A Gorgeous White

Chapter 76: An Insignificant Wish

Chapter 76: An Insignificant Wish

A frightening silence stretched for seconds. No one dared to utter a word. Although they were curious they didn't dare to even whisper. As the Lord's slightly intimidating tone sank in their chests, they felt a bit suffocated. The people hid their anticipation as they gazed at their powerful Guild Lord. His deep golden eyes staring down at them as if to melt their insides. They could not help but shudder. Moulin only blankly stared. Ignoring the tense expressions of the people around him, his attention was solely focused on the man he had forced himself to call 'master'.

All waited silently for the next words to be spoken.

Hadrian's expression turned grim as his eyes glanced at the scroll in front of him.

"You must be startled." Lord Hercullio gave a sneer. "Good."

Moulin furrows his eyebrows. It was the first time he had genuinely saw the Lord's anger openly. He could clearly see it.

Hadrian continued. He plainly revealed the pitilessness in his voice as he started.

"Beyond the boundary of Loren City, the corpses of a group of travelers were found. Thirteen bodies. Fresh. No wounds, no severed limbs." Looking down, he spread his long fingers on the smooth open surface of the scroll. "Three of those corpses happened to be wearing my guild's insignia. Although I pity the sufferings before their deaths, they had violated our guild's rule. Stealing a teleportation key for the purpose of immersing themselves in the lavish pleasures of women in brothels is solely tarnishing our name. Overstepping the strict boundaries I have enforce for their grime-filled minds. How bold of them..." He chuckled softly. It was frightfully sinister and cold.

"If they weren't dead already I might have murdered them myself," Hadrian spoke. His bone-chilling tone sent a gush of fear into one's spine. "Let this be a warning to whoever is bold enough to overstep my rule..." He finished.

"My Lord..." Varick softly called.

Hadrian didn't turn his attention away but agreeably shifted the subject. He raised a hand to signal Troid to step forward and present. Meanwhile, the quietly angered Lord turned to sit on the large chair at the center of the platform. His watchful eyes carefully sweeping over the area.

Troid stepped forward with a few papers in his hands. It was the reports he had compiled and studied. He raises his head, "Please pay attention to what I'm about to relay to you all..." His eyes grew serious as he exhaled. "The cause behind the deaths of our three brothers involves the sudden abnormalities that have been frequently occurring all over the country. A few days ago, the same occurrence transpired in Azuran."

This time won't murmurs could not be contained. Restlessness growing inside every sentinel. The news had already reached their ears. At first, they thought it was only a trivial matter but the loss of their own guild members that had fallen into this incident had triggered the anxiousness inside their hearts.

Despite the slight noise, Troid continued.

"The victims had been infected by an unidentified type of energy devourer. Our Azuran head mages have called it Kron. It is a malignant power what seems to feed on a person's internal energy as life source. From the information provided by the Elder guild, it sucks the life force of its host for its growth and strength. Once the host dies, it flees the body and proceeds to search for another victim. The suction force of their devouring seems to be so powerful it eats away a maeruthan's mana core and devours the host's heart with it."

"It is formed like black tendrils and firstly infests the heart once it has invaded the body. Currently, a sample is under observation but a way to prevent and cease the spread is still... Unknown."

The murmurs grew louder as the crowd grew restless. What had seemed so trivial weeks ago had become so dangerously life-threatening. Troid had an anxious look on his face as he glanced at Varick who only shook his head.

The Hercullian Lord only rested his chin on the back of his hand as he gazed at the troubled expressions before him. They were horrified. Afraid for their own lives. It was an amusing sight to see but Hadrian believed they would not cruelly abandon their loyalty to him. Although, only a few faces could be trusted.

"By order of his Imperial majesty, We, the Leonile Sentinels, will be aiding the obliteration of the Kron. Azuran will be dispatching sentinels all over the lands to form alliances and to prevent the spread of Kron. There is a great possibility that It may not be occurring only in Aurona." Troid announced, lifting the imperial decree for all eyes to see.

Gasps and mumbles sounded around Moulin. The youth only creased his forehead as he gazed at the apathetic man sitting on his high chair. Was it because of this that the lord wasn't able to show his face to him for days? Turns out the crown had pressured the Hercullian lord these days.

"Something like that is really happening?..." Jagra whispered. Moulin could sense the tremble in his friend's voice.

