A Gorgeous White

Chapter 120: Do Not Look At Others...

Chapter 120: Do Not Look At Others...


The freezing cold could make one's blood cease running. The vast landscape of white. Tremendous white mountains, crowding the perilously cold land. The boundless and naked white-coated land.

It was what described the terrain where the Eye of Malefic was located. It was what Nordehl had seen in the memories of the prisoner. And it was what the prince had relayed to his people.

Moulin was leaning on a column as he listened. On his shoulder was the little mystic beast, Snow who never failed to keep himself entertained by pawing his master's hair. Silver eyes fixed on the stone platform where a particular golden-eyed man stood expressionlessly at the center of the long horizontal table gilded with gold. At his right was Rowan and Relena, at his left was the first prince of Thundralln and his trustworthy general. Below the platforms were a few sentinels and a couple of elven knights. Both stood a far distance from each other as if in resentment. Moulin could feel the tension between the two sides but he did not care.

"We do not know where the hostages are being imprisoned within the black fortress. But if we keep moving while avoiding the eyes of malefics, I believe we can find them." Rowan explained. "We have talented seers to assign that task. I am confident we can accomplish it!"

"Bah! It is our people we are rescuing! Our seers and mages are much more dependable!" One of the elves shouted. Instead of thinking about the situation, it seems he let his hatred of humans get to his head. He was one of the first-class knights in the palace.

Rowan lifted his chin as he narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Is it even worth the time to discuss your grudge at this time?"

"Quiet!" Nordehl gnashed his teeth.

"My prince, please reconsider!" Another sounded out.

"Enough! I do not want to hear any more nonsense. If you still object then I will let the general see you off!"

The general beside the prince glared at the elf, "Do you still dare to raise your voice to your master?" He grasped the hilt of his sword.

Once again, silence engulfed the halls. Silver eyes never left the man calmly standing, quietly observing with an apathetic gaze. Like a king looking down on worthless lands. 

"If you wish to continue such a foolish exchange... " Lord Hadrian spoke darkly. His eyes glowed ruthlessly. 

Instantly, the faint oppressive aura filled the halls. It was hair-raising. It immediately made one freeze and shut their mouths, afraid to let out even a faint hum.

The slither of oppression crept up one's spine making when the loudest of the people on the floor fall to a deadly silence. 

"Now..." Lord Hadria began. His golden eyes sweeping all over the small crowd of people. "The Eye of Malefic has only taken action for a few months and look what they made you into... little self-centered rats. How laughable..."

Everybody suppressed their inner fear as they had no choice but to listen to the domineering man.

Golden eyes darkened and narrowed as he eyes the map laid open on the surface of the table before him. The little golden rings on the curve of his ear gleamed under the light as he lowered his head. 

"My Lord?..." Rowan looked at his master with a curious expression.

"The country of Rafelon..." Hadrian spoke out. "They... picked an unusual place to build their fortress..."

"Most of Rafelon's lands are deserts and islands..." Nordehl rubbed his chin. "I do not remember clearly but I recall the man's memory as they crossed a lake or was it a river before arriving at the snow-covered mountains... The stone figure of a bird marked the edge of the water... There are only two places in Rafelon where snow would be present." He dragged a finger on the inked drawn paper. "The cold Northern island and... The Eastern Rafelonian lands" Nordehl felt worthless to exhaust his mana only to gather insufficient information. "That is all I can give..."


"It seems we need to decide between these two places..." Relena exhaled through pursed lips. "We only need to see if one of them was marked by a stone statue, right?"

"I believe so..." Rowan nodded.

"We split up... let the seers who possess great proficiency with winters map the areas." Hadrian decided. He gazed at the Northern island on the map. Thoughts Unknown, "Authorize mages to accompany the seers. Their familiars will help widen their clairvoyance and perception. No matter how long it would take, lengthen the time of searching."

"Our means of communication will be these conveying bands from our Grand artificer." The elven gender raised a brass band. A blue mana crystal was glowing faintly. The glow was suppressed by the light of day. 

"Once the fortress is located. Standby. Perhaps or perhaps not, a sensory barrier might be activated. We must be prepared." Relena nodded.

The meeting lengthened for four more hours before the people were finally dismissed. Nordehl bowed before Lord Hadrian as he excused himself to prepare the construction of two transportation portals for the two teams. It was convenient to utilize if a teleportation pearl could not be used. However, it needs the energy and perception of seers to direct the portal to the exact place. Furthermore, it can only be used once, otherwise, it would drain the seer's life force. 

