A Gorgeous White

Chapter 117: The Wimpy Prince

Chapter 117: The Wimpy Prince


His neatly tied silver-white hair fell elegantly on his delicate back. Silver pupils appeared like deep swirls of liquid metal filled with helplessness and profound contemplation of the given situation. Based upon the imploring emerald eyes of the royal prince before him, Moulin knew he was brought to become the bait of the plan. 

However, the others had not announced the detailed plan they had in their minds. Moulin did not want to assume the wrong so he only silently listened as Nordehl finished his explanation. 

"Demon blood, Demon blood, Demon blood... "

Valcam's mutterings finally filled the whole room. The gradually rising volume of his voice silenced everyone inside the room at last. All eyes fixed on the man scribbling something on the paper while muttering 'demon blood' endlessly like a framed person. Furrowing his brows, Moulin realized that although the man had enhanced his appearance his personality had not changed. For a second, he was deeply convinced Valcan had transformed into a different man.

Laphora only raised his eyes in surprise. As though realizing what Valcan had discovered.

Before Rowan could ask Valcan about his unceasing mutterings, Valcan suddenly stiffened. His eyes constricting and his fingers curling around the pen trembled. "That's it... Of course... "

"What is?" Rowan knitted his eyes brows as he glanced at the equally confused Relena. The youth with silver hair calmly looked at Valcan while tilting his head. 

"Demon blood!" Valcan exclaimed with wide eyes. "If I'm correct, the faultless scriptures and scrolls from my great grandfather had described such liquid that I have extracted from the incapacitated sentinels. Their characteristics and particularities were suprisingly similar! I had thought it was a coincidence but it wasn't" Valcan released a brief laugh before he continued. "They had shared the same attributes! The extracted black liquid from the bodies of the sentinels is not foreign. It was blood! No ordinary liquid could affect a maeruthan's internal body unless it was not a liquid but parasites. The blood of an orc or other being could be ingested with a chance to affect the internal body."

Rowan's eyes widened as he rubbed his chin and lowered his head, "According to the investigation of the incident in Yan'Gofrae. There was a river that was located a few miles from the town where the people would go and gather water. It was their life source. The day before the sentinels were paralyzed the town held a banquet to express their gratitude. The next day, after the raid, all of them had become unconscious... Except one..." Rowan's frown deepened. "...The river had been-"

"Poisoned!" Relena concluded as she pointed a finger. 

Valcan suddenly grabbed all his things and burst out of the door. His abrupt and clumsy actions made the rest speechless. 



Moulin winced as he heard the man fall, his papers slowly fluttered in the air. Moulin's back was facing the door so he could not see. However, he was still able to hear the sharp slam of the man's body on the floor and the hasty shuffling of papers as Valcan collected the papers scattering around him. 

"Where is he going?" Rowan asked with a frown. He thought he had sealed the door so how had Valcan open it?

Laphora smiled as he turned to the door. "Off to see the only sentinel who was not paralyzed."

They could still hear Valcan's painful groans from beyond the open door.

With a sigh Relena moved forward, "I'll help him please continue... I will return shortly."

Nordehl nodded to her as Relena bowed respectfully. The royal prince and the rest watched as Relena shut the doors as she exited. Her elegant movement was enthralling.

As only four of them were left in the room, Moulin took the initiative to speak. His eyes tightly concealed the emotions and thoughts that might leak and be exposed from his serious and calm countenance.

"All of what you had explained does not define why I am involved..." Moulin's eyes shined with naivety and sharpness like an overly cautious child. A thorny rose. His figure appeared relaxed but in his heart, he was tense as he anticipated. "... I am here for a reason am I not?"

Nordehl lifted his brows as surprised painted his face. There was a flash of hesitancy and guilt, exposed to the daring eyes of silver. The corner of Rowan's mouth twitched. He did not want to be the one to answer if the prince refuses to speak first. He had feared the wrath of his lord.

Slightly lowering his gaze, Prince Nordehl exhaled. 'He really deserves to be Lord Hercullio's lover...'

Seeing that it took them five long seconds to finally meet his gaze, Moulin frowned. Knowing that all of the people in the room already know of his true personality, he let out a soft scoff as he leaned back. He slightly tilted his head as his legs crossed.

"There's no need to explain..." Moulin said, earning him surprised expressions of the prince and Rowan. He continued while wearing an impassive expression. "... Someone needs to slip inside the malefic's base. It would do no good if anyone of you would do it..."

