A Gorgeous White

Chapter 71: To Enliven A Lord

Chapter 71: To Enliven A Lord

The thunders roared viciously like the growls and howls of massive beasts dwelling in the dark clouds. Its power reached Moulin's chest, borrowing deeply inside him. Probing a memory hidden inside him. Although the recollection was insignificant, it was still imprinted in his heart.

The brief flash of lighting occasionally startled him, making Moulin hug Snow in his arms. He remembered the creaking floorboards and the pungent smell of moist wood of the porch he was hiding under. The leaking roof above his head as he slept and the mud underneath his body as he waited for the older children of the orphanage to give up searching for him. There was a lonely dimness in his silver eyes as he trailed the tearful drops on the windows. Recalling his childhood life in the orphanage, Moulin gave a harsh smile.

"Moulin?" Tyve called as he propped his chin on the palm of his hand. He assessed the solemn side profile of the maeruthan aphrodite in front of him. It made Tyve wonder about the thoughts of the youth that made him look so sullen...

Clearing his throat, Troid nudges Tyve with his elbow. "Thank you for the bountiful information, Moulin. Now that we are finished we will be leaving."

Once Moulin nodded at them, Troid pulled Tyve's collar and dragged his whiny twin out of the library. Alone with the roaring thunders within the library, Moulin was once again overwhelmed by the sovereignty of the thunderclaps. Snow curiously looked at his master.

"Ao?" Worriedly, Snow touched his master's pale chin with the tip of his snout.

Moulin noticed Snow's comforting whines. He caressed his little friend's soft white fur. Moulin sighs, "I'm alright..."

He's always alright...

Moulin shakes his head. Although there wasn't a time where he openly loathes himself because of his shitty life, there were occasional times where he wallows in pain and naivety. And every time he did, he always berates himself for his childishness.

Moulin laughs softly...

"Ao?" Snow tilted his head curiously. What was his master laughing about?


Moulin lifted his head slowly. His eyes faced the direction of the opening doors and the harsh footsteps making their way towards him. Moulin calmly stared as the person draws near.

"Moulin! Come and hurry!" Jagra called at him there was an excited expression on his face.

Moulin furrows his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong! Tessley is going to take us to Azuran to confirm a task!" His eyes gleamed. "She said that she needed a couple of hands to assist her. She wanted us to come with her. Come!"

Moulin smiled. Jagra's enthusiasm was childishly cute. He was like a puppy wagging his tail. Snow climbed this master's shoulder as Moulin stood up from his seat with a creak. He waved at the lazy Freio sitting on a stack of books before he left the Library with Jagra. Moulin slightly turned his head when he heard the last thunderclap before the large doors of the library closed shut.

Their footsteps echoed as they walked alone in the silent hallways. Moulin listened attentively to his friend's excited chatter. Although Moulin wasn't sure of why this task was deemed to be exciting for Jagra, he was happy to see the pure delight on Jagra's face. Snow was silent all way as he sat on his master's shoulders.

Although Moulin was far from the reach of the roars of thunder and the crackling light of lighting, he could see it appearing in his mind as he walked. A line of lightning flashing brightly within the dark clouds and the vicious rumbles of the thunder that follows after

it. The imaginative scene in his mind was too real and frightening. It was as though he was brought back to his childhood. The memory was vivid and no words could describe the emotions inside him.

Moulin suddenly glanced to his side and his footsteps gradually slowed. Jagra only noticed as he stopped talking to look at Moulin only to realized Moulin wasn't beside him. Jagra looked behind him and saw his friend standing silently while staring at the hallway by their right. He didn't know what was so significant of the direction of Moulin's gaze so he only called him. "Moulin?"

Without turning his head, Moulin spoke, "You go ahead. I have something to do before I go..."

"Alright... " Jagra tilted his head. He stepped back to walk ahead, "Hurry and meet us on the teleportation crystal in front of the mansion when you're done..." Jagra waved goodbye as he walked away.


