A Gorgeous White

Chapter 36: Where can he find him?

Chapter 36: Where can he find him?

Within the front courtyard of the manor, the sound of horses neighed and hooves clicked on the stoned pavement. There parked a carriage bearing the crest of the Vernallian household. Before the massive entrance of the manor, a few people stood with a soft atmosphere surrounding them.

"Moulin... I had a wonderful time" Alan grinned at the third young master of the manor. "Although, you had spaced out most of the time with me."

Moulin lowered his gaze, "Forgive me, I was out of sorts. There are things I have to take care of"

"I understand. You seem to be in deep thought, I was worried I was taking too much of your time. Thank you for listening to my rants" He added a chuckle, "It felt great to finally spend some time with someone"

Moulin raised an eyebrow, "If you knew you were disrupting me, why did you come?"

"Because your expression always makes me want to bring out something new from your cold pretty face"

Moulin rolled his eyes, "I'm glad you find me entertaining."

The said their farewells and Moulin watched the carriage depart from the arched entrance of the courtyard. Moments later, he sighed.

He lifted his head, the wavy strands from his ponytail danced with the night wind. His alluring silver pupils gazed at the sight of the enchanting full moon. It felt reassuring to look at it. As if the sight was whispering to him that amidst the darkness of one's heart, even a slither of hope could bring ease.

A tiny snout nudge at his feet. Moulin glanced below him and met identical silver eyes staring at him in anticipation. Snow was waiting for his master to carry him, his crystal eyes moistened.

Moulin was weak to those eyes as usual. He picked up Snow with a helpless smile and entered the giant doors to his home with Pola tailing after him.


Within the family dining room, the smell of delicious food wafted in the air, and the noise of cutlery sounded.

The dinner was harmonious and warm for the family of five dining on the long table. Various delectable dishes crowded the center of the table making Moulin think they were having a wonderful celebration. Only he didn't know the reason, it was almost suspicious as he glanced at his father.

As he ate, he noticed the bags underneath his eldest brother's eyes. It was evident that he wasn't sleeping well or he wasn't even sleeping at all these days. Emlen however, was neat and in high spirits. Moulin wasn't sure if it was because of his unrestrained love for food or something great had happened.

"Moulin..." Lord Dontae gazed at his youngest son who was unusually quiet.

"Ah yes, Father" Moulin responded quickly, eyes blinking rapidly.

"I heard you decided to decline the Azuran academy's recruitment invitation... is this true?" Lord Dontae already knew but he asked for confirmation. He pretended to ignore the unusual tone in Moulin's voice, "It's a very rare opportunity. Do you really want to reject this chance given to you?"


Moulin paused. 'Chance...'

When the word was spoken, he could not help but wonder... This was a chance given to him.


"Moulin? Are you alright?" Noticing how Moulin's voice suddenly faded away as he spoke, Lady Maxiel's brows furrowed worriedly.

Moulin looked at her and smiled, "Yes..."

His mother was still a bit worried but she only smiled at him, perhaps her son was still contemplating his decision. She curiously watched Moulin in anticipation.

Snow was nibbling on the meat on his plate as he glanced at his master. His tail swayed behind him.

"Father, can I enter the private library?" Moulin asked.

"Of course, you only need to say your name in front of the entrance." The Lord smiled at his son, "Why did you need to ask? You have my every permission to do what you like within the estate"

'Exactly why you don't need me to go outside and play', Moulin thought. He thanked his father with a charming smile.


"Moulin Sill Fraunces" Moulin whispered in a soft voice. He stood still as the massive black doors gilded with gold creaked and opened. A wooden scent entered his nose as the sight of countless rows of ceiling-to-floor bookshelves were unveiled before his eyes.

The wood-polished floor shined against the twinkle from the gigantic circular colored glass windows behind a dark wood spiral staircase which was the first thing that he noticed as he entered. His shoes clicked as he walked on the marbled pathway from the entrance.

Snow yipped as he followed behind Moulin's heels.

Moulin was glad he reminded Pola to leave him for the night or else she would've dragged him back to his bed with her saddened eyes. As he observed the countless books around him, his head ached. It seems he was going to be staying up really late tonight. With a resolute determination, he marched towards a bookshelf, folding his sleeves above his elbows.

A couple of hours passed, and a tower of stacked books was placed around a single reading table. A particular little fox jumped from book to book with glee. Too busy having so much fun to notice the sweat on his master's forehead.


"Found it..." Moulin rasped.

A large leather-covered book that was dropped on the table was hastily opened and skimmed. The sound of pages synchronized with the sound of soft panting.

It was a rare copy of the Legends of Doransic in Rafelon country. It was one which Alan had mentioned when they were conversing together. Rafelon was a small country but it was ultimately known for the countless ancient ruins scattered all over its lands. When the voice had told him about a chance he shouldn't miss he was deeply reminded of the Azuran academy recruitment offer he wanted to reject, weeks after he had returned from the mountains he recalled reading a myth about spirits contacting the living with the ability to even keep surveillance to every movement and decision of the living person. Only, the information in the book he had read was too shallow.

