A Guide for Background Characters to Survive in a Manga

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Hearing Su Bei's words, everyone had different reactions. What did he mean by "whether he wants to or not, he has to win?" Could Su Bei actually control the outcome of the match? At least Jiang Tianming thought so.

He suddenly realized that these abilities labeled as "prophecies" weren't as simple as they seemed. He had already noticed something unusual about Feng Lan's performance in the ring and guessed the truth. Feng Lan's "prophecy" ability was definitely not as straightforward as they initially thought.

And now, it seemed that Su Bei's ability was also just the tip of the iceberg.

The others more or less had similar thoughts. With this in mind, they stopped trying to dissuade him and instead focused on the ring. They wanted to see how Wu Jin would manage to win such an overwhelmingly mismatched duel.

As they predicted, Wu Jin was gradually pushed back, and it wasn't long before he was forced to the edge of the ring by his opponent, who had double-enhanced physical strength. Just one more step, and he would be pushed off.

Was Su Bei about to fail? Jiang Tianming watched the unfolding situation while also trying to figure out what was going on. He couldn't imagine how Wu Jin could possibly win.

But in the next moment, the situation took a sudden turn!

Wu Jin abruptly closed his mouth and crouched down, and his opponent froze in place as if blinded, completely unaware that Wu Jin was right under his feet.

The blue-haired boy looked confusedly at his outstretched hands, glanced around, and, seeing no one, scratched his head in puzzlement. "Where did he go? Did I already push him off? Or did he fall off on his own? It happened so fast I didn't even notice."

This was the only explanation he could think of. Otherwise, what—could the other guy turn invisible? That would be a joke, especially for an F-Class student.

With that in mind, the blue-haired boy smiled victoriously and swaggered off the ring, waiting for the referee to declare him the winner. The referee only comes down early when there's a dispute in a match. In cases like his, where victory seemed clear-cut, the declaration is usually made after both contestants have stepped down.

However, to his surprise, the crowd remained eerily silent. The few people who had been watching the match weren’t looking at him, nor at the ring, but rather at a handsome blond boy.

What's going on? Why is all the attention on someone else?

Feeling dissatisfied, the blue-haired boy started to walk over to reclaim the spotlight, but after taking just two steps, he heard footsteps coming from the ring behind him.

Turning around, he saw that Wu Jin, who he thought he had knocked off the ring, was slowly walking down from it.

"What?" He was shocked. "How are you still on the ring?"

It was only then that he finally realized he might have been tricked.

Before Wu Jin could respond, the referee walked over and announced the result: "Wu Jin wins."

"No! That's impossible!" The blue-haired boy, unwilling to accept reality, grabbed Wu Jin by the collar, his face red with anger. "What's your ability? How did you disappear just now?"

Most students had no idea that they could obtain information about other students' abilities from the campus wall. Quick-witted people like Su Bei were a rare breed. If the blue-haired boy had known, he wouldn't have been caught off guard like this.

The referee quickly pulled him away and warned, "No attacking fellow students off the ring. If you do it again, it won't just be a warning."

In this school, fighting outside of official matches could result in anything from losing points to expulsion.

After being warned, the blue-haired boy finally calmed down a bit, but he still stubbornly stared at Wu Jin, demanding an answer. He wasn't just a sore loser; he genuinely didn't understand how he had lost.

Although he had won, Wu Jin's face showed no joy; he remained as gloomy as ever. In a flat, almost monotone voice, he replied, "It's called [No Presence]."

He was smart enough not to mention the drawback that "staying silent is the only way to become unnoticeable." Even though this weakness wasn't particularly deadly, and even if others knew about it, they wouldn't easily be able to exploit it. Still, it was always better to keep an ace up one's sleeve in case he ran into someone who could counter his ability.

Having received an answer, the blue-haired boy finally understood how he had lost. Wu Jin hadn't fallen off the ring as he had thought; he had used his ability to erase his presence. He had foolishly believed he had already won and walked off the ring, practically giving away the victory.

He had sensed something was wrong at the time, so why hadn't he persisted a little longer?

