A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 831 I Cannot Accept This

Chapter 831 I Cannot Accept This

Archer returned to reality as Teuila shook him, ''Are you okay, Arch?'' she said in a concerned tone. ''You just stopped walking and went quiet.''

''Sorry, I was just thinking about my mother back on Earth,'' Archer explained while shaking the cobwebs from his mind. ''I have been blocking that part of my life out as it hurts too much to think about them.''

Teuila squeezed his arm while giving him a sweet smile filled with love. ''I'm sorry for bringing it up, but maybe if you open up to me, it will help. My mother told me it always ends badly if someone bottles up their emotions.''

Archer nodded, ''Maybe,'' he said while looking around and spotting a bench. ''Let's sit down, and you can ask me anything.''

''Okay,'' Teuila answered as the two of them sat down, allowing her to question. ''Can you tell me about your mother?''

''She was more than just a mother, but a best friend. I was the youngest Bennett family member, and she always made time for me even though she worked a stressful job in the city,'' Archer answered while remembering all the times he spent with her.

He looked out over the sea and continued, ''We used to watch anime together, which continued for years. She always used to cuddle me like I was her boyfriend, which was strange, but I was a degenerate back then.''

''What did she look like?'' Teuila said with a giggle. ''You're certainly

When Teuila asked that, a picture of her appeared in his mind, and he only just realized how beautiful she was for being in her forties. His mother was a very curvy woman with a large pair of boobs.

She had sapphire blue eyes that spoke of years of wisdom; Archer remembered her dazzling smile, which he loved. As he thought about that, his cock twitched, causing him to become shocked because the thought of his mom being his woman was a turn-on.

'Am I attracted to Mom? I wouldn't mind tasting her as she is like Brooke and Fianna. Maybe I can use Aurora Healing on her, and it will get rid me of all of the shit that's built up in her body from Earth,' Archer thought to himself.

But Teuila poked him in the side while giggling, ''Attracted to your mother, I see?'' she said while grabbing his cock with a lewd smile.

Her eyebrow raised, ''Does incest turn you on, my love?''

Teuila leaned close and whispered as her hand slipped into his pants before stroking him, ''Does making love to your mother turn you on? Do you want to make her yours? Tell me my love, I wont judge you.''

Archer groaned when she sped her hand up, causing him to look around only to see they were alone, ''Yes, it turns me on so much,'' he said in a breathless voice.

Teuila beamed as she leaned forward and continued talking seductively, ''Do you want to make love to Brooke? Knowing she's your grandmother.''

He shuddered slightly, acknowledging Teuila's gesture with a nod. With a mischievous smile, she lowered herself between his legs, her warm breath teasing against his skin. His pulse quickened as he felt her lips envelop him, her mouth descending gently yet purposefully.

A soft gasp escaped him as waves of pleasure coursed through his body. Lost in the sensations, Archer leaned back against the bench. Archer's hands instinctively found their way into Teuila's hair, his fingers tangling in the silky strands.

Teuila's movements were steady and deliberate, each stroke sending ripples of ecstasy through him. As the intensity built, Archer's breath grew ragged, his senses consumed by the intoxicating pleasure.

With a final, desperate gasp, he felt himself teetering on the edge, his release imminent. With a soft whimper, he surrendered to the overwhelming climax, his essence spilling forth into Teuila's waiting mouth.

For a timeless moment, they remained locked in a shared ecstasy, the world around them fading into insignificance. As Archer's breathing slowed, he opened his eyes to meet Teuila's gaze, a tender smile passing between them.

Teuila quickly stood up while wiping her mouth just in time as an older couple came walking along. The blue-haired girl jumped onto his lap while giggling; Archer smiled while wrapping his arms around her slender waist.

Archer cast Cleanse on before passionately kissing her, and the older man commented in a happy tone, ''See, Mariam, young love isn't dead; just look at these two here.''

''Yeah, they have no shame and smooch where everyone can see them,'' the old woman replied with a laugh.

''Shut up, you old grump,'' the man said. ''They should show the world their love. It may give us older folk some hope for the future.''

Archer looked at the newcomers, and they looked comical; the man was wrapped in a fine-looking fabric blowing around in the breeze. His big white beard stood out against his brown skin.

