A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 107: The Truth

Chapter 107: The Truth


An event has been detected that meets the requirements

You are given a task

A new task has been added!

Protect Uzushiogakure from the united Shinobi army

Reward: Fuinjutsu talent will be promoted in rank

Plans are changing a little, Tsunade. I said thoughtfully, figuring out what to do in my head.

Even before that, I wanted to save Uzushio, but many things prevented me from doing it This task was the last straw that inclined me to the side of Uzumaki's defense.

I don't really care about the Hokage's order, I was stopped by another... my own desire.

The fact is that I came into this world for a few things.

I came for the chakra and a lot of development techniques, both physical and energetic.

I came because of beautiful and charismatic women.

I came to see and explore a new, unexplored world.

I came for an adventure.

But most importantly, what I wanted most of all was to catch the time period that was shown in the anime.

I wanted to be a part of the events that I once had to see from the monitor screen.

That's why, all this time, I've been a little passive. I just didn't want to change the story too much.

It's a pity that I'm a fool and chose such a time far from the canon Next time I will be reborn already in the time of Naruto.

Although it's not so bad, because thanks to me, the fate of several people has become much better.

Something swelled up like an old grandfather Although how old am I already in total? It 's time to get drunk already

While I was mentally chatting to myself, Tsunade, frowning slightly, came up and looked into my eyes, asked What do you mean?

Jiraya, Orochimaru and Kushina stood nearby and watched.

Makoto, who was going to escort us to the ship, also stood next to me and stared expectantly at the back of my head, burning it with a look full of hope.

Deciding not to beat around the bush, he said bluntly, correcting her lock of hair I'm going to suppress this army.

Despite my warm touch, she frowned even more, almost bringing her eyebrows together Are you sick? "what is it?" she asked, although it sounded more like a statement.

Everyone who was nearby heard my answer and reacted differently.

Makoto closed his eyes and tried to calm the trembling in his hands.

Jiraiya smiled broadly, clearly pleased with this turn. The guy clearly wanted to help the red-haired.

Orochimaru also smiled slightly, although anyone could tell that the reason for this smile was clearly not the possible salvation of Uzushio.

Little Kushina looked at my back in shock.

Do you really think that with my body I'm capable of getting sick? I replied with a grin, stroking her cheek I will try to protect Uzushio without unleashing a global war.

Pressing her face against my palm, Tsuna, still frowning, asked How will you do it? In the end, at least a few Kages and people close to their level of strength will be waiting for you there.

I'll manage somehow. I replied caricaturally with a grin Maybe I'll finally have to show my true strength.

Pfft! she snorted, removing my hand to the side What is required of us?

Nothing. Wait here and guard Kushina, although it would be better if you leave now and go to Konoha.

Hey! Who do you take us for?! the previously silent Jiraya shouted indignantly We are a team! How can we leave you?! We're not as strong as you, of course, but four pairs of fists are much better than one.

You will only hinder me. I shook my head, and Jiraya "pouted" Okay, stay here, maybe I still need your help.

- OK. they answered at the same time, although it is clear that they are dissatisfied with this decision.

Makoto opened his eyes and seriously asked Can you wait for Shinobi Uzushio?

He wasn't going to dissuade me, even if he wanted to, yet many lives depend on it.

No, ideally on the battlefield I should be alone surrounded by enemies Then I won't be able to hold back.

Closing his eyes, the old Uzumaki calmly said Okay ... take care of yourself.

I'll try. I replied, jumping off the wall.

Moving across the water towards the army, I was considering a solution to this problem.

Fog, Rain and Stone.

Most likely I will meet Hanzo, Muu, Hozuki, and also, perhaps, Oonoki, seven mist swordsmen and a bunch of different jonins.

If I kill everyone, it will be the perfect excuse for a world war... and it will also be the perfect excuse for uniting all countries against Konoha I'm not even sure if I can withstand the onslaught of the whole world right now, so murder is a no-go. And I don't want to be the cause of wars.

There is a temptation to seal them all in my evil seal, but it will still provoke a big war.

There is only one way out. We need to suppress them with superior force, force them to surrender.

Make their hearts flutter just at the thought of meeting me again Uh, we need to put on a show.

We are moving from maximum efficiency to maximum pathos and entertainment.

Some time later

With a slight pop, Tetsuya landed a hundred meters away from the giant clam and the salamander.

