A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 5: The change.

Chapter 5: The change.

After he was smug about his chiseled and handsome face, he looked around the room. There was a bookshelf filled with a lot of books related to computer technology, strategy, business marketing, cultivation, and high school level syllabus. Next to the bookshelf was a study table with a lamp placed on a corner. The table was neatly arranged, which made it look big even after a third of the table was occupied by books and notes.

The room also had a king-size bed, in one corner of the room lay a rack with a wooden bow, wooden sword, and a black stone spear. You Xiwang liked to train and do everything perfectly, which was why he practiced them all. He was proficient with them.

While he was checking out his room, he heard a knock on the door and said: "come in".

The door opened and Emily entered, holding a tray filled with snacks and a glass of juice. She walked up to the study table and placed it there. She turned and asked You Xi Wang "would there be anything else young master?"

You Xi Wang smiled and replied, "Although there is nothing else can I talk to you sister Emily?"

Emily smiled and replied, "As you wish young master, what would you like to talk about?"

"Well, first, you take a seat and relax." He said as he gobbled down those cookies and juice.

After Emily sat down on a cozy bean bag in the room, she looked at him and found his actions cute which caused a soft smile to surface on her face.

"Sorry if I look ill-mannered but I have eaten nothing since I woke up, I am famished," You Xi Wang rubbed the back of his head.

"I understand young master, you do not have to say anything. After Master and mistress passed away, we all felt hurt, but you were the most affected one. I only wish that you stay strong and you are not alone young master, you will surely become someone who stands on the peak of this world." consoled Emily in a soft voice.

You Xi Wang was pleasantly surprised as he heard Emily consoling him and said "don't worry sister Emily, I promised mom and dad I'll be strong. But I want to ask you, are you and other staff members okay? Do you not want to go somewhere else to work? I mean me and Chichi are kids as we know little except studying and goofing around, " he has noticed that some staff members are not willing to work anymore, but they didn't know how to say it, Emily is the head representative of the servant staff at the mansion, that's why he asked her about it.

Emily hesitated and bit down her lower lip while looking down. She did not expect to have her young master to notice this as soon as he returned home. She was surprised, but she also felt guilty. Looking at her You Xi Wang smiled, walked up to her, and crouched down in front of her, he held her chin up so she could see his eyes and he said in a soft voice, "You do not have to feel guilty sister Emily, it's not your fault. I felt their discomfort when they greeted me even though it was not all of them still five out of twenty who gathered had a doubt lingering in their voices during the welcome greeting. Now please tell me out of a hundred how many wants to leave? I swear on Chichi that I will not judge or find a flaw in them. Even if it's you, I will accept it with a smile because leaving will make you guys feel happy and live the way you want."

Even though he said all this by the last sentence, he felt sad and let go of her chin leave. As she saw this, Emily hastily reassured him, "No, young master, Emily was an orphan with no place to call home, that day mistress picked up Emily from the slums, I was 10 yrs old, they gave me clothes, food, education and also cultivation resources, it is because of them I can live with my head held high. I will not leave even if you want me to, Mistress always said that I have liked her daughter and she treated me, and same for the others but I serve on my own. I will always be a part of this household, even in death."

Suddenly she was shocked when she saw You Xi Wang hugging her tightly as he whispered in her ear softly, "I knew you won't leave, sister Emily, thank you" a blush emerged on Emily's face, although her skin tone was dusky it was very clear and soft, she looked very cute and her heartbeat was frantic because of the hug. You Xiwang immersed himself in enjoying the softness from those two mounds pressing against his chest.

Waking up from her stupor, she felt how tight You Xi Wang was hugging her and spoke in a small voice, "This... this is... inappropriate young master, I... I.... am a maid." She felt her status was low and unworthy to be touched by him.

You Xiwang backed away a bit and said, "No, I never saw you as a maid sister Emily, but if it bothers you, I might as well settle this" and abruptly he kissed her soft lips. Emily was shocked her heart was beating so fast as if it would jump out. Her eyes widened as she felt a bolt of lightning ran through her body. After a few moments when You Xi Wang didn't give up, she responded clumsily as they sucked each other's lower lip. Emily felt something soft against her lips and she opened her mouth slightly out of instinct, You Xi Wang's tongue charged into the unknown and entangled around her soft pink tongue as saliva was exchanged among the two. The kiss went on for ten seconds and both of them parted.

You Xi Wang held cupped her face in his palms and looked in her eyes, "I forgot to ask you, Emily, do you have a boyfriend or someone you like?"

She shook her head as she tried to wrap her mind around what just happened. You Xiwang pecked her lips again and wrapped his arms around her petite waist as he spoke, "Starting this moment my heart will always have a place which belongs to you and you only. Will you be mine, Emily? But before you answer I will say that I might have other women in the future but I will never neglect you. Also, I always liked you, it's just today when I thought about you leaving did I realize your importance in my life." After this, he went silent and kept looking at her charmingly blushed face while holding her in his arms.

After a while, Emily replied in a small buzzing like voice, "Yes, young master I am yours."

You Xiwang kissed her again in happiness, but this time his hands were also moving all over her body which caused her to moan. After he was done coping with a feel of her perky breasts, he stopped and looked at her, "Call my big sis and all the staff in the main hall. Tell her, I am going to clean up our house".

His tone was gentle yet dominating. Emily felt like an emperor was issuing his order and she saw him change as if he was a different person and she left swiftly to inform You Zhichi of his words.

You Xiwang didn't want any of those to stay in the house who are having doubts about the future.

[Nicely done slick, while you were making out with that chick I have created a barrier and enforced the pathway. So for 24 hours you better not go humping or it might disrupt the energy flow] system notified him.

'Okay and thank you system' replied You Xi Wang a bit bashfully as he was imagining 'humping'.

[So why do you want to clean up] system asked and disrupted the imaginary Humper, the system didn't know the motive behind You Xiwang's actions?

'Only loyal people can help you and become stronger with you. I don't have time to clear their doubts like a teacher. They want to go, they can go.' he replied after coming back to reality.

He entered the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed into a black shirt and blue jeans with jet black sneakers. It made him look dominating. Emily knocked and came in and saw him in his new attire and was dazed. She said, "Young master, young miss, and others are gathered as you asked."

He smiled and nodded at her, "Emily am I handsome?"

"Yes," she replied with a blush.

He laughed and headed out after he pecked her cheek before heading out with her in tow.

All that happened made Emily notice the change in You Xi Wang's personality and aura. She was thrilled with this change.


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