A Gorgeous White

Chapter 81: Joining Hearts

Chapter 81: Joining Hearts

The cold air was freezing. Carrying a bit of coldness as it dances around a pair of men with little awareness around them. Their whole attention focused on the other beside them. The twinkling light from high above their heads graced the two people, ushering the darkness away and bringing light.

The two were alone. And cared not about the lurking creatures within the woods who didn't dare to go near the open lake. Hiding quietly in the shadows.

"Do you not feel cold?"

"Hm?" Moulin glanced at the man beside him and he shook his head. "It's alright..." The cold didn't bother him.

His pink fingers clutched the white-furred coat around him. The curve of his ears flushing pink.

"How is the situation in the Temple?" He asked.

"It's has been resolved... for now," Hadrian replied. "The incident has affected most of the people in the temple. The guilds of Azuran will have to act immediately tomorrow. An assembly will be led..."

Moulin furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at Hadrian, "It seems you will become busier tomorrow..."

"Yes..." Hadrian replied with an amused smile, "Will you be missing my company?"

"I suppose I will miss the very person I strangled multiple times in my dreams." Moulin rolled his eyes. "It would be pitiful for me if I don't release stress towards the object of my annoyance."

"How bold of you, young master..." Hadrian grinned as he lifted their intertwined fingers. "However, are you certain you wouldn't long for this?"

Moulin paused shortly before he shook his head. A soft laugh rang in Hadrian's ears.

Although it was the only response the Lord would receive, he was satisfied. Instead of the burning covetous desire inside his chest, there was a comfortable warmth. The feeling seemed innocent and fragile but it was dangerous. As though, if he would go deeper, he would lose himself. To fall into that warm emotion and just cherish it. Just watch it grow.

It is dangerous...

Hadrian could not trust his emotions. Ever since he was a babe, he was trained to control it. This warmth within the hand he holds. Completely different from the embrace of his parents, the guidance of his guardian, the trust of his followers. He was not ignorant to not know what it was.


Dangerously desirable...

The young man beside him... is desired by many people. He felt a bitter taste in his mouth. It was like swallowing dust from coals. Desired by many people but right now the youth was his. In his territory, in his guild, in his hand. It was blissful. But Hadrian should not be too rushed. It would do no good as he observed Moulin's recent reactions. There were a lot of things occurring, rousing Moulin's concern. Filling the youth's mind. Hadrian would help Moulin. To keep the youth by his side, to sate the call in his heart.

"The night is lovely..." Moulin muttered. His bright silver eyes reflecting the stars in the sky.

"So it is..." Hadrian said. His eyes gazing at Moulin's face.

"You aren't even looking..." Moulin smirked as he looked at the man beside him. His expression stilled.

Moulin fell silent.

There it was. The longing look of the lord's face. Moulin knew because he had once worn that expression. Back when he was so hopelessly in love. The tenderness of the feeling. And the affection you feel for the other. It was like a yearning ache inside your chest.

Moulin could not say that he was not enamored with the man in front of him. The Lord was a man every girl would dream of night and day. But they did not know this man was imperfect. Moulin didn't care. He liked it when this man was there no matter how many times Moulin wanted to cut him off. He wasn't stupid enough to not notice Hadrian's efforts.

It was charming.

Unlike the protagonists in his stories, he wasn't a person scarred by love, promising themselves to not love another ever again. He was given this chance to live again. He would give himself a chance to love again.

"Moulin..." Hadrian called, breaking the silence between them. He stepped closer to the youth.

"Hadrian..." Moulin called. It was like a whisper. Soft as though afraid to share with the world. To be carried by the wind. It was the first time Moulin had openly said the Lord's first name.

Hadrian froze once he heard his name from Moulin's lips. His eyes deepened. Truly, it sounded heavenly.

Hadrian lowered his head, gazing into those silver eyes. When they first met these eyes were filled with vigilance and fierceness. Now they looked at Hadrian unguardedly, with hidden emotions afraid to be spoken out loud.

"What we have..." Lord Hadrian spoke, "...will affect the guild..."

"It will bring conflict between our families..." Moulin nodded.

"Your future will be filled with difficulties..." Hadrian added.

"So will yours..." Moulin took a step closer. "...and Snow would not be happy about this."

Hadrian let out a chuckle. Eyes softening as he lifted out his other hand. His fingers pushing away the stray strand of hair on Moulin's forehead. "You have blinded me..."

Moulin raised an eyebrow, "You woo like a debauchee. It was quite irritating..."

Hadrian laughed he pulled Moulin closer to him. Grinning, he spoke, "However, you were charmed, yes?"

Moulin scoffed playfully. "Try charming Snow. Maybe then I'll consider your charms..."

With a smile on his face, Hadrian pulled Moulin to continue their walk. They didn't know how much time had passed. How many hours they spent talking with each other unbothered and free from care. They shared opinions and stories. Exchanging words, blended with a bit of sweetness and jest.

But as the night went deeper, Hadrian knew it was time to retire.

"Can't we stay a little bit longer?" Moulin asked. His eyes enthusiastically roaming all over the place. "Why don't we rest in the cave first? It's been so long since I've been inside." He dragged the Lord behind him as he walked hastily towards the cave.

Hadrian could only let himself be led away by the young man in front of him. They stepped on the deep snow and headed towards the entrance of the cave.