"So... You realized?" Rowan asked. There was a slight doubt in his eyes as he looked at Moulin.

"Yes, he already did..." Laphora gave a smile. 

Nordehl bowed his head as he clasped his hands together. His hands were slightly trembling and his voice was shaky as he spoke. "F-Forgive me for troubling you, Moulin. Your role is tremendously vital during this mission. I wish there was some other way but I believe there is none during these hasty times. We need all the help we can get. My sister has been missing for months and perhaps more for the others with her. Truly, I wanted to plead to lord Hercullio about this." Nordehl's gaze turned solemn and his frame suddenly turned fragile. "However, I know how much he holds you in his heart. And I believe the moment I would relay even three words to him, I'm certain he would... strongly object to it and presumably... become furious..." He sighed. The emerald pendant on his clean forehead dangled as he lowers his head even more as though afraid to witness Moulin's expression.

Moulin furrowed his brows. He turned his attention to Rowan who nodded to him in confirmation. Moulin folded his arms as though deeply before speaking.

"So it is like this..." Moulin muttered. He had promised Hadrian he would be careful. Just days ago when they had learned about the oracle's vision and the three deaths, Hadrian was opposed to the idea that Moulin would be continuing the guild's mission. Even more, just this morning, the man had blocked his way when he was going to the courtyard to join the morning training with his fellow guild members. However, after an hour of 'coaxing' Moulin was finally allowed. It pained Moulin that Hadrian had become very overprotective but Moulin could understand the man's intentions. 

However, this time...

"Do you not have some disguising artifacts?" Moulin questioned curiously.

Nordehl looked at him in shock. "T-Those artifacts that were utilized to change one's appearance? How did you-... No, those artifacts are extremely rare and extraordinarily expensive! Only a legendary artificer would be able to make it and even if it would be made it would take many years... We don't have that kind of time."

Moulin was surprised. He wasn't sure if it was because of the shockingly valuable artifact that Hadrian had once owned or because there was no other way to decline the mission. 

'Please consider...' Was what Nordehl's eyes were telling Moulin.


"I will do it..." Moulin retracted his gaze from the prince. "... for the prisoners held in the Eye of Malefic"

Nordehl's eyes were filled with hope and relief washed his expression. Rowan who was also holding his breath sighed. Only the elf sitting on the bed was silent.

Suddenly, the doors of the room parted. The sound of the opening doors catches the attention of the people within the room. Who entered first was Lady Relena who had a nervous and shy expression on her face. Her eyes signaled something but Rowan and Nordehl did not figure it out. However, Moulin knew why. 

Entering the room with elegant strides. The longsword on his belt released the dread and anxiousness of anyone who would lay their eyes on it. Golden hair shined under the light of the room and golden eyes as sharp as knives looking like they were made of pure gold. Blessed and gifted by the gods. His powerful figure entered the room along with his king-like aura. Lord Hadrian Hercullio eyes everyone in the room as if they were nothing interesting, however, when his eyes turned to a particular white-haired youth, his expression slightly softened.

With a wave of his hand, the doors slammed closed, and a sound barrier surrounding the whole room. The secrecy of their discussion was heightened to a high degree. Hadrian did not hide the affection he had for Moulin was he walked towards the back couch and placed a hand on Moulin's shoulder to remind the youth of his presence.

Although they were already informed of the relationship of the lord and the young Aphrodite, the rest of the room could not believe such a cruel and ruthless man would become so affectionated in front of the one he loves.

"Were you waiting for me?..." His husky voice entered Moulin's fragile ears. 

Moulin glanced at the man fiercely, "No, I did not..."

At Moulin's reply, everybody stiffened, awaiting the oppressing aura Lord Hadrian would release. Instead, they watched with widened eyes as the Lion bent to plant a kiss on Moulin's head. The youth, however, was unaffected as if he was already used to this kind of treatment. 

Turning his attention away from the youth, Hadrian faced Nordehl and Rowan with piercing eyes. Relena silently stepped behind Lord Hadrian making sure even her breathing was silent. 

"G-Greetings to you, Lord Hadrian..." Nordehl stuttered, subconsciously returning to his nervous self every time he was facing Hadrian. His heart was pounding loudly. 

"Likewise, prince," Hadrian spoke. His voice was magnetic yet threatening. "Now..." He began as he slightly raised his head. Eyes glowing in shimmering gold. "... Tell me... What makes you think I would allow you to make use of my beloved as a tool?"


Nordehl felt his body freeze. His courage crumbled instantly.


Moulin sighed...



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