A Gorgeous White

Chapter 65: Young Master's Very First Day In The Guild

Chapter 65: Young Master's Very First Day In The Guild

The skies were dark and cold from beyond the tall windows. The sleeping figure of a youth laid on his bed vulnerably and the gentle light of the lamp by his bedside brought softness upon his delicate frame. His lashes fluttered while a crease appeared in between his brows as his fingers subconsciously clutched on his blanket. He shifted slightly from the discomfort while stuck in a deep sleep.

'Look for me... '

'Look... '

There was a strange ringing in his ears that refused to go away no matter how much he shakes his head. He mumbles in his sleep aware of the stinging pain in his head.

'He will return...'

'Hurry and look... '

Gritting his teeth, he could no longer take the pain the voice brought in each word that was spoken. With a gasp, Moulin abruptly rose from his bed. His mind was cloudy and dizzy as he held his head. Chest heaving and eyes shut tightly, he groaned.


Exhaling heavily for the last time, Moulin slowly opened his eyes, lifting to look at his side. Sitting beside his hand was his little fox friend who was curiously looking at him. His beady eyes were filled with worry as he observed his master. Snow softly a paw on Moulin's figure as he sullenly stared at his master.

"Snow... " Moulin's voice was a bit husky for he had just awoken. He shifted. He gently raised Snow from his side and carefully placed him on his lap. Snow curled itself on Moulin's lap, blinking but not a hint of drowsiness was in his eyes. He wanted to keep his master company.

Moulin was silent as he caressed Snow's gorgeous white fur. It was soft beneath his fingers. It brought a slight comfort in Moulin's heart. Pressing his lips together, he lifted his worried eyes to stare at the dark sky from beyond the windows.

The voice lingered in his mind like a shadow in his heart. He was confused. Too confused. It felt like if he didn't find any hints or clues now he would probably lose his mind. At first, he was curious but as time passed, he could feel himself getting anxious. What was it that he needed to find out? Who is that voice? What did it want from him? Where?

Moulin ceased his roaring thoughts as he shut his eyes tight. Fear. There was a slight fear inside him.

He was scared of something he didn't even know about and the lack of knowledge was making him anxious.

He sighed. His eyes were narrowing slightly. Snow leaned closer to his palm, seeking the warmth of Moulin's touch. The movement brought a faint smile to Moulin's face.

He shouldn't be hasty... there's still time.


The door to Moulin's room closed.

Moulin was clad in his training uniform the guild had provides for him. The sky wasn't bright yet and he wasn't in the mood to go back to sleep after what had happened.

He went to the training grounds Varick had shown him in his tour and began his run. It has been so long since he jogged ever since Moulin and Emlen started to travel to Thaeria. He noticed that there were already many people on the training grounds who were earlier than him. It was a satisfying sight to see. However, he somehow wished he was alone as he trained. He didn't like people watching him as he trained.

Snow ran beside him. Although his feet were tiny, he was faster than Moulin. As Moulin ran Snow kept catching up on his master and circled him playfully. The scene was strangely unusual for some sentinels. The Aphrodite youth with silver hair was running arduously while a tiny ball of white was circling him like an orbit. Some had paused to stop and stare at the pair while others who were still suffering from their hangover didn't bother to look.

As the sky began to brighten, Moulin finished his run with sweat soaking his clothes. The fabric clung to his slender figure as Moulin wiped a towel on his face. Moulin didn't care about the leering gazes of other people but he still gave them a dark look before turning away. Snow energetically skipped around him wondering if his master was going to get some food to eat.

"Moulin?... "

Moulin spotted Ghana and Jagra walking towards him. They had just arrived to stretch and unexpectedly saw Moulin exiting the training grounds.

"Good morning... " Moulin greeted.

"Ao!" Snow yipped at them with glee.

"Good morning... " They both replied. Ghana's blue eyes brightened as she admired Moulin's diligence and spirit. "Are you already done?"

"Yes... " Moulin replied as he smiled.

"Varick said Fhorg would be teaching us about how things work here. We will meet at the steps of the Parchment Square, West of the manorial before ten." Jagra reminded Moulin as they waved him goodbye.

