A Gorgeous White

Chapter 90: The Cold and Detached looking Third Young Master

Chapter 90: The Cold and Detached looking Third Young Master

The night was different from the days within the walls of the Leonile manor. It was quieter and calmer. Although some would blame it for the lack of personnel in the manorial, others thought it was because one would want to relish the gentle, soothing night of nature. At least, that was what Moulin thought.

Within the thick walls of a particular aphrodite's room, the sounds of a deep kiss shared by two people filled the room with a haze of sensuality. It was wholly ignored by a particular fox, sulking on the mattress alone. It's back facing the two lovers intimately embracing each other.

Snow kept growling, pupils irritatingly glowing. He kept rubbing his ears with the soft pads beneath his paws in an attempt to drown out all the sounds. Hopelessly, he whimpered as he sullenly glanced to look at his master.

"We will be leaving soon."

With a panting gasp, Moulin pulled back from the connection of his lips and Hadrian's. His cheeks, flushed. His eyes, a glazed silver. His lips, moist and red. A breath escaped from his mouth as he gazed up at the tall man before him.

"I am well aware of that." Hadrian raised a brow. Internally unsatisfied from the abrupt pause of their intimacy. His arms tightened around Moulin like locking clamps. "Why so impatient? We have two more days before we leave. Are you so eager to prepare for the trip?"

"Not at all." Moulin tugged a corner of his lips as he senses the dissatisfaction of the man's tone. "I do not like to tarry. It makes me feel incompetent. Do not forget that you are still a tool that I use, Milord. If you do, you will certainly regret it"

"That, I am also aware." Hadrian lets out a hearty laugh. His golden eyes narrowing in amusement. "How ruthless. Aren't I more than a tool in your heart, young master? Tell me, how should I serve you as your lover?"

Moulin turned his head. His eyes dazzled with amusement as he stared. He spoke no words as if waiting for the man in front of him to speak for him.

Hadrian raised the corner of his lips. "Granted..." He then dipped his head and once again captured the youth's lips in a deep heated kiss. His strong arms wrapping around the slender waist.

Moulin let out a throaty chuckle as he parted his lips, giving access to the swift tongue of the man. Dominating and ruthless. Both their grasps on each other tightened, unwilling to let go. They breathe on each other. Relishing. Savoring. The utmost heightened arousal, dripping with warm affection. Moulin's fingers pressed on the man's shoulders, slightly resisting, unable to accept the dominance the man would drown him in. Yet, it was useless.

The night was long and filled with warmth despite the cold wind that had swirled around the manor every night.

The night passed and tomorrow came.

It was the day of preparation and the meeting of the sentinels from Dragor. Moulin tried to wake up early yet was woken by Jagra's persistent knocking on his door. They jogged, did their training routine, had their morning meal, and met with Rowan and their fellow sentinels in the assembly hall. Their discussion was short as they proceeded to teleport to Azuran. Even though he didn't want to be early for the meet with Dragor, Rowan was helplessly reprimanded by Fhorg before he finally conceded.

With a flash, the group arrived in Azuran. From the onlooker's eyes, the sentinels of Leonile looked detached. Cold and fierce. Filled with an overwhelming aura that could render one motionless. One of the reason's why they were always avoided. There were elegance and strength on their walk and people had stopped and whispered as the group of sentinels passed.

As the prideful people they are, the sentinels of Dragor didn't want to wait upon other sentinel guilds within a guild headquarters that wasn't of the Dragor guild property. Although reluctant, Rowan didn't want to waste time arguing and therefore agreed to meet within the Dragor manorial.

Moulin memorized the route to the Dragor manorial carefully.

It was a long distance.

He passed trees while on the stoned pathway. Luxurious, Moulin believed. He was curious. Curious about how great was this guild's power. It's dominance, it's reputation, it's wealth. He wondered what kind of men and women were residing within this guild to have the guts to suggest their group to meet within the Dragor property. Moulin was long annoyed and foresaw how he would become more annoyed once he meets these bastards.

Standing in front of the stone arched entrance, two men in gold-white uniforms noticed their arrival.

"Welcome..." The older man nodded towards Rowan as they greeted each other.

He then gestures to Rowan's group to follow him. The younger man beside him didn't even bother to nod at the group, even at Rowan. Moulin then believed his expectations were right.