Thinking about this, he snorted like an angry bull, taking a while to calm down. Finally, he shot a glare at the boy who had defeated him and strode off.

Wu Jin, who had won, silently glanced at Jiang Tianming and the others, but even though he knew they had been watching his match, he didn't greet them and quietly left.

Jiang Tianming and the others had no intention of engaging him either; they were all still processing the shock that Su Bei had just given them.

After everyone involved had left, Jiang Tianming finally let out a long sigh and looked at Su Bei with a complex expression. "Did his victory have anything to do with you?"

He could clearly see that Wu Jin's victory was due to Su Bei's strategy—a brilliant move, indeed. But he couldn't help but wonder if Su Bei had somehow orchestrated everything behind the scenes.

Especially after Su Bei had summoned that strange gear—Jiang Tianming was sure Su Bei's ability was related to gears. Now that the gear had disappeared, it was hard not to think it had played a crucial role.

However, Su Bei just shrugged, looking innocent and sincere. "Nope."

He was telling the truth, but unfortunately, no one believed him. After what had just happened, who could believe that Su Bei had nothing to do with it?

No one said anything more; they all fell into deep thought. Even Mo Xiaotian, usually the most curious, merely stared at Su Bei without pressing for answers.

"Aren't you afraid you'll lose your bet?!" Manga Awareness was almost scared to death. Although he knew that Wu Jin was destined to win this round, the problem was that Su Bei didn't know that!

Manga Awareness couldn't understand how Su Bei dared to make such a bold claim without knowing the outcome. Wasn't he afraid of things going wrong?

If Wu Jin had lost, everything Su Bei had just said would have been a complete joke. Manga Awareness didn't even want to imagine how badly Su Bei's image would have crumbled in that scenario.

Facing the gazes of surprise, admiration, or curiosity from the others, Su Bei maintained his calm and composed demeanor, but inwardly, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He had won the bet!

Hearing Manga Awareness's question, Su Bei's lips curled into a barely noticeable smile. "Isn't a 99% probability worth betting on?"

He wasn't wrong. If the probability of winning was truly 99%, then it was definitely worth taking the risk. If you're too scared to bet with those odds, you might as well just give up and admit defeat.

On this point, Manga Awareness agreed with Su Bei. No matter how terrifying the consequences of failure might be, if the odds of winning were high enough, it was worth taking the gamble.

But what puzzled Manga Awareness was: "Where did you get that 99% probability? As far as I know, your knowledge of Wu Jin's character is entirely speculative up to this point. The only thing that supports your theory is that he joined Si Zhaohua's team, and even then, he was brought in by Zhao Xiaoyu."

"My initial guess that he would play an important role in the story had a 50% chance of being correct. When he joined Si Zhaohua's team, that probability jumped to 100%. He's definitely an important character with significant plot involvement," Su Bei explained internally.

"Si Zhaohua's team exists to contrast with the protagonist's group, so the members of that team must keep winning. This way, when they eventually lose to the protagonist's group, the impact will be more pronounced. Therefore, Wu Jin had a 95% chance of winning this match."

This analysis made a lot of sense. Manga Awareness actually felt that this was enough to justify the bet. But it still pressed on: "What about the final 4%? Didn't you say 99%?"

"The last 4% is because he was talking non-stop from the moment he entered the ring. His ability is [Silence is Silence], so the fact that he was talking suggests he didn't want to reveal his ability just yet and was waiting for the right moment," Su Bei said, hands in his pockets, eyes twinkling with amusement. "In other words, he had the will to win."

Now Manga Awareness fully understood. Wu Jin wasn't supposed to lose according to the plot, and with a strong desire to win, it would be hard for him to fail.

At this point, it could almost be considered a 100% chance, but Su Bei insisted that there was still a 1% chance of the author acting unpredictably. In this day and age, authorial unpredictability is a common issue and shouldn't be carelessly ignored.

"You're impressive." Manga Awareness was once again thoroughly convinced, completely understanding the significance of that 3%. It now fully believed that if there was one person who could complete the task of saving the world, that person could only be Su Bei.

