A Gorgeous White

Chapter 44: Arrival In Thaeria City

Chapter 44: Arrival In Thaeria City

After five days of travel, they have finally entered the outskirts of the City of Thaeria.

Thaeria City was the Heart of Aurona's Militia. Every sentinel knight was nurtured and conditioned into mighty perfection. From a bird's point of view, one could see the ring-like city surrounding a mountainous landscape that bordered the central area from the city beyond the mountains.

What was positioned within the circle of mountains was the prominent Imperial Azuran Academy. It looked majestic and sovereign, monopolizing the eyes of travelers from afar. Indeed, from afar, it looked like a miniature city hidden within the mountain's shadows.

As magnificent the City of Thaeria was, their payment for entry was also quite 'grand'. One person had to pay two gold coins, if they were carrying any luggage they had to add ten silvers. It was nothing short to robbery! However, for those who are a member of the guilds in Azuran they were granted free access once they showed their guild tokens to the gatekeepers.

With Emlen's authority and position as a member of the Elder council, they encountered no trouble as they swiftly entered.

But Moulin's enthusiasm fell short once they stopped halfway from Thaerian's busy streets.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Moulin asked, brows furrowing as he looked at the young woman in front of her. His silver-white hair hidden under the thick black shawl Emlen had wrapped around him, unseen from the eyes of the public.

Moulin looked down at Ghana as he stood on the carriage step.

"No, I have some business to attend to. Perhaps, I may accompany you at another time." Ghana smiled at the silver-eyed youth. From her position, she had to lift her head slightly to meet Moulin's gaze. She had learned that not all nobles possessed foul hearts. This young master and his older brother were proof of that.

"Alright..." Muolin says as he nodded. "You haven't told me what guild you were aiming to join..." He added.

"Ah... I believe fate will decide for me. But I really wish to be your comrade" Her eyes gleamed at the thought. "... Perhaps, we would meet again as comrades. The future is unknowable."

"I would like that" Moulin chuckled, his eyes forming crescents.

Emlen suddenly called out Moulin's name from inside the carriage, signaling him to hurry.

"Goodbye, Moulin." Ghana waved at him as she walked away, disappearing into the crowded streets.

Moulin stood there for a moment before finally going back inside the carriage. The door shut and the carriage began to move into the busy streets.

"Brother..." Moulin called out to his brother who was busy meticulously checking that every document was in order for Moulin's registration.

"Yes?" Emlen stood up from his seat and clasped the documents inside a leather envelope. He faced Moulin who walked towards him in quiet steps.

"I will not need your aid in the recruitment trials." Moulin resolutely declared to the man.

Emlen quietly stared at him. His expression, sullen and helpless. Of course, he already knew of Moulin's determination to win the trials himself but he wanted to give him a few points and reminders that could help him. He didn't want to witness Moulin's cheerless and dejected expression if perhaps the results of his trials might be unsatisfactory. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Moulin's strength. For him, Moulin's outstanding strength was as clear as a bell. He simply wanted to make Moulin's test smoother. No one can blame him for being too partial to his brother.

However, as the words from his brother's mouth entered his ears, he felt distressed. Why does he not want my help? No one would know. And if someone does, getting rid of pests was his specialty.

"Have a little trust in me, brother. I can definitely do it on my own." Moulin flashed a smile. "I want to taste the raw feeling of success with my own efforts. I am already aware of what awaits me in the Trials."

Sighing, Emlen no longer tried to persuade him. He gave out a faint smile in resignation. "I only want to help you even a little in my own way but if that is what you wish then I will reluctantly accept it."

He put his hand on his younger brother's shoulder, squeezing it for encouragement, "Just promise me you'll be safe and unharmed."

"I will"

The carriage stopped just in front of a crowded area. They have arrived in what was most likely open and wider part of the city. The ground was layered with the smooth stone pavement and there wasn't a single building and structure nearby except for a large golden tent guarded by a circle of guards in white uniforms. With the sea of people walking from all directions, in Moulin's eyes, the scene looked quite similar to the festive streets in Faerim during the moonflower gathering. Moulin squinted his eyes, his face moved closer to the window.

After closely looking at the area, his brows lifted. It turns out that the place wasn't as closely packed as he thought. The crowd of people, onlookers and spectators he assumed, were surrounding a wide platform where a line of maeruthans stood, waiting in front of the tent. The entrance of the tent was wide open, exposing the simple interior inside for the spectators outside.

"Brother, This place..." A slender finger pointed at the window.

Emlen nodded, guessing the thoughts within Moulin's mind, "Each candidate must measure their ability before they can take part in the guild trials. If the candidate's ability would reach a passable measurement. Then they are able to enter the trials."

"Oh..." Just thinking about it made Moulin wonder if his spiritual strength would be acceptable. He had great expectations of his strength from the first day he trained in the wintery mountains of the North. Although he was guided by the voice back then, he could not help but wonder if he had truly become stronger.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll pass." Emlen grinned. Of course, Moulin will pass! The strength of the Fraunces Family cannot be underestimated.

