A Gorgeous White

Chapter 93: I Spot A Little Child

Chapter 93: I Spot A Little Child

Was he Jealous?

A chuckle escaped from delectable lips. Later, his shoulders rose as Moulin raised a fist to his mouth. He coughed as though to dismiss his previous actions. His silver eyes brightened with mirth. He was amused and intrigued. Truly, the sight was delightful but Moulin knew he should not make fun of the situation.

The skies were turning dark. Clouds turning heavy, seeming as if it would rain rocks.

"Sir Tarohn, I believe your horse has been brought." Moulin quickly diverted the attention of the man. He gestured his hand towards the black horse carefully brought by a fellow leonile sentinel.

With a nod, Tarohn turned away from Moulin. He saw the particular look the youth gave him as he to say 'Hurry and get lost' in a seemingly amused way. The Lord bit back a smile as he walked towards his horse. His cloak cutting through the air as he hopped on his horse skillfully. The wind seemed to favor him,

messily running through his solemn countenance like a knight charging into battle. A couple of female sentinels had swooned over him, secretly peeking glances at the man.

Moulin indifferently gave a scoff. Hadrian must be enjoying all the attention. How lucky of him. Nevertheless, those women will never stand a chance.

The man was already his.

As Moulin moved his horse towards Jagra, he was unaware of a person's gaze intently concentrated on him. Callun felt extremely unsettled. His gaze shifted to the new person who fearlessly stole his opportunity with Moulin.

His eyes narrowed. The man appeared to carry the air of an aristocrat. Merely, his glances could intimidate a person. Even Callun could feel as if he was being stabbed to death when he was held by those blood-red eyes. He could not breathe.

Suddenly, Torahn caught Callun's stare.


Callun whipped his head to the side, abruptly cutting the clash of their eyes. Eyes frozen open, Callun felt his breath seize as a wave of fear surged through him.

"Are you alright?" One of his friends spoke to him in a joking tone, grasping Callun's shoulder.

Flinching, Callun instantly fixed his expression as he turned, "I'm fine..."

His friend grinned, "Don't worry. We've got your back. If that aphrodite really means so much to you, we'll set him up. You have all the time you need, my friend."

Seeing the confidence in his friend's smile, Callun reassured himself. That's right. Moulin and I would be together for weeks, months even. There's nothing to be worried about.


Within the quiet elven forests where lush greens covered the ground and protruding tree roots, bright beams of filtered light rained down the forest floor from the puzzle-like crowns of the treetops. Not a sight of insects or small animals were seen. However, the rustling sounds of movements were heard. It was a special occurrence within the usual thriving forests around the country of abundance. 

Within the forest, desolate and treeless, a large circular area was situated. At the center, a large teleportation pearl would be found. It's long end pierced the hard ground as it stood in solitary. The elven runes on its alabaster body looked old as well as it's bright sphere. It glowed dazzlingly.

After a brief flash of bright light, the loud neighing of horses and murmuring voices could be heard. It was all brought to a stop when a raucous voice spoke out loud.

"Prepare to depart to Yan'Gofrae!" While on his horse, Rowan commanded as he activated a mapping artifact to locate the town. The transparent image of their destination emerge and Rowan took a couple of minutes to let the team do their brief check.

They planned to stop by the town of Yan'Gofrae where most of the mishaps were occurring. After then, they will be heading to the palace  of Meian to seek an audience with the ruler. 

After a couple minutes, Relena leisurely guided her horse beside Rowan. She glanced at him, "Seers first, let's have them trace malevolence  while we proceed to the town."

Nodding in agreement, Rowan let Relena do as she suggested. Not long after, the sound of thudding resounded throughout the forest as the group of sentinels rode through the captivating woods. It was as Moulin had read in his books. The forest of Meian country was enchanting and mystifying. With trees as large as the pillars of Auronian temples, forest grounds filled with abundant herbs and vegetation, the sweet sensation of mana surrounding them. It was utterly breathtaking. Only, Moulin wondered how quiet it was. He didn't see a single life form as he passed. 

Moulin narrowed his eyes. Somehow it was suspicious...

Through the forested valleys, they left the borders. They knew the people in the palace have expected their arrival once they crossed the borders of Meian. The activation of the teleportation pearl should have alerted the palace's mages.

Moulin clenched the reigns of his horse as he sped up, coincidentally, beside Torahn who looked attractively fierce and domineering as he rode his horse. Moulin felt a flutter in his stomach. Admittedly, his lover was too attractive that it made him jealous. He wanted some of that masculinity and shove it on everyone's face. 

Honestly, he was tired of everyone torturously reminding him of how beauteous he was. 

A couple of hours later, With a crease between his brows, Relena squinted her eyes once she saw the poorly builted wooden gates of town Yan'Gofrae from half-opened was oddly half-opened. Her eyes grew sharp. She glanced at Rowan, who caught her gaze. 

"My lady, We have detected strong malevolence beyond the gates. It is extremely potent!" One of their two seers spoke. 

