A Gorgeous White

Chapter 133: The Creatures Beneath...

Chapter 133: The Creatures Beneath...


"T-The s-shores!... C-Creatures! Emerging from the s-shores!"The man's hands trembled.

He looked too terrified to not notice that the sword in his scabbard was missing. Moulin's finger twitched when the word 'creatures' was mentioned. What is it this time?

With a decisive expression, Lord Hercullio turned to the youth beside him. "Moulin come..." He grabbed Moulin's arm and the both of them disappeared in front of the shaken man.

The sentinel was left to shout out the horrid news to the people around him. Moulin and Hadrian appeared on the narrow stoned pathway of the fortress's outer curtain wall . The path was slim allowing only two people to pass. There were several sentinels ang elven warriors with their weapon's drawn. A row of archers stood before the battlement. Their arrows were pointed downwards beyond the embrasures. Eyes serious filled with a hint of deathly fear, however, they stood strong.

There were sudden growls and roars filling the air. The noise akin to the beastly cries of dying beasts. Specifically coming from below the wall where the lake shores were. As Hadrian turned to listen to the captain's report, fearlessly, Moulin removed Hadrian's hold and neared a vacant spot between the archers. He peered, his head peeking beyond the crenel . His silver eyes narrowed. The crimson like hue that enveloped the whole stronghold gave an ominous feel to the surroundings. It was to no wonder why such brave soldiers would tremble in fear. It was strangely foggy below. The fog had already reached halfway up the wall.

The noises were drawing near.

Moulin summon his bow of ice and drew the transluscent string to aim downwards like all the other archers beside him. There were beastly cries but he found no presence as he stared down below. 


Suddenly, a black hand stretched out from the blanket of fog. Moulin and the others flinched. They almost fired their weapons. The nails were gruesomely long and curved. It gleamed with black-red sharpness. The needle-like tips scraped the stoned surface creating sparks. The skin was covered in black sludged as if they were doused in tar. 


An eyeless head emerged from fog. Its mouth was so wide it reached the its temple. Its skin was black and Its two terrifying rows of razor sharp teeth were exposed to the eyes of the archers. 


At the command, the arrows were set loose. It rained down the wall and the sound of it piercing flesh and bone was immediate. The painful screeches of the creatures filled the air. 


An excruciating scream noised at the far side of the row of archers. Moulin's attention was caught and he briefly turned his head to witness a sentinel impaled by a long tongue. The tips of the tongue was solid and curved like a hook. It forcibly pulled the man to the swarm of beasts below the wall. Like a lizard catching its prey. The man was torn to shreds.

Moulin's heart pounded as he returned his gaze to his position and kept firing his arrows. However, the monsters were starting to climb up the wall. Their numerous black lizard-like bodies were exposed. Even clawing at their own kind to reach for their prey. They were drawing near the edge of the battlement!

"They're too many!!" An elf shouted. By the next second, a claw hooked his shoulder and his arms was cleaned ripped off his body. His deafening scream engulfed the air.

When Moulin realized how dire the situation was, he stopped shooting and raised a hand. Silver eyes glowed as thousands of large needle-like ice crystals materialized in the air. Blood splashed on Moulin's face as a monster lunged at the archer beside him. He clenched his fist and a perilous rain of crystals fell upon the horrid creatures beyond the wall. At the same time, he swiftly turned his gaze to his side and shot an arrow through the monster's head. The agonizing beastly cries noised throughout the area. 




Moulin panted heavily. The technique had drawn most of his energy. A puddle of red reached his boot. Adjusting his vision, Moulin faced the horrid scene before him. The wall walk became a pathway ravaged by torn corpses. Bloody limbs and organs littered the cold stoned ground. Only a few of the men were left to defend the wall.


Moulin flinched. He looked down his satchel where Snow had peeked at the horrible scene before him. He looked unfaze and he rubbed his nose in disgust. Moulin calmed himself and gripped the bow in his hand.


Whipping his gaze towards the sound of the voice, Moulin saw Hadrian hurriedly moving towards him. Trailing behind the Lord was Rowan. 

"Are you alright?" Asked Hadrian.

Moulin exhaled, "I'm fine..."

Hadrian gave a sigh. He the glanced at Rowan beside him, "Good. Go and aid Rowan to guard the hostages"

A flash of reluctance crossed Moulin's face at the command. He steeled his gaze and stared into Hadrian' eyes. "What about you?"

The lord reached out and grasped his shoulder. "I will stay. The entire fortress is surrounded by these creatures. Guard the others inside. The young master of Vernallia will invoke a barrier around the inner wall. Stay with them and guard the princess."

"But I can-"

"Moulin..." Hadrian's eyes were unyielding. A faint concern layered his golden irises. "You are exhausted... I will let you fight when you are needed..." His resolute voice didn't want to accept any objections.


