A Gorgeous White

Chapter 127: You Found It...

Chapter 127: You Found It...


Rapid footfalls echoed resounded almost endlessly in the darkness of the tunnels. Only the sharp light of the torches had light the way, although faint. One cautious hand on the hilt of his sword, he stared at the blue gem on his wrist as he quickened his steps. His ears carefully receiving even the faintest of sound aside from his and the princess' footsteps. A small snow-white fox sat quietly while facing the youth's back, staring curiously at the panting elven princess.

Moulin frowned. He should've listened to how to activate the conveyer? He groaned.

"What are you doing?" Asked Eilhara as she hastened her pace to catch up to Moulin. When she saw Moulin intently staring at his wrist, she narrowed her eyes to determine the object around that pale wrist.

Her eyes widen and she spoke, "Do you not know how to activate it? That conveyer around your wrist?"

Moulin turned to her. He then lowered his gaze and cleared his throat. "I don't... does your highness know how?" He asked. He needed quickly get this thing over with and contact Hadrian and the team.

She smirked, "Give me your wrist." She demanded with a soft voice.

Hesitantly, Moulin slowed his steps briefly and let the princess reach for his wrist. She touched the sapphire on the band, pressing her thumb at the center of the gem. "I suggest to not try to contact anyone in the tunnels though. Our voices will echo." She whispered.

Moulin nodded.

The two continue to walk while carefully softening their steps. The west wing should not be far. They needed to reach a hallway to be able to determine their location. Both of them were not sure of where they are.

When they both arrived at a T intersecting passageway, Moulin suddenly halted his steps and raised his hand. Quietly he and Eilhara stepped a few steps back and pressed their backs against the stoned walls. 

Incoherent voices echoed and drew nearer. Moulin and Eilhara silence themselves, hearts thundering as they witnessed the people pass them by. After hearing their fading footsteps, Moulin relaxed. He turned to the princess. "Let's head back. We'll be spotted. I need a room."

"They're so rooms here. We have been walking for hours."

"There has to be..." Moulin narrows his eyes and they retraced their steps to turn to another passageway. Everything was like a maze here, he almost wants to curse out loud.

However, when they turned to another corner, several men in red robes blocked their way. 

"Seize them!" 

Moulin gnashed his teeth as he stomped his right foot and sent a wall of ice to block the passageway before them, dividing them from the malefic on the other side of the wall of ice. Moulin knew it wouldn't last long so he grabbed Eilhara's hand and ran. 

"What should we do?" Eilhara struggled to keep up with Moulin's pace.

"If we're caught, we fight. But now, we need to hide." Moulin rasped.

Not long after, they heard a loud shatter and a rumble of rapid footsteps and loud voices heading towards them. Moulin released a frustrated sigh. If he wasn't so exhausted right now, he would have frozen this whole fortress if he could. 

They will not be caught.


"A door! " Eilhara pointed ahead of them at the right wall of the passage.

Moulin raised his brows. He felt relief wash away all his frustration. They hurried and stopped before the black massive double doors. Strange carvings of a giant bird with its wings spread wide. A sculpted carving of an eye stared down at Moulin and Eilhara. 

Moulin turned to face the hallway where their pursuers were heading towards them. He raised his hands and once again raised a thick wall of ice to cover the passageway. The frigid breeze extinguished the smoldering fires of the torches, completely plunging the hallways into pitch-black darkness. It was the luminous light of the aphrodite's ice that gave Eilhara's enough light to see.

Promptly grasping the handles, Eilhara gnashed her teeth. She breathed. "It will not open..."

"What?" Moulin shot her a glare.

"I'm saying it's locked! There's no way we can-" She stopped. When he lowered her gaze, her fingers brushed a deep indent in between the carved door. It was deep and it was the only peculiar thing in the door. It resembled the shape of a bat or bird. She didn't know. She did not have time to be solving such things! They were being chased! Her heart pounded loudly. However, she still turned to Moulin and spoke hesitantly.

"T-There's a piece missing. It's one of those enchanted doors that can only open with a key... I-I don't know. Should we just find another?"

Moulin eyes narrowed even more. "They're already here..." From the voices beyond the wall of ice, they were numerous opponents to be dealt. He could not do it on his own. He felt countless weapons digging against the ice, even mana-infused fire to hastened the thawing. Moulin knew the ice could not last.

