A Filthy Rich Hamster in the Apocalypse

Chapter 6: WuYi became a biped

Chapter 6: WuYi became a biped

Three days later.

Yuncheng, Fengshan villa area.

A teenager with snow-white skin lay curled up asleep on a bay window. He might have felt a bit cold as he unconsciously rolled the blue-gray blanket onto himself.

A crowd of ugly and disgusting zombies stood outside the bedroom door and sounds of fierce collisions could be heard coming from outside. They seemed to have smelled the scent of fresh meat inside the bedroom so they began to hit its door heavily.

Weird and strange hissing noises came through the door and with it came a horrid smell.

The sleeping teenager was awakened, his dark and pure eyes were still a bit dazed as he opened them.

He sat up and looked around in confusion until his eyes fell upon his hands. His big eyes opened suddenly in shock, and a lovely exclamation came out of his mouth.

The teenager hurriedly climbed down from the bay window and ran to the full-length mirror inside the bedroom.

In the mirror, his bare body like pure white jade that had been carefully sculpted by the creator from top to bottom was reflected. Every inch of its proportion was amazingly perfect.

However, the teenager had no time to appreciate this. He raised his hands and legs as if doing gymnastic stretches, repeatedly confirming whether it was his own body or not.

I really became a biped like Daddy!

What he thought in his heart was smoothly translated into human language and spoken out from his mouth. His voice broke the silence inside the quiet bedroom, its sound light, and sticky soft, just like newly baked glutinous rice dumplings.

The teenager was stunned by his own voice and covering his throat with both hands, his round eyes glowed with surprise and excitement again.

Its actually possible to talk!

Xiao WuYi was very happy as he repeated Nie Xiaos name several times, thoroughly confirming that the voice came from his mouth. 

However, these series of actions he made brought about more intense collisions and hissing noises from outside the door.

Xiao WuYi looked at the door of the bedroom and frowned slightly. But despite how these unpleasant, noisy sounds made him very unhappy, he ignored it and instead walked straight into Nie Xiaos wardrobe, ready to choose a piece of clothing to put on.

The air-conditioning and heating in the room somehow failed, so the little hamster without his fur felt a little cold.

But the moment his hand touched the clothes, they vanished into thin air.

WuYi couldnt help but feel startled. His little hamster instincts made his hands reach out subconsciously to rub his cheeks with baby fat.

This rubbing helped make a surprising discovery.

His two small pouches somehow became super huge.

The scene of two spaces appeared directly in his mind. On the left were countless, neatly arranged dark grids, and on the right was a valley with green mountains and streams.

Among the dark cells on the left, one was loaded with a few nuts that were originally hidden in his cheek pouch, and in another the clothes that have just disappeared.

With little thought, the nuts and clothes reappeared.

Xiao WuYi looked at the things that suddenly appeared on his paws and his eyes couldnt help but sparkle. Like discovering new magic, he retracted, released, and repeated it a few times. It wasnt until he let out a small little sneeze that he remembered to put clothes on his body first.

After getting dressed, Xiao WuYi sat cross-legged on Nie Xiaos bed and continued to study his two small pouches that had changed appearances.

The dark grid on the left seemed to be able to store only inanimate objects and has the ability of automatic classification and infinite stacking. On the right, the valley space with green mountains can accommodate both living things and inanimate objects.

Xiao WuYi paid attention to the valley space with green mountains and streams, and with one conscious thought, he found himself standing upon the fertile field. The gentle breeze blew on his small face, and he believed that this world was real and not fake.

He looked around. The surrounding mountains were enshrouded by clouds, a thin crystal clear stream which source was unknown meandered down, and there beside the stream sat a cultivated plot of land

WuYi looked at the paradise-like scene in front of him and was flushed with excitement. He suddenly couldnt wait to tell Nie Xiao all of this.

How much food can be put in two small pouches of this size! Even if Daddy doesnt work in the future, he can still certainly feed Daddy!

Xiao WuYi happily nodded his head and fumbled in the space for a while before he came out of it. Afterward, he couldnt help but roll around on Nie Xiaos bed, showing how happy he was.

Soon after, Xiao WuYi ran to the bay window and picked up the electronic screen, expecting it to light up immediately so he could give Nie Xiao a huge surprise.

However, after waiting until he turned into a limp little cabbage; the electronic screen still didnt light up.

Xiao WuYi couldnt help but lie on Nie Xiaos bed sadly, sighing sullenly as he counted the days on his small little fingers. It was only supposed to be a week, but almost two extra days have passed.

Woo chi, why is Daddy not back yet QAQ.

At this moment, there were several heavy thumps outside the door, and the original shrill rashing noises suddenly disappeared, replaced by the sound of footsteps of several men.

These continuous movements made Xiao WuYi unable to sit still so he finally got up, frowning unhappily at the thick, solid wooden door, muttering complaints with his mouth.

Ill have to complain to Daddy when he comes home. The servants at home were not good today! Super noisy for this hamster!


