A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 64: (1)

Chapter 64: (1)

As Kaiyan walked outside the Babelin Castle, he engaged in a conversation with Rieka.

So, if I had been a little late, I could have encountered a different Guide?

Yes! Oh! Well, it might not necessarily be a cat!

As they chatted, Kaiyan learned that once a player reaches level 60, they receive a pet as a reward from the player system, and that pet is his guide Rieka.

However, if Rieka was already with another player, Kaiyan would have obtained a different assistant as a pet. Fortunately, Kaiyan was the first among the players managed by Rieka to reach level 60, allowing him to get Rieka as his pet guide.

Um Kaiyan, you seem to have relatively few skills compared to your level?

Huh? Can you check my skills too?

Yes! As a player assistant, I can do that! I can see all your stats, Kaiyan!

Oh, I see

It was the first time someone other than himself had shown interest in his stats, so Kaiyan felt a little awkward.

Moreover, if what Rieka said was true, it meant that he hadnt properly utilized the player system compared to his level.

Perhaps Is it because I leveled up too quickly with a toy in Panielun?

He wondered if that was why he had such a chaotic assortment of skills.

Dont worry too much. Ill help you!

Yeah, there are many things Im curious about. Rieka, is it okay if I ask you many questions?

Haha! Dont worry. More importantly, Kaiyan, where are we right now? I feel an unusually gloomy aura around here.

A gloomy aura, huh?

It was probably because of the dark energy that dispersed when he killed the Lich. That creature had a dark aura that tainted the hearts of those who saw it.

Its probably because of the dead Lich in my hand.

Lich? Are you referring to a dark mage?

Yes. Thanks to defeating it, I achieved level 60.

Lich is an extremely dangerous creature! Even with these weak skills, you did a great job!

Weak? Theyre that bad?

Exactly how messed up were his skills for Rieka to say that?

He had various combat support skills, and he thought they were quite good.

Hmm? Huh? Why is your maximum level 299? That cant be right

Oh, that. Its because of a skill I obtained as a reward from the mailbox.

It was thanks to the Limit Break skill he obtained from the shining mythical grade random skill ticket, an SSS-grade Limit Enhancement skill. However, the level 299 cap wasnt that impressive to him yet, as he hadnt even surpassed level 99.

Limit Break?

Yeah, thats right.

Haha Kaiyan, youre really lucky. Level 299

Is that such an extraordinary thing?

He knew that Limit Break was an impressive skill, but he wasnt sure if it was something to be so impressed about like Rieka seemed to be. After all, it was a level that he might or might not reach.

Of course! Having an SSS-grade skill is already amazing, but Limit Break is the skill that all players want the most!

Really? Well, its a good thing, so

Oh, no need to worry! Ill help you plan your growth direction!

Growth direction?

Ah! Dont talk to me, Im busy!


The little kitten hanging on his right shoulder closed its eyes, seemingly telling him not to bother it anymore.

With one hand, he gently caught Rieka as it was about to fall off his shoulder and continued to walk cautiously. He had spent a lot of time in Babelin Castle, so there was a high chance people were worried about him outside.

Perhaps things went wrong.

As he had a moment to spare, various thoughts came to his mind while walking.

Had the people sent by Jansen arrived with the 1000 gold? He probably hadnt contacted Tarien separately within a few days. What if he had sent knights to hunt me down for the lie, and what should I do if they run away with the mercenaries? And so on.

He realized that he might have told too many lies to save the mercenaries. No, he should have stopped there, but he went as far as to demand 1000 gold to teach Jansen a lesson.

Given his stubborn aristocratic personality, its likely hed put a bounty on me and send a pursuit team.

Of course, he knew that one day his lies would be exposed. He knew that Jansen would eventually send a pursuit team.

However, to truly give Jansen a taste of his own medicine, Kaiyan had to make sure the guy didnt know about the 1000 gold and the mercenaries escape.

Hmm Are they knights? Well, theyre not Grandels level at least.

As Kaiyan walked away from the center of Babelin Castle and passed through the outer passage, he sensed the presence of three knight-level auras not far away. The place where their auras were emanating from seemed to be where the mercenaries were resting. That meant they were the ones sent by Jansen.

Isnt it taking too long?

Hmm Tarien-nim said to wait here if a guest arrives.

As Kaiyan approached the mercenaries, he heard the voices of unfamiliar individuals and Banson. Besides the nine mercenaries, there were five other strangers present.

Are they the knights?

Among those with the mercenaries, two at the back seemed unremarkable in terms of aura, likely just workers. The other three had the knight-level auras I sensed.

If something happens to Tarien-nim, what will you do?

Thats Well, we were told he would go into the castle and we should wait here.

Judging by the situation, it seemed like a knight clad in grey half-armor was here to look for me in the castle because I stayed in for too long. Banson seemed to be waiting here as per my instructions.

Heh heh. Alright, Ill make my entrance.

Before approaching, I cleared my throat.

Now, I had to present myself as Tarrien, not as Kaiyan.

Who are you all?

Wha! Ka Sir Tarrien!

This could have been a disaster.

Thanks to Banson, it almost went wrong from the beginning. How could they be calling me by my name despite my instructions?

But fortunately, they still hadnt realized it, probably because they belatedly came to their senses.

Greetings. I am Gain Harman, sent by Sir Jansen.

The knight in half-armor introduced himself as Gain Harman and bowed his head politely as he approached.

Ah, Gain Harman?

Yes! Its an honor to meet you, Tarien-nim.

That Jansen guy still doesnt know.

Otherwise, he wouldnt have sent just three knights. Moreover, there was no way a snooty knight like Gain Harman would bow his head falsely.

Yeah, so did you bring the item Jansen asked for?

Yes, Ive placed it in the carriage for your convenience!

They fell for such a simple plan. What idiots.

It turns out nobles arent that different from commoners after all. They are the same people, just living differently.

Before awakening as a player, I didnt know.

In the past, Kaiyan truly believed nobles were extraordinary beings, fundamentally different from commoners.

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