A Gorgeous White

Chapter 105: A Lovely Vessel

Chapter 105: A Lovely Vessel

Steam rose in the air as the pitter of droplets echoed within the room. Warm water drops plop on the water creating ripples on the warm hazy water. It was warm. The heat and soothing water could make one sleepy. Petals floated delicately on the pool's surface. 


A flushed knee appeared from beneath the water's surface. Then a delicate sigh was released. Silver hair fell, flowing with the crystal water. Glistening beautifully. The naked beauty comfortably leaned back his head on the strong chest behind him. He could feel the heat between his back and Hadrian's firm chest. The water rippling and splashing around the pair of lovers. 

After their overly passionate coupling, Hadrian had carried his tired lover to the bath and cleanse his body. 

"Mnh..." Moulin released a comfortable moan. The water reaching enticingly below his reddened shoulders. The pale skin looked soft and delicate. A few marks of passion littered his collarbone and neck. His silver eyes closed, droplets falling from his long lashes. He looked tempting and exquisite.

Hadrian leaned forward. His nose breathed the wonderful scent of his lover. His eyes narrowing selfishly as he tugs a corner of his lips up. His hands wrapped around the youth's slender waist underwater. The skin felt so soft against the palms of his hand. He could still recall the delightful passionate lovemaking earlier. He let out a ravenous groan. 

Moulin chuckled as he leaned his head back on the man's shoulder. "Control yourself, Milord."

Hadrian grinned on the youth's hair. "I should make you address me like that in bed."

"I believe that is enough. " Moulin sighs. "I don't think my waist could bear it..."

"Did I hurt you?"

Moulin furrows his brows. The water splashed around him as he tilted his head and plant a kiss on the lord's jaw. He whispered, "You did not. I feel much better now..."

"Mnn..." Hadrian lowered his head, dipping in to connect their lips. He brought a hand up to caress Moulin's cheek tenderly as they immerse themselves in their heated kiss. Moulin responded enthusiastically as he parted his lips to allow the man to kiss him deeper.

After some time, They exited the bath and entered to the room where their spend laid abandoned on the messy bed. They dressed themselves unhurriedly while glancing covetously at each other. They shared a deep kiss occasionally whole dressing unable to remove themselves of the passionate memories. The clouds had opened long ago. The daylight beautifully lighting up the room.

Moulin was sitting at the luxurious dresser before him. He stared a the mirror with a smile. His silver eyes observing the man behind him who had offered himself to braid his long silver hair. Moulin revealed an amused look while he lifted his head.

"Don't move..."

Moulin released a laugh as he spoke, "I never thought I would see do something as tender as braiding another's hair. The mighty Lord Hercullio was actually such a softhearted man. And only I could witness it."

Hadrian narrowed his golden eyes as he met Moulin's delighted expression on the mirror. His thick fingers ran through the waves of white hair, twirling and twisting the strands. Hadrian grinned. "And only you will be able to experience it with such a pleased expression..."

Moulin then felt large hands resting on his shoulders. The youth relaxed under the man's touch. He had realized beautiful it was to feel the person you love near you. He had never felt such an honest and raging love. Filled with the thrill of intimacy and the warm touch of their skin. Moulin could feel his heart grow wild. 

"You will not leave my side..." 

Moulin stopped once Hadrian's voice sank in his ears. Warmly, he lifted his gaze and filled his voice with comfort. "I will not."

Moulin could feel the conflict within those golden orbs. He knew Hadrian was aware of how shallow both their words were. They could not promise. There were always obstacles and troubles the world would throw at them at any time in their life. Perhaps, they would even be torn apart from each other. However, even if that was the case, how could they not try to find each other no matter how far they were thrown away? Only this, they can promise.

"Should we try to conceal the color of my eyes?" Moulin asked. His fingertips touched his eyelids as he gazed into his own eyes, thinking how he had worn such ominous-looking eyes all the while he had been living comfortably. Somewhere deep in his mind, he thought they looked... cursed.

"I would suggest it be done..." Hadrian agreed. His fingers placed a small red pendant on the wooden surface of the dresser. Its chain was a plain string, tying a droplet-shaped ruby. 

Moulin silently assessed it with curiosity. His eyes slightly squinted as he brought his fingers to hold the necklace. This artifact was what transformed Hadrian's appearance. "You... decided to reveal yourself this soon? For what reason?"

"What else is the reason why I'm here?" The lord replied. He silently held the ruby between Moulin's fingers and chanted a brief incantation. The red gem them transformed into the color of deep grey. "Whatever is the reason for the princess' and the elf's disappearance. I cannot allow you to reveal your eyes openly..." He took the ends of the necklace and clasped them behind the youth's slender neck. 

In seconds, the color of Moulin's eyes changed. From bright dazzling silver to deep striking grey. The color was darker, exactly like the eyes of his brothers. His appearance did not change under the alteration of the gem from Hadrian's incantation. Moulin was satisfied. "I like it..."

"Mmm..." Hadrian kissed the back of Moulin's head. The youth closed his eyes with elation...

