A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 116: (1)

Chapter 116: (1)

The aura that Kaiyan felt emanating from the unidentified being was the same as the aura of fire that surrounded his heart.

Upon sharing this astonishing discovery with Rieka, her eyes widened in surprise.

[The same aura as the fire?]

He nodded, Yes, it just seems to be a different element. I sense the aura of wind.

[Then could it possibly be?]

Do you have any guesses?

[Could it be a Spirit of Wind?]

A Spirit?

Kaiyan was taken aback. A Spirit?

Spirits had vanished from the continent of Eunasia 200 years ago, following the disappearance of the World Tree.

He looked at Rieka, seeking confirmation.

[Im not sure! I havent personally felt the aura. But if its similar to the pure fire aura you, Kaiyan, possess, then as far as I know, it could only be an elemental orb or a spirit!]

Is that so?

Kaiyan knew elemental orbs were rare, so rare that even the vast Lukuba Merchant Guild possessed only one. And they were sold at an exorbitant price in stores.

Thus, the being emitting the wind aura was more likely to be a Spirit than an elemental orb.

The thought of encountering such a mystical entity quickened Kaiyans steps.


He hastened through the forest, moving faster than before.


There it is!

He heard the roar from someone or something nearby.

Initially, the sound reminded Kaiyan of a large monsters roar. He was puzzled that a Spirit could make such a noise, but he sped up, determined to see for himself.



A Spirit?


As Kaiyan emerged from the trees, he was met by a monster with a huge body and a long snout.

Its size was formidable, and the terrifying teeth jutting from its snout made him instinctively cautious.

Its a monster resembling an alligator. Definitely not a Spirit.

[I agree with that.]

The creatures appearance reminded Kaiyan of the crocodiles Uncle Jeff had described living in Vantigas. It looked similar, at least in the face, if not the body.

He hadnt expected to encounter an alligator-like monster before reaching Vantigas.

Krrrrr! Kwak!


As Kaiyan and Rieka took a moment to assess the creature, it charged at them, flailing its huge hands as if warning them not to underestimate it.

Before, Kaiyan would have found such a display intimidating, but now it seemed merely cute.

Oh Can I kill it? Its a monster, right?

[That seems likely?]

As Kaiyan hesitated, contemplating whether it was really okay to kill the creature, he sensed an arrow flying toward them at high speed.

The arrows target.



The skillfully aimed arrow struck the monster directly in the eye.

Observing the monster in a frenzy, clutching its eye, Kaiyan turned to see where the arrow had come from.

A Spirit? Rieka, what do you think?

[Oh! It really is a Spirit!]

Behind the bushes, there was a Spirit, about a meter tall, overall transparent, and with an adorably animal-like appearance, not unlike a Spirit.

If compared to an animal, it resembled a baby griffin, not a grotesque one.

With a protruding beak and round eyes. What made the Spirit appear so endearing was its short forelimbs holding a transparent bow.

A bird no, a Spirit shooting an arrow Thats incredibly cute.

[Kaiyan! Cute, you say? Its a Spirit of Wind!]

Kaiyan hadnt felt the wind aura from the alligator monster because it was right behind him all along.

Despite its appearance, the Spirit had a remarkable ability to conceal itself. It had managed to elude his widespread awareness.



Even the way it tilted its head was charming. Of course, not as much as Rieka, the kitten.

Kirut! Kiruuut!

While Kaiyan was captivated by the Spirit, it urgently grabbed its bow and shouted at him.


Its okay.

The alligator monsters attack came from behind.

Kaiyan clearly felt the massive snout of the creature turning towards him. After reassuring the Spirit, he quickly ducked to avoid the creatures attack and swung his right hand backward.



Since its not a Spirit, its okay to kill it, right? It looks like a monster anyway.

[Why dont we kill it first and see how many G-points it gives? If we accumulate enough G-points, we might find a way to escape from here!]

Alright, that sounds good.

The monster, gasping for air and clutching its chest, slowly collapsed backward, unable to withstand a direct punch to the lower jaw, which broke with a cracking sound.


If it had been a sword, I would have finished it in one strike. Punching isnt as easy.

[It looks like its jawbone is shattered though?]

Previously, Kaiyan would have been amazed to break the jawbone of a large monster with one punch, but now, with his strength stat, it didnt feel as surprising.

He was rather annoyed that the creatures head didnt explode despite the forceful punch.


As Kaiyan brought down the alligator-like monster with just a couple of punches, the Spirit, seemingly astonished, hurried over with adorable sounds.

Uhuh-oh! If you suddenly do that


[Hehe, its happy!]

Was the monsters defeat that pleasing?

The Spirit, getting closer, rubbed its beak against Kaiyans leg, clearly expressing its joy. Such a pure, child-like gesture.

When Kaiyan cautiously stroked its head to not startle it, he was surprised.

So soft.

Despite its transparent body, it felt like touching soft fur, reminiscent of the plush chairs in a nobles mansion.

Can I take this cutie back to the continent of Eunasia when I return?

The thought of keeping the Spirit as a pet crossed his mind, but noticing Riekas silent gaze, he understood her disapproval.

[No way! Didnt you say theres no World Tree in Eunasia? Without the World Tree, Spirits cant breathe! If you take it, it wont live long and will surely die.]

Really? Then what about the World Tree in the pocket dimension

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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