Once Jagra's footsteps had faded away. Moulin calmly walked towards the hallways he was facing. There wasn't anyone around, he was sure. This was the very hallway Moulin had walked through on the night of his visit to Lord Hadrian's quarters. However, this time, there wasn't a single sentinel spotted as he walked. It was quiet and eerie.

After a couple of turns, he finally reached the top of the spiral staircase. When he did, he didn't hesitate to walk down the hallways. The row of exquisite glass windows on both opposite walls of the hallway was dim and listless. Lightning flashed severely and the thunder grew louder and more violent. Despite all that, Moulin walked impassively.

Snow ignored the thunder and silently sat on Moulin's shoulder. He sensed the unusual silence of his master and decided to bother him. He only held his naughtiness inside as he forced himself to stay quiet.

When Moulin was right in front of the doors, he stopped. He shouldn't go in. But when he heard the beastly howls of the wind, the giant drops of rain, and the terrible thunderclaps, Moulin could not help himself but become worried. What the Lord in pain? Furious? Saddened?

No matter what it was, it wasn't something good. The others all turned and ran, even leaving the hallways empty for they fear Lord Hadrian's wrath. Moulin wasn't sure if he was annoyed or worried. What he does know is that he should at least do something.

Moulin knocked on the door twice.


There wasn't a response inside so he bravely opened the doors while uttering an apology. With furrowed eyebrows, he scanned the room for a particular Lord. Unfortunately, Moulin didn't find anyone as he searched. Except, he found another door.

Before he could even take a step towards it-


A loud crash sounded behind the door followed by a faint incoherent speech. It sounded as though someone was in pain inside. Moulin had listed the possibilities of different scenarios behind the door. As he touched the door handle, a heavy aura unexpectedly fell on him. Moulin's knees wobbled as he struggled to stand with sheer willpower. Snow whimpered on his master's shoulder as he pressed himself on Moulin's neck.

Moulin feels his energy draining and his eyes growing hazy. His was breathing turning harsh. What was this? It was completely different from the aura the Lord had released before. Currently, Moulin was struggling to withstand the grave oppression.

Finally, he wasn't able to endure. He staggered away from the door with great effort. Because of his hasty movements, he fell on the carpeted floor. Crawling backwards, he inhaled sharply at the moment he was released from the oppression. Snow jumped from Moulin's shoulder onto Moulin's lap. The little fox whimpered as he dug into Moulin's arms. Guiltily, Moulin embraced Snow. "I'm sorry, I was careless..."

He received a faint whimper as Snow nuzzled in his warmth. Moulin sighs. Turns out he really could not do anything about the situation... What was he thinking? He couldn't even get close to the doors...

Standing up with slightly weak knees, Moulin sullenly walked towards the doors. If he couldn't do anything...

A thought appeared in his mind. Without wasting a single second, he walked towards the bed and began to work.

When he was done, he pressed his lips together. He really sucks with people... However, he wished this will cheer up the Lord.

He quickly exited the doors and headed towards the entrance of the manor. His soft steps echoed in the hallways. Numerous eyes watched his quick form as he ran. Moulin was huffing as he ran with Snow in this arms, giddily enjoying the wind brushing his face.

"Ah, finally!" Tessley exclaimed. She was tossing the token in the air while waiting for Moulin. Jagra and Ghana waved at him to hurry.

The rain was heavy and the wind was powerful. Moulin could hear the raging waters of the waterfall almost deafening his ears! Fortunately, there was a roof connecting above the teleportation platform and the outdoor walkway of the Manorial. Otherwise, they would all be soaking wet right now.

A spray of water brushed his face and Moulin had to shield his face as he ran towards his fellow sentinels.

"Took you long enough..." Ghana smirked as they all stood on the platform.

"Alright, let's go..." Tessley dropped the token on the crustal platform.


Before their figures disappeared, Moulin heard the abrupt slowing of the heavy rain. It was sudden and unexpected but his reaction was late as his figure disappeared with a flash of light.

He truly hoped a certain Lord would liven up soon...


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