After Manga Awareness disappeared, Su Bei closed his eyes to calm his racing heart. No matter how confident he was, it was hard not to feel nervous in the face of such severe consequences for failure.

Fortunately, he had succeeded. He hadn't wasted the information that "Wu Jin might be an important character."

When he had previously reviewed the available information, Su Bei had been pondering how to use this particular piece. Although it seemed almost useless and inaccurate, it was something he couldn't afford to discard given the limited resources at his disposal.

But he had been stuck for a while. He couldn't exactly tell Jiang Tianming to get along with Wu Jin, right?

It wasn't until he saw Wu Jin step into the ring that Su Bei had a sudden flash of inspiration and figured out the correct way to use the information.

After a brief moment of consideration, Su Bei finalized his plan. Even though the consequences of failure would be unbearable, the plan had a very high success rate, and the rewards would be significant. Weighing the pros and cons, he decided to take the risk.

Now that he had succeeded and reaped the rewards, Su Bei was already thinking about how to guide public opinion on the forums when the time came.

Next up were the matches of Mo Xiaotian, Wu Mingbai, Lan Suibing, and Jiang Tianming.

As a member of Class A, Mo Xiaotian was matched against someone from Class B. With just a few transparent blocks, he easily blocked off his opponent's path. Although the opponent could unleash powerful fire attacks, the transparent blocks completely shielded Mo Xiaotian. Left with no choice, the opponent kept retreating and eventually fell off the ring without noticing.

After Mo Xiaotian stepped down, everyone headed out to eat. It was already noon, and the second half of the matches would begin at 2 p.m., so they had time.

While eating, Jiang Tianming finally asked the question everyone was curious about: "So Xiaotian, what exactly is your ability?"

"It's [Air], but for now, I can only solidify small portions of it." Mo Xiaotian had no intention of hiding anything and answered truthfully when Jiang Tianming asked.

Upon hearing this ability, everyone couldn't help but gasp. [Air]! What a terrifying ability! Everyone needs air to survive, and someone who can control air practically holds the lifeline of human survival.

Undoubtedly, this was an incredibly powerful ability.

"[Air] can only place someone in Class A. How strong must the abilities of Class S members be?" For once, Wu Mingbai's usual cheerful expression was replaced by a look of awe as he murmured to himself.

The others around him also heard his words and fell silent. Indeed, the [Air] ability seemed nearly invincible, with a very high potential ceiling. Could there really be abilities stronger than that?

"Maybe there isn't actually a Class S?" Jiang Tianming suggested uncertainly.

After all, the general public only knew about Classes F through A. There was no official mention of a Class S. It was just a rumor that someone started, and everyone seemed to accept the speculation. But no one really knew if a Class S existed.

"Impossible." Surprisingly, the first to refute this idea was Mu Tieren. "I asked our homeroom teacher about it before, and from his reaction, I'd say there probably is a Class S."

As class president, Mu Tieren undoubtedly knew more about the academy than the other students. Since he was so certain, it seemed that the existence of Class S was real.

Su Bei also contemplated the existence of Class S. From the manga, he already knew that the current homeroom teacher of Class F, Meng Huai, had taught several Class S students in the past. So the existence of Class S was indisputable.

But as Wu Mingbai pointed out, if such a powerful ability like [Air] could only place someone in Class A, just how strong would the abilities in Class S be?

Suddenly, Jiang Tianming looked at Su Bei. "Su..."

He got stuck after saying the name. Calling him "Su Bei" felt too formal, especially since Su Bei had helped them, and they were now part of the same team. Addressing him like a stranger felt awkward. But if not "Su Bei," then what should he call him? It's hard to form a closer bond when addressing someone with just two syllables.

Suddenly, Jiang Tianming remembered that Mo Xiaotian always called Su Bei "Bei-ge" (Brother Bei), which actually sounded pretty good, although saying it out loud felt a bit embarrassing.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Tianming decided to ask properly, "Su Bei, do you know about the existence of Class S?"

