A Gorgeous White

Chapter 40: The Young Master's Travel To Thaeria

Chapter 40: The Young Master's Travel To Thaeria

A month and a half had already passed since the incident at Faerim City and the day had finally come for Moulin's departure.

Just as the first light of dawn had dyed the skies, A lone figure could be seen running across the training yards in laps. With strong yet careful breaths, chest rising and lowering in the right rhythm as the youth with striking silver eyes paid great attention to his breaths as he ran.

Moulin was sweating hard. Garbed with only a white thin inner shirt since he had taken off his training uniform, the cloth clung to his drenched torso outlining his svelte figure. The dust had even entered his boots yet he paid no mind to it. The youth was too focused to finish his routine as though even the strongest calamity wouldn't move him.

He wasn't alone.

Watching not far away from where the yard Moulin had occupied was located, a few knights, recently awoken and some retiring from their shift, took notice of the third young master carrying out his daily routine. Although they were already used to seeing the small figure of the young man, they were still watching carefully as if to imprint the youth in their minds.


Of course, they have to. After today, they could no longer see his hardworking presence. The third young master will be traveling to join the guilds of Azuran along with the second young master. Truly, they were dismayed. They will miss Moulin's cool temperament and diligence. Their eyes had opened when the young master had changed tremendously from unfavorable to favorable, even more, when his ability had been revealed. How joyous they were.


As the sound reached his ears, Moulin's quick steps gradually came to a stop. His tied-up hair swayed with his movements as he stretched lightly before walking towards the approaching ball of fur ahead of him. Snow yipped excitedly as he circled his master once he reached him. Trailing behind, at a slow pace was Pola. Whose eyes were red from the hours of crying Moulin could guess.

With a sigh, Moulin accepted the towel offered to him by Pola then carefully wiped the sweat off his face and on the back of his neck. He said a few words of comfort to Pola and patted her shoulder, the intimate action only made her burst out in tears instead. Moulin was suddenly flustered.

"Young master!"


Moulin jumped in surprise as he turned around. The sight of the few rows of knights startled him as well. He was very familiar with the faces of each since he had spoken to them every time he had finished his exercise.

"May the gods bless you safely in your journey!" They bowed at waist level showing their deep sincerity and concern.

Admittedly, Moulin was touched. He had to yank himself out from a daze and thanked them with a smile.

He too will miss them and the home he was reluctant to part with. But he could not do anything if he would just hole himself up in the estate. His decision was made and he will not turn back.

Hours passed like the passing wind of the north and the sun had risen in the sky, brightly enveloping the estate warmly. It wasn't too hot for the breeze had brought a fresh cool nor was it too bitter9ld either. Within the manor, the halls were quiet and only a few servants were left to work. However, beyond the walls was much livelier and slightly wistful.

The sound of hooves sounded loud and the men were laboriously transferring large trunks into a smaller vinch carriage, their limbs bulged with the weight as they lifted but they didn't utter a single complaint, instead they were even a bit glad to be of service. Before the carriage was another carriage but quieter and calmer.

"Write to us every week. Don't even dare to miss even a single one. Make sure to get more sleep and eat more four times a day. You have to get fatter before you think of returning here." There wasn't a bit of amusement in Lady Maxiel's voice. She carefully held Moulin's hands, reluctant to let go. "Never talk to anyone you find suspicious. Even if only a tiny doubt comes into your mind refuse immediately! You should be careful at all times and stay vigilant."

A warm hand grasped her shoulder and she turned to glance at her husband who gave a comforting smile, "He'll be fine..."

Tears suddenly welled in her eyes and she could not hold back a sob as she pulled Moulin in a hug, she whispered in his ear, "Mother loves you very much, please stay safe for me."

Moulin borrowed into her warmth, hugging her tight. His heart-melting intensely "I will..."

Finally letting go, Lady Maxiel let her husband hug Moulin. The Lord stroked his son's head gently, "Be safe. Don't hesitate to tell me anything that troubles you. I will take care of it. I will have your eldest brother visit you some time so he can check on you. You have to stay strong and not give up, you are stronger than you think you already are"

Moulin nodded, determination brewing in his eyes "I will work hard"

The Lord smiled at his son, "I know you will"

Maxille came from behind his father and patted his youngest brother's shoulder with doting eyes, "I will come and visit. I don't truly trust Emlen when he's with you. He'll lose sight of you for sure."

"Stop talking like I'm not here!" Emlen shouted at him with a glare. He was already inside the carriage with a stack of Moulin's books, intended to arrange them in the bookshelves. Snow who was sleeping comfortably on the long red couch opened his eyes disturbed by Emlen's loud voice.

Maxille ignored him and hugged Moulin before pulling away. Numerous people came to wish him a safe journey, the captain and the knights, the kitchen staff, the servants who tended to him every day, even Colahn and Phaelona were acting pleasant with each other as they blessed him safely. When he finally stood in front of his personal attendant and friend, he smiled helplessly. Pola wiped away the wetness on her cheeks and she looked at him, "I will wait for you, young master. Your bed, your bookshelves even the tiny vases in your room will look like you have never left when you come back. I will make sure nothing is out of order"

Moulin laughed faintly, "I only want you to live well. I won't be gone for too long. So please take care of yourself as you have to me, that is my wish"

Her eyes moistened, "I will do as you say!"