It would take two days to be finished but it was enough time for the rest to prepare.

Moulin was about three steps away from the door when a hand abruptly reached out to grab his wrist. With narrowed eyes, Moulin swiftly stepped aside and evaded the greedy fingers that wish to touch him. He knew well who was carrying such intentions to him.

Callun hesitantly stopped, noticing the intense silver stare of the youth. 

"Do you want to keep that hand?" Moulin threatened. He did not wait for a response, "It does not matter to me if you are a son of a noble. If you touch me again, you will regret it." His words were filled with pure fierceness. The little fox on his shoulder growled.

Callun swallowed as he bowed his head in obeisance under the murderous look of the youth before him. 'I was rash', he thought. Muttering an apology, he kept his head low.

"What do you want?" Moulin narrowed his eyes.

Impatience filling his form. "If you speak of nonsense again, I will see that everyone will never recognize you..."

Callun felt his throat tighten as if he was being choked. Ah, his fierceness is too fiery. Although he was a maeruthan of ice and snow, Moulin appeared like a deity of war, burning and freezing everything within his gaze. Such ferocity was admirable. It made Callun's heart pound.

"I only want to propose a spar with you, Sir Moulin. Since we will be partaking in a mission together, I believe we should stay close to the ones we know."

Moulin's eyes deepened. He had known long before that Callun was an exceptional sentinel. To be given the task to partake in the mission, Lady Relena must deem his skill and ability helpful. However, his excuse was shallow. Moulin could see through him at a glance. 

"I'm sorry but I have other things to attend to..." Moulin replied.

Callun did not believe in his words, "What other things must you attend-"

"Sentinel Fraunces..."

A deep overwhelming voice resounded in the halls. It echoed with dark unavoidable dominance and power. Lord Hadrian stood alone at the stone platform. His eyes looking fiercer than usual as his right hand rested on the hilt of his sheathed sword. He looked absolutely refined yet ruthless. 

Noticing the man's intentions, Moulin turned to Callun's stiffened figure. He spoke nonchalantly, "Excuse me."

Callun acknowledged Moulin's leave and he, himself, had no choice but to leave the halls. Somehow he felt a burning stare on his back as he closed the doors. Once the two were alone, with ease, Moulin silently made his way towards the golden-eyed lord.

"That man seemed to be quite taken to you..." Hadrian started as he pulled Moulin's waist to him. Their bodies pressed together. "... Despite your ferociousness. He does not seem to fear you." His tone carried a hidden sense of dark intentions. His eyes concealed the malignity about to show.

Moulin frowned, "I will dispose of him myself. He gets on my nerves. It is irritating."

"When in front of me..." Hadrian whispered in his ear. Sending down shivers up the youth's spine. "...Do not look at others... or I will get rid of them."

Moulin paused. His fingers delicately pressing on the man's chest slightly curled. Silver's eyes narrowed with mirth. "How dangerous..." 

His lips curved into a seductive smile. As his fingers reached to draw lines on the man's broad shoulders. 

Hadrian smirked. "Don't provoke me..."


Snow angrily yipped. His claws threatened to claw Hadrian's annoying face. 'Get lost evil man! Don't touch my master!'

Moulin was startled by Snow's sudden growl. He immediately removed himself from Hadrian's embrace and stroked the white furry head of the little brat baring his teeth at Lord Hadrian. Moulin helplessly sighed as he took Snow in his arms.

"I should cut you into pieces..." Hadrian narrowed his eyes at Snow as he muttered.

Snow: Bring it on! 

.. .. .. .. .. . .

Sunshine bathed the carpeted floors. The curtains were drawn and tied by stringed pearls. 

Within the little guest room, A little girl with raven hair sat on the edge of the bed. Her little feet swung back and forth as she stared at the bright windows. She waited patiently. Cat-like ears stood upright as if listening to even the tiniest sound of the room.

When she heard the doors of the room creak as they open, she immediately perked up. She turned around, carefully climbed on the bed, and jumped with joy.

"Mr. Deity! You're here!"

A head of white hair peeked out from the door as silver eyes blinked brightly. Moulin's eyes curved into crescents as he entered the room with soft steps. His white cape draped on his back, fluttering as he walked.

"Hello, Phuna..."


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