The woman was shorter, with grey hair and king brown eyes. Archer wondered who they were, but something instantly caught his attention: the red panda ears on the woman's head twitched whenever a noise was heard.

Teuila giggled, ''We met many years ago and have been together for a while now. I can't help but show him how much I truly love him.''

When Archer heard this, a kind smile appeared as he put his forehead against hers and spoke in a voice full of love, ''Do you realize how much I love you, Teu? I'm thankful you rescued me all those years ago.''

''So am I Arch,'' Teuila as she stood up.

Archer followed suit and introduced himself to the old couple, ''I'm Archer Wyldheart, and this is my fiance Teuila Wyldheart.''

Teuila greeted them with a smile, and the two returned it with one of their own. The old man introduced the two with a big smile: ''I'm Amond, and this is Philis. We own the Extoic Monster Zoo just outside the city.''

Before Archer could reply, Philis said, ''Well, we were the owners, but the tax collectors will take it if we don't pay the debt.''

When he heard the old woman, Archer turned to Teuila. ''What is this zoo like?'' he asked in a curious tone.

Teuila thought for a few seconds before talking. ''Well, it's a massive estate with monsters from all over Thrylos, but rumors speak of their eldest son stealing their savings before running off with a girl.''

Archer nodded as an idea formed, ''Do you enjoy looking after the creatures?'' he questioned Amond, who was looking bewildered by the whole situation.

''Yes young man,'' the old man answered. ''Many people think they are all bad, but thousands want to live their lives, and why not show the people that? It's the reason I opened the zoo.''

''Makes sense,'' Archer replied. ''How much do you owe Aquaria?''

''5000 gold coins, young man; it's no small debt, and the profits have dropped since the Swarm attacked the kingdom,'' Philis answered sadly.

The amount was nothing to Archer, but he wanted to ensure his idea could work out, so he asked, ''Would you consider moving to a new land? Maybe you can even get unique monsters?''

When Teuila heard his question, her eyebrow raised, but Amond stared into his eyes, ''If I wasn't in debt and this land wanted to help the zoo grow, then I would consider it.''

Archer nodded before declaring, ''I will buy your zoo, and you two can move to my kingdom. I'll get the legions to build a new one for the monsters that will be much better for the creatures and people who visit as my citizens will love it.''

The old couple looked at him like he was crazy, which caused Archer to chuckle as he pointed at Teuila, ''Doesn't she look familiar? Not many girls have that color hair?'' he said with a smirk.

Teuila shook her head and went along with him. That's when Philis commented, ''Blue hair? Blue eyes? Brown skin? Only the royal family has such a combination, which is rare for us Aquarians.''

Archer watched as Amond's eyes widened as he spoke, ''Princess Teuila Aquaria and her fiance, the White Dragon Prince.''

The old man went to kneel, but Archer waved him away, ''None of that now,'' he said while lifting the man to his feet. ''Take us to your zoo, and we will sort it out.''

Amond nodded with happiness in his old blue eyes, ''Yes, follow us, My Lord, but be warned; my daughter is an angry young woman with a temper.''

Philis was the one to speak next, ''Ever since our eldest son ran off with our savings, her mind has gone into a dark place and has been different.''

''I understand. I will try to stay out of her way, but I want a tour of the place when we arrive,'' Archer said. ''By the way, how much did he steal from you?''

Amond looked angry, and Philis looked sad but answered, ''Close to 100,000 gold coins we had hidden in a storage ring.''

Archer scrounged together an old storage ring in his Item Box with a little over the amount needed, but before he did anything, he spoke, ''Can you two take a Mana Oath not to betray me and pay me everything back?''

The old man stared into his eyes but nodded as he took the oath. When the couple were finished, Archer threw them the pouch. ''There's your savings back and a little extra,'' he said. ''But you will pay me the amount back plus fifty percent when the zoo starts making a profit.''

Amond and Philis looked shocked, but the old man's eyes bulged when he scanned the ring before he swung his gaze toward Archer. ''My Lord. I cannot accept this, as my son was the thief, and we don't expect you to repeat it.''

[Give my new novel a read and let me know what you think - Level Up: Voidwalker]


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