A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 83: (1)

Chapter 83: (1)

Who are you?

As Kaiyan attempted to enter the blacksmiths workshop, the blacksmith, who had been sharpening his sword outside, blocked his way.

Who are you?

Ive come to see a sword.

After a brief hesitation, Kaiyan decided not to mention anything about seeking Lukuba. There was a good reason they werent openly revealing their whereabouts, so blindly announcing that they had come for Lukuba might not be well-received.

In response to my answer, the blacksmith alternated between looking at the sword at my waist and my face, then raised an eyebrow.

If its a sword, try another blacksmith. We dont have any apprentices low-quality swords for sale here.

If its not an apprentice, can I go inside?

Hmph. Of course. But you look like an apprentice, no matter how you look at it.

Kaiyan didnt appreciate the dismissive look the blacksmith gave him based solely on his appearance, but he kept his composure and pulled out a B-grade mercenary badge from his pouch, showing it to him.

Is this enough?

Hmm B-grade? You dont look like that age.

The blacksmith looked suspiciously at the mercenary badge and then at Kaiyans face.

Whats this Wait? That sword?

Even after seeing this B-grade mercenary badge and this sword, do you still think Im an apprentice?

A sword with pieces of wolves embedded in it.

The sword scabbard was wrapped in black cloth to avoid drawing too much attention, so it didnt exude its full elegance, but when the white blade was revealed from the scabbard, no one could ignore it, including the blacksmith. He stammered in surprise.

N-no Are you a noble?

No, Im not. But can I go inside now?

Oh, yes, of course. Please come inside.

The blacksmith hurriedly stepped aside, and Kaiyan followed the path into a shop where he could feel the intense heat.

Entering the blacksmiths workshop, the first thing Kaiyan noticed was the hot air that could roast meat in an instant. It truly felt like a blacksmiths place.

Is this place more than just a name for a blacksmiths shop?

Kaiyan couldnt help but wonder if this place was more than just a name to hide the secret location of Lukuba merchants. Kaiyan had thought it was just a name, but it turned out to be a proper blacksmiths workshop. Watching them swinging hammers and making swords inside, there was no doubt about it.

At that moment, a brown-haired man, wiping sweat from his brow and placing a sword on a shelf, spotted me and approached.

Are you here to see a sword?

Well, um

Kaiyan thought that once he entered the workshop, that would be the end of it.

Now, he didnt know how to proceed.

Actually, I came to find Lukubas Merchants.

After a moment of hesitation, Kaiyan decided to tell the brown-haired man the truth. he briefly considered lying and saying he had come to see a sword, but there was no point in wasting time when he hadnt found any strange details inside.


Yes. Is this not the way to the secret location of the Lukaba Merchants?

Haha! You must be a first-time visitor to Lukuba.

He asked nervously, but the brown-haired man laughed as if it were nothing and gestured to a corner inside the workshop.

Just go that way. If youre looking for Lukuba, just ask at the entrance, and theyll kindly guide you.

Is that so?

Yes, youve come all the way here, so you probably already know everything. Theres no need to pretend otherwise. And if you found your way here, it means youve obtained the information weve leaked.

I see.

As Kaiyan listened to the brown-haired man, he realized his words were correct.

Finding Lukubas Merchant would be almost impossible without precise information. However, buying and selling items was different. People who came here to buy and sell items had to know Lukubas location.

I should have said it from the beginning.

Kaiyan cursed Barvan inwardly.

He must have known all along.

As he silently blamed Barvan, the brown-haired man glanced at Kaiyan as if to ask why he wasnt going.

Ill go then.

With small, hesitant steps, Kaiyan descended the narrow stairs. Memories of Jansens secret hideout came to mind. The only difference was that there were no artifacts here.

Was their destination significantly below? It took about a minute to reach the bottom of the stairs before Kaiyan could step onto the floor instead of the stairs.

Theres no door Is this the end?

Despite having descended to the end of the stairs, Lukuba Merchants location was nowhere in sight, let alone the path ahead. In the midst of Kaiyans bewilderment, he was about to go to the brown-haired man and ask him for directions.

[Kaiyan! This is magic.]

Rieka extended her hand and pointed at the wall in front.

This wall?

[Yes! It seems like a magic Illusion barrier. Not an artifact just a simple installation spell?]

So, this wall is an illusion.


As Kaiyan placed his hand on the wall, it disappeared without any resistance.

[You could have figured it out too if you had concentrated! How about studying magic while youre at it? Even if you dont use it, you might encounter enemy mages! Like a lich!]

Indeed, even if Kaiyan didnt use magic like Rieka said, he should have some knowledge about it. When facing the lich, knowing his magic would have saved him from a lot of trouble.

Magic First, lets deal with Lukuba Merchants.

Kaiyan pushed aside thoughts about the complicated magic and stepped into the illusionary wall.

As he entered the illusionary wall, his vision darkened, and it took several steps before he could exit the wall.

Here! If youre going to talk about artifacts

We have Fire Rings here! Come take a look!

Starting at 200 gold!

A cacophony of voices greeted Kaiyan as he passed through the wall, creating a bustling market atmosphere.

Is this really the Lukuba Merchants Location?

[Isnt this completely different from what you expected?]

People were selling things everywhere, with many laying out rugs. There were also people busy bargaining to buy items.

It was so different from the image Kaiyan had of Lukuba Merchants.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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