When he recalled Alsander talked about the spirit sounding from one of the legends in Doransic, Moulin thought that perhaps it could link him to the voice in his slumber. He knew his household's library was different than others, with many mages and seers working under their family's name, there should be something that could help him.

These days the voice in his sleep had only spoken about how to maintain his core, reminding him to never betray the snow. However, this time the voice had even spoken through Alsander's mouth in broad daylight. What came out from his mouth wasn't the usual soft whispers of advice and teachings but a sorrowful plead. He was telling Moulin to find him.

"Where are you leading me? What do you really want from me?"

His fingers turned a page and he paused. The ink writings were neat and the pictures were drawn with ochre-colored paint.

It was an altar with a coffin placed on top, a woman in white robes stained with blood, a droplet ruby pendant rested on her forehead. She placed her hands on the coffin with a gentle smile drawn on her face. His eyes skimmed all over the page and he stopped on a word.


Snow suddenly stopped his movements and looked at Moulin from above the book stack. Eyes gleaming...

Moulin felt a tight feeling in his stomach as he whispered the word.

Marhos was The child of Ethowna, The Mother of Nymphs, and Goddess of Purity. There wasn't much about him except he was the child of a goddess. There was no image of him but Moulin believes he was the child within the small drawn coffin on the altar.

Long ago when the ancients walked on the lands of Corhan, Ethowna, and her sister, Naithalauna, along with the rest of the gods rebelled the ruling of the Serpent Vigal. Out of rage, Vigal poisoned the child within her womb and cursed that if she didn't rid the child inside her she would wither and her Godhood would dissolve.

In the temple from a single island in Doransic, Naithalauna removed the child from her womb disregarding the pitiful cries of her sister. Out of sorrow, Ethowna sealed the corpse of her child within a white coffin in the temple. With the thirst for revenge, her power returned and the gods overthrew Vigal from his rule. His body broke into pieces scattered around the world and sprouted into hideous beings, the known demons.

Moulin didn't care much about the legend of the temple. His attention solely focused on why the child's name bothered him. His assumption might be wrong because his proof was too indefinite.

He memorized the page and finally decided to somehow find a way to travel to Rafelon. But Rafelon was like a thousand miles away. His silver eyes scanned the page once more. Perhaps, the source of the page...

His finger traced every word and finally, he squinted his eyes in worry. He could not find anything...

Moulin sighed, "..."


Moulin jerked when Snow suddenly jumped down unto the book in front of him. "Snow!"

Snow yipped and pointed his paw on the borders around the picture of the goddess and the coffin. Moulin carefully brought himself closer. He could not read it...

Taking the book in his hand, Moulin gazed silently and turned the book around slowly. His eyes widened.

"Brilliant!" Moulin happily patted Snow's head.

The letters could be read upside down. Blame him for being dumber than the bratty fox. With serious eyes, he began to read while slowly turning the book upside down. He read the elegant letters that seem to camouflage with the red colors of the border. Moulin squinted his eyes...

"E-Es...tavian... Gurhdel?"

Moulin neared his face to the page, "...Azu..ran Guild Historian!"

Mouli frowned in realization. He placed the book down on the table.


Moulin looked at Snow who was sitting and curiously looking at him. Does this mean he really needs to accept the recruitment? The Azuran academy guilds Headquarters are situated in an extremely enclosed area. It may be impossible for him to use his position as the son of a grand noble family. As he had heard, The academy has always been particularly conscious of the equilibrium of the lowborn and highborn. Their prominent guilds have a number of outstanding maeruthans of common birth. Perhaps, it wouldn't be so bad right?

Moulin gripped the book in his hands as he lowered his gaze. He will have to be away from his family though and he could not even bring Pola with him. His expression grew dejected.

Suddenly, he felt his fingers wet. He lowered his gaze and saw Snow licking his fingers. Snow was deeply worried about the unusual silence and his master's sad expression. He rubbed his furry head on Moulin's fragile knuckles as if taking advantage of Moulin's weakness to cuteness to comfort his master. Moulin saw through his acts but he had to admit it was definitely working.

With a smile on his face, Moulin brought Snow into his embrace, "Of course, I'll be taking you with me. We won't be separated"

Snow: We were going to separate?!

The dumb look on the fox's face almost cracked a laugh out of Moulin.

The soft giggles of the youth and the adorable whimpers of his opallian fox were like bell chimes echoing throughout the library. On top of one of the highest bookshelf, A particular colorful bird perched, silently watching the pair of maeruthan and beast with gentle Aezelian eyes.


The very next day as early as the first light of dawn had dyed the sky heavenly. Moulin had arrived at his father's office shortly after he had freshened up from his jog. His father had always woken up earlier than the rest of their family so by the time Moulin had entered, his father was already taking a break from assessing all of the stacks of documents on his desk.

Moulin then discussed to him of his acceptance to the Azuran guild recruitment letter offered to him. The moment he had finished, his father had gone silent.

A horrific expression washed over his father's face.


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