A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 78: (2)

Chapter 78: (2)

What would be the reaction of other nobles if they knew that a noble personally managed the top?

Tarien would have definitely called him a stupid guy if he were here.

One thing was for sure: it wouldnt be a favorable response.

He did it on purpose to let us handle the annoying troublemakers. Lukuba sells a lot of strange items, so sometimes lower-ranking noble guys who dont know their place bother him.

Oh He seems like an interesting person. But still, arent the upper-class nobles unhappy with him, considering that hes doing what he wants?

Announcing that a noble manages the top is a big deal, even if they dont care about their own pride.

I have to tell you that there are circumstances that make it unavoidable. Anyway, when you leave, Ill let you know the location of Lukuba merchants, so dont worry.

Well, if you say so, I dont mind.

Rieka was curious about what Lukuba merchants were selling, so she wanted to find out, but in reality, Kaiyan wasnt that curious. Even if Lukuba merchants sold amazing things, it couldnt match the players shop items.

More importantly, we should start moving towards the restaurant now. Kaiyan, if we go to the restaurant, you can meet my father.

Yeah, lets go have huh? Your father, you mean Lord Carsia?

Its Lord Carsia. Be extra careful with your behavior in front of him.

Wait, what is this?

If its Lord Carsia, isnt he a Marquis? But meeting him so suddenly.

Theres no need to be too nervous. My father already knows that you saved my life, so he wont look at you unfavorably.

Cant I just eat in my room alone?

No matter how you look at it, this isnt right.

If hes a Marquis, hes way above a Baron. Meeting someone like this, a Marquis, all of a sudden was nerve-wracking.

At some point, Kaiyan might overcome the constraints of social status, but its still too early for that.

Thats a foolish thing to say. This is a good opportunity for you.


After my father heard that I had to grant one of your requests, he decided to fulfill your request himself. So dont do anything stupid and join us for the meal.

The Marquis himself

This was different from the one-time request that Kaiyan had obtained at the Blatan checkpoint. This was a Marquis, one of the highest-ranking nobles, personally granting his request.

Meeting with the Marquis was indeed a bit daunting, but as Barvan had said, it would bring significant benefits.


Saliva involuntarily flowed down Kaiyans throat.

Barvan, are there any limitations to our requests?

Why would there be? However, we cant entertain any requests that would tarnish the honor of the Carsia family. Other than that, any request is possible.

Any request

What kind of request should Kaiyan make?

Originally, he had planned to think about it slowly and make requests when needed, but if the Marquis was willing to listen to his requests directly, it changed the situation.

If I dont speak up this time, who knows when I will get to meet the Marquis again.

This fact pushed Kaiyans reluctant mind to make a decision.

Since this was an opportunity he had obtained, he needed to find a way to maximize its efficiency with a single request.

As Kaiyan followed Barvan, deep in thought, Rieka, who he had thought was sleeping in his pocket, stretched her head out.

[Kaiyan, if you dont have any specific requests, how about asking him to give you whatever he thinks is valuable? Maybe hell give you something good?]

Whatever he thinks is valuable?

Kaiyan sent her a puzzled look, and Rieka opened her mouth again.

[You can ask him for something he values. That way, he might give you something valuable, right?]

Thats it!

Since Kaiyan didnt have any specific requests to make, and he didnt know what the Marquis could or would give, it seemed like a good idea to ask for something he valued, just as Rieka suggested.

After all, he saved his sons life, so he wont play tricks.

Kaiyan, this is it.

When he had finished his thoughts, Barvan pointed to a door adorned with splendid decorations.

Around the door, two people who appeared to be knights and four who seemed to be servants stood on either side. Among them, one with a handsome mustache, whether a steward or butler, approached them.

Have you arrived, Lord Barvan?

Yes, Hans. Has my father arrived yet? We shouldnt be late, right?

Fortunately, he hasnt arrived yet. Please come inside.

We will.

With Barvan, they passed through the door opened by Hans and entered the dining room.

This is where nobles have their meals.

The dining room looked exactly as Kaiyan had imagined from reading books. There was a long table in the center, surrounded by beautifully crafted chairs.

However, one thing that puzzled him was the absence of the beautiful candlesticks that always appeared in books.

Come to think of it there are no candles, yet its so bright. How is that possible?

Curious, Kaiyan looked up at the ceiling.

I see.

A beautiful painting was drawn on the ceiling. However, the material used for that painting wasnt paint but the light-emitting artifact Kaiyan had seen in Yansens secret hideout.

Using so many artifacts just to illuminate the dining room seemed extravagant. It made sense once Kaiyan realized that the people of the Carsia family, who used dozens of them for dining room lighting, were a Marquis family.

Kaiyan, you can sit over here.

Okay but how much does one of those artifacts on the ceiling cost?

The ceiling? Oh, you mean the magic lamps. Those are high-level magic lamps They should cost around 50 gold each. Why are you asking about them?

[Wow! Those things cost 50 gold each? They look worse than what they sell in the shops! Theyre total swindlers!]

Kaiyan agreed with Riekas statement. 50 gold for one of those?

Putting aside the issue of how expensive they were, it was astonishing that the people of the Carsia family, who used dozens of them just for dining room lighting, didnt seem to understand the concept of extravagance.

Do you use such expensive things just for dining room lighting?

Hmm? Expensive? Whats expensive about them?

Barvan frowned as if he couldnt understand Kaiyans question.

Those artifacts Im talking about.

Those? Those are artifacts with only first-circle magic. So, the term expensive doesnt really apply.

It seemed like Kaiyan had been mistaken about nobles.

They were not just richer than commoners; they were on an entirely different level. Their concept of money had a minimum unit of gold.

Looking at the ceiling, Kaiyan suddenly remembered receiving 1,000 gold from Jansen.

I should have asked Jansen for 5,000 gold instead.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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