A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 31: Phoenix Draw.

Chapter 31: Phoenix Draw.

You Xi Wang led everyone in the arena and saw some disciples were exiting the place. He beacons one of them and said, "Why don't you guys sit around and watch? You all need to learn a lot, so use this spar as a live session. We are not fighting in aspects of cultivation, but the art of the sword."

The disciple looked towards Takeshi Kinben who merely nodded, the disciple bowed and went back to his group and they all texted the others to come. Soon the whole observation area was filled.

You Zhichi arrived with Emily in tow, she was holding a white sword in her hand, she passed it to her brother, You Xi Wang kept gazing at the sheathed sword and his eyes were blank, his system has suppressed the predecessor's soul sense but the memories and emotion he inherited from his predecessor were still a part of his being.

The sword was a Chinese long sword, two inches wide, three feet tall, the guard was engraved with a phoenix spreading its wings, the phoenix tail was coiled along the hilt. The sheath of the sword comprised white marble stone, he held the sheath in his hand and pulled out the sword slightly. The black sword blade was visible. You Xi Wang dropped a gear and sheathed the sword again.

"Purgatory" he whispered in a slow voice, You Naixin came forward and patted his shoulder lightly and he came back to his senses. She smiled and said, "It was your dad's, now it belongs to you. Remember, the sword is a part of you and not the other way around Xi Wang."

"Yes, granny. Mr Takeshi, let's get it over with." You Xi Wang said and moved to the center of the field.

Takeshi Kinben followed him and moved to the center of the field. They stood facing each other and Takeshi Kinben said, "If you stand my attacks for five minutes, you win."

You Xi Wang only nodded and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and raised his sword to his side. It was still sheathed. Takeshi Kinben was a little irritated when he saw You Xi Wang closes his eye.

You Naixin acted as a referee, and she said, "Go."

Takeshi Kinben moved in a blink and his sword left its sheath and he slashed right at You Xi Wang's chest without hesitation while You Xi Wang was still standing like a buddha in meditation, just as the sword was about to rip through him, his right hand which was gripping the sword flashed and like a blink a white shadow blocked Takeshi Kinben's attack.

Takeshi Kinben was surprised as he did not expect You Xi Wang to have such fast reflexes, Chen Qianbei who was standing beside Ushijima Choma smiled a bit as she realized how You Xi Wang blocked that attack while Ushijima Choma was the same and said with a surprised tone, "Young master You is talented, I missed the duel last time but didn't expect him to be a sword user."

Emily, who was standing behind Chen Qianbei and Ushijima Choma along with You Zhichi and Ushijima Yuki, heard this and couldn't stop herself from speaking, "Forgive me if I am speaking out of term, but Madam Ushijima, our Young master practices in both spear and sword, he is also proficient with bow and arrow."

Ushijima Choma knew You Xi Wang had two more women, but she was unaware of their identities. She turned and was about to scold the maid when her daughter Ushijima Yuki held Emily's hand and made the introductions, "Mom, this is big sis Emily, Xiwang's first girlfriend."

You Zhichi also chimed in and said, "She might wear the head maid's outfit but she is like a sister to me and a daughter to my mother." her voice was soft but her intention was crystal clear. She was warning Ushijima Choma so, that she doesn't mess with Emily.

Ushijima Choma looked at her from head to toe and she realized that this girl in front of her was also in the spirit formation realm, and her foundation was strong, her shoulders were slightly shivering from facing her but her eyes were firm and resolute. She understood how strong her feelings for You Xi Wang were, and she nodded to acknowledge her.

Dr. Susan also arrived and looked around, she quickly located Chen Qianbei standing there and she moved towards her, she bowed slightly and spoke with an apologetic smile, "Aunt, I am sorry for being late."

Chen Qianbei shook her head slightly and gestured her to stand with You Zhichi and others. Susan looked at Ushijima Choma and bowed before moving to greet others, she hugged Emily and whispered something in her ears which made her giggle, You Zhichi was also curious and went forward, Ushijima Yuki stealthily crept close too only to be dragged in a hug by Susan who greeted her with joy and whispered something to her too which caused her to giggle too.

She was also introduced by Ushijima Yuki to her mother and Susan greeted her mother with a smile and bow, just as Ushijima Choma was about to say something she heard a loud CLANG sound and turned her head to see that You Xi Wang had now opened his eyes and blocked her husband's attack again. This whole time he has been dodging and blocking his attacks.

A smile formed on You Xi Wang's lips and he said, "It's my turn to attack."

He distanced himself from Takeshi Kinben and exhaled hard, his left hand clamped the sheath of his sword and he bent down a little, he placed his right foot forward and held the sword hilt with his right hand and spoke slowly, "Phoenix draw"

His hand flicked and a shadow as black as the night sky flashed horizontally and a black slash formed attacking Takeshi Kinben in a blink. Everyone else only saw a black line forming in front of Takeshi Kinben. He could not counter, that was how fast the slash was, he had no choice and circulated his spiritual energy. He covered his sword blade with the Spiritual energy and countered the incoming slash, but even after this it was only nullified, he could not attack You Xi Wang without making another move. No matter how fast you are, there is still a time delay before you can attack again without using the martial technique.

You Xi Wang used this slight delay and appeared in front of Takeshi Kinben while his sword rested on the latter's shoulder. Takeshi Kinben was shocked and stood there like a statue. The whole arena was so silent that the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.

Ushijima looked at her husband's face and saw his shock, she remembered how he defeated her father and he had the same reaction as his back then, she let out a giggle and everybody came out of their stupor and no one knows who clapped first but thunderous applause followed quickly after that.

"I heard you were strong but taking me down in one move, I feel thrilled to have sparred against you, son-in-law." Takeshi Kinben sheathed his sword and accepted his defeat with grace.


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