"Can't we spar for a bit of time before you go?" Ghana threw Moulin an exciting look.

"Grr..." Snow growled at Ghana as Moulin picked him up from the ground.

"I'm afraid I can't. You see Snow would become so fussy if he doesn't eat before we work" Moulin apologetically declined.

"You spoil the beast so much"

A chuckle left Moulin's lips "Oh, he is a strange beast that needs all the pampering I can give." He waves them goodbye and went back to his room to freshen himself.

When he finished, he was all clean and proper. He walked down the hallways with Snow tailing him. He greeted every senior sentinel he would pass like a proper junior and even offered them a little help if they needed it. Doing this, he would start a brief conversation about the Azuran academy and the important and well-known people involved.

He learned about the three dominant guilds in Azuran and how unreasonable it was for the Leonile guild to not be one of the three. As he was helping to carry scrolls and document with a senior, Moulin learned about the strong discrimination of the Leonile guild from other guilds and Lord Hadrian would ignore their unjust words. Moulin could tell Hadrian didn't have a good relationship with the other guild Lords. However, during the Selection-other than Ilona- no other guild Lord had fought for Moulin and object once Moulin chose the Leonile guild. Lord Hadrian looked too calm as though everything was according to what he had planned-

Moulin shook his head. No matter how suspicious Lord Hadrian looked, Moulin could not show his doubt openly about his guild lord.

Unfortunately, Moulin's little performance of fishing out clues about the Historian Estuvian Gurhdel was a complete fail. No one knew of the Historian. Moulin only frowned as he received one negative response after the other.

He walked down the hallways with Ghana and Jagra after eating their breakfast together. Snow sat on Moulin's shoulder like a parrot. He secretly played with Moulin's neatly ties silver hair and even tried to shamelessly nibble it.

"Just in time..."

Fhorg was standing patiently before the small steps of the Parchment square. His stern eyes observed each of the recruits. His posture was straight and serious like a domineering general. Moulin stared at the strict man without fear.

"Your... pet." Fhorg eyes Snow who tilted his head at him. "Ever considered leaving it to Tyve?"

"Sir Tyve didn't look like he would be awake for the rest of the day, Sir" Moulin replied. "...and Sir Troid had to work in his brother's stead."

Fhorg sighed. "Very well. Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble..."

"I will, Sir"

Fhorg nodded. "Follow me."

They started to climb up the steps of the Square unhurriedly.

"The Parchment Square is one of the most significant places in the Manorial," Fhorg explained. He gazed at the rows of thick enormous pillars surrounding a vacant area. The soil and rocks of the vast ground were pure white. It looked dazzling under the sunlight.

They stepped on the white surface and walked towards the large circular stone situated at the center of the Square. Moulin gazed at the towering pillars surrounding them as though they were inside a cage. It was both majestic and frightful.

Fhorg walked towards the obsidian slab and placed a coin-like token on the center of the circle of runes written in gold. Moulin watched intently. He recognized that the token looked identical to the token Varick used to teleport them here in the manorial. Perhaps it was some kind of key.

A beam of golden light glowed from where the token was placed. The beam pierced through the clouds, almost blinding their visions. It only lasted a couple of seconds before it disappeared and a cylinder floated above the stone slab.

Fhorg took the floating cylinder and pocketed the token. He faced the awed recruits behind him with his usually stoic face. "This is where we received the task given by the advisors of the imperial palace. A few times a week, the Leonile guild will receive tasks and it is our duty as sentinels to carry them. You three are mere beginners. To be able to go on formidable missions you must gain the title of Honorary sentinel. In the meantime, you will be under my training for the next three weeks. By then, we will see the potential of your strength."

"So we have to train before we get to the big stuff?" Ghana's tone was filled with dismay.

"You will train before the 'big stuff'. Honestly, I don't understand why you novices are always so eager to join a mission that might take away their life in the next second. Don't be reckless." Fhorg gave Ghana a dark look"

Moulin only lowered his head as he thought deeply in his mind...


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