A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 113: Your tongue is your enemy

Chapter 113: Your tongue is your enemy

The door, with a soft sound of friction, slid away.

Is everything okay? Mito asked, sitting on the edge of a rather luxurious bed.

- Yes. Tetsuya nodded, walking into his mother's room with a smile. Sleeps without hind legs.

That's good. She barely crawls home after the academy even without reprinting. she glanced at the hero.

Nothing, but then he can stand up for himself. Tetsuya shrugged his shoulders, glancing around his mother's room, after all, this is his first time here, because even massage was done in his room.

Carved mahogany wooden furniture. A large double bed that can easily accommodate four overweight men.

A small dressing table with a beautiful mirror, on the surface of which various boxes and brushes are neatly laid out. All this is clearly for makeup.

Large crystal windows that were transparent only from the inside.

Silk curtains, pillows, sheets and blankets.

Yes, all the furniture was mahogany. Textiles are made of silk, and glass products are made of crystal.

And most importantly, the whole room was in black and burgundy. This created a quiet, cozy and intimate atmosphere.

Everything seemed to push the person to talk heart to heart, to be liberated.

Mito saw Tetsuya inspecting her furniture Oh, I forgot that you've never been in my room And how do you like it?

After studying the room a little more, he turned his gaze to his mother's eyes and with a small sweet smile, said I like it, in my taste It's very cozy here.

Mito's face immediately acquired a more contented expression, it is immediately clear that she liked what the hero said.

But suddenly her face became much more serious and calmer. Okay, let's move on to the mainI agree to a harem, I agree to become your woman, son But only if it doesn't ruin your relationship with Tsuna.

Do you really think that something can separate Tsuna and me? Tetsuya said, leaning against the wall with his back.

Mito grinned, closing her eyes No. The chance of such an outcome is extremely small. The only problem is how losing your competition will affect her. Still, she couldn't make you her own and it's all the fault of her own grandmother's intervention.

Yes, with her character, she is unlikely to take it easily. the protagonist shook his head, sighing.

That's why. she got up I will personally talk to her about everything.

Okay, stop. the hero raised his hands This is wrong, Ma. I have to do everything myself.

Mito just rolled her eyes and chuckled Really? You yourself only tormented the poor girl for many years, now it's Mom's turn.

She came up to Tetsuya and stroked his face And it seems to me that I will be better able to give her this information.

Tetsuya narrowed his eyes Are you doubting my diplomatic abilities?

"Do you doubt mine?" the woman threw a sharp mocking look.

Okay, I'm convinced. Tetsuya did not continue this topic, because he knew that he would only lose on this. In that case, I'll cook something sweet and delicious for now.

And this is a good idea. Mito happily supported him Well, that's it, I'm off.

Good luck.

With a final nod, Mito left the room and walked towards Tsunade's apartment.

Tetsuya, after standing in silence for a while, thoughtfully muttered to himself How is it that women are spinning, spinning around me, and not me around them? then he added with a grin Although it's a stupid question, because I am me.

Tsunade 's Room

The half-naked mistress of the room was lying on silk sheets and hugging a pillow, thinking about a new strategy for seducing Tetsu.

"Kami, why are you so stubborn!" she began to roll on the bed "Can't you understand that you will never find anyone better than me! Arrrrr!"

*Knock* *Knock*

- "Eh? Who is it!? Tetsuya, have you finally given up?!" she exclaimed joyfully in her mind and jumped out of bed, just like that, in a negligee, ran to the door.

Tsunade abruptly opened the door, and her fervent smile froze until it completely disappeared from her face Bah, it's you. Tsuna said a little dejectedly.

Mito grinned Was she waiting for someone else?

The granddaughter threw a skeptical look at grandma saying, "I almost went naked to open the door. I wonder who I expected to see on the doorstep?"

Back in bed, Tsunade asked Did you want something?

Yes. sat down next to Mito on the bed I wanted to ask how you are going with Tetsuya.

Ohh, nothing. buried her face in Tsuna's pillow.


Yes, I'm at the finish line, but everything is frozen at this finish. I can see how he wants me. I can see how much he loves me. I see it all ... the girl got out of the pile of pillows and sat down next to Mito But the asshole is too stubborn. And this is despite the fact that he never found another woman for the harem.

We both understand that he has only to whistle and a queue will form from our residence to the land of Whirlpools.

