A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 110: (1)

Chapter 110: (1)

Am I dead?

There was not only the physical pain but also the excruciating headache, but Kaiyan couldnt feel anything.

It felt too comfortable, almost like a dream.

It wasnt like the sensation of his health increasing as if he had leveled up. It was just an absence of any sensation.

What happened?

As he tried to recall, he remembered Caniens black tentacles before they struck him. At the same time, his vision darkened, and there was a loud noise.

So, what had happened? Had the tentacles failed, and he died? Or was there some kind of miracle?

Regardless, just let me leave this place now.

For a moment, the lack of sensation in his body felt peaceful, but as time passed in that state, numbness turned into pain.

It wasnt actual physical pain. His mind was active, but his body couldnt move. The fact that he couldnt move made him painfully aware of his situation.

Moreover, this place was a dark, soundless void where he couldnt see anything despite having his eyes open.


He silently called for Rieka, who had always been by his side, but no sound reached his ears. Perhaps that was to be expected.

He wasnt even sure if this place was on the Eunasia continent.

In a way, it was a relief. The fact that Rieka wasnt here meant she was safe.

Yes, even if Rieka is safe that monster it was too strong for me to defeat with my power alone.

The anger that had built up was replaced by a cold emptiness when he realized he had ultimately been killed by it.

It was strange that he didnt feel the anger one should feel when they were defeated by a monster.

I guess this might be for the best. Back when my family died maybe I should have died too.

He released the anger he had held inside since his hometown burned down, and his heart felt at ease.

As he savored that feeling and was about to completely let go of his consciousness

Kaiyan, congratulations on turning 15. This is a gift from your father.

His darkened vision cleared, and forgotten memories flooded back into his mind in a jumble. Despite being memories from the past, his fathers face appeared vividly in his eyes.

Wow! This is what I really wanted! How did you know?

The younger Kaiyan was delighted to receive a gift he had wanted so badly.

The fact that only a year had passed since that time still felt unbelievable.

Haha! I knew all about it

Liar! Brother! I told Dad!

The voice he missed so much, his younger sister, Viya.

She looked at their father and then rushed to hug him.

Oh, our daughter At times like this, a father should quietly

Be quiet! Viya isnt wrong!

Ahem I see. I

Kaiyan, theyre really congratulating your birthday.

His mother, whose mere presence could bring tears to his eyes.

Father, Mother, Viya.

Even though he tried to speak, his mouth wouldnt open, but it finally did, and he made a sound.

Yes I cant die yet.

He thought he had let out all the anger that existed within him, but when he thought of his family, a burning rage, along with the desire to live, blazed from within him, scorching everything in its path.

A fiery anger that could fill his eyes with venom.

I will kill the monsters! Save me! Get me out of here right now!

Fueled by anger, he shouted madly toward the seemingly empty space. Get me out of here.

Are you really asking to be released? If you go out, you could die in terrible agony. Wouldnt it be better to stay here and see the memories you wanted to see?

At that moment, a cold voice, oddly eerie, rather than his familys voices, resonated.

Is it you who made me like this? Release me right now!

Hehehe! Ive met an interesting human after a long time. Youve come to find me, havent you? But now you want me to let you go. You can consider it an honor, human! After all, youre the first one to break through that very small probability to find me!

I come to find you? What nonsense is this? Release me now!

Hmmm strange indeed. You clearly came to find me. But you say you didnt come to find me? Did you use an item without even knowing what it was?

What Could it be the roulette?

At the moment when he was about to shout at the nonsense, the memory of the roulette, which was the last thing he used, came to mind.

He had heard from Rieka that the rewards from the roulette were incredibly strange, to the point where the word superior toy involuntarily came to mind. So, could it be that the roulette sent him here?

Are you only acknowledging it now? That you came to find me?

Yeah I guess so. Ill admit what youre saying now. So please, let me go. I have things to do outside.

Hehe! Youre really a strange one. Arent you curious about who I am?

Dont talk nonsense and release me. Im not at all curious about who you are!

He felt impatient thinking about the people who were probably dying at this very moment due to that monster. Even though he had no confidence in defeating that monster if he went outside right now, he couldnt continue to stay here with everything at stake.

He wanted to go out right now and express this burning anger.

Youre really a strange one. How could such a person break through that small probability? I guess I should check your memories.

What is this Aaargh!

With his words, a terrible pain was felt in his head. It was like something was forcibly gripping and shaking his brain. A horrifying pain he had never felt in his life.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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