Moulin nodded with a smile. From inside, Emlen called for him to remind him that they were finally departing. With a reluctant look, Moulin nodded at Pola and gazed at the people who had cared for him so deeply in their hearts. His heart warmed.

He entered the carriage glancing behind him one last time, he saw his mother waving at him with teary eyes. The door closed and the horses moved forward. Moulin stood before the door watching from inside the carriage as they passed the kind faces of the people who cherished him.

Not long after they left the gates. With an unknown expression, Moulin was still standing before the door window even after the carriage left the City Gates.

"I'll come back and visit..." Moulin whispered to himself. His hand clenching on his chest above his heart, seeping with gratefulness for the life blessed to him.



Moulin who was standing before a bookshelf, reading a book after a satisfying lunch, lifted his head and met his second brother's somewhat concerned gaze. He tilted his head confusingly, "What troubles you, elder brother?"

Facing his elder brother's obviously hesitant face, Moulin became curious about the thoughts inside his brother's head.

Shortly afterwards, the older man sighed and walked towards one of the two beds and sat down. He looked at Moulin with a serious countenance and patted on the place beside him.

"Sit with me..."

Moulin closed the book shut and blinked. He walked over towards his brother wondering in his mind.

A white ball of fur slept on the other soft bed, comfortably snoring, unaware of the happenings in the room.

Moulin sat beside his brother with furrowed eyebrows. He didn't know what made Emlen so unsettled out of the blue. He had clearly remembered how everything was harmonious when they ate earlier.

Emlen faced him, "Azuran is the imperial academy of guilds. I'm sure you have read about them. So I want to hear your thoughts. Do you have a guild in mind?"

Moulin stilled.

Unnoticeable to Emlen, his silver eyes dimmed a bit. To be able to join a guild in the Imperial Academy, a candidate must first succeed in the trials given and capture the attention of the Guild Lords of each guild. Just the thought of it made Moulin's skin itch. It was infuriating to prove himself to people sitting on a high chair.

The Imperial Azuran guild nurtures maeruthans into fine warriors. It bore many magisterial guilds with promising maeruthans and strong leaders. Three predominant guilds soared high, their outstanding accomplishments and victories lead Aurona to be the most powerful force of the East. Guilds Phiora, Triylle, and Dragor are Azuran's supreme powerhouses, their great contribution to their country earned them the praise of the Imperial Palace. It was to no wonder why most children of the imperial family chose to choose these three guilds.

People were so blinded by these guild's brilliance that ignored the filthy secrets within. Moulin mentally rolled his eyes.


"I... haven't thought about it yet" Moulin lifted his head to look elsewhere. "What guild do you part in, elder brother?"

Moulin was obviously trying to avoid the question but Emlen didn't take notice. He let out a breath, sighing, " I take no part in and guild."


"I am part of the Elder Council of guilds. The name sounds old but don't be fooled, none of us have wrinkled faces" Except one though, he thought. "I don't want to go against your choice when you select a guild, but listen to your brother's words, Do not choose Dragor. I'd rather have you not join any guild at all they have their eyes on you."

Moulin became interested in the secrets in his brother's head, "Why?..."

"Just listen to your brother, alright?" Emlen reached out his hand to mess with Moulin's hair. "I know how reluctant you look when we left. Don't worry we'll come back to visit the manor soon. Mother will ban me from entering the manor if anything happens to you again under my watch, so spare you brother and listen to me alright?"

Moulin nodded, "Okay...." He said in a soft voice.

"So obedient" Emlen chuckled while he sat up. Moulin glared at him with a pout.

As Moulin watched Emlen walk towards the desk on the other side of the room, his silver eyes squinted at the deep red cylindrical box on the wooden desk.


Emlen turned around with raised eyebrows. A 'what-do-you-need-little-bro' expression adorned his handsome face.

Moulin pointed at the box on the desk. "What is that?" He asked curiosity filled his voice.

Emlen looked at the direction his little brother was pointing at and his eyes softened as he glanced back at Moulin. " This..." He walked over and brought the box in his hands "...is for you."


"Pola personally brought this to me thinking that you might need it. She doesn't want you to be forgetting something." He brought the box over to Moulin, "I don't know what's in for it to be so important to you but it is kind of her to be so worried about you. Don't forget to write her a letter."

Moulin's heart warmed, he nodded quickly "I will..."

He opened the circular cover and peeked at the inside. A soft blue glow was reflected on his eyes, twinkling brightly. His brows rose in surprise, carefully taking out the thing inside the box.

His dainty fingers caressed the surface of the crystal box, it glittered with a rainbow shine under the warm light of the room. Inside was a familiar moonflower glowing spiritedly in a pearly vase. A particular face with golden eyes flashed in his mind making the corner of Moulin's lips turn up. "How thoughtful of her..."

While he was scrutinizing the cylindrical glass he held in his hands, Emlen's face broke into a frown. He eyed the flower with a deadly stare.


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