The walk was short as they entered. The arched pillars were towering, sky-high. It was like entering a temple. The courtyard was vast like the stretching land of the imperial palace. The sentinels within looked glamorous and mighty-looking, pride and strength filled their eyes. Stylish uniformed capes barely dragging on the clean ground as they walked.

Moulin could faintly hear Ghana snorting as they passed by a couple of female sentinels who were whispering girlishly, keeping their hair down and beautiful. Honestly, they looked more like women who would do nothing but brush their hair all day.

Although Ghana was not involved in Rowan's mission, Fhorg urged her to accompany Rowan to practice sophistication in front of refined people.

"I see a couple of eyes on you..." Jagra whispers to Moulin as they walked. Moulin ignored them with a frown. Must be their first time seeing an aphrodite maeruthan sentinel, Moulin resisted the urged to roll his eyes. He watched as Rowan continued to walk, unfazed.

It was not long before they arrived at a silent and isolated pavilion surrounded by tall neat rows of trees after an hour of walking. Quite an unusual place to discuss serious matters.

Moulin slightly narrowed his silver eyes,

"Sir Rowan..."

Inside the pavilion, an elegant woman stood up from her seat. Her long hair, a starry cluster of blue, and her eyes were gorgeous orbs of emerald. Her figure was astoundingly sensual as she stood up. She reached out her hand, "It's good to see you..."

"Lady Relena..." Rowan nodded as he shook her hand.

Moulin swept his eyes across the area, curiously assessing the fifteen people standing around her. There were only two chairs inside the pavilion, one taken by Relena, the other, Moulin guessed was provided for Rowan.

Moulin was aware of several gazes turning to him but he didn't pay attention to any of it. What slightly caught his awareness was the gaze of a familiar person within the Pavillion. Moulin was unfazed.

Oblivious to him, the gaze belonged to a young man with eyes of pure amethyst. Belonging to a young master Moulin had once confronted at the first trial of the Sentinel Guild trials. It was Callun Untrei Maxinille. The arrogant firstborn of the Grand Maxinille family. His eyes took in Moulin's profile with a flushed face.

Ever since he was humiliated ruthlessly and defeated by the young man he got his eyes set on, he could help but feel a flutter in his stomach. Currently, he was suppressing the admiration and infatuation in his eyes as he stared at the aphrodite. 'So cold and detached... No one had ever hooked me with such strength, such brilliance!'

Relena smiled sweetly as her fingers secretly caressed the back of Rowan's hand. Her nails gently scraping the surface of his skin seductively.

"Stop that." Rowan narrowed his eyes at her.

With a laugh, Relena released his hand. "You never let me have fun" She gestured to Rowan to sit. Amusement dancing in her eyes. She stopped when she spots a head of white behind Rowan. It was quite eye-catching. "You... brought your recruits."

"Yes." Rowan glanced at his three juniors behind him.

"Interesting... " She smiled at Moulin who seemed to become cautious of her.

"Let us start..."

Moulin and the rest kept their ears open as they listened attentively. From the discussion of transportation, weapons to be brought, merging both sentinel factions with similar capabilities into one group, necessities, and sustenance, Moulin carefully memorized what he heard. Occasionally, he entertains Jagra who curiously whispers to him, and Ghana who was nodding off, sometimes jerking awake when Jagra calls her name.

Moulin observed the Sentinels of dragon partaking in the mission. From looks alone, Moulin knew they were strong. And it seems all of them were experience. Moulin had also caught a few who were secretly staring at him. He narrowed his eyes darkly. But unlike most people, they had a look of amusement than fear. It seems they were pretty confident in themselves.

His eyes zeroed on a young man with purple eyes who seemed so familiar to him. Moulin tends to forget things that he despises, mostly people. He only turned his gaze away impassively.

Callun stifled a breath as he met Moulin's eyes shortly, 'He looked at me!' He felt an explosion in his chest as he struggled to breathe. With that fierce gaze, he looked at me!

That gaze was as deadly as the time when Moulin had grabbed Callun by the collar. Spitting out deadly words. Surrounded by the chilling cold and the cries of his men. He felt chills.

"So this young man... Is an aphrodite sentinel of the Leonile guild?"

Moulin turned his head to Relena was scrutinizing openly. Her voice sounded playful and interested. Rowan paused as he glanced at Moulin before nodding to the woman in front of him.

