A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 126: (1)

Chapter 126: (1)

Ding! [Spirit Contract (C): Allows contract with spirits regardless of attributes, can summon the contracted spirit to the users vicinity, currently can contract with 1/1 spirit]

Why all of a sudden?

[Its probably because of Windy, right?]

Looking at Windy, who nestled into his chest and rubbed his face, he felt Windys emotions slightly differently than before. Gratitude, joy, and various other feelings.

It feels like Im connected to Windy. Just like when I first met Rieka.

Closing his eyes, the sensations became more vivid.

It felt similar to understanding Riekas thoughts just by looking into her eyes.

[If I knew this would happen, I would have asked my spirit friends for more detailed information about spirits! But with the Spirit Contract, it seems we can see Windy more often, right?]

Is that so? But even so, in places without the energy of the World Tree

[Who knows! We dont really know much about the Spirit Contract skill! Maybe Windy can live in the Eunasia continent too!]

Hearing Riekas words made him think that might be possible.

Although it wasnt explicitly stated in the skill, he instinctively felt it might be possible.

Ive got a no, a very good skill.


Windy, seeming to understand this fact, smiled and flapped his wings.

Phew Now that the major problem is solved Rieka, the spirits couldnt come up because of that monster, right?

[It seems so!]

Looking at the spider monster, lying on the ground with its head burst open.

The energy felt from it was very similar to Muliaron, Kabien, and Canien he met in Lumbanium. Moreover, like those creatures, it spoke the common language in the end.

I havent seen such creatures on the surface why was it here?

He hadnt explored every inch of the surface realm, but during his travels to the eastern end, he hadnt encountered such creatures. This meant that at least from the spirits habitat to the east, there were no such monsters.

Rieka, could you ask Windy if she knows anything about these creatures?

[Yes! Windy, do you know anything about this monster?]

Kkirrut? Kkirrut!

[Umm Really? Kaiyan, Windy says its the first time shes seen such a monster too.]

A monster unknown even to spirits

After pondering for a moment and getting no answer, he turned to look behind the spider monster.

Maybe we can find something over there?

Despite the crystals light and his high agility stats, the depths of the cave remained shrouded in darkness.

[What about the Kumah creatures?]

Given that my aura hasnt fully recovered yet, it would be too risky to fight right away. Lets send the spirits back first, and the two of us


Windy, looking up with wide eyes, seemed to ask why she was being excluded.

Right, it seems best if all three of us check it out first?

[Okay! Then Ill tell the spirits to go back first!]

As Rieka explained to the surrounding spirits, he closed his eyes.

Theres more than one odd thing here.

The strangest thing was why the spider monster was here, and the second was why there was more of that strange energy here than on the surface.

If were lucky we might find a way out of Havnheim.

Being able to speak the common language means its possible to communicate.

If he could encounter those creatures again, there was a high possibility of finding a way to the Eunasia continent through conversation with them.

Of course, its unlikely that the creatures would engage in conversation willingly, so some appropriate level of force would be necessary.

[Kaiyan! Ive told them to go back first! Well be back soon.]

Alright, lets go.

After waving goodbye to the spirits, who hesitated to ascend to the surface with worried expressions, he placed Rieka on Windys head and moved deeper into the cave.

Just in case Shop, sword, buy steel sword.

A sword, identical to the one he had exploded on the Kumah creatures, appeared in his left hand.

While it was far from the swords used by nobles, it was a decent sword, similar to those used by knights.

Ill have to buy plenty of swords when I return to the Eunasia continent. I cant be purchasing swords from the shop every time I use Aura Break.

In fact, thanks to the hunting over the last 30 days, he had enough G to afford a better sword, but the thought of having to destroy it in an emergency made him hesitant to purchase a high-quality sword.

It would be too wasteful to use once and discard, given the cost.

[Maybe its a good idea to buy a quality sword for yourself and carry cheaper ones for Aura Break.]

Alright, Ill keep that in mind.


With Rieka and Windy in tow and the crystal leading the way, they walked through the cave for about 10 minutes.

Hmm its getting worse. Is the other side the same?

[Ugh! Its giving me the chills!]

Was this strange energy emanating from here? As they ventured deeper into the cave, they felt an increasing amount of this peculiar energy.

Now, the strange energy made their bodies feel cold.

Quickly, he took out a cloak from his inventory, wrapped it around himself, and looked at Windy.


You seem fine.

Windy appeared to be unaffected, flapping her wings as usual.

As the three continued their journey into the cave, his wide-spread senses picked up a signal.

Considering the distance they had traveled, they were quite far from where they had first encountered the spider monster.


Is it a monster?

[Whats wrong?]

Im sensing an alien energy It seems to be a monster. I cant be sure because of the distance.

[Lets go check it out!]



They sprinted down the cave corridor toward the source of the life energy, and as they approached, the energy felt increasingly detailed.

Strangely, this energy was unlike any they had encountered before. Precisely, it was a mix of the pure energy felt from spirits, the strange energy from Havnheim, mana, and various other energies.

Could one creature possess all these energies?

With this doubt in mind, they continued for about 5 minutes until they reached the end of the cave corridor.

The reason he knew this was the end of the corridor was

Theres a translucent wall here too.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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