"Conjure a soul protection spell on our people before we enter. We cannot risk affliction of one of our own before entering the woodland palace." Relena ordered their mages. The people of Meian can become doubtful of outsiders because of some minor misgiving sometimes. 

As they entered the gates with their horses, they gradually slowed down. The sudden shift of the air senses chills down their spine as they witnessed the perishing scene of the small town. It smelled of death and sickness. The ground was littered with withering plants and the dwellings were too quiet. 

Followed by Rowan's lead, the group dismounted their horses. Their boots creating a series of thuds on the ground. The sound of horses and people roused the curious people concerning themselves within their homes. Moulin slightly narrowed his eyes as he patted Snow, shortly telling him to stay. He then joined Jagra and the others to look around. 

It was as if the townspeople were terrified of stepping out of their homes. Rowan and Relena took two sentinels with them as they searched for the town mayor. As he looked around, Moulin could notice eyes peeking between the spaces of their shut windows. The town looked deserted with the lack of people on the pathways.

At the corner of his eyes, Moulin saw a hasty figure hiding behind the wooden houses. No one had caught sight of it except for Moulin. The youth didn't need to tell others as he began to head towards the backside of the house on his right.

He was sure he saw a child.

Creasing his forehead and with quiet stealthy footsteps, he walked unnoticed by Jagra and the others.

A hand suddenly grabbed his arm making the youth widened his silver eyes in surprise as he looked behind him. As he realized who the person was, Moulin released a sigh. "What are you doing?" He asked as he glanced at the man's hand grasping his upper arm.

"Don't go investigating on your own without anyone to accompany you." Hadrian in his Torahn guise gazed at Moulin with red eyes. His voice sounded a bit restrained and hoarse as he spoke.

Geez, You sound like my brothers. Moulin internally rolled his eyes.

With a tug of a corner of his lips, his eyes turned smiling as he spoke, "Well, I have you, don't I?"

There was a three-second silence before Hadrian smirked. "Indeed you do..."

Satisfied, Moulin walked with Hadrian as they headed behind the house. Moulin had been meticulously taught about concealing his presence. Together with Hadrian they skillfully examined the dilapidated back area of the house. It was surrounded by wooden fences, specifically, planks that were nailed and tied by old ropes.

Unfortunately, the pair didn't see anyone. However, as Moulin lifted his gaze to look at the shaded forest, he stopped.

Peeking out from the trunk of a tall tree, a little girl's head with eyes dripping with curiosity and wonder, was looking at Moulin and Hadrian. Only half of her body could be seen. She hid a bit further away from them making it hard to determine her race. Although there was curiosity, Moulin could not mistake the layer of fear coating those childish eyes.

Moulin glanced at Hadrian who seemed uninterested, blandly starting at the hiding girl. There was not a hint of curiousness in his eyes.

Helplessly, Moulin stepped forward towards the flinching little child. He tried to soften the look in his eyes as he spoke gently, "Hello there. Come. We won't hurt you..."

"Who are you people?..." The girl asked. Feeling a bit of ease at Moulin's soft voice. She was reminded of her mother who always sang to her to lull her to sleep.

"We are here to help you" Moulin smiled.

Glancing at Moulin and the child, Hadrian watched amusingly. Moulin didn't miss the look on the man's face. He mentally snorted,  How helpful you are.

"H-Help?" At the mention of the word, her bright eyes rounded with hope. She hurriedly revealed her dirty self and walked hesitantly to Moulin.

An Orc.

Moulin's eyes slightly widened. She wore a muddied dress as if she had fallen into a mud pit and her shoes looked worn. However, that wasn't what caught Moulin's eyes. Her ebony cat-like ears, camouflaged with her hair.

A feline type.

"C-Can you help my Da?" She squeaked out. Her long tail slightly swaying behind her as she anticipated the beautiful person's answer.

Moulin bent down and leaned towards her. Da? Moulin's brows furrowed, "What happened to your, father?"

Tears welled in her eyes as she began to sob. It wasn't out of sorrow but out of joy. Finally, there was someone who would listen to her. Her heart swelled with joy as hope finally came to her. Jumping over the fence, she meekly led them to the house.


Pushing the door open with her small hands, she led the two men inside the small wooden house. Moulin's eyes examined their conditions. The wooden walls seemed to be sturdy and although it was cramped inside with hand-crafted shelves, a small table enough for two people, and a single bed with animal pelts by the side, it was neat and tidy despite the house looking as if it would collapse by a slight touch.

At the corner of the house, there was an ajar compartment on the floor, Moulin had noticed. He could see a couple of sacks hidden.

"Please help my Da!" The girl anxiously pulled Moulin to the man wheezing on the bed.

Moulin examined the man laying on the bed. Confusion suddenly etched his face. Pale skin turning red and feverish, long silky hair draping over the pillows to the edge of the bed, and the long pointy ears exposed to Moulin and Hadrian's sight.

The girl's father was an elf?

  1. * Beastman


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