Su Bei didn’t know, but he was very curious. However, he knew he absolutely couldn’t reveal that he didn’t know about Class S.

Since Class S hadn’t appeared yet, it meant that he could still make some changes to it through the manga. But if he admitted he didn’t know, not only would his mysterious aura diminish, but he would also miss out on this opportunity.

So, even if he didn’t know, he had to "know."

"Yes, I know," Su Bei calmly replied.

Upon hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up. They had known Su Bei must know about Class S! It always felt like there was nothing this guy didn’t know.

"Bei-ge is amazing! He even knows about this!" Mo Xiaotian cheered, "So how powerful are the abilities in Class S?"

This was a tough question to answer. Su Bei wasn’t clear about the specifics of Class S, but he couldn’t downplay their abilities. Because of the information gap, manga readers wouldn’t doubt what he said; after all, they would never think there was someone in the manga intentionally deceiving them.

In other words, if he said something, the readers were likely to believe it.

This world was already one where Nightmare Beasts were stronger than humans, and if he accidentally weakened humans further, things would only get worse.

So if he really had to give an answer, he could only exaggerate, not downplay. Who knew where the upper limit of Class S abilities was? Su Bei feared he might underestimate them.


Suddenly, a thought struck him. Since he could use the manga to weaken the people in Class S, why couldn’t he use it to weaken the Nightmare Beasts instead? If he could do that, wouldn’t the world’s crisis be resolved?

Su Bei immediately grew excited, eager to ask Manga Awareness about this. But for now, he still had to deal with the problem at hand, so he couldn’t get distracted.

After thinking for a moment, Su Bei’s eyes lit up, and he said mysteriously, "Why are you in such a hurry? Besides, Class S might not necessarily be stronger than Class A."

Even though he didn’t know anything, this statement was certainly true. Class S wasn’t necessarily stronger than Class A, just as he, from Class F, could defeat Green Hair from Class C. With the right strategy, even a rabbit could kill a tiger.

It seemed like he had revealed some insider information, but at the same time, it felt like he hadn’t said anything at all.

In any case, the protagonist group didn’t catch on to his trickery and instead looked thoughtful. They interpreted Su Bei’s response as "Class S abilities aren’t that powerful, but they are very unique."

What kind of uniqueness would warrant creating a separate class?

After lunch, everyone returned to their dorms. As soon as Su Bei entered his dorm, he began frantically questioning Manga Awareness. Although he had calmed down on the way back and suspected his idea might not work, it was still a glimmer of hope.

After hearing his question, Manga Awareness indeed gave a negative answer: "You can’t change the world’s basic framework, and the fact that Nightmare Beasts are stronger than humans is a result of that basic setting."

Basic setting?

Su Bei raised an eyebrow. "So, what exactly is this basic setting?"

"I can’t say; you have to figure it out on your own." Manga Awareness also wanted to tell Su Bei about the basic setting, but since Su Bei was a character in the manga, there were many things it couldn’t directly reveal to him.

Hearing this, Su Bei couldn’t help but sigh, but he also realized that this basic setting must be related to the Nightmare Beasts. Perhaps after the monthly exam, he should investigate the Nightmare Beasts more thoroughly.

There were too many unknowns, so for now, he decided to focus on the present. Su Bei composed himself and turned his attention to the ring; it was Wu Mingbai’s turn to compete.

Wu Mingbai was a student from Class D, but it was obvious to anyone with a discerning eye that his [Earth Element] ability had a very high potential. Possessing one of the five elemental abilities meant that as long as his mental strength was sufficient and his development didn’t go off course, his future potential was limitless.

However, this ability also had a high floor. If his mental strength was low or if he went down the wrong path, there were plenty of people who ended up as construction workers after graduation.

For this reason, elemental abilities that weren’t particularly offensive, like [Earth Element] and [Wood Element], were typically placed in Class D. [Water Element] and [Metal Element] were relatively special and placed in Class C, while [Fire Element], the ability of the person who fought against Mo Xiaotian, was placed in Class B due to its strong offensive nature.

