A Girl and Her Best Friends Time Travel to Ancient Times

Chapter 46: That’s not how you were last night.

Chapter 46

The next morning at daybreak, the sky was just beginning to brighten.

Su Mo was woken up by the sound of knocking on the door.

She had wanted to roll over and continue sleeping, but the knocking just kept going, pounding in her head.

"Ahhhhh, who is it?!" Su Mo angrily threw off her blankets. She was rather irritable in the morning, and looked furiously toward the door.

"This had better be really important, or I'm going to pound you flat!" Su Mo got out of bed in a huff, threw on a robe, and went to open the door.

She looked angrily at Wu Ying standing outside. "Wu Ying, what are you doing? The sun's barely up. Don't you ancient people sleep?"

Seeing her angry look, Wu Ying was a bit confused. "What's wrong with you? Did I make you angry again? Weren't you the one who wanted to learn lightness techniques?"

Wu Ying was utterly bewildered.

"....Even if I wanted to learn lightness techniques, there's no need to start this early! It's not even six o'clock yet!" Su Mo wailed.

"Early? It's already the hour of the rabbit."

Su Mo rolled her eyes and stamped her feet. "How annoying!"

"Then...do you want to learn or not?" Wu Ying asked uncertainly.

"You woke me up already, of course I want to learn!" Su Mo said helplessly. "Just give me a minute to get changed!"

After Su Mo had changed and come back out, Wu Ying was leaning against the door waiting for her.

Seeing her dressed all in red, his eyes flashed with a hint of dazzlement. She really suited wearing red.

And her hair color was different from theirs too, but for some reason he found it quite beautiful as well.

In short, beauty is in the eye of the lover.

Seeing Wu Ying's gaze, Su Mo couldn't help but smile charmingly at him. "What do you think? Are you dazzled by my beautiful looks?"

Su Mo deliberately twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.

Wu Ying looked at her, his eyes darkening as he reached out and pulled her into his arms around the waist.

He answered: "Yes, and just how many other people have you dazzled?"


Sometimes Su Mo found that Wu Ying was even better at flirting than she was!

And he did it with such a serious face, how could anyone withstand that?

"Hehe, dazzling just you is enough!" Su Mo tiptoed up and kissed his lips, laughing, "That was...a good morning kiss!"

Wu Ying looked into her eyes, his own gaze seeming to scorch her. "That's not how you kissed last night."

"......" Su Mo wanted to struggle out of his embrace, but Wu Ying had locked his arms around her waist, and she couldn't move at all.

Good heavens, Wu Ying's martial arts were stronger than hers, so didn't that mean she'd be completely at his mercy from now on?

"Wu Ying, don't take liberties!" Su Mo glared at him.

"Su Mo, you were the one who provoked me first." Wu Ying said in a low voice.

"......" Well, she had no rebuttal for that.

She conceded and leaned in to kiss his lips.

Wu Ying placed one hand behind her head, taking the lead to deepen the kiss.

He seemed to have fallen in love with being together with Su Mo like this.

After a while, Wu Ying finally released her, breathing a little heavily.

Su Mo was also left dizzy and breathless by his kiss. Though after she had taught him just yesterday, he seemed to have already become quite adept?

"There, are you satisfied now?" Su Mo blinked at him.

"Hmm..." Wu Ying let out a breath, loosening his hold around her waist, feeling an intense heat coursing through his body, as if there was a fire burning inside.

He closed his eyes, seeming to be circulating internal energy, and his previously heated body gradually returned to normal.

Su Mo looked at him puzzled. "What are you doing?"

After a moment, Wu Ying opened his eyes and looked at her, saying solemnly: "Quelling fire."


"Hehe." Su Mo gave an embarrassed laugh. "So having inner power has this benefit too? No wonder your self-control is so strong!"

Wu Ying glanced at her. "My self-control...doesn't have to be that strong."


Su Mo decided that from now on she would never provoke Wu Ying again!!

She felt like she was almost being counterattacked to death!

She glared at him. "So can we go practice lightness techniques now?"

"Alright." Wu Ying took her hand and walked with her into the courtyard.


When Sang Li and the others got up, it was already the hour of the dragon.

They came to the courtyard and saw Su Mo and Wu Ying practicing, while Yu Yifan sat off to the side watching them, occasionally imitating their motions.

Yu Yifan had washed off his makeup, and wore simple clothes - he looked just like a sunny young lad.

Seeing Sang Li and the others were up, Su Mo immediately stopped her practice.

"Sister Li, you guys are up?" Su Mo had been practicing martial arts for a while, and her whole body felt refreshed and clear.

"Su Mo, working so diligently? Up so early to practice martial arts." Sang Li said with a smile.

Xiao Han walked over, still a bit surprised to see Yu Yifan. "Hey, what a nice sunny boy. Why dress up as a ghost? You look much better like this than last night!"

Yu Yifan smiled awkwardly. "I'm sorry..."

"To err is human, to forgive divine. We won't hold it against you!"

"Sisters, may I...stay here for now?" Yu Yifan tentatively asked.

"Sure, this courtyard just happens to have six rooms, one per person is perfect!" Xiao Han said casually.

Yu Yifan happily said, "Thank you sisters, you all are so kind."

He hadn't expected they not only didn't blame him for dressing as a ghost to scare them, but after knowing about his family circumstances were still willing to let him stay here.

"We were just thinking of going into town to find a shop. Do you know if there are any shops looking to sell around town lately?" Sang Li asked.

Yu Yifan thought for a moment. "There are. I can take you to look. What kind of shop were you all hoping to open?"

"Mainly entertainment - best if it's in a lively area, where the rich people gather."

"Then you could go take a look around North Street. Most of the restaurants, teahouses, gambling dens, brothels etc are located over there." Yu Yifan said.

"Great, then we'll trouble you to take us there later."

Yu Yifan smiled. "It's no trouble at all. I should be the one thanking you, I don't even know your names yet?"

Sang Li introduced them each in turn.

After the introductions, he stood and walked over to Wu Ying, directly kneeling down before him.

This move really startled them.

"What are you doing?" Su Mo, standing to the side, hurriedly went to help him up.

"I wish to ask this young hero to take me as a disciple!" Yu Yifan said.


Young hero???

Wu Ying looked at him, his gaze somewhat cold.

"I do not take disciples."

"You're so powerful, I really want to learn martial arts well so that I can protect myself and my sister. Please, I beg you to take me as your disciple!" Yu Yifan directly kowtowed to Wu Ying.

The girls all stood dumbfounded at the side, instinctively looking to Wu Ying.

"I'll say it again, I do not take disciples." Wu Ying said expressionlessly.


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