A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 826 Could Die

Chapter 826 Could Die

Archer nodded at the Aquarian commander with a smirk, ''She's my paternal grandmother, but as a dragon, blood relations are irrelevant to me as this body wasn't what it once was since becoming the White Dragon.''

''Yes, Dragon Prince,'' the commander quickly replied before fading into the crowd.

Just as he was about to speak to Brooke, a red blur crashed into his chest, sending him stumbling backward. It caught Archer off guard, but that's when he felt soft lips kissing his neck and nibbling his ear.

Sera was so excited that happiness sank through their connection, causing him to smile. ''Hello, my beautiful dragon girl,'' he said with a voice full of love as the smell of wildflowers reached his nose. ''I missed you so much.''

The beautiful brown-skinned girl leaned back and stared into his eyes with a radiant smile, ''I love you so much, Archer. Never forget that.''

Archer couldn't help but smile as he put his forehead against hers while replying, ''I love you so much more than you'll ever understand, Seraphina Wyldheart, and meeting you is what truly healed me from the madness consuming me all those years ago.'' He quickly pecked her button nose.

The dragon girl giggled before leaning forward and kissing him passionately while ignoring everyone else. After a few seconds, the two lovers soon broke apart only when Teuila arrived on the wall, landing with a thud as he leaped up there.

Sera climbed off him, and the blue-haired girl approached, allowing Archer to scoop her into a loving hug, causing her to melt. Soon, he grabbed her chin before raising her head and sealing his juicy lips with a love-filled kiss that made a shiver run down her spine.

When they separated, Teuila's ocean-blue eyes glowed with intense love, making his heart race. Archer was about to kiss her when a horn sounded, causing everyone to look in its direction.

Another horde appeared from a hole opening a mile from the city. Archer separated from Teuila and turned to Brooke, ''Oma, guard the wall while I put a stop to these monsters.''

Brooke nodded with a smile as he summoned his wings and was about to jump, but Teuila questioned, ''Don't they have the poison that could kill you?''

Archer looked into her stunning eyes before speaking with the biggest smile that failed to hide his excitement, ''Life is too short for fear, my beautiful Teuila, but to be honest, nothing apart from you girls makes me feel more alive than knowing that I could die at anytime. It's a refreshing feeling.''

After speaking, Archer spread his wings, leaped off the city wall, and flew directly at the horde. While doing this, he noticed the swarm of creatures firing spells at him, forcing him to use his Cosmic Shield to block and deflect all the attacks.

Just as he did that, a Mutated Elf appeared and threw a punch at the shield, causing it to shatter, but his dragon instincts took over, and he lunged at the surprised elf and bit into its neck before tearing it apart.

As Archer killed that one, another three appeared, and a chaotic brawl broke out in mid-air with him dodging their attacks. He returned them with ones of his own using claws, teeth, and a tail that decimated their numbers.


[Brooke Ashguard's POV]

Brooke watched as her grandson rushed off to confront her while leaving her to protect the city in his place. That's when the sky lit up in a beautiful violet glow as Archer cast hundreds of spells that amazed her due to his low rank but huge reserve of mana.

'He is truly something else,' she mused with a smile. 'He became a monster to fight monsters but still holds a form of his own humanity.'

She thought those last words while watching the two girls staring at Archer battling the Swarm with unmatched ferocity. Brooke noticed both girls and saw that they were different in many ways.

The blue-haired girl stood nearly as tall as Archer. She was built like a warrior, with toned muscles that refused to hide her femininity. Brooke had seen beautiful girls before, but these two were entirely different.

She had perfect features and caring eyes that spoke of an untold amount of devotion she shared for Archer, which made Brooke extremely happy that he had girls who would love and care for him when his family let him down.

After thinking that, her attention turned toward the redhead girl bouncing on the spot in?excitement. Brooke could see she was a dragon with the same pointed ears, Archer, and beautiful red scales that ran all over her exposed skin.

She soon noticed the girl looked extremely young, but there was an air of maturity around her that betrayed her petite and youthful appearance. When Brooke finished looking at the two, she stepped forward, grabbed the dragon girl, and hugged her just like a mother hugged a daughter.