He shifted his gaze at the doors and stared. A shaped hollow between the handles of the door. A bird...

"Ao!" Moulin turned to Snow.


A bird...


A bird-like figure. His eyes widened. He quickly lifted his gaze to Eilhara, "Quick! In my pocket, there is a stone piece. Take it"

Although surprised, the princess hurried to dig her fingers in Moulin's pocket. Her hand touched something solid and she quickly fished it out. A bird-shaped stone was revealed in her grasp.

Her green eyes widened in shock as she glanced at the shaped indent on the doors. Her gaze abruptly shifted to Moulin. "I-It's... How..."

"Time is wasted, Your highness" Moulin didn't mention another word afterwards as he pried his gaze away.

"Oh! R-Right..." She quickly turned, positioned the bird following the shape of the indent, and pressed the bird forward.


Eilhara removed her hands. She slowly released a breath as she waited and grasped the handle.

"Your highness?" Spoke Moulin with a hint of impatience in his tone.

"Wait, wait give it a second."

"I believe we are running out of time" He gritted his teeth. Sweat formed on his pale forehead as he once again raised another layer of the wall. His limbs were growing weak and his breath had turned rapid. Fatigue immediately overwhelmed his arms.

Suddenly, the doors creaked. The bird-shaped stone was split in half. Eilhara swiftly pulled the handles and the door opened. Darkness awaited them.

Enthusiasm filled the princess's eyes, "It's open!"

With one move Moulin grabbed Eilhara's arm and slipped themselves inside the unknown room. The doors shut close and the bird-shaped key disintegrated into dust. Simultaneously, the wall of ice shattered.

Within the darkness, Moulin and Eilhara stepped away from the door. Although both of them can't see, their hearing seemed to heighten tremendously. The loud beating of his heart overwhelmed Moulin's ears along with faint sounds beyond the doors. Even Eilhara force herself to hold her breath as she listened quietly.

The chaotic sounds of footsteps and voices filled the hallway, and Moulin slowly unsheathed his sword. He felt the warmth of his palm and the sweat dripping down his forehead. He swallowed in anticipation.

'Find them!'


'They could be in here...' 

Eilhara unconsciously gripped Moulin's sleeved. She felt the faint dampness of the fabric but she didn't have the time to pay attention to it. Moulin could feel her fear and the tremble of her fingers.

"No... that door hasn't been opened in years. It is a lost room. It can never be opened. Those fools might not have gone far..."

"Let's hurry..."

At the sound of the declining sound of numerous footsteps, Moulin gripped the sword. It was not time to be relieved yet.


Moulin noticed the disappearance of the grip on his sleeve and he worriedly turned back. He could not see within the darkness.

A loud sigh.

"Don't worry..." Eilhara sighed. "I need to calm down. I believe I can't take much of this action. My limbs are about to fall off and my heart feels like it would burst at any moment." 

Moulin smiled faintly, "Rest then, Your highness. I will go and find some light before I contact the others"

"Yes, please..." She laughed faintly within the darkness. "Or you can sit and rest beside me-"

"I'll be going then..."

Eilhara blinked and she laughed, "Alright, then..."

Moulin breathes a sigh as he slowly moved forward. He opened his palm in the air and summoned a floating crystal. It emitted a bright blue light. Although it didn't entirely illuminate the entire room, it was enough...

Moulin lifted the glowing crystal to let it float higher, his silver eyes assessed their surroundings. His eyes narrowed in curiosity and suspiciousness. 

The once silent little fox on his shoulder hopped on the floor, curiously admiring the glowing light. Snow wanted to chase it!

There were no windows or any object that could radiate light to the room which explained its unusual darkness. It was a massive hallway stretching ahead of Moulin where the darkness seemed endless. The floors were like mirrors. Black, reflecting the light of the glowing crystal as well as Moulin's figure. Towering columns stood in two rows as if creating a pathway for a king. Moulin stood silently.

Ferocious looking serpents were sculpted around the pillars its unmoving and nonexistent eyes seemed to gaze down at Moulin deeply.

A breeze brushed Moulin's face...

Chilly and ominous...

There weren't windows... so where did it come from?

'You... found it...'

Moulin breathing stopped.

A child-like voice echoed. Seeming to spoken within the darkness in front of him...


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