A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 128: (2)

Chapter 128: (2)

And the reason the Eunasia continent could win that war was because of the Grand Mage, who was revered at that time, and the heroes who followed him.

The Grand Mage The only Grand Mage I know of is the one who created a magical formation at the Panibelrun Fortress hundreds of years ago.

Kaiyan knew this fact from Uncle Max; otherwise, he wouldnt even have known that a Grand Mage existed on the Eunasia continent.

Its all so strange, no matter how much I think about it. Rieka, what do you think? Could the elders words be true?

[Umm Could the elders words be false? But he has no reason to lie.]

True But if the elders words are accurate, then the Baryon War really happened. Wait!

As his thoughts reached this point, Kaiyans head buzzed.

[Whats wrong?]DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

Then a year in Havnheim is equivalent to five years on the Eunasia continent.

[Oh If what the elder says is true, then yes.]

Then its already been 150 days

Meeting the elves had somewhat eased his mind, but now urgency gripped him again.

If there was such a significant time difference between here and there, it wasnt just a serious matter. If he spent two years here, it would be time for the next monster wave back home.

Whether its Baryon or the Grand Mage I need to ask about a way out of here tomorrow. If time keeps passing like this, all my plans will fall apart.

Kaiyan had vowed when he first awakened as a player and met Rieka. He had planned to grow for 10 years and then stop the next monster wave. And now, he was wasting time trapped in this odd place.

[Youve thought too much today! Rest now!]



As he lay down on what seemed like a bed made of wood, Windy rushed over and cuddled into his arms.

Now that I think about it I need to check how Blackie is doing in the subspace and tell the spirits that returned to the surface not to worry.

Lying down only made his mind race more actively.

Realizing how precious time was, he remembered the tasks he had postponed.

[Hey! Go to sleep!]


Noticing his state, Rieka reached out with her short, plush forelimbs to cover his eyes, prompting him to stop thinking and truly close his eyes.

Time already lost wouldnt return just by worrying about it.

I can start trying again tomorrow.

*** ***


A monster about 3 meters tall, very similar to the Muliarons, charged at him aiming for his head.

Hup! Haap!

Faced with the monsters attack, Kaiyan chose to abandon defense and attack as well.

Thrusting his firmly gripped sword forward swiftly, the leaping monster covered its face with its four arms in panic.



The sword penetrated the monsters arm and buried deep, but at the last moment, the creature twisted its body, causing the blade to plunge into its neck instead of its face.


Although it was a critical hit, the monster acted as if such an injury wasnt enough to kill it, trying to swing its three healthy arms.

If it were a real Muliaron maybe but youre not much!


Twisting the handle to the right, a sickening noise accompanied the monsters neck ripping apart.

The creature spilled black blood, collapsing onto the cold stone floor.


Phew Rieka, how many does that make today?

[Youve defeated 162 monsters today!]

It was the 60th day since entering Havnheim and the 30th day since he had encountered the elves in the underworld.

Whew seems like todays battle is pretty much over.

Wiping the blood off his sword, he surveyed the battlefield around the giant tree, where the bodies of monsters lay scattered, with spirits and elves gathering them in one place.


Then, a soft sensation touched the top of his head.

Turning around, he saw the brown bear, no, the Earth Spirit he had met in the spirits dwelling, smiling as it patted his head.

Yeah Youve worked hard too, Roundy.


During his 30 days here, he had learned several facts, including that the elves were the ones sending the spirits to the surface because the newly born low-level spirits couldnt withstand the alien energy of this place.

In other words, come back when youve grown into a mid-level spirit.

It might seem somewhat irresponsible.

Knowing that the surface spirits were under threat from Kuma and various monsters made him feel somewhat uneasy, but he couldnt object much to the explanation that they couldnt protect a low-level spirit until it grew.

Maybe today we should check out the abyss.


[Windy wants to come too!]

Fortunately, thanks to his contract, Windy seemed fine.

Accompanied by Rieka and Windy, he approached the elder elf, Elain, who was issuing commands from the central tree.

Elder Elain, I would like to visit the abyss today.

Hmm? Youve worked hard; why not rest a bit?

The worried look in Elder Elains eyes.

His attitude towards Kaiyan had changed significantly from 30 days ago. Initially, he had looked at him almost as if he were a monster.

You know I want to leave as soon as possible.

The reason Kaiyan was still here.

It wasnt that he wanted to stay in Havnheim; he simply hadnt found a way back yet.

The only possibilities are

There was a strange place called the abyss in the underworld, which spat out monsters similar to, but weaker and smaller than, those from Lumbanium at regular intervals.

Thanks to this, such wars occurred regularly, and currently, with nothing else to do, he was helping them by dealing with these monsters.

Either the store or the abyss.

Even Elder Elain, who had been here for 40 years, didnt know why the abyss was created or where it was connected.

There was a small hope, though slight, that using the abyss might allow him to return to the Eunasia continent.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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