Moulin clenched his fists. Hesitation flashed in his eyes briefly before the youth finally conceded, "Alright... " He pressed his lips together, "Be safe..."

"Ao!" Snow yipped at Hadrian.

The man gave a glance at the fox, "Protect your master properly..."

"Grrr..." The little fox growled, irradiating with anger. Moulin smiled faintly, glancing at Hadrian one last time before he and Rowan hastily proceeded to jump down the wall, landing skillfully on the courtyard. The courtyard was vacated except for the sentinels and elves cautiously positioning themselves in preparation when the creatures would breach the walls. They flashed through the groups of warriors and heading inside the fortress.

The main doors were slammed shut and barricaded with the help of the warriors inside. Moulin doubted the durability of the wooden doors. Base on the strength and the sizes of those monsters, the door would be shredded in an instant. Moulin shook his head as Rowan led him to the stronghold's basement. A secret area that one of the soldiers have found. It's doors were made of metal and was spacious. 

As both of them quickened their steps through the dimming halls with the torches lighting their pathway, Moulin was silent. With a serious expression, he worried thought about Hadrian and the people with him. 

"They'll be alright..." 

With raised eyebrows, Moulin glanced at Rowan's back. The man didn't say another word as he leads him through the dim hallways. Moulin nodded slightly. His gaze met Snow's beady silver eyes. The little fox appeared as if he was having fun being carried in a dirty satchel. 

When they finally reached the basement, the metal doors opened revealing several elven warriors and a small group of sentinels with spears. Both of them immediately entered the room and locked the doors. Lanterns illuminated the corners of the room, slightly bringing a slight comfort to the trembling vulnerable figures of the silver-eyed people inside. Moulin moved towards a wall. He leaned his back on it, releasing an exhausted sigh. The murmurs of the room blended with the people's uneasy expressions. Silver-eyed children, silver-eyes elder people, silver-eyed adults... Moulin suddenly felt slightly tired.

His eyes turned half-lidded as he silently stared at his left arm.

The marks on his skin returned to his mind and concern filled his chest.

What was going to happen to him?...

A couple of minutes passed. The uneasiness within the wide room became suffocating as the people worried about themselves and the situation they were in. Moulin had closed his eyes as Snow, within the satchel, silently peeked at his master with curious eyes. When a few minutes passed, silver eyes fluttered open when the youth felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. He lifted his gaze and met Eilhara's sweet gentle eyes. Her two guards stood beside her with identical stern expressions. She gave a faint smile as she passed him a piece of bread. The warriors must have brought out their rations to feed the hostages. Moulin frowned when he forgot to bring some from the camp. 

Moulin thanked her and accepted the bread. He realized that the people were crowding together, sharing a small meal of bread. Breaking loaves into small pieces. Feeble hands distributing them to everyone around.

"Are you worried?" Eilhara suddenly asked. She watched as Moulin broke apart his share of bread, giving one to the little fox in his satchel. Snow bit the bread and licked Moulin's pink fingertips with delight.

"... A bit." Moulin responded with a soft voice.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake. The people inside began to cry out in fear as dust fell from the ceiling. The light of the lanterns flickered briefly as the shaking continued for a few more minutes. Moulin removed his back from the wall, standing cautiously as he felt the vibration underneath his mudded boots. 

"What's going on?" A child was at the brink of tears as he held on the woman's skirt. The female shushed him to keep quiet.

The guards around Eilhara stepped closer to her. 

Moulin observed the basement silently. Whatever was going on up there, he was sure it wasn't favorable.


Moulin turned to Snow who was pointing his snout at the far corner of the room. Confusion attached to the youth's face as he tried to determine what Snow wanted to show him. He picked Snow up from the satchel and placed him down on the cold stoned floor. Without a thought, the little beast scurried through the crowd. Some yelped in surprised as a little fox brushed their foot. Moulin followed Snow impassively. His eyes concentrated on the little brat who suddenly stopped before a vacant space near the corner of the wall. 

Snow sniffed the ground and as if sensing something nasty, he leaped back and growled. The little fox's actions triggered Moulin's alarm bells. Snow perception was strong. There was something underneath.

"Move!" Moulin shouted. Surprised by his raised voice, the people parted and backed away from where Snow and Moulin was. 

"What's the matter?" Rowan walked through the crowd, spotting Moulin's unusual expression. 

Moulin raised his hand to cease the noise around him making Rowan sense something suspicious. A group of sentinels came forward under Rowan's orders. Releasing a bit of coldness in the air, Moulin took a step towards Snow.


Snow snarled.

A crack appeared on the ground. 

  1. The space between two Merlons (solid upright section of a battlement).
  2. An outer wall surrounding a bailey(courtyard). Defensive wall between two towers.


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