A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 349: Awakened.

Chapter 349: Awakened.

You Xi Wang was flying in the void and he did not have any other thought in his mind but pain and only pain. He wished to end his life. His bones were being re-cast at the moment. It was not simple fracturing them, but it was evaporating them, and leaving a layer of spirit energy instead to support the body. 

The bones inside a human body were not only to allow the human to move forward but it was also to bear the pressure cast on the bones of the people. You Xi Wang was being mutilated on the inside and he wanted to curse but if he cursed at the beginning how would he take on the rest of the process? Thus, he decided to keep his mouth shut. 

The system inside him sighed and said, "Damn, this guy. Why did you have to run ahead so fast? Biting off more than we can chew. Do you not understand that if you failed, then TADA, the end. You will be a mound of ashes, and that too if the lightning did not come down with hatred towards you." 

You Xi Wang had his hands full with the pain at the moment, he could not care less about the ranting entity inside him. His jaw was the first thing that he had selected to remove from his body. The reason was that he did not want to bite off his tongue and kill himself if the pain exceeded his limits. The next targetted bones were the joints in his shoulders and arms. 

What if he decided to tear off his head in desperation? Thus the joints were removed. The bones of the human body despite being tempered with constant cultivation will be contaminated and this contamination could only be removed after burning and evaporating the bones with spirit energy. 

You Xi Wang was very fortunate that he had a system to aid him, to perform the smelting, other people all went through this agony by themselves. You Xi Wang did on the other hand just had to tolerate the pain and he will be alright. It was like flying a plane with an autopilot supported by artificial intelligence. 

After the joints were removed, the bigger bones were targeted by the system. The process needed the system to inject the spirit energy inside the body directly inside the bone structure and break it down on a cellular level. Then the spirit energy will burn it all up and remove them from the body in the form of bad gases. 

It may sound simple but the amount of pain was not something a mortal can even imagine. It was said that the pain a pregnant woman suffers when she gives birth is enough to break the bones inside the whole body twice over. However, that was just an estimate, the reality of that pain could only be expressed by the bearer. 

You Xi Wang could have set the whole Schmidt pain index to fire, the agony he was going through was ultimately making him wish for death. He did not want to live, through such pain. The system did not re-cast his removed bones as soon as the old ones were removed. The system wanted to cast them all at once. 

Yes, casting the bones all at once will be more painful but it will be a good tempering agent for the young man. The system could not feel pain until it is implicated in the soul of You Xi Wang. After all the system was just a part of the soul that had gained consciousness. The lightning strike they needed to complete the second step of their plan, to re-cast the organs was not going to be acquired if they followed the traditional manner. 

You Xi Wang made a noise from his mouth, it was a very helpless situation for him. The pain lasted for twenty minutes before the system finished taking down all the bones. All that was left to be done now was nothing else but removing his skull.

How was he to do that? That was the question. One misstep and his soul sea will collapse and with that, he will perish inside the cave, without even needing to face the lightning strike. The system concentrated and began to slowly evaporate the skeleton. The process was painful and the system had no time to care for You Xi Wang's pain at the moment. It took him five minutes to remove the skull completely. 

Then without taking a break it began to manipulate all the accumulated spirit energy from the outside began to flood inside You Xi Wang's body. The energy was compressed at one point and then it will slowly be manipulated to re-cast the whole skeleton.

The point started to re-cast the skeleton was none other than the skull itself. The system did not plan to re-cast the skeleton with layers. It aimed to compress the spirit energy into its purest form to make new bones. 

Everything is made up of spiritual energy and they all had specific composition formulas. They made You Xi Wang's flesh using such a formula, so it was time to do the math and find the attributable formula of bones. 

The process was slow and would last for at least a week. You Xi Wang had already lost sentience in his consciousness. At this moment, his consciousness was floating inside his soul sea and drifting around in the vast space. 

The soul sea was not only a representation of his soul force but also contained something that was an inseparable part of his being, his martial spirit. The boy did not know about how long as he had been unconscious. Suddenly, he sensed a firm grip on his shoulders and a deep voice in his mind. 

"Wake up, child." 

The voice did not contain any malice but it was very soothing and calming. As if an angel talking to a child. You Xi Wang did not know from where he found the energy, but his eyes flew open. He found himself inside the soul sea and then he saw a man. 

The man had long hair black and white traditional hanfu. A handsome face paired with a gentle gaze. You Xi Wang asked, "Sir, who are you? Why can you enter my soul sea?" 

The man smiled and said, "I do not know, how can I wake up here? However, as for who I am, My name is You Daoxin." 

You Xi Wang tried to recall the name and after a few seconds, he was stunned in a daze. Then he suddenly knelt in the void and said, "I have seen, the founder." 

He had the knowledge of the family's martial spirit and knew exactly who this person in front of him was. He knelt to show his respect to him. You Daoxin smiled and said, "Raise your head, child." 

You Xi Wang raised his head but he did not stand up, the former spoke up, "You have done well to come so far. I have seen your memories. I am very happy that you are a member of my family." 

You Xi Wang said, "It is my family as well, elder." 

You Daoxin nodded and said, "Indeed, come let me tell you some secrets of the martial spirit inside you." 


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