After the monthly exam, these students would likely be reclassified.

After a quick nap, Su Bei checked the time. The next match was Wu Mingbai’s, scheduled for 3 p.m. Seeing that it was almost time, Su Bei headed to the sports field. When he arrived, he saw that the others were already there.

Before long, the match began. Wu Mingbai’s opponent was a student from Class B. Su Bei had only bought the abilities information for Classes C and D; no one knew the abilities of the students from Classes A and B.

In fact, he could have pooled money with the others to buy the information, but Su Bei didn’t think it was necessary. Based on the information provided by the school about the abilities of students in Classes C, D, and F, it seemed that the most significant source of intel was the school’s enrollment records.

However, since the abilities in Classes A and B had a higher ceiling, it was likely that they had undergone significant changes in just one week. For example, Mo Xiaotian had known his opponent’s ability before the monthly exam because of a match between Classes A and B.

His ability was [Fire Element], and according to the introduction during enrollment, he could release flames from his palm. But just now, in the ring, the opponent not only released flames; he also covered his body with them and threw fist-sized fireballs.

Blindly trusting their enrollment introduction could lead to a significant loss, so pooling money to buy the information wasn’t worth it.

Returning to the arena, because Wu Mingbai didn’t know what ability his opponent had, he appeared very cautious. He demonstrated this by hopping around the edge of the ring, acting carefree, but not making any moves.

His opponent was a purple-haired girl. Although she was a student from Class B, she was equally cautious. Faced with Wu Mingbai's overly cheerful demeanor, she felt a bit disdainful but didn’t dare to attack rashly.

The two of them circled the edge of the ring twice, and neither made a move.

The spectators grew impatient. A boy complained, “What are these two doing, wasting time like this? Just get on with it! That guy, what’s up with him being so hesitant? And the girl, why is a big shot from Class B afraid of someone from Class D?”

Jiang Tianming and his friends couldn’t help but glance at him, and Lan Su Bing couldn’t resist typing, “Maybe you should watch a different match?”

The mechanical female voice startled the boy, making him step back before he saw Lan Su Bing holding her phone, wrapped in a white scarf, looking at him.

“Sigh, you think I don’t want to leave?” The boy quickly calmed down and complained excitedly, “I placed a bet on this match! Do you know how hard it is to find a ring where the difference in class is so big, and where there’s so little attention?”

He had already checked—someone had bet on the guy, and as long as someone did, he could make some money. Thinking of this, the boy was full of confidence: “I’m sure I’ll make a small profit this time!”

After hearing his words, Jiang Tianming and his friends exchanged glances and, without a word, took out their phones and started fiddling with them.

The boy immediately became vigilant. “What are you doing? Don’t tell me you’re going to bet on the girl too?”

If more people bet on the girl, the points he could win would definitely decrease.

Jiang Tianming shook his phone and smiled, “You reminded us; we’re betting on the guy.”

The boy was stunned. When he refreshed his phone, he indeed saw that there were now four more people betting on Wu Mingbai, making it five in total.

“Are you crazy?” He couldn’t help but widen his eyes, pointing at Wu Mingbai in the ring. “He’s from Class D! And she—” He pointed at the purple-haired girl, “She’s from Class B! Didn’t you mix them up?”

Seeing that Jiang Tianming and his friends didn’t show the regretful expression he expected, the boy was puzzled. But soon, he was happy again: “Whatever, suit yourselves. The more people bet on him, the better.”

The more points bet, the more he would earn. It was usually hard to get points, but this time he planned to make a big profit!

While they were talking, the situation in the ring finally changed. The one who couldn’t hold back was the purple-haired girl. She felt that, with her strength from Class B, there was no need to be so cautious against the brown-haired guy who was running around like a fool.

Thinking this, she flipped her wrist, and a brush suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The brush was as long as an arm, with simple patterns carved on the handle, giving it a rustic yet grand appearance. The brush tip was soaked in ink, full and dripping.