Several men with clubs, machetes, and axes were looking at the decorations of the villa.

They were headed by a man holding a big hammer, wearing a thick down jacket, and sporting a blue tattoo on his neck. Sitting on the sofa, he picked up an apple from the fruit bowl and bit into it.

Finally ran out of the city; Laozi was damned tossed out there. With that said, Xie Jun picked up another apple and motioned to the simple, honest man beside him.

It was the first time Liu Dashan, who was holding an axe, came to this villa area where the rich lived. He looked at the exquisite decoration and didnt know where to put his hands and feet. I wont eat it, he said hesitantly.

Xie Jun was somewhat dismissive and couldnt help but stand up with a tch. He pushed Liu Dashan onto the sofa and jammed the apple into his hand. Brother, this is the end of the world!

Im just not used to it. Liu Dashan bowed his head and said honestly.

Its not that hes not used to it, but that he doesnt want to get used to this apocalypse. Xie Jun suddenly couldnt eat any more apples and was silent for a moment.

At this time, several younger brothers who went upstairs to investigate the situation ran down gasping, and they said to Xie Jun and Liu Dashan, Brother Xie, Brother Liu, there may be a living person in the room upstairs. The zombies piled up at the door and were all killed by us. But the thing is, the door is locked and we cant open it!

Go up and look!

Xie Jun and Liu Dashan stood up in shock, ready to go upstairs to see the situation. While walking, Xie Jun couldnt help but praise several little brothers who were able to cut down the zombies beautifully, causing the other brothers to scratch their heads in embarrassment.

Remember to do it again like this in the future, and directly aim for a headshot. Only in this way can we kill these things completely.

Yes, well keep it in mind!

Xiao WuYi was lying on the edge of the bed, chewing delicious little nuts in his mouth while looking at his beloved hamster toys on the ground and thinking about changing back into being a hamster again. Then, the sound he heard that was originally starting to fade away, suddenly came back again.

He couldnt help but sit up in anger, the noise was almost endless.

Xie Jun and Liu Dashan were led to the entrance of the master bedroom on the second floor by several younger brothers. The zombies limbs had already been kicked aside.

Xie Jun took the lead and tried to twist the door handle, but the door remained locked. He instead started shouting, Is there anyone in there? Can you hear me? Were here to save you. Just open the door if youre there!

Hearing this, Xiao WuYi finally realized that the movements outside were not caused by the servants at home. His entire body immediately became vigilant, and he retreated to the back of the big bed.

He raised his head and looked at the small dot displayed on the door of the room. He didnt know when it happened but he saw that it was now red instead of green. He whispered a sigh of relief in his heart.

It turns out my daddy already knew there was danger, so hell definitely be back soon.

However, although he knew that the room was like an iron bucket, WuYi didnt relax completely. He remained vigilant with his ears perked up, listening carefully to the movements outside.

Xie Jun couldnt hear what was going on inside, so he turned towards the door and threw a few hard kicks, afterwards, his calves were already numb but the door was still motionless. Xie Jun couldnt help but suspect that there was no one inside.

Looking at the piles of zombie remains outside, Liu Dashan didnt give up. Try again, what if someone fainted inside? Saving one is still saving someone.

Xie Jun felt that this was also possible, so he slammed his large hammer towards the door. Everyone felt the whole house shake right then, but only a shallow dent was left on the door.

Xie Jun tried a few more times until almost all of his energy was used. As a result, he almost threw himself with the hammer but the door still didnt break.

The younger brother on the side felt that this was impossible. Xie Juns strength was apparent to them and it wasnt even an exaggeration to say that the hand holding that hammer was a shocking mountain.

If the hammer doesnt work, then just change it to an axe. Liu Dashan carried his big axe and hacked at it a few times. Although the door still didnt open, it made the solid wooden part of the door split to reveal the metal layer inside.

Everyone watching was shocked.

Let me try again. Just what kind of big man lives in this house!? Xie Jun felt that for the first time poverty has restricted his imagination. Now, he was more determined to open the door and see what was going on inside.

Everyone peeled off the solid wood part outside the metal inner layer and finally found a seam in between the metal. This layer of metal seemed to have been inserted directly into the hollow of the wooden door from the walls on both sides, making the whole room really look like an iron bucket.

Such a mechanism, ordinary people dare not think about it.

For a second, several of Xie Juns men were a little afraid of seeing what was inside.

But thinking that it was the apocalypse now, they let go of their cowardly citizen mindset. If it really was a rich man in a coma, they can be rescued so maybe it was a good thing.

So, they went to find a pry bar, and everybody struggled to insert it into that gap. They worked together vigorously until they finally opened the metal wall and pushed it back directly to the walls on both sides.

Ultimately, the remaining thin wooden part of the door was kicked lightly and it fell to the ground.

The scene in the room was immediately unobstructed.

The teenager standing barefoot on the bed surprised everyone present.

They had never seen such a good-looking person before, even if he was currently glaring at them.


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