Hmm. But none of them will be my equal. Princess Senju lifted her nose a little haughtily.

Who knows, Tsunade, who knows. Mito said mysteriously and thoughtfully, with a small smile.

Tsunade's heart sank.

The girl felt a lot of problems from this smile, and in general, her intuition screamed that a strong rival had his eye on her "treasure".

Bah, is something wrong? Tsunade asked cautiously, narrowing her eyes.

- Yes. Mito smiled a little wider.

And what? The girl's intuition screamed even harder.

Tetsuya has a woman who agrees to a harem.

Tsunade jumped out of bed What?! Are you kidding?!


The infection! Who is this profurset?! Who is this cat thief?! Ha! I coveted something that is almost in my hands. Tsunade smiled confidently, walking around the room and secretly nervous.

Mito's gaze sharpened, and his eyebrows slightly frowned.

"Does this chicken think she can compete with me?! That's rubbish! Everyone in Konoha knows that Tetsuya and I are almost a couple! So this bitch came to our village recently. Ha! That's why she dared to lay eyes on him, despite the fact that I promised to break the legs of every fool who dared to do it!

Mito's gaze was already like two swords.

And Tsunade withdrew completely into herself, not noticing the danger hanging over her.

Bah, why are you silent!? Help me! Tell me the name of this slut so I can talk to her in person! Tsunade sat down again, next to Mito.

Slowly and menacingly, the former jinchuriki Kubi got out of bed and looked at the blonde with a "kite" This slut, her name is Mito Uzumaki, Tsunade. drawling out the words, the woman said slowly, in an icy voice.

At the end, cracks even started to appear on the floor, from a strong aura escaping from her body.

Tsunade froze like a statue.

In her head, one could clearly hear "the wind walking through the fields."

She was so stunned. All recent thoughts about the opponent have evaporated.

And all because there was an angry man standing in front of her, whom even the Hokage was afraid of.

"My own grandmother turned out to be my rival!? What nonsense! They're mother and son! ... Oh, those fucking Uzumaki! My own grandmother stole a guy from me! What the hell!? Wait, I set my eyes on my own uncle, but my grandmother, his mother, took him away from me... What %#@%#?!"

While the girl was digesting the information, the chakra of the nine-tailed one began to slowly heal on Mito's body.

The same chakra that has now become part of Mito, thanks to our protagonist.

Before Tsunade's eyes, Mito, in a fit of emotion, entered the primary biju mode.

The pupil began to stretch, and the eyes turned red.

The scars on the face in the form of a "mustache" have become larger and more voluminous.

Two fox ears formed on the top of the head, in a compartment with overgrown nails.

"How did I end up in such an ass!" shouted Tsunade in her thoughts with resentment "How could I so easily lose a winning position and end up at the bottom! Why is it that now I need to apologize to her, and not to her to me! What a life!? How so!?"

Uh, Gran, why are you so upset. You misunderstood, I'm talking about another one, there, I was talking about a professional, not about you.

- Yes? Mito asked with a rumble in her voice, looking skeptically at Tsuna.

Of course! You're my beloved grandmother! It will be much better to share Tetsuya with you than with some unknown girl! After all, he is your son, a part of you! Tsuna spoke energetically, although inside she was crying with annoyance.

Hmm. Mito chuckled coming out of the biju mode I'm glad that you took this news so well, granddaughter. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to become the "main one", that's your prerogative. I will only help with advice and control so that this "harem" does not cause our beloved trouble.

Yeah. - "Thanks for that at least." So what now?

Nothing. Mito smiled, stroking Tsuna on the head I give you this night, Tsunade. You will be the "first", and I will follow you.


- Yes.

- "Okay, at least something good He will finally make me a woman! Finally, I will become one with him!" during these thoughts, a predatory and lustful smile came out on the girl's face Where is he now?

Closing her eyes, Mito "scanned" the house He was in his room, just finished cooking a pie.

- "Great! First sex, then food! How long have I been waiting for this! If you think about it, I am the happiest woman in this world!" glancing at Mito's contented face, the girl mentally added "More precisely, one of them."

Go. said Mito with a smile and Tsunade, almost naked, abruptly ran out of the room, heading to the hero's room.

Mito shook her head at this "Eh, you need to learn so much granddaughter So lose a winning position and be cornered Your tongue, your enemy, is on a par with temper."


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