The purple-haired girl wielded the brush and wrote the word "刀" (sword) in the air. The next second, the ink twisted and gradually transformed into a sharp long sword.

At the same time, the girl’s face turned pale, clearly due to the excessive consumption of her mental energy. But she wasn’t worried; instead, a smug look flashed in her eyes.

This was her ability, [Magic Brush Ma Liang]. Anything she wrote or drew with the brush materialized in reality under the influence of her mental energy.

However, her mental energy was currently weak, so she could only write words in a chosen direction. For this match, she specifically chose the direction of weapons. The word "sword" was the easiest to write and had great attack power, making it perfect for a beginner like her.

In the ring, someone with a weapon could easily defeat someone without one.

Seeing the long sword about to fully form and drop, the girl’s expression grew more confident. As long as she had the weapon, she was sure to win.

But just at that moment, the situation changed!

A pillar of earth suddenly shot up from the ground, heading straight for the sword. Before the girl could react, the pillar touched the fully formed sword.

The sword, which was supposed to drop straight down, was deflected by the impact and flew directly towards Wu Mingbai.

Wu Mingbai didn’t miss the opportunity he had created. He leaped up and caught the sword firmly in his hand. He looked down, smiled, and weighed the sword, sincerely praising, “What a good sword!”

“Who wants your praise?” The purple-haired girl was furious. “Give me back my sword!”

This sword had consumed almost all her mental energy to create, so how could it be taken away just like that? She might not have the mental energy to create another sword. If she couldn’t get this one back, she would definitely lose this match.

Just like the girl had thought earlier, someone with a weapon could easily defeat someone without one, right?

However, Wu Mingbai wasn’t foolish; there was no way he would return the weapon. He smiled and nodded, “I’ll give it back to you after I leave the ring.”

“Who would want it then?” The girl was even more furious. But she knew she probably couldn’t get the sword back. Her skills were inferior; how could she let someone snatch what she had created?

Sure enough, Wu Mingbai completely ignored what she had said earlier. He simply held the sword and walked towards her, asking, “So, do you choose to step out and forfeit, or do you want the referee to declare your loss later?”

The option of the referee declaring the loss obviously meant the girl would suffer a fatal injury.

Hearing this, the girl’s face turned even paler. But she was unwilling to be defeated so easily in the monthly exam, so even though the situation was dire, she tried to negotiate: “Wait, listen to me.”

Knowing that her mental energy wouldn’t recover anytime soon and that victory was in his grasp, Wu Mingbai tilted his head playfully like a cat and teased, “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

The purple-haired girl didn’t care what he was thinking; she just wanted to grasp her last chance to win: "You know that your victory over me this time is actually just a fluke. Your next opponent might not be as careless as I was. You’re from Class D, and you could very well lose tomorrow. But I’m different—I have a good chance of making it into the top 50. If you let me win this time, we can make a deal. I’ll give you half of my reward... no, three-fifths. What do you say?"

You have to admit, the purple-haired girl was indeed smart. She had assessed the situation correctly. If her opponent were just an ordinary Class D student, he might actually be tempted by her offer.

After all, it was impossible to keep winning by relying on luck, and not every opponent would be as careless. Trying to break into the top 50 with just Class D abilities was nearly impossible.

In such a situation, it might be better to let the girl win. If she really did make it into the top 50 and earned 50 points, he could get 30 points for free—a nice profit.

But unfortunately, the girl was dealing with Wu Mingbai. He wasn’t someone who liked to pin his hopes on others.

So, he shook his head regretfully and said, "Sorry, even if I lose tomorrow, I want it to be my own loss."

With his appearance and those words, he really did resemble a hot-blooded manga protagonist. But those who knew his true nature understood that he was probably mocking her, implying that even if she won today, she would lose tomorrow.

The outcome was already decided, and everyone averted their gaze. Only the boy who bet on the purple-haired girl was still stubbornly watching the ring, hoping for a miracle.

Unfortunately, his hopes were shattered in front of Wu Mingbai. When the referee declared Wu Mingbai the winner, the light in the boy’s eyes dimmed.

