A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 66: (1)

Chapter 66: (1)

In the monster habitat, specifically at the western edge of an unnamed forest, an oddly shaped Ogre was chasing after its prey.

The prey it was chasing was slightly larger than an orc, but no matter how much it pursued, the distance between them kept increasing as the prey proved to be incredibly swift.

Grrr? Sniff, sniff!

The Ogre completely lost sight of the prey in a matter of moments.

In its haste, the Ogre sniffed desperately, but the scent of the prey vanished along with its figure.

Grrrr Grrrr!

Seething with frustration at losing its prey, the Ogre stood still and began smashing all the trees in its vicinity.

Crash! Crash!


With a single punch from the Ogre, trees over 5 meters tall fell relentlessly. It was truly immense destructive power. However, even after wreaking havoc around, the Ogres anger didnt seem to subside. It screamed around while picking up rocks and throwing them wherever it could.

Grrrr! Grrrr

The Ogre continued in this manner for a while before finally feeling satisfied with the chaos around it. It then sat down lightly, catching its breath. Raising one hand, it gently touched its right head.

This Ogre was peculiar in that it had two heads on one body.

**** ****

Huff Haa I almost got caught by that guy. Its reactions are faster than I thought.

[Still, thats fortunate! As planned, you got rid of one of its heads.]

It had been 50 days since Kaiyan entered the habitat. There were only slight changes from the time he first arrived, but he was getting closer to his goal step by step.

Now that I think about it It brings tears to my eyes.

He had hunted more than a hundred monsters every day without fail, not just for simple hunting but to improve his skill proficiency.

He had repeated the same hunting routine for a full 50 days.

But thanks to that, Ive achieved most of what I wanted.

In those 50 days, he managed to fill most of the gaps Rieka had pointed out. The improvement in the rank of skills and the transformation of his rudimentary swordsmanship.

Kaiyan! How long do you plan to sit around? Its time to move now!

Rieka frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with my contemplative state. Although she might frown, she still looked adorable.

All right, its time to end this.

Taking up his sword, Kaiyan stood up.

Now was the time to defeat that annoying Twin-Headed Ogre, the final goal, and leave this dreary habitat. If he captures it, hell receive 1000G, and with that, he would finally reach his goal of 10,000 G.

The reason he managed to cut 50 days from his original plan of 100 days was all thanks to those Named Monsters.

Who would have thought there would be so many Named Monsters in the habitat?

As Kaiyan cautiously approached the Twin-Headed Ogre, he recalled all the Named Monsters he had defeated so far.

The Orc Lord and Harpy Queen on the battlefield, the Lich that he somehow ended up capturing in the Babelin Castle, and other Named Monsters he had encountered in the western edge habitat. Thinking back, all of them were formidable opponents.

The most challenging one among them will probably be this one Im about to face now.

Named Monsters earned their title for various reasons.

The Orc Lord was a leader of a legion, as was the Harpy Queen. But the Named Monsters Kaiyan encountered in the castle or the habitat didnt lead legions. Instead, they possessed abilities that were incomparable to those of the Orc Lord or the Harpy Queen in terms of combat power.

The most challenging one was the Lich, who used magic.

Although the Lich was stronger in some ways compared to other Named Monsters, the reason he struggled against it was mainly his lack of knowledge about magic.

However, this Twin-Headed Ogre. While it didnt use magic or any special abilities

Its physical abilities are at the Guardian level.

The Twin-Headed Ogre, also known as a variant Ogre.

It stood a towering 7 meters tall, and the force it unleashed from its two hands could shatter rocks with a single punch.

In terms of sheer destructive power, it was second to none, except perhaps the Basilisk he saw on the battlefield.

Phew Lets follow Riekas plan.

Thats why they set a trap together to capture the monster.

They had prepared two traps, and the monster had already fallen into the first one, losing its right head. Now, it had only one life left.

Aura activation, physical enhancement, Breath Control, Focus. Cognitive acceleration.


Raising his abilities to their maximum, his head rang, and his senses expanded wildly.

Finally Berserk.


A burst of red light erupted from his body.

The power of Berserk surged in from the bracelet. However, the amount of power was overwhelmingly smaller than the time he fought with Lich.

I thought there would be such a problem.

The reason why Saraganas Fury cost 500G.

He recalled the time when he told Reika about his battle with Lich and endured her nagging for several days. Reika had explained that the Berserk skill associated with Saraganas Fury converted the accumulated energy into physical power.

So how did he accumulate energy?

By killing monsters. When a player wearing the bracelet killed a monster, a small amount of energy was stored in the bracelet. And when he used Berserk, that accumulated energy was converted and flowed into him.

The problem was that the amount was indeed small, and without accumulated energy, Berserk was utterly useless.

Thank goodness I swept through monsters in Panielun, otherwise

If he hadnt swept through tens of thousands of monsters in Panielun, what would have happened when he faced The Lich in Babelin Castle?

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