A Gorgeous White

Chapter 38: Have A Great Afternoon

Chapter 38: Have A Great Afternoon

"Young master, is there something bothering you?"

Moulin flinched, his fountain pen paused above the paper he was writing. Before him were countless papers. He had carefully listed the clues detailed in English words to analyze them. With his untrustworthy brain, he knew no one in this world could read this.

Pola had just finished arranging the books on the shelf. She carried five thick books towards her master's wooden desk.

Moulin had holed himself inside the private library for hours during the last three days. Pola had caught the weariness in his form while he wrote endlessly on numerous papers in a language Pola was very unfamiliar with. Days ago when she first laid her eyes unto the serious form of her master, head lowered eyes anxious and hand rapidly writing on papers, at one of the study desks of the private library, she was astonished. She already knew her young master could read a lot but it was her first time she saw Moulin so engrossed in writing.

His face was so serious as if he was so impatient to finish what he was going to write.

Moulin blinked at her once he lifted his head, "Ah, It's nothing."

She frowned her lips pursed. " Master, please. If there is anything I can help you with please do not hesitate to ask me." She moved to stand beside his seat, waiting for his response.

Moulin only stared at her, out of the blue a thought had emerged from his mind.

That's right. Why was he suffering to keep this secret alone? It wouldn't hurt to confide his secret to someone. Perhaps, he could even obtain a bit of help. But he wasn't sure of who to trust. Moulin knew Pola is a kind-hearted girl through all the months they've been together. She was reliable and smart.

But can he trust her?

With a strange look in his eyes, he scrutinized Pola thoroughly. "Pola... Do you trust me?"

Her eyes widened in surprise but quickly diminished and with a determined expression, she stared back at him. "I'll always trust you master. I forever will. I will trust you with my life, my heart, and my soul even if the gods would heap upon ruin to the land." She bowed respectfully, head lowered than usual.

Moulin gave a weak smile. His finger gripping on the pen tightly. What did he do to deserve to be given the trust of her life? In his heart, he could only think it was merely because of her respect to him as her master and the son of the Lord of the grand nobility. He had doubts. Too many.

However, the light of adoration and determination in her round eyes speaks for her thoughts. There was the truth.

With a sigh, Moulin could not hide anymore. If Pola was truly worthy to be trusted by him, he will know once he tells her. Although, he doesn't think she would even believe him.

"It will sound absurd but it is the truth. It is up to you if you believe it."

Pola straightened, her eyes darted around to see if anyone was present aside from the two of them. Moulin shook his head noticing her intentions. He already checked and the whole library was protected with a soundproof barrier when it was built.

Pola stepped closer to hear, believing that it was something he could not even trust to anyone but her.

Lowering his eyes, gazing at his writings, he spoke in a whisper, "Sometimes I--..."

Suddenly, there was a tight feeling in his throat. As if an invisible hand had wrapped its fingers around his neck, choking him. He tried to gasp for air, eyes dilating forcibly. Stumbling off his chair, Pola was shocked with horror as she kneeled on the floor to support him, "Young master!"

"-Ugh... Auh!..." He could feel his chest tightening and the lack of air made his limb muscles spasm in pain. He tried to claw off anything keeping the air from his throat but it was no use. His nails could only claw on his skin. Despite Pola's cries he shut his awareness around him utterly concentrating on his lungs with air.

Painful. It hurts...

Suddenly, the fear of death crept into his skin, overwhelming his mind. The corner of his eyes reddened as his mouth desperately opened but to merely let out incoherent sounds. Like caging his life in a cage, keeping it devoid of living. Moulin was extremely terrified, his body shook uncontrollably.

However, the pain abruptly ceased and the air merrily entered his lungs. Taking in a lungful of air, his chest alternately rises and lowers. He heaved with drops of tears at the corner of his eyes. On his hands and knees, he was stuck in a daze, horrified.

Pola experienced a terrifying situation. At that moment she didn't know what to do. Her heart pounded inside her as she stroked her master's back. Her hand gently moved, fearful of worsening his pain. She was fixed in a panic-stricken state.

Moulin coughed as he finally steadied his breath. His shoulders relaxed and his limbs went limp. With a heavy gaze, he looked at Pola from behind him. "Do not speak of this to anyone." He spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Y-yes...." Pola nodded immediately, noticing the tearful state of her young master. "Young master, if this was the price of entrusted me of your secret then I will not accept it. You're in pain. I wish I had known of it before. Did you bear with this all this time?"

Moulin silently lowered his head.

Damn it! He didn't even know this would happen! His fingers clenched uncontrollably.

If even speaking would bring pain to him he was scared to even try writing it. Why? Why was this happening? With closed eyes, he decided to no longer speak of it.

He pulled himself off the ground with Pola's aid. As silence descended between both of them, Moulin had on a despairing face as he glanced at the papers he had written. It was the clues that had happened to him which he wrote in detail with his own language code.

"Young master, if someone had conjured a speech barrier on you. We can ask the Lord and the Lady for help. S-surely there must be a way to reverse it. Come, we must hurry" Pola pulled on his sleeve while speaking in a desperate tone but Moulin shook his head.