“No! This can’t be real!” In a dramatic fashion, the boy fell to his knees, clutching his head. “My hard-earned 50 points!”

The purple-haired girl, dejected, walked over. Seeing that someone was sad on her behalf, she joined him in crying, “Boo-hoo! I lost in the first round! I’m so miserable!”

Su Bei was utterly exasperated. Once again, he felt like he had had enough of this manga world!

This awkwardness puzzled him, so he asked his "Manga Awareness" in his mind: "Why do I feel so embarrassed? Aren’t I also part of this manga world? Why do I realize how silly this behavior is?"

“Because you’ve been exposed to the real world,” the "Manga Awareness" replied calmly. “Exposure to the real world detaches you from the manga world’s awareness.”

Hearing this, Su Bei couldn’t help but sigh, which immediately alerted the people around him. Jiang Tianming, like a startled black cat, whipped his head around and asked in alarm, “Why are you sighing?”

What could possibly make Su Bei sigh?!

Hearing his question, the others also turned to look at him, all wearing expressions of cat-like surprise.

Su Bei paused for a moment before finding an excuse to explain casually, “You all split the points with me this time, so I earned a lot less than before.”

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Mo Xiaotian cheerfully said, “I’m planning to bet with you next time too, Brother Bei!”

Recalling Su Bei’s miraculous ability during Wu Jin’s match, Wu Mingbai’s eyes lit up. He nodded along with Mo Xiaotian, and they both seemed like a pair of joyful brothers: “Help us earn some points too, Brother Bei~”

Seeing that someone wanted to share in his points, Su Bei forced a smile and said, “You can follow my bets, but don’t forget—you won’t know how many points you can bet on each person.”

“What do you mean?” Mo Xiaotian didn’t understand.

However, everyone else, being smarter, naturally understood what Su Bei meant. He could deliberately bet one point on someone he predicted would lose, and if the others followed him without knowing, they’d suffer a huge loss.

Before anyone could say anything, Mo Xiaotian, carefree as ever, slung his arm around Su Bei’s shoulder and said boldly, “Whatever, I’ll stick with you no matter what!”

Su Bei gave him a disdainful yet helpless look and said, “Suit yourself.”

Seeing this, everyone exchanged amused glances and laughed. They all tacitly decided to ignore Su Bei’s earlier warning. With such a good opportunity to earn points, they were going to follow him too!

At this moment, Su Bei’s peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of Zhao Xiaoyu stepping into the ring. She was facing a classmate.

A match between two people from Class F wasn’t very interesting, and no one placed any bets. However, each of the two had placed a bet on themselves, which was obvious.

There was hardly any profit to be made in Class F, except for the class monitor who could earn a few extra points. The rest only had a meager 15 points each.

Although even a small profit is still a profit… Su Bei glanced at the five people beside him. But with so many people involved, each would barely earn two points. It wasn’t worth the effort. He already had quite a few points, so there was no need to bother with this.

Noticing his gaze, Jiang Tianming followed it and asked, “Are you thinking of betting on Zhao Xiaoyu’s match?”

Su Bei shook his head, “There’s almost no profit to be made.”

It seemed that he did initially consider it, so Jiang Tianming became interested. “It’s okay if there’s no profit. Who do you think will win?”

Hearing this question, Su Bei raised an eyebrow. Even if there’s no profit, it’s a good chance to build his image! It would be a waste not to take advantage of the opportunity. He decisively answered, “Zhao Xiaoyu.”

Mu Tieren pondered for a moment. Based on the previous match, he no longer doubted Su Bei’s judgment. “If I remember correctly, Zhao Xiaoyu’s ability is [Laughter Speechs], which makes people smile while speaking. The other one, Li Qian, has the ability [Make The Bed], which, as the name suggests, does exactly that. The outcome of this fight should depend entirely on physical strength, right?”

You have to admit, as expected of Class F students, these two abilities were utterly useless in combat.

“No...” Su Bei shook his head and said with deep meaning, “I believe Zhao Xiaoyu will definitely use her ability.”


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