"I've heard of an aphrodite joining the Guild Trials but I didn't think he would effortlessly be accepted by the Leonile guild." Her emerald eyes assessed Moulin's face curiously. "You must be the known candidate who gained the favors of all Guild Lords during the Selection. I hope you are more than you look..."

Moulin bowed his head slightly. "I deemed myself capable..."

"You intrigue me..." She grinned, cheekily. Her fellow sentinels all gave Moulin a look as she said the words.

"Let us continue..." Rowan interrupted. Truly, Moulin seems to hook people towards him.

Relena nodded in agreement and focused her attention on their discussion. They continued. Only two people were discussing as the hours passed by.

The wind was strong and cold. Only Moulin seemed unaffected as he welcomed it greatly. He closed his eyes as he relished the wind brushing past him. Attentively, he still listened carefully.

Callum pressed his lips together as he started almost seriously. He didn't even bother to pay attention to his senior's conversation anymore. There were stars in his eyes.

Unlike Moulin who seemed unaware, Ghana and Jagra frowned as they glare at the person intently scrutinizing their little friend. How come Moulin was so oblivious? Jagra could not help but glower his eyes at Callun.

As the meeting came to an end, Relena personally escorted them to the archways. As they said their farewells, both sentinel guilds took their time to assess the other. Eyes evaluating. Some had the looks of disappointment while others had the look of hopelessness. There was nothing they could do but put up with it since they will be working together.

Rowan turned and walked, leading his group with a faint smile.

Just before Moulin could turn around and leave, A voice suddenly called out.


Callun suddenly shouted with hurried steps. Moulin didn't even bother to glance his way as if he didn't recognize him. Callun felt completely disheartened until the meeting ended. And now, with Moulin's departure, Callun knew he had to at least speak a word to him or else he'll go insane in regret.

Jagra and Ghana stopped. However, Moulin didn't bother to do so. Snow was probably sulking in Troid's workroom. Moulin needed to hurry up and return.

"Um, P-person with the white hair!"

This time Moulin stopped. His steps paused and he turned his head to look behind him with narrowed eyes. Ghana and Jagra stood in between Callun and Moulin with vigilance to the man calling their friend.

Callun felt a little nervous as his fingers fidgeted on his back. When Moulin's silver eyes caught him, his body trembled. He wondered if he had just angered Moulin.

"What do you want?" Moulin glowered. Seeing the young man standing a few meters away from him, he could not help but become wary. Although, the man seemed quite familiar.

"D-Do you remember me?" Callun spoke with heavy anxiousness.

Moulin sized him up and cocked an eyebrow. "No, I don't"

As he finished his sentence, he turned around and continued walking. He didn't bother to listen to anything Callum says afterwards. Ghana shot Callun a glare before she and Jagra followed Moulin with quick steps.

A few sentinels snickered behind Callun as they patted their friend's shoulder. With a sigh, one spoke with a smile, "Tsk, Tsk, It's a shame that one. He doesn't know how much you adore him. It's his loss..."


"Callun?" He waved a hand in front of Callun's stunned face and froze. "Blood!"

Two trails of red dripped from Callun's nose. The young man had hazed unfocused eyes and a flushed face as he stared at Moulin's departing back from faraway. With a grin and a trembling voice, he spoke as if to make himself realized, "He talked to me!"

The men around him looked at him strangely while fanatically convincing his friend that he was truly bleeding. Sticking his cape on up Callun's nostrils, a sentinel dragged Callun by the collar towards the archways with a grumble.


"That guy really doesn't have any good intentions towards you! Did you see the look on his face?" Jagra hissed as he began to shove books inside his void pouch. A special mana generated pouch weaved with enchanted threads. Each Leonile sentinels was provided one, convenient for those who would be joining long term missions.

Moulin was leaning his shoulder on the doorframe of his Jagra's quarters, amusingly watching his friend grumbling.

"Do you really need to bring your books?" Ghana spoke with her gaze focused on polishing her sword. She sat on Jagra's bed, an ankle rested on her knee, a sword resting on her thigh.

"Well, we don't know how long will we be staying in Meian. I can pack everything inside my bedroom if I want to..." Jagra replied as he grabbed a blanket and stuffed it inside his pouch.

Moulin shook his head as he exited from the room and began to head to his. The tiny patting of paws on the wooden floor entered Moulin's ears cheekily.


Moulin smiled warmly as he picked up Snow from the floor, his eyes warmly staring at the little fox. He stopped in front of the doors of his quarters, knowing well who awaits him behind the door.


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