A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 102: (2)

Chapter 102: (2)

He felt grateful for the opportunity to level up and grow quickly through situations like this.

If I was hunting monsters, it would have taken at least a few weeks to achieve the growth Ive accomplished in this single battle.

The battlefield, fighting with knights much stronger than large monsters, allowed for such rapid progress.

He remembered when he first awakened as a player and set foot on the central battlefield. Back then, he was filled with even more determination, hunting monsters as if his life depended on it.


Sir! I think weve captured Count Armis!

Just as he was lost in thought, Lindas voice reached him along with cheers. When he turned to look, indeed, Count Armis was in the hands of their allies. However, there was a problem.


Since they had spared one high-ranking knight, Kaiyan assumed the captor of Count Armis would be a member of the Vyraxar Knights. But it turned out to be someone else.


It was Karian, the father of Vyarolf.

While one could argue that anyone would capture him if they had the chance, the problem lay in the fact that Karians love for his son was so horrendous that he was willing to turn against his own kin, Count Armis.

Would Karian, who tried to kill Count Armis, be left alone?

Linda! Im going to see Karian!


Leaving Linda behind with her questioning look, Kaiyan increased his speed without worrying about the gazes around him, heading straight for Karian.

Hey! Dont do something foolish! Karian! Think about Vyarolf!

Desperate cries echoed as he shouted. Yet, Karian, with his raised sword, glanced at Kaiyan once, then turned his gaze back to Count Armis before striking down with his sword.


Kwaaaah! You, you Karian!

In the end, Karian had committed a terrible act, and the screams of Count Armis, who should have been dead, reached Kaiyan.

What happened?

Kaiyan opened his eyes, which he had closed, and in the center of the battlefield where everyones attention was focused, Count Armis was holding his severed arm, writhing in agony while being restrained.

Damn Hes quite a showman.

He had thought they were doomed, but someone had played such a trick.

Sighing, Kaiyan approached Karian, whom he had never seen before, and as soon as he heard Kaiyans voice, the man recognized him and smiled slyly.

Are you the one who had my son with you?

Phew Thats right. I must say, I was genuinely surprised just now. You sure know how to play a prank.

A prank, you say I intended to kill Armis.


What was this madman talking about?

If that happened, the outcome of this war, which had left only the final conclusion, would be twisted.

If Count Armis died, anyone could predict how the Artemis family would react. Moreover, would the Armis reinforcements cavalry heading this way after hearing of their lords death simply let us off?

Please! Dont do anything foolish! Karian! Think about Vyarolf!!

Kaiyan spoke with urgency, fearing that Karian would strike down Count Armis on the ground.

Kaiyan raised his right hand to the hilt, perhaps fearing that Karian might swing the sword down.

Haha! Dont worry. Ive changed my mind after hearing your words. I may be fine, but my son, Vyarolf, wont have it easy if it did kill him.

Well, thats fortunate.

Kaiyan genuinely felt relieved that Karian had reconsidered his foolish ideas, even if it was a bit late.

If Armis had died, he couldnt even imagine what would have happened. Perhaps the Markain Territory might have vanished before the wrath of the Armis family.

While the title of a Count might not be as prestigious in Mareon as the Carsia family in Menislan, it still held significant power and influence, slightly inferior to the Carsia family.

Phew Im exhausted.

As the tension ebbed away, and despite having recovered some health through leveling up, Kaiyans legs gave way, and he sat on the ground. Karian, who had been observing this, approached with a smile on his lips.

Where is Vyarolf? I hope he hasnt been injured.

Dont worry. Vyarolf is safe in the rear with Count Vyraxar.

Thats a relief. But what do we do now?

Why are you asking me that?

Kaiyan looked at Karian as if to say, Why would I know?

The person I communicated with was you, right?

Thats correct.

Then, since youre the one who planned this operation, you must have thought about what to do next.

True, but considering the trouble I just went through thanks to you, Im not inclined to share my plans easily.

Cluck, stop beating around the bush and tell me. Neither you nor the Markain family will be able to handle this situation without my help, right?

Karians smug grin was more irritating than ever.

What was even more annoying was the fact that, like Karian said, they needed his help.

You do know that you cut Count Armis arm, right?

Seeing Count Armis, who was still holding onto his severed arm and groaning in pain, Kaiyan felt like throwing him an empty potion bottle. Even if it was empty, there might be a drop or two left if you looked carefully.

There was no other choice. I only cut the arm of the guy who was trying to kill my one and only son.

Yes, yes, its truly fortunate that you only cut off his arm. Thanks to that, weve lost a valuable card in negotiations with the Armis family.

Enough of that. Now, tell me your plan. What are you going to do? The Armis family wont stay idle, will they? And even if they dont, if Lord Kamdia gets involved Well.

Karian scanned his surroundings nervously, as if just mentioning the name Kamdia made him cautious.

Lord Kamdia.

One of the two Grand Dukes in the Mareon Empire, as well as a lord deeply connected to the Markain family. While it didnt matter to the Vyraxar family which Grand Duke they followed, Karian and the Markain family had no power to withstand the retaliation of the Armis family and The Grand Duke Kamdia.

Dont worry. There are plenty of ways to handle this.

Kaiyan grinned at Karians anxious expression. Just as the latter grinned irritatingly before.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!


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