With a cheeky and confident grin, Tetsuya looked at Gengetsu, Muu and Hanzo, and then said I thought more people would meet me Okay, I'll give you time to call for backup, so be it.

Gengetsu almost fell off the clam from such impudence Don't run into Uzumaki, there are three leaders of Fog, Rain and Stone in front of you. I alone am more than enough to make you cry bloody tears! he exclaimed indignantly, showing his fist.

Tetsuya only grinned harder at this, showing a grin.

Hanzo did not share Gengetsu's positivity, in fact, neither did Muu.

"You don't look like your father at all, Uzumaki Tetsuya. Muu stated calmly, looking into the hero's eyes.

That's what everyone tells me. Tetsuya spread his hands

The weather. Gengetsu said after looking carefully You're the son of Hashirama, now it's clear where such confidence comes from. But you know, kid, hereditary strength is not the main thing, the main thing is skills and abilities.

Only Tetsuya saw that Gengetsu was quite tense, after all, what kind of no, and there is already fame behind his back.

You're right, Gengetsu-san. the hero grinned So now I intend to show you what I was able to achieve in my young years.

Then Tetsuya folded the seal and a wooden clone appeared next to him, who ran towards the Shinobi army.

The leaders began to follow the clone with their eyes, but then Tetsuya caught their attention Do not pay attention to the clone, he is just going to destroy your army.

The whole trio looked at the hero with a look of "Is this a joke?".

Then , from the side of the army , they heard the loud voice of Tetsui's clone the Element of Wood: The Thousand-handed Truth.

Under multiple shocked glances, a titanic statue appeared out of the ground at great speed, with a thousand hands behind its back.

This technique could only be used by Hashirama and only in the sage mode, but Tetsuya has much more vitality than his father, as well as chakras. Although of course this was not enough, so the clone had to take the chakra from the seal.

The Shinobi of the three united armies were morally suppressed by only one species. When the statue started moving in their direction, they all began to run away like cockroaches with fear, and some even with tears in their eyes.

Gengetsu, Muu, and Hanzo frowned deeply.

Muu, quickly destroy this statue, we will detain him with Hozuki. Hanzo said, taking out a kusarigama.

They all understood that only Muu, with his dust element, had a chance against such a technique.

Hanzo's poison and explosive seals, like genjutsu Gengetsu, are extremely ineffective against such techniques.

- OK. Muu said calmly, taking off.

Did I let someone go? the hero said with a grin.

"I didn't ask you. Muu said calmly, completely disappearing, as if dissolving into thin air.

Hmm, the hero grunted and jumped into the air, striking into the void.

That's just the blow still hit something, or rather someone.


Muu's body crashed into the ground, shaking everything around.

The technique dissipated, revealing his battered condition.

The bandages on his stomach were torn, showing rapidly swollen flesh with ruptured capillaries.

Muu was so confident in his technique that he completely relaxed, thinking that there was no stopping him.

However, Tetsui has an Imperial Zone, so Muu needs to learn spatial techniques in order to hide from the hero.

Gengetsu and Hanzo frowned hard at this turn, yet even they are unable to sense Muu when he uses his masking techniques.

They were also surprised by the force of the blow, which is no wonder. Now the blows of the hero in strength and destruction surpass the blows of Tsunade in the canon.

But Tetsuya did not stop, on the contrary, he made another blow into the void nearby, but with his foot.


Another Muu landed with a crash near the pit, the asshole managed to split in two, but it turned out to be much more difficult to escape from the Imperial Zone.

After landing, Tetsuya began to fold the seals with his eyes closed, until finally his body split into two.

No, it wasn't a clone, it was just that he really split into two with the help of the Muu technique, which he had just safely stolen with the help of the Imperial Zone, even the Emperor's Eyes were not needed.

- "How strange ..." the hero thought "This is very similar to the cloning technique"

The force was also divided into two.

In theory, it is unprofitable to use it on the battlefield, except only for escape But Tetsuya decided not to dispel it, since what he is going to do will perfectly combine with this separation technique.

Both Muus that were lying in the pits stared, despite their usually calm and serene nature. Still, it's not every day that one of your best techniques is stolen from you, the techniques you were so proud of.

Hanzo and Gengetsu thought out the battle plan in full, standing tensely on their calls.

Tetsuya slowly closed his eyes, and then an invisible wave came out of his body, raising dust into the air.

Then, under the shocked gazes of Kage, he exclaimed with a fighting passion The Eight Heavenly Gates are the Gates of a Miracle OPEN UP!


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