaling, Hiruzen spoke Tetsuya, you know, I allow a lot of indulgences in relation to you. You are as free as possible, although you are a Konoha shinobi and must obey the Hokage. I'm sure you know that the advisers are constantly buzzing in my ears that I'm stupid to give you such freedom. They say that one day my spinelessness towards you will ruin not only me, but the whole Konoha.

I perfectly understand what Hiruzen is talking about. I would hardly allow myself to have a Shinobi like me, even despite the strength.

An unmanageable Shinobi with such great power, too much risk. History remembers many similar Shinobi who betrayed their villages for a variety of reasons.

Of course, I won't betray Konoha, but how do others know that?

What's all this about, sensei?

Don't pay attention. he waved his hand I just wanted to express my dissatisfaction and chat like my grandfather. I know and understand that our village needs you much more than you need it.

I sighed heavily Teacher, do you really think that I am capable of doing something against Konoha?

No, I don't think so. But Tetsuya, you should also understand that you are far from an ordinary Shinobi. You are much more valuable than jinchuriki, and after all, villages are running around with vessels for biju, afraid of losing this combat unit. Do you understand? If something happens to you, it will be a huge loss not only for your family and friends. It will be an incredible loss for Konoha and the whole country of Fire as a whole. You come and tell me that you want to go alone to attack an enemy village.

I single-handedly stopped the combined army of three villages two years ago. Now I have become stronger, and my opponent is only one village. You don't have to worry.

Then you fought with an incomplete army of three villages. Plus, they weren't fighting on their own territory. Yes, you fought against three kages back then, while your clone was chasing a handful of Chunins and Jonins. This time you will definitely meet not only with Oonoki, who owns the element of dust, which is great for restraining mokuto, but also with four-tailed jinchuriki. There are also a bunch of elite Jonins and a special demolition corps.

"Nothing I can't handle. Besides, don't forget that I have hiraishin now. Sensei is a chance to end the war right now. On one side of the scale is a finished war on the other a tiny risk. If you want, I'll just leave a seal next to the Willow, and with the help of hiraishin, I'll visit them every day until they themselves give up from fatigue and stress.

Haaaa. Hiruzen exhaled while massaging his temples, "Okay, you have my permission. Do what you think is necessary. I trust you. We will consider this an S-rank mission. The payment will be appropriate.

You are the best sensei and Hokage. I said, giving him a thumbsup.

Yeah, but because of you, others don't think so.

I missed it by ear Teacher, I'll probably go right away. Could you give the details to Mom and Tsunade?

No. Sarutobi broke into a smile Let's go tell Mito and Tsunade yourself that you're going to attack the hidden village alone.

Maybe we can make a deal. I said and smiled and took out a meat pie from the seal, the aroma of which immediately hit the olfactory receptors of kage.

Maybe we will agree... but that's not enough.

I slowly added another pie on top.

"Okay, but I'll send one of the ANBU to report it to them.

Cruel. I shook my head disapprovingly.

Nothing, it can be perceived as a workout.

Okay, that's settled. Just send it in about an hour. I don't want Tsunade to try to catch up with me.

- OK.


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