A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 337: Spirit Of War God.

Chapter 337: Spirit Of War God.

You Xi Wang and Jackob began to fight with each other using knives and daggers. The sparks flying in the barrier gave people an illusion of the sea of fires. Achilles has been waiting for this only. The fire burning in the eyes of the two people was what he wanted the world to see. he wanted the world to know what true strength was. 

Just as he wished, the display in the void made a lot of people feel their battle intent rising. Animo Albus said, "Calm down." 

Enticing the battle intent can raise the morale of the people but it can also make things go south easily. Battle intent can go out of control if not radiated. Animo Albus's one word pacified the situation. 

The people calmed down and watched the duel in the sky. The two did not budge and they had already exchanged a lot of moves. A few people did not know and they began to wonder what was the reason for this stagnation. 

A rumor soon began to circulate among the people. It was that You Xi Wang did not get a grip of his cultivation realm completely. You Zhichi wanted to act but she was stopped by her master. Animo said, "Can you not clarify it to them? Alester. If Master found out that his grand disciple was looked down upon in your presence, then know what will happen?" 

Alester Book woke up. He sighed and said, "Okay." 

He took a step forward and said in a sonorous voice, "You people have been misunderstanding here. So, I will now explain to you what is going on. You Xi Wang had to step into the Nirvana Rebirth. When facing the two opponents in a lower realm, he is controlling his output while using his complete battle prowess. This thing may sound simple but the higher your realm, the harder to hold back when fighting." 

His explanation made the people gawk. They did not expect a simple misunderstanding on their side. The crowd was ashamed. You Zhichi raised her chin along with all the other You family disciples. They were holding back earlier when the people tried to slander their family master. 

Yuki and the rest were all same as well. They would have waged war at these lowly gossipers if they had it their way. You Xi Wang did not have any idea of what was going down below. He just kept fighting. 

The intent to slash was reducing from not only his blade but his whole body. As he held the blades in his hand, his slashes began to get sharper and sharper. They were all aimed at Jackob's vitals. The same was true for the opponent. They both were driven by their strong competitive drive. Achilles smiled and said, "You Xi Wang, how about we exchange a hand at your best?" 

The two people inside the barrier stopped. You Xi Wang looked at Jackob and the latter said, "I will come to seek you again when I step into nirvana." 

The former nodded and said, "I will wait for it." then he turned to Achilles and said, "Elder, please guide." 

His eyes, however, were not shy, but brimming with anticipation. He wanted to fight with someone at his best and see how far can he last against the strongest war god on the planet. Achilles was also looking forward to fighting with the young man in front of him. You Xi Wang undid the barrier and let the two people out. 

Achilles flew closer. He was ready to attack when he heard Animo Albus speak, "Chi'er cast the level nine array." 

You Zhichi nodded and flew up. Alester Book introduced her, "This is You Xi Wang's elder sister and also the head of the array hall. She is an Array grandmaster as well as a spirit rune master. Her cultivation is the first stage of the nirvana rebirth realm." 

The people gulped, some at You Zhichi's appearance, some at her achievements. They did not know what has these siblings were feeding on each one more dazzling than the others. You Zhichi smiled at her brother and said, "Do not hold back." 

You Xi Wang nodded with a smile. He said, "Okay."

You Zhichi cast the array after casting some seals with her hands. She did not stop at one but cast three more barriers. Achilles found it odd and asked, "This much is not needed." 

You Zhichi did not reply but smiled as she retreated. Alester Book mumbled, "Shit." 

Animo Albus smiled brightly and said, "BEGIN." 

Her sonorous voice made the people shift their attention to the two figures in the void. You Xi Wang suddenly took off his battle armor. Achilles asked, "What are you doing?" 

The young man replied, "Sir, these suits all restrain movement. Also, they make one lose a degree of caution. I cannot afford to be careless when fighting with you." 

Achilles nodded. He took out his sword from his space ring. You Xi Wang also took out his sword and his eyes became like black holes. On the other side, Achilles raised an eyebrow. He was expecting this fight to be surprised but he did not expect the surprise to come at him this soon. 

You Xi Wang had removed the battle armor and exposed his torso to the enemy. He also infused his mind with the fighting spirit. As soon as Animo Albus told them to begin. The two people moved towards each other at a slow pace. They did not seem to be an urgency to fight with each other. 

However, just when the people were confused, sparks appeared in the void. The next moment You Xi Wang and Achilles appeared in multiple places. The scene shocked the people to the limits. They never imagined such a thing to happen. 

Alester Book had an inkling in his heart but he did not expect his disciple to have grown into such a level where he can tackle Achilles head-on. The speed of the two people was so fast that they left afterimages in the place lasting for a couple of seconds. Only the old people could keep up with the pace of the battle.

The two people in the void did not care about what was going around them as they kept fighting with each other. The attacks were not held back in any manner, whether it was lethality or strength. Achilles invoked his war god ability. The reason why he could take on ten people in the same realm at the same time was this ability of his. 

He said in a muffled voice, "War Force." 

You Xi Wang took out his spear and invoked his battle spirit. He was barely holding his end against this old coot and now there were ten more of him. He did not stop at his martial spirit, he said, "War God Domain." 

With this, he could sense every single movement around him in a certain range. Achilles began to slash at him from all directions. You Xi Wang was not scared off by the attack but he welcomed all of them. His body seemed to have grown a pair of eyes in all and every direction. He avoided the attacks that could be avoided and parried the ones he could. 

However, now he was not defensive all the time. He took out his spear and stabbed at Achilles. The people were shocked, they could not believe what was happening in the sky. 

You Xi Wang fought with Achilles and was being pushed back and suddenly he let out a roar. His body was now covered with a golden glow and the aura was not a good one. Animo Albus and all the elders were surprised by the roar and the aura. 

You Xi Wang said, "Senior, I will not deliver my strongest combination. Please advise." 

With that said, his movements changed. He became dauntless and constantly attacked Achilles. The attacks were not normal ones but followed the root secret of the War God Sutra. The attacks from the opponent also landed on his body but it was all skin trauma and nothing much. 

His attacks became stronger and it was getting harder for Achilles to fend off for himself. Suddenly he wanted to act but felt something restraining him. He did not notice when You Xi Wang cast an array around him while dealing with the ten clones of his. 

The array was a simple level one binding array but it blocked all his clones. It was because Achilles controlled his clones with his mind and with a second of distraction his actions came to a stop. You Xi Wang appeared next to him and then he attacked Achilles with his bare hands. 

These attacks were something nobody expected. Achilles was shocked by the madness displayed by this kid. The aura from You Xi Wang's fist made his heart shiver. This was the true spirit of the war god. The spirit that made the people shiver. 


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