A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 341: Locating the Ancestors.

Chapter 341: Locating the Ancestors.

You Xi Wang, and the few other people, who were leading their families here, walked inside a building that seemed to look like a hall. In the center of the hall, a stele was erected. This stele had a lot of names inscribed on it in red font. Since he was leading everyone, the boy took a step ahead of the pack, and everyone lined up behind him. 

He cut off his finger and a drop of his blood dropped on a hold cut below the stele. The stele shook a little and a name in red glowed brightly. You Xi Wang raised his head and read the name, "You Zhen Long." 

For some weird reason, You Xi Wang could tell where his ancestor was. He also saw a slot for medallions and took out a medallion of the Array Hall. He placed it in the slot. The stele shook again and a name glowed with a golden shine. 

You Xi Wang read the name, "Griffin Tallus." 

After he confirmed that he could sense the two directions in his mind the boy turned around. He said to the people, "I wish you all luck." 

He patted the shoulders of his friends and said it out loud, "You all have the communication jades, right? if you encounter a problem that you cannot solve, do not hesitate to call me. I will arrive in time. Understand?" 

The people all nodded. You Xi Wang hugged them all and kissed his two lovely ladies in front of everyone, making them blush slightly. This also made the people give up ideas on them. He exited the hall and came to where his family members stood. He said, "Big sis, we have the location and the name. We go now?" 

You Zhichi nodded and asked, "What about Great Grand Master?"

The young man replied, "Covered."

The girl nodded and said, "Take out the flying swords, we move." 

Flying swords were better than the hoverboards they had. They were faster and much more stable. You Tong came forward and said, "Gougou, we have the wolves." 

You Xi Wang glanced at the newly tamed wolves, they all had a shiny white coat and looked pretty harmless. He suddenly raised his eyes and said, "These little guys are all soul experts." 

The whole crowd was stunned, Tiberius concentrated his aura on the new wolves. You Xi Wang said, "Maya, ask them if they want to follow us. They will not regret." 

Maya walked out of his shadow wearing white battle armor, and spoke in a soft voice, "Follow us." 

Her two seemingly harmless words made the pack of white wolves shiver. You Xi Wang did not know what this breed of wolves was called so they were all white wolves. Maya was soft with her voice but the tone and gaze she had, was no less than a queen. 

She was the alpha of her pack, she had turned into a holy spirit beast and was now capable of a lot of things a lot of beasts could not even dream of. Her aura was of a queen when she faced the other beasts. 

The leader of the white wolves had no choice to make, so he bowed his head in surrender. You Xi Wang placed his hand over Maya's head and said, "Do not bully them." 

He said, "You can follow us for a time and if you think we are good enough for you, then you decide. What say?" 

The white wolf was surprised, after all, their pack was just a level five beast. However, if they were to know that Maya was a level four cub and had come so far because of You Xi Wang then they would be shocked. 

The beast turned back to look at his pack and found that You Tong did not hurt them while taming, and for the survival of his pack, he nodded to You Xi Wang. The young man smiled and said, "Tiberius, you are a big guy, you will look after them and Be Nice." 

He exerted on be nice, to make sure that the wolf stayed honest. Beasts had this ego, they did not like to be nice to those of lower levels. You Zhichi communicated with Tiberius using the spiritual bond, making him honest. She was aware of the superiority complex he had. 

The big wolf agreed and the small white wolves joined the pack. While the disciples of the You family could use beast rings to keep their spirit beasts inside, the new ones were carried by them as they rode the flying swords. The whole thing did not take too long for them to finish and they moved. 

The rest of the people also slowly began to move out and follow the direction in their minds. 


You Xi Wang and the rest of the family disciples rode the flying swords at a speed of mach two. They all rode in a wing formation for better air resistance. On the way, they plucked a few spirit fruits. This planet was filled with such treasures. You Xi Wang already told the people to be restrained. They only took what they needed and nothing more. 

Sometimes they even came against a strong guardian beast but they were all scared off by the aura Maya had. You Xi Wang left them half the resources. The boy was not cruel. Soon they had traveled to a distance of thousands of kilometers. He suddenly said, "We are close." 

He used his spirit sense to look for the signs of life, and slowly began to search the whole place. The system said, "One kilometer ahead, in a cave."

You Xi Wang nodded and moved forward slowly. It took him a few seconds, to reach the said location. He found himself standing in front of a big cave. The opening of the cave was as big as fifty meters. He spoke first, "The juniors of You Family have come to visit Ancestor Zhen Long. Are we allowed to come in?" 

You Xi Wang waited for a few seconds, but upon not receiving an answer, he did not act rashly. The whole team gathered at the place and they were trying to come up with what to do, when the boy said, "We all go in. It has been a long time, I do not know when was the last time there was someone who met the ancestor." 

The people nodded after all they could only participate in the exam once in a lifetime. His suggestion was followed by everyone, they walked cautiously. You Xi Wang and You Zhichi were at the forefront as they walked in one step at a time. 

The cave was several kilometers deep, and it was more like a mine. Long and winding. Suddenly, they heard a shallow clanging sound. They froze but the sound was uniform. The siblings exchanged a glance and walked forward. After covering a few kilometers the scene had changed. 

The dark cave was glowing with an ambery glow, the temperature was not damp but dry. You Xi Wang said, "Use your spirit energy if it becomes unbearable." 

You Zhichi said to him, "Did you sense the space fluctuating?" using telepathy.

The boy nodded and said, "Yes, I do. This thing is not a simple abode. It transferred us directly to the fire vein below the crust." 

They discussed a bit and walked forward, they had just taken a step when they heard a loud voice, "ARGHH, again, this fucking fire. Your father has been trying to work this out for ten years and now only do you fall short of heating it up properly. You bitch, I will extinguish you." 

You Xi Wang could not help but chuckle. His voice echoed in the cave. There was a question from the depths, "Who goes there?" 

You Xi Wang replied, "We are the juniors from You Family, here to visit our ancestor, You Zhen Long." 

The person snorted, "What ancestor, I am still only five hundred years old. The real ancestor passed away thousands of years ago. Come in, show me your face." 

You Xi Wang sighed and shrugged as he walked further. The rest followed him. After a turn, he found an old man standing with his hands crossed in front of his chest. He had a long white beard and buffed-up muscles. The person did not have a piece of cloth to cover his bare torso. His eyes were brimming with vitality. 

You Xi Wang was surprised and so were the other people. The boy mumbled, "Dao Physique?" 

They could literally sense a strong aura radiating from You Zhen Long. They did not expect this guy to be so strong at this point. You Zhen Long was also surprised, he said, "Nirvana rebirth, two at the same time and at such a young age. Even have thirty peak of the primal soul realm. The family grew up to be so big. Who is the leader of the family now?"

None of the youngsters replied, You Zhen Long woke up and found them to be in a daze from his aura, just when he was about to retain it, You Xi Wang and You Zhichi spoke up at the same time, "Juniors have seen, Ancestor." 

You Zhen Long was again shocked. He did not expect these two to be so quick. This was a level that a lot of people could not even think of. Yet they had broken from the aura suppression. He asked again, "So, who is the leader of the family?" 

You Xi Wang stepped forward and said, "I am, Elder."


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