"Will you accompany me?" Moulin asked.

Emlen was about to nod without a thought when Moulin abruptly interrupted, "Won't other people recognize you as a member of the Elder Council in Azuran?"

The second young master laughed. "If you are worried about people's impression of me, don't worry. If they see me accompany my sweet little brother to take his test then won't they deem me as a gentle caring and doting brother? Don't think too much, relax "

A crease appeared between Moulin's brows. They both know what Moulin really mean. If people catch sight of Emlen accompanying Moulin to take the test then won't they consider Moulin as a young master relying on the backing of his family to take part in the Trials?

In truth, he was worried he might affect Emlen reputation but the latter doesn't look like he cared at all. Moulin mentally shook his head in surrender. If his brother wasn't even worried about baseless rumors then why should he?

"Alright..." Moulin replied after a moment of silence.

The pair of brothers exited the Vinch carriage. Snow's reluctant eyes looked at the both of them behind the carriage window but the gloom in his eyes quickly disappeared as he hopped on the table to gobble up the biscuits left uneaten.

The presence of the two nobles caught the eyes of numerous people. Others gaze assessed them from head to toe like lofty superiors while others lowered their gazes afraid of the might of the of a single noble present.

What was definitely eyecatching to the eyes of every onlooker and candidate was the slender youth walking beside the older nobleman. His hair was covered with a thick black shawl but it could not hide the thick tendrils of silver stray hair that shined under the light of day, peeking out from the shawl. His beauteous appearance was even magnified with the pair of captivating eyes that left people soulless once he sets his gaze passed over them.

The candidate maeruthans knew this person was an aphrodite maeruthan while others, as Moulin could guess, thought of him as a woman which greatly bothered him. However, he didn't care a bit about what a crowd of bystanders would think.

Moulin didn't agree on directly going to the test using Emlen's superiority despite his persuasion. He wanted to wait in line like the others. Moreover, he wants to observe the young maeruthans who wanted to enter the trials with him. As time passed, he had seen countless noble maeruthans use their position and family name to impatiently enter the tent leaving Moulin and the others to wait for more. Some of them grumbled and complained silently only after the nobles would leave.

The sight of Emlen and Moulin waiting with the others in line gave them a bit of comfort and light in their eyes. At least some aristocrats remembered how to be courteous.

As Moulin waited, he ignored countless stares and stood quietly. Emlen stood by his side like a firm tree. A tree that would glare at anyone who would set their eyes on his little brother. Moulin's turn was already after the person before him in the line. This time, finally viewing in a clear view, Moulin could understand what to do as he observed the person measuring his ability before him.

There was a dark wooden desk at the center of the room within the tent. A tall lady stood behind the desk wearing a white uniform that was identical to the guard's guarding outside the tent. Place on top of the large desk was a rectangular slab of black glass. A reflective glare gleamed at the center of the smooth surface. What was definitely captivating was the palm-sized pearl hovering a meter above the slab. As the next candidate entered the tent, the lady handed the candidate a thick needle and instructed him to write his name on the surface of the black glass with the blood from the finger he would prick his blood.

As the candidate did as he was told, the lady told the man to wait while she explained the passable measurement from the orb. The orb would glow once the name was written on the glass. It would glow three colors from black to white, and then gold. White to gold, she made clear, were the passable colors for one to gain entry for the trial. White to black would be the unacceptable colors for a candidate to be rejected for entry.

Moulin nodded his head as he studied the process carefully. Emlen glanced at him with furrowed eyebrows, Was Moulin nervous?

Unfortunately for the candidate, the orb faintly glowed a deep gray. With a despairing expression, the young man left the tent.

Suddenly a loud commotion caught Moulin's attention. His silvery gaze locked on a glamorous garbed person stepping down a carriage gilded with shining gold. Almost all of the people around couldn't take their eyes off the exquisite gems and gold embedded on the carriage, it gleamed and glistened under the daylight, almost blinding. Moulin frowned and turned his gaze away.

The person, a male maeruthan almost about the same age as Moulin, arrogantly glanced at the line of incompetent people. His eyes were of pure amethyst color, his face youthful, and his clothes made of the most expensive fabric. His short chestnut hair was curled and styled delicately. A knight stood by his side, standing firm and silent.

"Ridiculous..." The young man muttered. There was no way he was lining up with a bunch of beggars. His face scrunched up in disgust as he shamelessly made his way to the front of the line along with his guard.

To the young man's surprise, there were two people who looked different from everyone else. They were dressed elegantly and their aura was quiet yet graceful. Another noble, he gritted his teeth. No matter, by the way they were dressed simpler than him they might be lower-ranked.

His strides were haughty and his eyes gazed down at the people as though they were persistent beggars who wouldn't leave his manor's gates. He stood a few meters away from Moulin and his elder brother, lifting his chin and waiting. However, Moulin and Emlen didn't spare him a single glance.

A few minutes passed and his eyes flared. Are they fucking blind?! He gnashed his teeth as his fist clenched. With a loud voice, he yelled.

"Hey, You! Move it!"


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