Brooke noticed her bafflement and confusion. ''Thank you for being there for my grandson, young lady,'' she said in a warm voice that relaxed the girl, who went still.

With that, she let her go before grabbing the blue-haired one who hadn't fought and pulled her into a hug while speaking, ''I can see the way he looks at you that you're an important part of his life.''

She released her and introduced herself: ''I'm Brooke Ashguard, Archer's grandmother and now lover. It's nice to meet you both.''

Brooke noticed the redheaded dragon girl stepping forward and holding out her hand. ''I'm Seraphina Wyldheart, Archer's fiance and best friend.''

''Nice to meet you, Seraphina,'' she said, gazing at the other girl and commenting, ''My grandson seems to love beautiful Southern girls. I don't blame him, because both of you are gorgeous.''

The blue-haired girl smiled, ''I'm Teuila Aquaria, Princess of the Aquair a Kingdom,'' she said. ''You did say you're his new lover, correct?''

Brooke nodded, ''Yes, it was a spur-of-the-minute decision, but just know I don't plan to interfere with any of your relationships with my grandson and will be here to help if any of you have an issue.''

After speaking, she noticed Archer being pushed back and rushed to help him, leaving Sera and Teuila behind.


[Teuila's POV]

When Brooke vanished, she and Sera were confused. Teuila turned to the dragon girl and asked, ''She seems motherly? But why did Arch make his grandmother his lover? A bit strange?''

Teuila noticed Sera shake her head. ''Not really. It's happened throughout dragon history, but that's been between two dragons, not a human, and her grandson.''

She nodded in understanding, ''What will the others say?''

''The girls will love her, you know; she gives off that caring, motherly vibe that most of us will appreciate, considering how different we all are compared to each other,'' Sera said while casting spells at the approaching horde.

''She reminds me of Mary in some ways but crazier,'' she said while ordering the cannons to fire.

Sera giggled, ''Archer is crazy, So it doesn't surprise me that he took his grandmother; she's drop-dead gorgeous for her age and has a body to die for,'' she said while pointing at the vanishing mare woman. ''Look at that behind Teu! It is massive and looks soft. You know our husband loves our bums.''

Teuila laughed in response before concluding with an amused grin, ''Let's see how Brooke is once the fighting dies down, and we can spend some time with her. Maybe she is a lovely woman who can bring some order to this harem.''

After that, the two of them jumped off the wall and continued fighting, with their morale boosted thanks to Archer's arrival.


[Back to Archer]

After recovering from one attack, Archer managed to deflect many other attacks, but soon they overwhelmed him. The leader was about to cast a spell until it was blown apart in a sudden change of events.

Archer spotted Brookr appearing in the sky before vanishing as one mutant drop. She continued to move around while killing as many as she could. When he saw this, he turned to the ground below, teeming with monsters.

He started casting Eldritch Blasts and Plasma Missiles that thinned out the Swarms Horde, which was whittled down into almost nothing. When that happened, a thousand riders rushed out of the city and slammed into the dark first.

When Archer saw the fighting was almost over, he went over to Brooke, who was hovering over the battlefield and watching. As he got close, she heard him. ''Some very powerful is watching you, grandson,'' she said in a concerned voice. ''I will stay with you for the time being.''

Archer smiled and felt something warm inside him. He looked into the woman's beautiful green eyes. ''Thank you for being there since we met Oma,'' he said with unrestrained affection. ''Even if we didn't become lovers, I'd still be as thankful for everything you've done.''

The woman in question beamed as she spoke, ''I love you, Archer Wyldheart. You may be scared away, but when I discovered you were my other half, I couldn't help myself; it was intoxicating.''

Something inside clicked with what she said, causing Archer to get closer as Brooke continued, ''I want to make up for my past neglect and make sure you always feel love even if I have to share you with others.''

Archer said nothing else and kissed the woman to show her how much she was growing on him. He didn't know if it was because they were related, but he felt closer to Brooke in such a short time that it baffled him.


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