"I'm afraid no one had invoked a speech barrier on me. I cannot explain it."

"T-that's..." She hopelessly lowered her hands.

Moulin smiled at her, "Do not worry it had only hurt for a moment. It was gone the next second. But I'm afraid I may not be able to speak about it to anyone."

Pola balled her fists, "It's not your fault master."

It is actually, Moulin thought. If he could not even tell anyone about this then he might as well work on it alone. He was used to it anyway. However, what he felt earlier was a new world of fear. He unconsciously caressed the red marks on his throat as he thought about what had happened to him earlier.

A loud buzz sounded in the library, startling both Moulin and his personal attendant. Someone else had entered the library.

With a creak, the massive doors opened. The clicks of steps echoed as it laboriously made its way over Moulin's side of the library.

Moulin blinked as Emlen's figure revealed itself from the side of the tall bookshelf before Moulin.

"Elder Brother..." Moulin greeted with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Heart instantly softening, Emlen lifted a corner of his lip as he ambled towards his desk. Pola bowed as he passed by her.

"What are you doing here? It's already been days. If you want to be approved by the guilds you must train!" Emlen scolded him but his tone was gentle and he grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the Library's doors. Pola trailed behind them struggling to keep up their pace.

With a creak, the doors closed as they vacated the library.

It was mid-afternoon when Captain Vidola had finally given Colahn the reigns of teaching Moulin for the day. The young man's sweat-drenched his back, his muscles spasming, fingers trembling around the grip of the bow he was holding.

Ever since his father had discovered about the amateurish summoning of his sacred weapon, the Lord compelled Colahn, the Seer, to aid his cultivation. As Moulin trained until his fingers reddened and scraped, Colahn watched and guided while Captain Vidola pressed him to produce even better results from his physical training. Moulin had already cursed a million times internally as he only stayed silent and obediently nodded. Currently, they crowded the wider part of the private training yard.

Moulin's fingers were trembling as he released his grip of the bowstring and sent the wooden tip arrow flying into the air sharply. It directly hit the tiny white dot of the square-shape wooden target painted with confusing patterns circling the dot. The dust settled...

"That's enough..."

Colahn released a sigh with closed eyes, there was a bit of disappointment in his voice which confused Moulin. Both of his mentors had stood a couple of meters behind him so Moulin had to turn around to look at them.

The blonde Captain raised an eyebrow at the thin man next to him. "What troubles you, little man?"

Colahn flashed him a cold glare before facing the youngster who questionably looking at him. He stepped forward and spoke calmly, "Young master, you need to learn how to channel your mana into your weapon."

Moulin furrowed his eyebrows. 'I did'.

"You might think you did but you barely even channel the sufficient amount needed to unravel your true ability through utilizing even any kinds of weapons" He gestured a hand to the wooden bow in Moulin's grasp, "Although it isn't your sacred weapon, you can still set loose your mana into the weapon. It shouldn't be too much nor too little."

The Seer glanced at the captain beside him who nodded in agreement. With a smile, he then added, "You will know when you'll achieve it. Moreover, I must say, you're a pretty skilled archer."

Moulin said a soft thank you before clenching the bow in his hand, "I will try harder."

His responsively accepting attitude brought out a warm feeling from Colahn's chest. This child is so forbearing and patient, he learns in every mistake he makes and listens very seriously to what is taught to him. Even the first young master was more unfeeling than him. Colahn nodded in satisfaction.

Suddenly, a loud creak from the entrance door opening caught their attention. A slender figure and the smile most familiar to Moulin entered. Lady Maxiel accompanied by two servants elegantly walked towards the occupants of the yard.

"My Lady" Both Colahn and the Captain addressed her as they bowed in respect.

"Mother..." Moulin's eyes brightened, he energetically strode towards his dear mother with a dashing smile.

"I came to see how well you are in your training?" A proud smile graced her red lips as she took the towel from her male servant's hand and carefully wiped the sweaty forehead of her adorable son.

"I still am very unknowledgeable about the paths of mana. I need to try harder."

Lady Maxiel chuckled, "How modest of you. When Emlen was first learning his flow of mana he spent every effort to boast about it to your eldest brother."

Moulin smiled as he nodded at her, "That is elder brother's nature."

"So it is. And you must not follow that peacock's example." The lady withdrew her hand with the handkerchief and smiled at her son. "Would you like to join me for tea? It has been a while since you have accompanied your mother. I was afraid you would stay in the library for the rest of your life when you suddenly shut yourself in there for days."

Moulin lowered his head with a pout, "I'm sorry"

With a laugh, she patted her son's cheek twice before facing Moulin's two mentors, "I will be borrowing my son for the whole afternoon if you kind sirs wouldn't mind."

"Not at all, My Lady." Colahn as well as Captain Vidola bowed. Colahn had a hidden smile on his face as he thought of the whole afternoon without work. Finally, he had time to laze the day away and could even spare time to annoy the hell out of Phaelona. He cackled in his heart.

He lifted his head and smiled, "Have a great afternoon young master and Milady."


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