A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 105: Aunt

Chapter 105: Aunt

Silence and tranquility reigned in the small room to which Uzumaki Makoto and Uzumaki Tetsuya had retreated.

Tsunade, Jiraya and Orochimaru were at the feast while Tetsuya left to talk, at the request of his grandfather, for a few words.

In this deathly silence, it was perfectly audible how the old Uzumaki brewed tea with his rather wrinkled hands.

A rather strange atmosphere of awkwardness and family comfort hovered in the room.

I thought we were going to talk. the hero squinted.

Oh, conversations go much better with tea. Makoto smiled kindly.

The old man radiated the aura of a good old grandfather, but Tetsuya was in no hurry to take it at face value, yet he is the leader of the clan, even if not the only one, but the leader.

What was this circus about? the hero frowned slightly, looking at the elderly Uzumaki with a serious look.

What are you talking about?

You know what I mean Tetsuya shook his head Why did you gather all of them in the hall? What's the point? Did you want to put pressure on pity? On feelings of conscience?

Oh, that's what you mean. without wiping the smile from his face, Makoto continued You're mistaken, I wasn't going to play on your feelings. And of course not because I'm so good, no. I just know it's pointless. Konoha won't help us, and even if he wants to, he simply won't have time. Today, at most tomorrow, the attack will begin and we will have to defend ourselves. Opponents specifically do everything very quickly, so that Konoha does not have time to help. Everyone who gathered in the hall was there of their own free will, of their own volition. They wanted to see you, and they also wanted to have their last feast.

Tetsuya thoughtfully looked at the old hands slowly and smoothly brewing tea and listened to Makoto.

Perhaps it is not visible behind their smiles, but they are all afraid, afraid that they will die tomorrow.

Do you not believe in victory at all?

Victory? No, I can only hope that the Uzumaki clan will not cease to exist. The enemy's forces outnumber ours by several times.

Why are you in this position? An entire village consisting of the legendary "Red-Haired Devils" can't give battle to several villages?

We just didn't think that someone would want to attack us. Moreover, we did not think that several villages would unite against us. We live by trade, because the land is not suitable for growing crops. With the money from the sale of seals and other goods, we bought food and other resources from the land of fire. We have a relatively small army that is able to protect us from one village, but... but who would have thought that they would want to destroy us simply because we are allies of the land of fire.

"Just because of that?" Do you think that all this is happening only because of the alliance with Konoha?

We both understand that this is so. Our land is barren and has no natural resources. Of course we are rich, but we are rich for one country. We are being attacked by as many as three. The money divided between the villages will only be able to pay for the costs of this very war. It's all pointless.

You could surround the village with a barrier.

Yes, we could, but it makes sense only when our allies help us. Makoto looked into the hero's eyes, and he took them away Otherwise it's just stupidity. The food will run out quickly and we will still have to remove the barrier and fight, but already being weakened from hunger. Already, representatives of our clan are running out of the village slowly, in small groups. I don't blame them and I don't stop them.

Why all this talk? Why did you call me here?

Makoto exhaled and slowly pulled out a small scroll from his sleeve.

Putting it on the table, he said This scroll contains all the techniques and Fuin of the clan. Take it.

What's going on? Tetsuya frowned

You are Uzumaki and have the right to know all this, besides, what's the point of taking care of it now? I only hope that you will keep this knowledge secret and pass it on to other Uzumaki.

The still frowning hero silently took the scroll.

Kushina, I know you're eavesdropping, come in. Makoto said calmly, looking at the side door.

A few seconds later, the door slid open and a red-haired girl of thirteen years entered.

Her hair was a bright red color, which spoke of great vitality.

An awkward, embarrassed grimace froze on her pretty face, after all, she was caught in the hot.

Before she could begin to justify herself, Makoto beckoned her with his hand Come Kushina.

The little girl slowly approached the table. As she walked, her cheeks turned a little red, as Tetsuya examined her face with a thoughtful look.

- "He is much better in life!" Kushina thought, remembering the portraits of the hero recently shown to her. "Hi," she said softly, looking away.

Hello. Tetsuya replied, and then shifted his "uncomprehending" gaze to Makoto.

"She is the vessel for the ninetails.

This is nonsense. the hero said sharply than, made Kushina nervous Even a blind person will understand that she is the princess of the clan. You replaced the vessel, right?

The girl shifted her nervous gaze to Makoto, because she knew that Tetsuya had hit right on the spot.

You're right, we replaced the vessel. I think you understand why, considering the circumstances, and Konoha, on the contrary, should be happy. Her name is Kushina, she is my daughter and your aunt, Tetsuya. he finished with a smile.

At this moment, the hero wanted to like Tsunade with all his might to charge his fist on the table, but restrained himself.

Instead, he just said Clearly.

"Well, since everything is settled now, let's go to the feast," Makoto said, getting up, but Tetsuya stopped him.

Wait. he said, simultaneously putting a nondescript steelcolored box on the table - Here you go. This is for the techniques.

What is it?

Meanwhile, Kushina was studying the "gift" with might and main.

In this box, five of my chakra reserves. In fact, this is one big explosive seal, only in a different wrapper. Tetsuya said with a smile, watching Kushina quickly get covered in sweat and put the box back in place.

Unbelievable. Makoto whispered, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

This bomb is designed to cause little damage over long distances. Most likely it won't kill anyone, but a specially enhanced blast wave will disable all genins, chunins and possibly Jonins.

That's great! Makoto exclaimed, not without joy With this there are chances! he shouted, running out of the room, and at the end, when his body almost disappeared, he said Kushina, take Tetsuya to the feast.

The door behind the old Uzumaki quickly closed and Tetsuya and Kushina were left alone in awkward silence.

- "You're a fool father!" Kushina shouted in her head, nervous.

Deciding not to torment the girl, the hero spoke himself Well, lead ... Aunt. at the end, he singled out "Aunt".

Just Kushin is enough. She replied with a nervous smile and led Tetsuya to the place of the celebration.

There they were met by cheerful Orochimaru, Jiraya and Tsuna.

How long have you been. Jiraya said with a smile, sipping his wine.

There was no other way. And so let me introduce he pointed his index finger at Kushina This is our goal, a vessel for biju. Her name is Kushina Uzumaki, and she is my... aunt. I singled out "Aunt" again, the hero.

- hello. Kushina said softly, covering her embarrassed face with her hands.

Pfff! spat out the wine of Jiraya Kha-kha hahahahah. He coughed in a fit of laughter.

Orochimaru smiled out of the corner of his lips, and Tsunade tried to hide a huge grin with his palms.

The hero turned his gaze to Tsuna and said Why are you laughing? She's your grandmother.

Kha. she choked, eyes wide in shock, and Jiraya burst out laughing again. However, he soon got hit on the head.


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