Moulin was internally shaken too. Something as devastating as the Kron would end the whole country if not contained and resolved. Extreme measures should be implemented as soon as possible.

"For now..." Troid suddenly spoke amidst the silencing noise around him. "... No one is permitted to travel outside of Thaeria unless they have been entrusted to a mission. We shall be joining forces with other guilds in the future. I suggest you work hard not to bring shame to our guild name..."

Once the words were spoken, the noise stopped and all sentinels saluted with a fist on their hearts. Their bubbling loyalty was almost as high as the sky. Moulin followed like a proper sentinel. However, in his mind he was uneasy. He yearned to return home in the embrace of his parents.

He was worried. Terribly worried.

What if something had happened to his family in Zenin? His heart was pounding as he listed the countless chances in his head.

The assembly began to discuss various things in relation to the future tasks of the guild. The sentinels would be grouped into teams of four to five, each lead by an honorary sentinel of the guild. Most tasks would be in collaboration with other guilds and full cooperation would be required. An inspection would be held in every entry in the manorial as well as the guild of gold in Azuran.

The gathering stretched for a couple of hours. A line of maeruthans stepping in the platforms to report and forward information for everyone to hear. The hall was quiet in those hours until the Lord dismissed the assembly.

'He might be in a bad mood' Moulin thought as he glanced at the departing back of the man as he disappeared behind the curtains. 'He's probably going to be busy nowadays...'

As he began to walk along with Ghana and Jagra, he heard his name called out in the open. Moulin turned to see Varick with a hesitant smile. The passing maeruthans curiously glanced at Varick and Moulin.

"Hello, Senior" Moulin greeted. He quietly ushered Ghana and Jagra to leave first. His two friends blinked at the sheepish smile on Varick's face before they walked away with strange ideas.

Varick met the youth's silver eyes as he spoke, "The Lord wished to have a word with you..."

A crease appeared in between Moulin's brows. Although he was skeptical, he only nodded his head respectfully. Before leaving, Varick secretly gestured to Moulin to enter the curtains once the hall was empty. Warily, Moulin wondered about Hadrian's intentions as he waited for people to completely vacant the hall.

A couple of minutes passed, the hall was finally e.pty and Moulin sauntered towards the platform. His soft steps echoed loudly within the hall, heels against the smooth floor. With narrowed eyes, Moulin parted the black curtains with a hand as soon as he stood before it. His confused gaze landed on the double door before him.

He swiftly opened the door without a thought and the pleasant scent of lavender entered his nose. His boots walked on the carpeted floor which looked too lavish to be made carpet. The interior was like a lounging area specifically made for distinguished guests. Moulin's forehead crinkled. A lavish room behind the hall was suspicious. Moulin shrugged his shoulders. He didn't have the energy to care anyway.

Suddenly, his gaze spotted the delicious plate of biscuits and shortcakes on the table before a long soft-looking couch. Moulin swallowed before he began to quietly move towards the table like a thief. He eyed the snacks like a wolf. If Snow was here, he would shamelessly collaborate with the little fox to steal the snacks before him.

As he lowered himself, he absorbed the wonderful sweet scent of the pastries. For the first time in his life here in the manorial, he felt incredibly blessed.

Internally worshipping the God of baked goods, he instantly gobbled a cookie he brought to his mouth. Savoring the taste, he became slightly teary. How he missed Pola's biscuits and the family chef's skills. Just thinking about it made his eyes water.

"Mmm..." He moaned at the taste as the chocolate melted on his tongue. Glorious! How long has it been when he had eaten with pleasure in these godly pastries. Even if this was a trap he would gladly let himself get caught.

"Tsk, not even bothering to wait for your host... "

At the sound of the voice, the Eating Goblin flinched. Moulin quickly turned his head. His eyes met the golden rings of the Lord's magnetic eyes. He almost choked as he immediately stood. "You took too long..." Moulin instantly declared with a chewing mouth.

"Is food even more valuable than the presence of your Lord?"

Moulin raised an eyebrow. Eternally rolling his eyes.

Well, of course! What else should be more valuable? It's not like I can eat you instead. You wouldn't even taste better than plain bread. Moulin silently berated. He froze when he realized how outlandish his thoughts would be in another perspective.

Ridiculous! Why was he thinking of that?

Hadrian witnessed the sudden reddening of the youth's face. He slowly walked in front of Moulin who was still chewing, completely uncaring of how rude it was. He could not help but flick the little nose of the cruel young man in front of him. "I should punish you for behaving so unrefined in front of me."

