A Gorgeous White

Chapter 111: Sleep

Chapter 111: Sleep

Warning NSFW! (Please mind the warnings) Moulin is 'somewhat' like a trans person. I will be using slightly feminizing words for body parts. Please be warned. If any of you find this uncomfortable, please skip the chapter. (NSFW might last more than one chapter) 

Warning: Lewd language! Vulgar description! 

Read at your own risk!




The softness of the new mattress brought a surprisingly comfortable feeling as a svelte body fell on it with a slight bounce. The red sheets beneath his hands and the unusual slight dimness of the room gave a strangely sensual atmosphere. In the deep of the night, the night air failed to enter the room for the windows were tightly closed.

On the carpeted floor, clothes were strewn carelessly. The garb of the leonile sentinel laid beside a long red cape, collared with elegant white fur.

The red curtains of the canopy bed were elegantly parted to reveal the half-naked figure of an androgynous young man. Silvery hair fell on the scarlet covers, curling and swirling like white roses. The long white strands looked stunning like gorgeous moonlight threads. The flushed skin appeared like white jade painted with an alluring blush. And the lazy look within those bright silver eyes would make anyone fall at first sight. The bare chest looked delicate. Pink points appeared plump and provocative. The young man's body wasn't child-like. There were fine lines of lean muscle on his abdomen, proof of masculinity. Although it wasn't too defined, the strength inside the youth's body was unnatural. His legs were still garbed with the thick uniform pants. Unlike Moulin, Hadrian entirely shed his clothing.

Shamelessly nude, the man's masculinity could rival the strength of the gods. The defined lines of his body were filled with the power and strength of a man. He stood with sovereignty before the youth on the bed. The huge upturned shaft beneath his sensual navel had no less the power of its owner. Moulin secretly swallowed as he remembered how that huge 'thing' made him so pliant and boneless like water. Silver eyes could see the veins that brought life to it and Moulin had to avert his gaze before he could give in to his urge of 'examining' the tremendous member.

"How should I serve my young master?..." A gruff appealing voice spoke. His words dripped with desire and craving as smoldering golden eyes scrutinized the tantalizing form of his lover. His back bent as he towered over the small figure beneath him. His muscle bunched and flexed at every movement. Moulin's unawareness made the lord want to devour him.

With a lazy voice and heavy-lidded eyes, Moulin spoke, "In any way you want... I do not want to spend so much energy..."

He spoke like a bored young aristocrat craving for new entertainment.

"Whatever it is you desire, young master" Hadrian smiles. Gently, he placed his hands on Moulin's mid-thigh, fingers caressing, inching upwards towards the youth's hipbone, and sliding with a distracting touch. The heat of the man's hands sent a seductive tingle on Moulin's skin beneath the fabric. It was slow and sensual, making the youth subconsciously shift his legs but under the man's towering form he could not escape.

Moulin laid back as he watched. There were bubbling desire and thrill in those silver eyes. His gaze on Hadrian's thick fingers never left as he slipped his bottom lip between his teeth. When those hands splayed on Moulin's abdomen it selfishly moved towards the two sensitive points of the young man's body. When the tips of those teats were brushed under the hot palms, an electric sensation spreads on Moulin's body making the youth inhale sharply. All of Moulin's vulnerable expressions were greedily devoured by the lord's eyes. Once again, Hadrian flicked the two nipples simultaneously a grin stretching across the cold-blooded lord's face. Moulin shuddered with a creased forehead. In his mind, he chided himself for acting like a sensitized woman.

Moulin covered his chest with his arms, his silver eyes glowered as he lifted his head to meet Hadrian's beast-like gaze. His chest heaved and there were a few drops of water at the corner of his eyes. He looked like a quivering water nymph. So beautifully captivating. It would make one want to force themselves on the youth.

Hadrian narrowed his gaze as he cupped Moulin's jaw and brought his face to indulge in a wild and passionate kiss. Their tongues danced against each other, coiling and sliding with wetness. Moulin's surprised eyes softened and he brought his arms to wrap around the man's neck.

"So much teasing..." Moulin whispered between their kiss. His fragile finger combing the man's hair, completely disordering the lord's hairstyle but Moulin did not care. He was not aware of one of Hadrian's hands impatiently removing his pants. When Moulin noticed the coldness of his legs and his front, redness spreads across his face.

Hadrian only tugged a corner of his lips before he grasped Moulin's delicate shoulder and positioned the youth to lie on his side. He carefully slipped a pillow under Moulin's head to ensure his lover's comfortableness.

