A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 120: (2)

Chapter 120: (2)

The reason he didnt recognize it immediately was because, unlike the simply made low-grade Dimensional Cube, the cube in his left hand was beautifully crafted.

A shimmering black cube, or rather, a Dimensional Cube.

At first glance, it shone like a jewel, so beautiful it made one wonder if it was actually a gem. Just looking at it stirred up greed. Nobles who like shiny things would probably flip their eyes and beg him to sell it to them. Or maybe they would just demand it.

So, is this a mid-grade Dimensional Cube? If its mid-grade, it must be quite expensive

[No! Its high-grade!]

What? High-grade? How much did you say it was?

Even a low grade was worth 4000G, and this isnt mid-grade but high-grade.

Unknowingly, Kaiyan opened his mouth wide, staring at the cube shining brightly in his left hand.

[Dont be shocked. High-grade Dimensional Cubes sell for 35000G in the shop.]


He still vividly remembered the struggle to buy an advanced aura manual worth 10000G, and now he held a cube worth 35000G in his hand.

I wonder I wonder if


Can I resell it? Even for 25000G No, even 10000G would be fine.

A high-grade Dimensional Cube wasnt immediately necessary.

If its resellable, hed like to sell it even for 10000G. With that many G points, escaping from here wouldnt be a problem, and he wouldnt have to worry about G for a while after leaving.

[You cant sell items you possess And do you know how useful a high-grade Dimensional Cube is? You should be happy that such an expensive item came out of the box!]

But its hard to grasp its worth. I dont need it right now.

The only silver lining was that he now had a subspace large enough for Blackie to play in.

He planned to fill up the subspace with things from the shop once he got to Vantigas, but it seemed impossible now. With a high-grade cube, it would be enormously spacious.

[For now, Ill hold onto it. Ive already synchronized with a low-grade Dimensional Cube, so it should be quick, though it might take some time due to its size.]

Alright, here.

He handed the cube to Rieka, who put it in the ring hanging around her neck.

So, the next task is monster hunting?

[Hmm For now, yes? If we want to leave this place as soon as possible.]

Alright, then let the spirits know well be away for a bit. Oh, do the spirits have their own places to live? Can they stay elsewhere too?

[Why do you ask?]

It would be best to absorb the World Trees energy immediately after hunting Kuma. Otherwise, other Kuma might devour it.

[Aha! Got it!]

As Rieka spoke to the spirits, Kaiyan closed his eyes.

It was unintentional, but thanks to that Canien guy, I got great items, skills, and even a title. It may delay going to Vantigas, but its an opportunity for more growth.

Every time Kaiyan faced a big challenge, his growth rate seemed to accelerate unbelievably.

The battle with the Lich at Babelin Castle, the duel with Hoil at the Carcia family, the Markain territorial war, the monsters in Lumbanium, and now the new dimension, Havmheim.

The Aura Master its not far off.

Even now, thanks to the Mana Absorption skill, mana was rapidly accumulating in Kaiyans body. He wasnt sure if being an Aura Master was just about having a lot of aura, but one thing was certain: aiming to achieve Aura Master before leaving this place was not an unrealistic goal.

**** ****


Phew! Haap!

Kaiyan used Penetrating Stab against a charging Bentuae, a scream escaping its throat. The creature, having learned from its kins death by the same method, pushed forward its hardest part, the forehead.


Despite the never-disappointing Penetrating Stab, Kaiyans hand slid off, unable to penetrate the Bentuaes forehead, giving it a chance to slam its body into him.



Despite activating his aura and shock resistance, the impact was enough to rattle Kaiyans brain.

After being hit head-on by Bentuaes solid forehead, Kaiyan staggered a few steps back before stopping.


You brainless thing!

It had been 10 days since Kaiyan entered Havmheim.

Based on information from the spirits, he started by exploring Kumah territory and other places. He learned that Havmheim was vast enough to be called a small kingdom and home to a surprising variety of monsters.

And this one is the most troublesome.

Most monsters Kaiyan had encountered so far were similar to Kumah. Either large like big monsters or medium-sized but fast. He could handle most of them easily.

So, he somewhat underestimated Havmheim, until he met this one.



As it screeched and flapped its small wings, charging towards Kaiyan, the spirits named this creature Bentuae. Bentuaes appearance included inexplicably small wings, a round body, and a long neck.

(T/N: I looked around and I couldnt find any monster with that name, so Im assuming that the Author made another original monster.)

At about 2 meters, it was much smaller than other monsters. However, the problem was its extremely hard forehead. Hard enough to withstand aura.

Phew! Breath Control, Focus!

As the creature charged with its forehead, Kaiyan reached out his hand in the same manner as before. But sensing a trick, it quickly ducked its head. However, this attack was a feint.

Stopping his extended hand, Kaiyan punched downwards towards its head.



You brainless thing! Its a trick!

Kaiyans punch landed squarely on the back of its head. Unable to withstand the impact this time, it staggered, and then fell to the ground.

Follow your friends! Penetrating Stab!


This time, a genuine Penetrating Stab without deception.

The dazed creature hastily tried to push its forehead forward.


Kiik Kiek

Kaiyans hand penetrated its long neck before it could react. The creature screamed briefly before falling silent.

Stupid creature.

*Ding!* [You have leveled up]

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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