A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 92: (2)

Chapter 92: (2)

Oh! Who are you? Did this idiot bring you along without even knowing he had a tail? I shouldve killed him even more brutally. What a shame, heh heh!

Kaiyan had a question. Are you a knight of the Markain family?

Heh heh! You know me? But what can you do now? You guys are going to die.


The stranger approached, dragging his sword that was dripping with blood as if he intended to threaten Kaiyan. From the latters perspective, knowing the strangers abilities, he seemed quite pitiful.

However, the stranger didnt seem to realize that and thought Kaiyan was paralyzed with fear for standing still. He laughed wickedly and brought his face closer.

How should I kill you? Should I pierce your chest like that guy? Or should I cut off all your limbs?

[Kaiyan! This guy is definitely insane!]

Are you going to kill me? Then, can you answer my question before that?

Heh! If its a last wish before you die, Ill listen.

The fool nodded as if he were making some effort to be gracious. Probably because he believed he could kill Kaiyan anytime.

I dont understand something. From what I know, Linda is supposed to be the sole heir of the Markain family. So why do the Markain familys knights want to kill the heir?

Linda? Ah, right! You guys must be her companions! I was already contemplating how to kill you, but youve come to me so conveniently! Kahaha!

You still havent answered my question.

Kaiyans words seemed to irritate him, and he stopped laughing, furrowing his brows.

Fine. Why do we want to kill her? Because thats what has to happen! The Markain family has to disappear for good! Thats what we desire.

So, you want the Markain family to disappear? Why?

Heh! My answers end here. Now die!

As he swung his sword menacingly, Kaiyan took a step back to avoid it. Then, he extended his clenched fist toward him lightly.


The guy, who had been struck hard in the belly, collapsed to the ground, releasing his grip on the sword and clutching his stomach with both hands.


He seemed to be in quite some pain, judging by the tears welling up in his eyes. Yet, it was decent. Kaiyan had struck lightly since he didnt want to kill him, but he wasnt vomiting blood, which indicated he wasnt seriously injured.

So, if you wont answer willingly I will have to find out through force. Why do you want the Markain family to disappear?

Ugh Ugh

Sigh Rieka, close your eyes for a moment.

[Hurry up and finish it!]

Without receiving a response, he kicked the guys belly, causing the guy to fly several meters and tumble head over heels until he hit a tree and finally came to a stop.


Whether it was broken bones or not, the guy finally started vomiting blood and writhing in agony.

Unlike his usual self, there was a cruel streak in his actions. There was no reason to show mercy to someone like him.

As Kaiyan walked slowly towards him, the guy, feeling fear, tried to back away while still spitting out blood.


There are you going to talk now? Why does the Markain family need to disappear?

Grr i-if I speak, will you spare me? If you attack me, I wont talk! Cough!

Seeing this guy, a knight wielding a sword, begging for his life without even thinking of fighting back, Kaiyan couldnt help but grimace. It was the typical behavior of these despicable individuals who were endlessly weak to the strong and endlessly ruthless to the weak.

Fine then. So go ahead and talk.

The Knights eyes gleaming at the prospect of being spared gave Kaiyan a suspicious look.

How can I trust that? Your words about sparing me.

What about your feelings when you killed those soldiers?

Kaiyan pointed at the dead soldiers with his hand, and he flinched and scrutinized Kaiyan cautiously before carefully opening his mouth.

Well, I It was just like that. That guy was like a bug.

So, it wasnt much different from killing a bug? Did you have emotions about whether to kill or not?


Me too. You are like a bug to me. Will you believe me now?

Despite referring to him as a bug, the guys expression brightened upon hearing Kaiyans words.

Al-Alright! Ill talk!

Good. First, are all the knights of the Markain family thinking like you?

This was a fairly important question.

If all the knights were like that, Linda wouldnt return to the Markain family. Kaiyan could temporarily deal with all the knights, but that would mean the downfall of the Markain family.

The power of the nobility stemmed from the might that overwhelmed territories and commoners. And at the heart of that power were the knights. But what if all the knights of the Markain family disappeared? That would be the same as the Markain familys power crumbling.

Even if it was a fleeting encounter, I was worried about sending a young girl who had lost her parents to such a place.

No, its not like that. Most of the knights are actually waiting for her Lady Linda.

So, what is it? You and some others want it like this? Why exactly are you trying to eliminate the Markain family? It would be a loss for you too.

Its because of the Armis family


Yes, they promised to accept us as knights of the Viscount family if we bring Lady Linda to them.

What? This is the first time I encountered a piece of $hit like you.

I-I apologize!

Even though Kaiyan wanted to kill him on the spot, there was still something he needed to find out.

Why does the Armis Viscount family want the Markain family to disappear?

W-Well its because a gold mine was discovered in the Markain territory recently.

A gold mine?

Yes So there was a commotion.

So, because of that gold mine, the Armis family wants the Markain family to disappear? Would the Armis family be able to obtain the gold mine if the Markain family disappears?

Other families might not be able to, but the Armis family can. Because there are nobles in the Armis family who inherit the blood of the Markain family.

Now Kaiyan finally understood the situation.

According to what he had heard from his father when he was young, in the Southern Kingdoms, if all the nobles of a noble family died or disappeared, the territory would automatically become the property of the kingdom. That wasnt much different in the Mareon Empire.

But the problem was that among the Armis Viscount familys nobles, there was someone who inherited the bloodline of the Markain family. If it happened, he could claim rights to the territory that lost its owner.

These people are insane Hold on!

A sudden thought flashed through Kaiyans mind.

Seeing the guy trembling in fear while lowering his head, Kaiyan lifted him by the hair and looked him in the eyes.

The nobles of the Markain family didnt die in an accident, did they?

G-God No

Seeing him trying to catch his breath from those words, Kaiyan could finally understand what had happened all this time.

The Armis Viscount family was not only trying to kill Linda to obtain the gold mine, but they had also mercilessly killed her parents, the Markain Lord, and the remaining heir.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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