Unable to see his lover's face was disappointing but it brought a sense of thrill as well. Moulin parted his lips with half-closed eyes. Loudly breathing. Alluringly anticipating, Moulin laid still and waited. He was supposed to be acting like a bored young master anyway. A smile stretched his red lips. A soft kiss landed on his nape, a hot tongue occasionally licked his shoulder. A shiver climbed the youth's spine when the man nipped the skin beneath his ears. "Mnh..."

He let out a gasp when he felt fingertips brushing his naked thigh, slipping in between his inner thighs with a slow torturous pace. Unconsciously, Moulin tried to close his legs, however, it was hopeless against the man's strength. As the large hand slipped between his closed thighs, it raised it with ease, opening up for the lord. Moulin complied with half-closed eyes.

It did not take long for a thick finger to touch Moulin's secret place.

"Mnhh..." Moulin released a whimpering moan.

Slowly, the finger penetrated, feeling the richness and tightness as it inched deeper. In and out. Moulin breathes as he arched his head back. A kiss on the side of the youth's pale neck as a large hand gently grasped Moulin's neck, possessively feeling the pulse of his lover.

A finger became two, and then three. The loud squelch below them made Moulin redden a shade deeper. Moulin leaked a shivering sigh as his body rocked. His other hand slipped beneath the pillows beneath his head, gripping them hard, while his other hand moved back to grasp Hadrian's arm.

Moulin groaned when the fingers moving inside him as removed. Emptiness engulfed him. His eyes slowly opened. Lashes fluttering open as dazed silver eyes revealed themselves. It was not long when the blunt head of Hadrian's cock pushed into his leaking slit. Slowly and carefully, it inched deeper until the head of the member slipped inside.

"Fuck... " Moulin released a muffled whine as he arched his back. Like a locking grip, a strong arm circled the youth's heaving chest as Moulin shut his eyes when he heard a beastly groan from behind his head. A hot mouth pressed on the scalp of Moulin's head.

Moulin panted and moaned as his body was rocked slowly. He felt his tender insides filled with the large shaft growing bigger and deeper inside him at every thrust. Fluids ran down in between Moulin's thighs, soaking the crimson sheets beneath them.

Loud needy moans and greedy grunts filled the air with undeniable sensuality.

"My love... " Hadrian huskily whispered on Moulin's red ears. "Do you feel me inside you?..."

Moulin knitted his brows with closed eyes. His mouth panting as his body was helplessly rocked, "Y-Your... wrecking me..."

The Lord grinned as he inhaled the sweet scent of his liver's hair. "Here..." His hand on Moulin's chest traveled downwards. Thrusts growing stronger and faster. His hand stopped on Moulin's navel. "Do you feel me here?..."

"Mnn..." Moulin's eyes opened his body shivering under the man's touch. As the man's words sank in his ears Moulin narrowed his eyes, "S-Shut up and please me..."

A brief laugh sounded and Moulin immediately released a strangled whine when a strong thrust almost sucked all of his rationality. He felt so stretched, pained, and incredibly pleasured. "Oh, Gods..."

His internal muscles clutched tightly around the vigorous cock. Needy and desperate.

When broiling heat grew higher inside him his moans and cries grew louder and shameless. The serpent of lust coiling inside his body with never-ending pleasure. A large hand abruptly wrapped around his bobbing member, stroking it with emerging ferocity. Moulin could feel the throbbing shaft of the man behind him and the labored breaths brushing his sensitive nape.

A wave of mind-blowing pleasure and relief floods the youth. Moulin shuddered as his body arched with a gaping mouth. The arm around him gripped him tightly as Hadrian chased his relief with vigorous thrusts inside the tightening cleft. Hitting the most sensitive part inside Moulin's body leaving the youth in a stuttering mess with the heightened sensitivity.

When heat filled him, Moulin helplessly moaned. His chest heaved as his body shuddered. Limped and feeling unusually tired. A sweaty sheen layered their naked bodies. Their loud breaths synchronized as it gradually slowed.

"Once... " Moulin spoke between breaths, "... is enough."

Hadrian smiled as he kissed the youth's head. His nose nuzzling in the alluring scent of his lover. "Yes, I do not wish to tire you..."

Although weak and tired, Moulin turned his body to meet the annoyingly sated face of the man. Silver eyes narrowed as he leaned in for a brief kiss. The lord tucked the white strands from the youth's sweaty forehead on Moulin's ear. With a smile, Hadrian pulled Moulin into his arms.

"Sleep..." He whispered, planting a kiss on the pale forehead.

Moulin sighed blissfully as he closed his eyes.


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