Walking inside the area where Moulin had slept long before, Moulin breathes in. The thick walls of ice glowed faintly blue, bringing light into the darkness of the cave. Moulin stopped his steps. He imagined himself when he had slept and ate with Snow. The days were comfortable and he wasn't stressed at all. He had trained by himself. Hunted wild animals for food. Bathed in the cold waters of the freezing river.

The memories were a temptation. However, as tempting as it was, Moulin could not leave his current life behind. He had his family, his friends, his fellow, sentinels, his duties, and...

Moulin glanced at the Hercullian Lord assessing the cave with serious eyes.

"Do you miss your life here?" Hadrian questioned as he placed a hand on the cold glowing ice wall. "Unbothered by the world. Free from the dangers the world might bring to you. Hidden and living a peaceful life..."

Moulin sighed, "You know I can't simply leave everything behind..."

"But if you were able to leave everything behind..." Hadrian faced him. His was solemn and patient, awaiting the answers from Moulin's mouth. "Will you?"

"I won't..." The answer was without hesitation. Spoken loud and clear. Moulin's expression turned serious. "I will not run away from everything..."

Hadrian stared at Moulin. Unmoving. He suppressed the anxiety in his heart. He will not be cruel unless this young man beside him would even have a vague thought of leaving. Hadrian took Moulin in his arms.

He embraced the youth. An arm around Moulin's waist and a hand on Moulin's head.

Moulin's eyes were wide. The sudden actions surprised him greatly. 'C-close', Moulin's face reddened. For a moment he didn't know where to put his hands until he decided to return the Lord's embrace. His silver eyes blinked rapidly. He was embarrassed if the Lord would notice the loud pounding of his heart. Maybe he realized it already...

He calmed himself and started to think of a way to start a conversation when a long minute passed.

Hadrian nuzzled his nose on Moulin's neck earning him a chuckle from Moulin.

"You're acting like Snow" Moulin bit back a laugh as he felt a ticklish feeling from Hadrian's ministrations. Hadrian gave a throaty chuckle.

Golden eyes narrowed as he took in the scent of Moulin's skin. He exhaled a trembling breath. As if he was at the brink of unleashing every hidden desire in his heart.

"You... smell like lavender and-"

"-and honey. I know..." Moulin smiled. He ran his slender fingers down Hadrian's back. "I love the scented bathing oils from Zenin city. They're exotic."

"I'll keep that in mind..." Hadrian muttered.

Suddenly, Moulin flinched when he something soft pressing against the place where his neck and shoulder's meet.

At the realization of the kiss on his skin, Moulin clenched his teeth. This man!

Moulin narrowed his eyes his hands paused their movements. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Relishing..." Hadrian answered simply. His tone was deep and predatory. His lips latching on the softness of Moulin's skin.

"I thought you didn't have any intention of--Augh..." Moulin winced when he felt a gentle suction on the skin of his neck. He was baffled and speechless.

Suddenly, he felt fire rousing beneath his skin. It was hot and intoxicating. It got stronger. Spreading warmth under his neck.

Imprisoned within the Lord's iron grip and held drunk under the douse of heat from the man's touch, Moulin was vulnerable. He curled his fingers unto the man's back as he felt the big hand behind his head curling and gripping his braided hair. Strangely, Moulin could feel the tremble in the Lord's hand and the shake of his shoulders. Moulin furrows his brows. "H-Hadrian?"

At the sound of his name, Hadrian stopped. His hand around Moulin's back falling dangerously low. His other hand slightly pulling Moulin's hair back, exposing the flushed marked skin of the youth.

Restraining himself, he suppressed the cruel demand of his mind as he spoke, "I would never force you..."

He sounded apologetic. Moulin could tell...

Releasing his grip on both hands, Hadrian pulled away from Moulin and rested his forehead on Moulin's forehead. Concern washed his expression. He exhaled a warm breath as his hooded eyes looked down unto Moulin's lips. "We're... you scared?"


Moulin parted his lips as he stared into the painful depths of the man's golden eyes. For the first time, an emotion was revealed. A sense of worry filled the Hercullian Lord's pupils.

Moulin softened his eyes. He raised his hand to touch the Lord's face. His rosy fingertips caressing Hadrian's cheek down to his jaw. It was gentle and careful but for Hadrian, it was like a tap on a broken window at the verge of shattering into bits.

"Tell me..." Hadrian whispered. It almost sounded like a plead. His face moving dangerously close to Moulin. "Are you really not afraid of me?"

Moulin was opened his mouth to answer when Hadrian interrupted him, "You have to think about it. I am not what you think I am. The names people call me strike fear even to children-"

He was silenced.

Silence by a searing act. Sealing the words from his mouth as he felt a pair of lips pressing against his own.

And then it pulls away.

Briefly, like the touch of a butterfly.

Moulin smiled as he retreated. It was unexpected of how he was the one to initiate the kiss despite all the unfortunate times the Lord had effortly done just so he would be allowed to hold Moulin's hand.

"I am not afraid..." Moulin spoke slowly.


The youth smirked as he raised an eyebrow at the silence of the Lord in front of him. It was as if the man was struck by his own lightning.

Unknown to him, the Lord almost shocked himself to death with the emotions rolling like turbulent sea currents crashing down in his head.

And for the very first time, Moulin saw a stretch of red across the domineering man's face.


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