Sunset was approaching. The skies were dyed with the breathtaking colors of warmth. Beautiful shadows fell on the city of Thundralln. The barrier curling with vigilance, keen to protect the city with all its might. Within the receiving room for significant guests, a nervous researcher was fiddling with his tight robes. 

Valcan was growing anxious as time passed. He could not bear to wear such tight luxurious clothes. However, since they were expecting such a powerful figure, he forced himself to look presentable. He reminded himself to burn these preposterous clothes once the meeting was done.

The elven ministers within the room had also worn their best. Their expensive garb and accessories made them look quite elegant and glorious. However, in their hearts, they were internally anticipating with nervousness. They should've brought their daughters and sons. Perhaps, they could manage to pair one of their offsprings with the esteemed lord during the banquet. Each of them had such thoughts on their mind as they waited.

Relena stood by prince Nordehl, periodically checking her uniform for any creases. She must look presentable.

The only person within the room that was not anticipating the lord's entrance was the first prince of Thundralln. Nordehl had a slightly expecting look. Be was wondering if the preparations for the banquet were suited for the lord's taste. He had summoned their best dancers and entertainers, making sure none of them had ambitious thoughts for Lord Hadrian. 

Suddenly, the doors slowly opened with a loud creak. The sound made the people's hearts within the room pound loudly. The person who walked in first was the known Sir Rowan. His electric eyes observed the people within as he walked with elegance. He stepped aside, making a path for his respectable lord.

Archnoble of the Hercullio family entered with domineering steps. A crimson cape, furs adorning his shoulders, the rare stones on his collar. He looked like a ruthless king striding towards his throne, gilded with gold. The black sheath of his sword hanging from his belt. It clinked as he walked. His impassive yet handsome countenance took one's breath away. Even Relena was stunned, rooted on her spot, enchanted.

Nordehl stood up with admiration. The Lord garbed like a king looked too majestic! His eyes stared at the sword. This sword had slain thousands and destroyed leaders. Within the hands of the lord, this sword had saved them from death and ruin.

"My Lord!..." Nordehl's eyes gleamed with mirth. He coughed and cleared his throat when he realized his rudeness. "Welcome, My Lord..."

Valcan held his breath when he looked at the man. Eyes of deep gold. Somehow it reminded him of a particular Aphrodite Maeruthan. Moulin's eyes were of pure silver. The two could complement each other, he thought in his heart.

Where was Moulin?

Concurrently, within the towering outdoor hallways of the palace. Where the ethereal light of the setting sun had touched the smooth floor. The massive twisted branches that served as pillars looked overwhelming as well as majestic. The air was solemn and solitary. The elven kingdom was breathtaking indeed. 

A slender young man with braided hair was walking unhurriedly. Only he walked alone in the hallways. His steps sounded loud to him, ringing in his ears. In his arms was a small ball of white fur. A small snout nuzzled on Moulin's clothed arms. Snow snuggled comfortably within the arms of his master. 

Moulin gazed down at Snow as he walked. The little brat was somehow quieter these days. Ever since the incident back at Yan'Gofrae, Snow became less enthusiastic and more silent. Moulin had missed his energetic antics. He brought a pale hand to stroke the soft fur of the little fox, feeling the small of its paws and the sniffing snout.

After Moulin urged Hadrian to quickly go and meet the prince, he decided to walk to the Sentinel's courtyard on his own. He still recalled the man's disapproving gaze as if wishing to destroy the meeting and regret ever making the decision. However, with Moulin sweet coaxing -which he deeply regretted doing afterward- Hadrian complied after snatching a kiss for his departure. 

Deeply recalling their mind-clouding intercourse, Moulin closed his eyes tightly while redness appeared on the curves of his ears. He was not surprised how quickly he recovered after the intense sex. A maeruthan's body is peculiar, indeed. He let out a breath as the image of Hadrian's body came to his mind. Moulin pressed his lips together. 


"Oh, dear..."

Moulin instantly lifted his gaze. His eyes narrowed when he saw a thin figure kneeling on the floor. Scrolls scattered on the floor. One rolling away towards Moulin's feet. It stopped when it bumped the tips of the youth's foot. Grey eyes blinked curiously. 

The man, with a veil covering his head and thick robes of blue garbed his body, kneeled on the floor to pick up the scrolls. He must have fallen, Moulin thought.

Moulin helplessly sighed with a smile as he crouched to pick up the scroll on the floor. With slow steps, he walked towards the kneeling man who had almost picked up all of the scattered scrolls on the floor. As Moulin walked nearer, he saw the golden forehead necklace around the man's head and the pointed ears at the sides of his head. The translucent veil did little to conceal it.

Moulin kneeled and handed the scroll to him with a smile. Snow blinked at his master with a tilted head.

The man looked up and Moulin stiffened. A thick white cloth had covered the man's eyes. It was impossible for anyone to see through it.

However, the man looked startled and shock, abruptly leaning back. And as if he realized who the person in front of him was, he sighed in relief and smiled. 

His smile looked bright as he spoke. His words made Moulin stiffen.

"What a lovely vessel you are..."


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