Moulin scrunched up his face as he rubbed his nose. He swallowed his food before boldly poking the hard chest of the man in front of him. "Have you forgotten? You offered yourself to be used by me. What I do in front of you is none of your concern."

Hadrian's gaze narrowed. His eyes deepened as he glanced at the little pink finger dangerously touching him. He could feel the fire gradually sparking to life. "How sly... Do you actually think you can intimidate me?"

"I tried before haven't I?" Moulin turned his head and reached out a hand to pick up another biscuit. However, before his hand even touched a single one, a rough hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Hadrian brought the back of Moulin's hand to his mouth and planted a gentle kiss. "Could you at least pay a bit of attention to me?"

Moulin was slightly affected by the man's bold action but he only frowned. "Says the one you hasn't shown himself for almost a week after rudely appearing in my room. Although I do not crave your attention, I especially hate being shunned. You made quite a bold move yourself. Do you still think I would easily forget it?"

While his hand was imprisoned within the Lord's locking grip, Moulin impassively used his other hand to snatch another cookie. The scent was mouthwatering.

Seeing the youth's determination to choose the insignificant little baked goods over him, he sighed.

"Forgive me..." Hadrian muttered, his eyes searching for the youth's gaze. "I was busy for the last few days"

"I figured..." Moulin smiled as he bit the cookie in his hold. "The situation must have caused quite a pressure on you guild lords..."

Hadrian nodded while he eyed the delicacy in Moulin's fingers. His eyes narrowed darkly. He's right before my presence and still dared to make me feel insignificant...

"Why did the lord call for me?" Moulin asked as he pulled his hand was that inches away from the Lord's heated lips. Moulin had to restrain the urge to berated the man openly. He began to show a bit of awareness of his unsophisticated behavior.

"Are you paying attention to me now?" Hadrian raised a brow. There was a slight but of disbelief in his tone.

"My lord can treat it in that manner if he insists on it." There was amusement in Moulin's tone.

It took seconds for a smile to grace the Guild Lord's lips. He stepped forward, bringing his body closer. "How courageous..."

Moulin stepped away in response. His expression grew stern. "Speak..."

Hadrian chuckled. How was it possible for this little doll to always turn the tables? Even he, the Master, had to succumb in those oh so threatening eyes. Hadrian smiled at Moulin.

"The Azuran guild Historian..." Hadrian started.

As the name was mentioned, Moulin suddenly perked up. His eyes seriously staring at the man in front of him. "What of him?"

"Do you wish to meet him?"

"Yes..." Moulin instantly answered. His fists unconsciously clenching. "Where can I meet him?"

Hadrian gently took Moulin's clenched fists and carefully loosened his pale soft fingers. He rubbed the insides of the nail marked palms while glancing into Moulin's confused eyes. "We can meet him now if you insist..."

"I can?"

"Yes.." Hadrian gave a distracting smile that made Moulin frown.

Indeed, there was some meaning behind the smile. Perhaps it was another one of those 'under-one-condition' antics again. Moulin silently guessed.

As if the man had read Moulin's mind, Hadrian's smile widen. "Have you guessed it already?"

Eyes burning with irritation, Moulin felt his head throb. "Yes, what is it that you want?"

"What I want is simply an insignificant wish..." The lord's thumbs drew circles on top of Moulin's hands. They were hypnotizing and soothing as his voice became soft, "I only want you to willingly hold my hand..."

Moulin stopped. His gaze fixed on the rough calloused hands tucking his in a tight but gentle grip. The words sinking slowly in his ears. His brows furrowed in confusion but he knew well what those actions mean.

As the lord's grip on his hands gradually loosened, Moulin's left hand fell to his side. When his right hand was about to drop Moulin unexpectedly tightened it. His fingers closing around Hadrian's hand.

The sudden action brought a slight warmth inside the cold cavernous chest. The Lord could not hold back the triumphant smile on his face. As though all of it was already expected to happen. This look did not escape Moulin's eyes.

Moulin sighed with a frown. "You think you already expected this to happen?"

"I did not expect it at all... I do not have the ability to foresee your ever so unpredictable actions." He let out a brief chuckle before pulling Moulin close to him. Their hands perfectly fit together.

Moulin was abruptly pressed into the sturdy chest. He didn't have time to react before they disappeared in a flash.



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